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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 8

by L M Lacee

  It did not take long for Molly and Ava to fall under Grace’s gentle spell, within days the four of them had gone from strangers to family. Even Grace’s own sons Ivan and George, full Kodiak bears fell in love with the girls and accepted Sage into their mother’s life. Their wives, Tayla and Krista found they were united with Sage over the fact Grace was not too old to work. They were very pleased at the change in their mother-in-law, she seemed so much more relaxed and happier. Both of them confided to Sage that they had been quite worried about her mental health. But now they as well as their mates were seeing glimpses of the old Grace again.

  In fact all three females bonded over making Ivan and George regret telling their mother she was too fragile to work. Their mates had not been amused when they had found out and considered Sage’s growling at them over the first family dinner as justified punishment. Since that night they had many meals together, and Molly became firm friends with George’s little girl and Ivan’s twin boys. Ava, being the baby was a favorite with Tayla and Krista, although Molly came in for her share of cuddles. The little girls blossomed under the combined love and gentle natures of the bears.

  Sage attributed the change of attitude Grace’s sons had towards their mother. To her daughters love of Grace. When in reality it was Sage who showed them that their mother had more to give to the world. She told them how Grace inspired people to be better, to strive for a better way of life. A different way from the old. How she had made Sage see what could be possible. It was with new eyes that the males viewed their mother and saw what Sage and their mates saw, a female bear that loved her life and was loved and needed by the people of Dragons Gap.

  Through Grace’s gently persuasion, Sage threw off the final shackles of guilt and started to live her life with a sense of freedom. For the first time in a very long time, Sage woke in the mornings not fearing the day or what she may have to do. She loved the calm world she and Grace were making for her girls. Sage had one more week of vacation time left to get her office set up and the playroom and yard finished for the girls, then she would take over the full management of the retrievers.

  And as she went about her final days before starting work she realized she was looking forward to her new job. Not enough to give up time with her girls, she even refused a search mission to stay home and go shopping for more clothes and playroom equipment. And to take the girls and Grace to have lunch in town at the new hamburger place with Tayla, Krista, and their cubs.

  As the days moved on, Sage and Grace settled into a very nice routine. Once dinner and the nightly ritual of the girl’s bedtime were completed just as the early evening started to evolve into the night. They would take whatever each of them considered a favorite drink for that day. Depending on how they felt it could be alcohol or just sweet tea and coffee. Then together they would go out onto the wrap around porch and they either rocked or swung or just sat at the small table, Grace’s son, Ivan had crafted for the deck. It was a magical time for them both to be together and pass the time away. Soft music usually played in the background and they would let the peace of Dragon’s Gap full their souls. Occasionally they would be joined by neighbors who had the same idea. It was a parent time of day to relax, to unwind and enjoy their lives.

  As the days and nights passed Sage and Grace grew closer, they found that they shared many of the same views and beliefs. For Sage, Grace was becoming a mother she so desperately needed. For Grace, Sage was the daughter she had never had. Over drinks and snacks as the sun went down on Dragon’s Gap, they shared stories of their lives and talked about their families.

  Sage told Grace about her parents and about Claire and June. Grace told her about the ladies in the garden club and funny stories of her sons and sweet loving tales of her mate Ivor. They formed a bond that filled holes in each of their lonely lives.

  This night was no different, it was early evening and peace reined over Dragon’s Gap. Sage sighed as she swung the swing with her foot. It was Friday night and with only this last weekend left of her vacation, she wavered between sad and excited. Organizing and running the retrievers from Dragon’s Gap and not out in the field would be a challenging task. And now with Grace to see to her home and the girls, it was finally time to get started. Idleness was not for her, in fact she could not remember a time when she had not been on a timetable. These lazy few weeks had restored her energy and desire to work.

  Grace came out with a tray of snacks and they sat as they had so many times before. She swinging on her favorite seat and Grace in her favorite rocker. Letting the music soothe the day away. It was no different to any other evening as the sky filled with stars and the hush of night fell over the world while they talked and laughed. Nibbled on tasty treats Grace had created and generally enjoyed being together. Sage told Grace that June would be returning in three days. She had been delayed, and Claire was due back in five days. She had invited them both to stay with them when they got home. This led to the talk of possible jobs for each of them and to wonder what Claire had decided about the little girl Kammy. Who Sage knew was not adjusting to the family they had placed her with.

  In fact she was with the third family since arriving at Dragon’s Gap. Something would have to be done and soon but that was for another day. Tonight was for gentle talk and soft music just like every other night.


  W hat was not like every other morning was waking with a headache and finding Grace standing at the end of her bed with little Ava in her arms, radiating fear and anger.

  Thumping pain behind Sage’s eyes made her squint at Grace as she rasped from a thick tongue and dry mouth. “Molly?”

  “Gone!” Grace answered. One stark word that pierced Sage’s heart and shook her soul. Pain forgotten she moved from the bed and looked down at herself and saw she was fully clothed. Calmness stole over and through her mind, she took Grace and Ava in her arms and hugged them both, whispering. “I will find her and bring her home.”

