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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 14

by L M Lacee

  The brothers had no idea that the rebellion had progressed so far when they had reported their findings to Storm who had gone to Reighn. He, in turn, had discussed it with Lars and Stanvis. Then they along with the Thomas brothers had spent days combining and gathering all their information from all their own sources. And found an ugly rebellion was well under way and headed by their own father Simin Tomas.

  From there it had only taken careful infiltration which is where councilor Harmon and the other councilors loyal to Reighn had helped, by becoming informers from within the rebellion. With their help the entire plot was uncovered. Now it was the Thomas brothers’ time to disclose what they had learnt of their father’s betrayal. Anger at all of the participants, especially their relations lent strength to all the brothers’ voices as each stepped forward and gave their evidence.

  Ace the final one to speak told of how he had found papers outlining the plan their Sire had put in place to succeed the Dragon Lord. The manner of death he had decided on for Rene` and the Dragon Lord’s brothers. Lastly, he testified with shame his Sire’s desire for Verity. Everyone looked at the shocked Councilor Tomas who stared rigidly at his sons.

  He had no idea they knew so much, he wanted desperately to know who it was that had informed on him. He could not conceive that his sons had discovered this on their own he just would not believe they were that intelligent. He shook his head as his dragon roared, making his mind ring with his mournful sound. Then he felt his dragon’s shame swamp him for his plans and his desire for Verity. It was not for the first time Simin’s dragon had disagreed with his plans .This time he felt it more sharply as his dragon allowed him to feel his shame and heartache as with one lingering final look at his four sons. His dragon let him feel the love he felt for the males of his blood and then allowed him to sense the feeling of cowardice at not standing up for his Dragon Lord. Simin’s craving for power had killed their sons love for him. Once his son’s eyes had held love and respect, now they stared at him with disgust and shame from granite faces that only held contempt.

  Sadly Simin’s dragon hung his head and closed his eyes and curled up refusing to acknowledge Simin as he screamed at his dragon to stand up to show his courage to be a dragon, but to no avail heartbroken his dragon mourned his loss.

  No matter what curse Simin shouted at his dragon he would not respond because he knew something Simin did not. Elementals walked the earth, and memories for dragons were long. No good would come from today, all was lost…

  Without another look at his Sire. Ace Tomas concluded his evidence and stepped back, all four brothers looked towards Verity and Rene` to their sympathetic, understanding expressions and saw something in their eyes they had never seen in their Sires. Love and respect, similar to the look their Dam’s eyes had graced them with when she had been alive. Confirming within them, the knowledge that they had in spite of their father become males of worth.

  After the brother’s testimony, each person who witnessed the rebellion and knew of who, was a member, gave their evidence including the three councilors. Then it was the evidence presented of the drugging and kidnapping of Molly Sage and Grace. How that was accomplished and those responsible. Then evidence was given for the reason why Ismathe had wanted a hatchling and why she stole Molly. Her own words were read out to the court from interviews conducted by Stanvis, it was damning!

  Even the nobles were shocked at the reason and the cold way she had planned the abduction. Especially when photos of Molly were flashed on the walls so all could see. The photos shook the female dragons from their usual complacency forcing them to see only a young baby girl tearfully calling for her mother.

  That was Johner’s touch of inspiration. He felt the visual would go a long way to forcing the nobles to feel outraged, and it worked. Dragons loved and adored children, all were precious and to be protected. It should be abhorrent to them to see how a child was used. But he knew the nobles would need the shock of seeing sweet Molly crying and so visibly destressed. To wake up to the realization that a female noble had thought to do something none of them would believe possible. They all knew there were so few hatchlings birthed and to think of hurting a hatchling. Whether it be a shifter, human or dragon would make no difference it would not be tolerated. Taking a babe from her mother was just too much for most to accept. Anger followed the photos as well as soft menacing growls which were heard throughout the court. Ismathe felt the hatred surrounding her by the time Johner was finished reading the statements. He bowed to Reighn and stepped back. Lars stood and spoke directly to the prisoners. “RISE!”

  Each person rose at the summons to hear him read from a scroll similar to the one Johner had used.

  “Each of you in the rebellion have been found guilty of conspiring to over throw the governing ruler namely. Our Dragon Lord, Reighn Kingsley. You are also guilty of conspiring to kill the royal family. You have been found guilty of betraying dragon kind and the dragon nation as a whole. Furthermore, several of you have been found guilty by your own admissions of kidnapping and holding a babe hostage. Placing the babe and her mother and grandmother in danger. Trying to coerce and the violation of the females, in as much as you drugged said females.” He stepped back and turned away from the condemned.

  Still stunned and feeling vulnerable by the rejection of his dragon. Simin Tomas looked hopefully towards his sons. Only to realize he was not going to get the support from them he had hoped for. They stared back at him without one ounce of emotion in their cold eyes. In that instance his shoulders slumped and his head hung low. He saw all his dreams, his destiny turned to ashes. Betrayed by his own family. The irony was not lost on him.

  Reighn looked away from the condemned dragons towards the Tomas brothers and the other witnesses and said somberly. “Thank you all for your testimonies, please take you places.”

  Everyone waited with baited breath, wondering where this was going to go, wondering what fines would be asked for. What sanctions would be enforced?


