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Vegas Secrets

Page 31

by Jenna Kelly

  Marissa followed her along a narrow, white, corridor and through into a small booth. Kaitlyn quietly crossed the room, putting a finger to her lips for quiet, then pointed to the glass screen. Through it, there were a couple of cameramen and an older guy with a baseball cap. He seemed to be directing the action on the bed against the far wall.

  "That's Terrelle," the Agency Head told her, nodding at the naked black man on the bed. "He's auditioning. Ever been to an adult film shoot before?"

  She put the question in such a matter of fact way, she could have been asking Marissa if she'd ever been to a supermarket. "He's auditioning…" the blonde hesitantly asked, "for a part…?"

  Kaitlyn smiled across at the naïve girl as she poured some of the powdery contents from the container onto the top of the small desk. Carving them into two rows, she explained, "no, no, dear! He has the part. He's auditioning girls who want to get into the industry. Like that one."

  Reaching under the table, she flicked on a switch and immediately the small room was filled with the sounds of male grunting and feminine pleasure. Marissa glanced through the glass screen. The girl had changed places now, her sinuous muscles dancing as she flexed and gyrated in the black man's lap.

  Kaitlyn had taken her from the shoot after Jake had given Rachel two orgasms. The male model hadn't reached his own at that point. Marissa so wanted to join in, but the Agency Head had prevented her, leading her to the changing rooms and then to her car. The blonde didn't even have the change to give herself some badly needed relief. I have a surprise, was all Kaitlyn would say.

  Now, she was speaking again. "It's a two-way screen," she explained. She took a straw from the table and quickly did a line. Sniffing sharply, she rubbed her nose and licked her lips before handing the straw to Marissa. The blonde took it in her unsteady hand. "We can see them but they can't see us," Kaitlyn continued. "Don't worry, we're sound-proofed."

  The sound of the fucking grew louder as Marissa leaned over and snorted her line of cocaine. She could feel the excitement increase between her thighs. "It's… it's sensational…" she found herself saying, the chemical buzz hitting her as she watched the two actors fucking through the screen.

  Actors? Is that what they called themselves?

  God, she felt good. Images of Jake fucking Rachel came to her mind. The sound of the two of them was similar to the sounds she was listening to now. Watching and listening… right here, right now… it was like all the arousal that had been building inside her since arriving in Vegas was coming to a head.

  "What do you think?" Kaitlyn asked, not missing a single expression on the blonde's face. The woman was ready, she was sure. Everything was perfectly timed.

  Edging behind Marissa, her hands slipped around the model's Slade waist and ran up to cup her breasts. That was good. No objection. The blonde's nipples were already hard and she moaned as Kaitlyn kneaded her swells through the thin top.

  Marissa leant back into the Agency Head, ready to give herself completely to anything the sophisticated brunette had in mind. He eyes were glued to the couple through the screen, the dark haired female was shuddering, clearly orgasming as her black lover turned his head to grin at their window.

  "I thought you'd like an audition," Kaitlyn told Marissa, her mouth so close the blonde could feel her hot breath. "How long is it since you were with a man?"

  "Too long," Marissa heard someone answer. She recognised her own voice.

  "Ever been fucked on camera?" the Agency Head asked, taking her hand and pulling her to the door. It was a different door, one that led to the set. The blonde model made no move to resist. Her movements were hypnotic.

  The black actor glanced over at them as Kaitlyn led Marissa across to the bed recently vacated by the fucking couple. The dark haired woman, sweat covering her naked body, was heading across to what looked like a bathroom.

  "Another audition, Terrelle?" Kaitlyn asked the man, curling her arm around the blonde's waist and hugging her close. "Marissa wants to show you what she can do, don't you darling?"

  The blonde nodded. The drug coursing through her body washed all her insecurity, her doubt, away. Lights made trails across her vision and she needed to be fucked. It was as if this was her turn now. And about time, too.

  The blonde wasn't intimidated, she felt empowered… as if it was her place to put on a show before the cameras.

  Before she could realise quite what was happening, Kaitlyn was helping her undress. She returned the black actor's smile as he lewdly stroked his hard cock. God, she so needed that inside her.

  "Turn around," he said, without so much as introducing himself. "Bend over the bed, baby."

  Marissa eagerly swung around, nearly toppling over in her anxiety to present herself. She placed her palms face down on the cool sheets, aware of the two cameras closing in on her. Damn, even that felt good. The idea of performing on camera enhanced her arousal. Her mind drifted in a misty haziness that led all the way down to her sex. She thought of Jake and Rachel. She remembered what it was like with Nikolai. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Terrelle and his dark cock, ready for action. That was good, so was she.

  She widened her stance as his hands found her waist. His cock was rubbing along her smooth pussy, her juices covering the long shaft. "C'mon," she grunted, pushing her ass backwards. "Now! Fuck me now!"

  She bit her lip as he entered her svelte body. Despite her wetness, it took four passes. She was already cumming before he sank all the way inside. Then his hand was on the back of her neck, pushing her head down onto the sheets.