  Then she stepped away taking from Grace, a very subdued Ava. She hugged her and kissed her cheek looking from her daughter’s face to Grace’s tear stain one she vowed. “And if they have hurt or harmed my baby, then they will wish that the Goddess had taken them first.”

  She kissed Ava again and handed her back to Grace with a gentle kiss to her cheek. “Can you find a place to stay safe for you and Ava? Not at your sons, whoever did this, may look there first.”

  “Yes, I can go to the Matrons. When you want us to come home, call.” She slipped a piece of paper with a number on it into Sage’s numbed fingers as Sage told her. “Grace if someone calls and it is not me run. Find June or Claire, make them take you to Mitch and Sara, they will protect you and Ava.”

  At Grace’s fearful look, she said. “I promise it will not come to that. I just want you to know you have a place to take Ava.”

  She wiped the tears from Grace’s face. “Now go, stay safe. Keep our girl safe and know that I will bring Molly home.”

  Grace nodded, kissed her cheek, took in a deep breath, and straightened her shoulders firming up her voice as she admonished Sage. “Stay safe as well. There is coffee on the counter. Now shower and go get our girl.”

  Without another word or look at Sage, she took a quiet Ava and left. Sage bet she had already packed a bag, the house felt empty as Sage listened to the engine of a car start and then move away. Only when she could no longer hear it, did, she move into the bathroom to shower as she felt her power stir and waken.

  Will you take their lives?

  “If I must. I would rather not but they took my baby and for that they should die.”

  I see! Remember my Sage what you take away, you cannot return.

  Sage dried and dressed as she thought on the Goddess’s words. “I understand what you are telling me.”

  Do you really understand Sage? There is not a moment of any day that I do not regret my actions and the fact I cannot rescind my punishment.

  “Why don’t you, just do it? It ha
s been long enough.”

  If I did so. I would then be condemning all to the same fate.

  At Sage’s puzzled look the Goddess appeared and said softly. There are many beings in this universe other than what are on earth. I can say no more at this time.

  Sage looked into the face of perfection and whispered. “They are mine to protect, to love and no one has the right to take them from me. I truly understand your anger now and your sadness!”

  Sage allowed the tiny kernel of anger she had been carrying around in her heart. Since her mother’s death, and the betrayal of her uncle and aunt to fall from her heart and soul. This was no time to have old wounds dictate her actions. Finally relieved of those burdens, she felt lighter more of herself. “Thank you Goddess for everything. I will keep your words close to my heart and try to remember that everything has a price.” She bowed to the Goddess in respect, who inclined her head in return. Take care my Sage you have become dear to me.

  She faded away as Sage said. “As you have become very dear to me.”

  With a deep breath she jogged down the staircase of her home and stepped into her kitchen and drank the cooling coffee. Then cursed the people who had stolen her sanctuary from her, along with her daughter. Moving slowly she opened her front door and stood on her top step leading down to the street and closed her eyes. Allowing the power that resided in her to flow up and reach out spreading over Dragon’s Gap.

  Like a beacon to her senses Molly’s energy showed her where she had been taken. Sage was very surprised to see it led her directly to the castle.


  M olly rolled over as the door opened and Reighn entered. He squatted down in front of the bed that she had crawled under and looked into the dark space. All he saw were the two amber eyes of a sweet little kitten.

  Molly knew how to hide she had been hidden just like this. When people came to visit her grandmamma, she would place her under her bed and tell her to be silent. Molly knew the sign for silent. The ones that had put her in here had not made the sign for silent, so Molly had cried loudly.

  Now as she looked at the male she was careful to not make a sound as the giant looked under the bed and saw her, he smiled. Molly was really cold and her nose was all stuffed up and she missed her Mama. Thinking of her she cried harder, causing her to shift back to human. When the giant reached for her, she squealed and shifted back to her cat and skittered backwards.

  The Dragon Lord watched as the little girl went from cat to human to cat again, he crooned to her. “Come kitten… come to Reighn.” The little kitten shifted back to human and stuck her fist into her mouth as tears ran down her reddened cheeks. His deep soft voice stilled her movements. “Come here little hatchling, I won’t hurt you, all will be well… come on kitten. Come to Reighn.”

  His voice was so very soft, it filled Molly’s little soul with love just like mamas voice did. She sat on her naked bottom while she listened and fell under the spell of his dragon, then she reached her tiny hand out to him. Her sobs shook her small body as she cried. “Mama!”

  Reighn inched closer until he managed to grab a hold of her hand and her ankle, then he gently pulled. Sliding her across the floor towards him when she cleared the bed he flicked his fingers and dressed her in a blue top and pants. She trustingly lifted her chubby arms up to him. Crooning a very old lullaby, he picked her up and cuddled her in close to his heart and felt his dragon stir.

  He kissed the top of her head saying. “Let us go find your Mama little one.”

  Molly laid her head on his chest with a tired sigh. “Mama!” As they exited the cell, she shifted once more into a spotted black and grey kitten with black tufted ears and a short tail. She looked up at him with amber eyes that shifted back to sky blue as she once again shifted to a naked girl. Reighn flicked his fingers and she was dressed again in a blue top with blue pants and white socks. He murmured to her as his dragon chortled. “Yes kitten let us go get your Mama. Preferably before she brings the castle down around our ears.”