  "Turn your head to the cameras," his amused voice told her as his hips began to gently thrust. Warm her up first, he decided. Then he'd show her how good a black cock felt like. Just like Kaitlyn had told him he should.


  The day was nearing its end. Since he joined her table an hour ago, Phil Helmuth had made his presence felt. In true Poker Brat style, he'd been bemoaning his luck while donating his chips to others.

  Jessica meanwhile, was finishing the day as she'd started. Card dead. Only a good couple of hours in the post dinner break session had salvaged her day, returning her chip stack to a touch more than her starting level.

  She'd been about the only player at the table, who'd avoided Helmut's wrath. The blonde wasn't kidding herself. The only reason was that they hadn't been in a meaningful pot together. How could she, with the sort of cards she'd been receiving? She hadn't been in pots with anyone!

  That was about to change. Had she not been in the Big Blind, she would have folded her Seven-Three offsuit rather than called. But with Helmut making only a trademark small raise, she decided to speculate.

  The flop brought the three other seven's.

  Helmut, in early position, checked. So did Jessica. Let's give him the chance to catch, or bluff.

  The turn brought a ten.

  Helmut checked again. Jessica made a small raise, as if she was attempting to steal. As expected, Helmut flat called. She hoped he had a ten.

  The river brought an Ace.

  This time it was Helmut who bet, half the pot. Jessica's pause wasn't just a piece of theatre. She was attempting to evaluate what sort of raise the Poker Brat would call. If he had a ten, the Ace would all but kill the action. But if he had an Ace—

  "I'm all-in," she called, deciding to go for broke. If he didn't have a hand, she wasn't going to win much more. If he did, why not try and take all his chips?

  Helmut's trademark instacall answered the question. He pushed his chips into the middle, scattering them across the table in his haste. He had the Ace!

  Or so Jessica thought. She hadn't anticipated his pocket Aces. The table and surrounding areas gasped as he displayed his cards and the Poker Brat was on his feet, ready to take the plaudits.

  When Jessica turned over her hand, he exploded in rage.


  Reagan was waiting for David when he returned to his room. He'd hoped she would be. Wavy red hair spread across her shoulder
s, sheet pulled above her chest, she looked a contradiction of innocence and temptation as she smiled at him from his bed.

  "Thought I'd get ready for you," she huskily breathed as he pushed the door closed behind him. Silhouetted in the soft light of the scented candles she'd lit, he looked every inch her knight in shining armour.

  "How did—" he began, but a slight shake of her head stopped him. They could discuss the happenings of their day's afterwards.

  "Talking's for later," she whispered, crooking a finger above the white sheet. "I have wine waiting for you." She nodded at the single glass on the bedside table. "But that's not at all. I have to thank you for everything you've done for me. Come here, Mr. Poker Player."

  David's hands went to unbutton his Practically Poker shirt as he slowly walked across to her. His cock was already hardening in anticipation.

  "Mmm," the redhead purred, as he slipped it from his shoulders. "Nice and toned, just what I like. Now the jeans."

  The two of them laughed as he nearly fell in his haste to discard them. "My hero!" she joked. "No, leave them!" she added as he finally kicked them away and reached for his black Calvin Klein boxers. His hands left the waistband as he reached her side of the bed.

  "Want a drink?" she asked, picking up the wine and slurping half the glass. Dragging his head to hers, she allowed the drink to pass between heir mouths. "There! That better?" she slurped as she pulled away to look at him, her green eyes smiling at the surprised look in his browns.

  "And my hero's still in his poker tournament?" she asked. When he nodded, she kissed him again. "Well, I guess I'll have to think of a bonus—"

  Taking a second drink, the redhead practically drained the glass as she slipped a hand to the waistband of his boxers. Dropping the glass back onto the bedside table, she pulled the waistband away from his stomach, exposing his hardness. Without a word, her mouth engulfed him, swirling the wine around his cock like she was fellating him underwater.

  His growl rewarded her. "Oh fuck!"

  Her tongue deliciously flicked along the rim of his crown. Smiling up at him, the contorted look of pleasure creasing his face rewarded her. Gripping the sides of his black boxers, she yanked them to his knees. "You like my thank you?" she cheekily grinned as she leant to lick down and around the shaft.

  He groaned again as she took each of his testicles in her mouth. First the left, then the right. Her hand held his shaft while she rolled each heavy ball around in her mouth. "That was the appetiser," she told him, trailing her hard nipples along his stomach as she slid upwards. "Now for the main course."


  The older guy had been watching Jessica from the rail for the last hour of play. She'd noticed him, but ignored his eyes until play was over. Then her gaze told him that his luck was in. She couldn't wait any longer. The arousal coursing through her veins wouldn't go away, and would probably stay after she'd fucked him. But she'd explode if she didn't get some attention right now.

  He obediently followed her to her room, without a single word being spoken between them. He'd tried to engage her in conversation downstairs. The blonde's only answer had been, "follow me."