  Reighn had been walking the halls with his mother by his side, discussing his father’s return. When a castle guard had hurried to them and explained that a witch was demanding the return of her child. Before they could respond the walls and floors shook throwing them all off balance. Reighn had clasped his mother to him as he braced his legs. When the floors stopped rolling he dismissed the guard to carry on searching for the little girl.

  His mother suggested she look in the rooms on the lower floor. Reighn agreed, his mind on his dragon as he felt him sharpen his senses as he began the hunt. Walking along the hallways he scented and tasted the air trying to find one little girls essence among millions. Finally, a faint touch of shifter brushed against his senses. He all but ran down to the lower levels, where the cells were.

  This level had been unused for eons he could not remember the last time they had a prisoner placed in the cells. He knew they had been closed due to needing repair maybe he thought as he searched, it might be time to have this level looked at. He stood in the hallway and sniffed the air until he picked up the faint taint of shifter. He searched the cells without doors and as he moved closer to the last cell, the intoxicating scent of a frightened kitten hammered at his senses.

  He and the baby shifter walked towards the grand hall when the floor once more began to roll beneath his feet. Molly tucked her head closer to the male that held her. He smelled so good and safe she could just hear the song his dragon sung. She would have clapped her hands and laughed when the floor went up and down but all she wanted was her mama.

  Are you singing to her? Reighn asked his dragon who snorted and replied. Of course, sweet kitten.

  Reighn refrained from asking his dragon when the last time he had sung to anyone was. Instead, he wondered what made this kitten so special.

  In the grand hall the stone walls were being shaken again as if a giant hand had grabbed the castle and was throwing it from side to side. When the next shake rattled the stones, it also made the floor roll as though the earth waved under it. Screams and cries of fears were heard.

  “Dear Goddess, what is happening?” Screamed the she dragon, Ismathe, as she tumbled to the floor along with several others. Stanvis reached to help her up, but she pushed his hand away as she sneered. “Leave me, you Barbarian!”

  Stan laughed at her slur, then moved back towards Lars.

  “My Lord...” was all he got out before a shout made him and Lars spin around as the windows blew outwards and words vibrated throughout the castle. If they had not been dragons the very pitch from the words would have burst each and every one of their ear drums.


  The great doors made from the hardest iron wood known to dragon and with the highest quality of spells reinforcing them forcefully shook. Those very same doors that had withheld marauding armies with battering rams… blew apart like kindling.

  Lars and Stan both flicked up magical shields protecting themselves and the people in the room from large and small shards of timber that flew inwards. With another flick of Lars hand the dust and debris disappeared. Allowing all to see the small curvy female with hair the color of straw haloed around her head. Standing where the doors had been.

  As Lars took in the appearance of the female. He found it hard to believe that this small creature in a plain black tee shirt and blue jeans, could harness the power that emanated from her. The power radiated with waves of anger that seemed to suck the very air from the room. She stood as though she had every right to be there and demanded attention. Castle guards lay behind her, slumped against the walls and spread out on the floors of the hallway. Lars’s heart thumped hard when he saw the nearest male’s chest rise and fall. He drew in a sharp breath as he thanked the Ancients, they were not dead!

  The female then pointed to Ismathe and her voice thundered against the stones making them rumble as she demanded. “WHERE. IS. MY. DAUGHTER?”

  All heads turned towards the she dragon
as stood like everyone else in shock with her mouth open. Lars stepped forward in a voice he had used to subdue the most aggressive of dragons, he commanded. “Cease this immediately!”

  The floor rolled as people once more screamed and fell or stumbled into each other. Stan reached for his nest brother grinning as they shuffled on their feet riding the wave. He asked as they tried to stand against the power that rolled through the room. “What now? Oh great leader!”

  Lars snarled and blew out a breath, his eyes laughing at his brother. “Asshole!”

  Reighn clutched the small girl to his chest as the floor rolled once more. He threw out his hand and snatched his Dam to his side when she tried to walk to him.

  “Thank the Ancients you found her.” She said while clutching his hand. “Is she well?”

  “I think so. She wants her Mother.”

  Molly looked at his Dam and cried. “Mama!”

  “Soon.” Reighn crooned to her. Verity, the Dragon Lord’s mother smoothed her hand over the head of the sweet baby girl and said. “No wonder your mama is making so much fuss.”

  “Fuss… if this is a fuss. I would hate to see what happens when she is really annoyed!” Reighn stated.

  Verity grinned. “As would I.”

  Molly sobbed and Reighn’s dragon sung to her while they walked into the short hidden alcove. Then his Dam pressed the trigger releasing the hidden door just as they heard.


  Reighn stayed still and watched the floor resettle while people pick themselves up. Only when it was still, did he and his Dam advance into the room. Motioning his mother to go to his brothers Lars and Stan, he carried on walking towards the obviously furious female. She was so small and yet she commanded so much power, something told him she had used very little of what was available to her.


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