  Reaching their destination, she dragged him inside and kissed him hard and wet. Only their soft moans broke the silence as they kissed their way across the room, undressing in a wild flurry of yanking and pulling. The older guy nearly ripped her black tee shirt in his urgency to tug it over her head. Her black baseball cap was sent flying as her unfettered breasts sprang free.

  His lips quickly closed around them.

  This was good. The last thing she needed was a fumbling teenager. His eyes told her he'd been around and that was just what she needed. So what if he did have a little paunch around his middle?

  "Oh…" she groaned, threading her fingers through his thin, greying hair as he suckled her. When he jerked her tight jeans open, wrenching them down over her hips, she nearly shrieked out for him to fuck her. Her thong went with them, quickly leaving her naked at the edge of the bed.

  The now shirtless man quickly joined her. Their torrid trip across the room had them both breathing hard and he stepped out of his jeans before she could help. His eyes fixed on hers; crazy, possessive eyes. Unapologetic eyes. The blonde's body tingled, feeling the arousal there and loving it. Her intention had been to fuck him hard before she threw him out.

  She changed her mind—he could fuck her.

  When he spun her around and shoved her onto the edge of her bed, she made no objection. Her mood had changed. She needed to be used. Nudging her legs apart, he mounted behind her. The two moaned in unison as he shoved his cock into her wet pussy, sliding the rigid man-flesh halfway before pulling back.

  "Yes! Fuck me—UH!" He wasn't waiting on her. He wasn't waiting on anyone. He took her savagely, bending her body forward into the bed with one hand on her lower back. In other circumstances, she'd break his arm. These circumstances weren't normal.

  His cock rifled again and again into her creamy sex like a boxer's fist against a punching bag. The harder she moaned, the harder he fucked. The older guy wanted her screams. She gave them to him.

  With his free hand, he slapped her ass, leaving a red imprint on the tawny flesh. She grunted as the pain whistled through her. She'd never been spanked. She wouldn't be again. But now, she allowed it, revelled in it. In that moment of frenzied passion, it felt right.

  "YES!" she screamed as he repeated the blow; timing it with a violent, forward thrust. His balls swung between her thighs, crashing against her smooth mound. He did it again. And again, each spank met with a hysterical, "YES!" YES, YES!

  "Fuck… woman…" the guy groaned, his voice hoarse. It was all the warning he gave her. With one final thrust, he emptied his balls into her clutching depths. She came against the flood of heat, fighting for breath as she sank beneath the waves of her passion.

  "Geezohfuck!" she huffed when he was spent. When he pulled free, the room was quiet but for their shared, heaving breath.

  He flopped onto the bed beside her, draping a lazy arm over her naked back. "Me too," he said through his huffs. "I'm sorry. I've been watching you for so long and the feeling just built inside me."

  Jessica rolled her eyes. "Don't be sorry! I needed that, too." In truth, she needed it again, but she didn't want to give the guy any ideas of this being repeated. It was a shame, but he'd just have to go.

  "Good," he mumbled. "I fly back to Canada in the morning. That was a helluva send off."

  Fly back to Canada? In the morning? Better and better! There was no reason to discard him as quickly as she'd anticipated. "Don't worry," she told him, crawling down between his legs. "You can get some sleep on the plane!"


  "God, I so want you," Reagan muttered as she pulled David between her outstretched thighs and fed his cock into her wetness. She opened her legs wider and rocked her hips up against him, allowing him to penetrate her slowly and easily, savouring their first lovemaking session together.

  When she almost instantly came, she realised just how much she'd wanted the crinkly haired young man. Her hand locked behind his neck and drew his face down between her heaving breasts as she climaxed, little fireworks exploding across the insides of her body.

  Recovering, her hand gently guided his head from one freckled breast to the other, encouraging his mouth to suck in her hard, pink nipples. He didn't disappoint, suckling each hard bud in turn, like a baby at its mother's breast. The redhead arched her back upwards, thrusting her swells to his sucking lips as she rocked her head on the white pillow.

  Out of the sheets and on top of the red, patterned bedspread, there was nothing in their way, nothing to confine their lovemaking. She loved the freedom.

  When the walls of her pussy began to ripple and squeeze, she heard him gasp. His mouth curled as he attempted to stave of the orgasm that would arrive all too soon. Athletically twisting herself on the mattress, she was above him before David realised what happened.

  "Impressive," he s
miled upwards.

  Her lips found his as she leant down. "You ain't seen nothing yet," she mumbled into his mouth, before straightening again. She paced herself—soft, slow, circular undulations—gently building up the pace.

  This had to be special.

  David's eyes clouded as he stared upwards, watching those perfect, freckled swells gently bounce with each undulation. It might just have been the most erotic sight he'd ever seen.

  "Look," she told him, raising herself a little to allow his gaze to fall on their union. His breath quickened as he watched his ramrod-stiff member dip in and out of her vulva. "Nice?" she asked, rotating one way, then the other, thrusting a little harder, then slower. "Like the show?"


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