  R eighn looked out at the waiting nobles and said. “Usually at this time the dragons accused are allowed to plead their case. Then a judgment is issued. I am sorry to say over the centuries we as a nation and your ruling family have become complacent. We went through the motions of a trial of holding court. Punishments became a token recompense in the past they meant nothing to you and very little to us.

  Let us be honest, when it came to the nobility, punishments were only ever issued as an appeasement nothing more. This will not happen today for unlike other court proceedings I will not be rendering the judgment nor will I be carrying out the sentences.” He shook his head and placed his hands behind his back and paced the platform. “I have been telling you for years that we as a nation, as a species must change. We were a dying race of beings. My words, the words of my father and some of your own councilors have fallen on deaf ears. So you my nobles. My supposedly wise dragons, today you will see what has become of your unwillingness to change with the world around you.”

  With that Reighn turned his back on the room and seated himself beside Sage who took his hand in hers, while the people all whispered and looked at him. None of the nobility noticed the four tall beings as they appeared in the room.

  Without thinking the prisoners found themselves seated once more. Stunned and apprehensively waiting to see what was to become of them. Banishment seemed likely, fear raced through their veins, was it possible everything they had known was to be snatched from them. What would become of their estates, their wealth? It did not bear thinking about!

  Finally silence descended as the four males dressed in ethereal robes patterned of red, gold, green and blue were noticed. Together the four bowed first to Reighn and then to Sage. The voices that rang out from the beings were wondrous to hear. It was like listening to the very world speaking. Four figures spoke in the room, but billions were heard. The very air shimmered with the sound. We are Elementals have come before you to bless the bond
ing of the Dragon Lord and Lady Sage. Long have you waited for your Soul Shadow Lord Reighn, it is fortuitous that you have found such a one that matches you in strength and power. They bowed to Reighn, then they turned to Sage. Not as long, has been your search Lady Sage. Although it also is fortuitous that you have found such a one that matches you in justice and compassion. They then bowed to her as they said. Together you have found the other half of your heart and soul. Long may you rule!

  Reighn and Sage stood and bowed back. Reighn addressed them for himself and Sage. “My Shadow and I thank the Elementals for their blessing on our bonding.”

  The Elementals turned as one to the gathered dragons and to all that watched from afar. One of them stepped forward his voice sounded like wind through the trees.

  We come today not only to bless the union of your Dragon Lord and his shadow, Lady Kingsley. We come to pass judgment on the ones who have conspired against our chosen. Lord Reighn was selected to oversee the dragon nation, to care for each dragon domestic or wild. Now he and his Lady are to care for all who find their way home to Dragon's Gap and beyond its borders. To all whom will find shelter from the harsh realities of their lives in the loving kindness of the dragon nation. For all those that wish to live in peace and harmony.

  He stepped back and another took his place. His voice was like rocks tumbling down a mountain. He looked toward Ismathe Norman and the others who stood with her.

  Some of you chose a course of action that would have resulted in harm to one named Molly, beloved daughter of your Lord and Lady. Others participated in this travesty. This action if it had brought about the death of your Lady and her young would have changed the course of the world. Still more of you here today conspired to take from this world, your Dragon Lord and his entire family. Our chosen. Again this action, if it had come to pass, would have changed the course of the world.

  If either of those actions had eventuated, you would have condemned the whole of dragon kind and the whole of the world to cease to be. All because you felt righteous in your misguided belief that you knew more or were a better choice for your nation of dragons. You would have taken the lives of not only the dragons of earth but the lives of thousands upon thousands, upon thousands of beings. All waiting for the veil of magic to rise. Waiting for the dragons to become one with the Universe. To take their rightful place in the New World!

  He stepped back and another took his place. This one’s voice was like a thunderous roar of water down a waterfall.

  For these crimes there is no reprieve, you have been condemned to the same fate you would have inflicted on our chosen and all dragon kind. He stepped back and once again four voices rose with millions as the judgment was stated.


  Between one second and another, all the prisoners disappeared. A collective cry of sound rent the air and then screams and protests from the nobility. Who suddenly realized that for the first time in a long… a very long time, dragons of their own had been sentenced to more than a slap on their very privileged wrists. They all looked towards Reighn who impassively sat, his eyes on the Elementals.

  You will be silent! Said a voice that echoed throughout the world and stunned the ones in the court.

  Instantly there was silence the remaining Elemental who had not spoken moved forward. His eyes held the stars of the universes within them and when he spoke his words echoed around the entire world and beyond.

  We are Elementals. We came to you this day, to not only give blessings but also to render our judgment. We came to issue you with a warning! Today you saw the justice of the Elementals. What you experienced here today is only a portion of what is to come. As with the judgment of the Goddess. Our justice cannot be put aside. We are Elementals our word as it has always been… Is final!

  Suddenly all four were in a circle looking outwards then as one they started to revolve it was as if they were on a moving platform. Focusing on the nobles and all the peoples of the court and beyond, afterwards everyone would say it felt like they spoke and looked directly at them.

  Once we strode upon your earth when the power of magic filled every corner of this Universe. When wondrous beings used the power of magic to survive, to evolve.

  We were here when Elves ruled the earth and when all magical beings strode upon its surface.

  We were here when they worked and lived side by side with one another in harmony.

  We were here when the First Dragons came into existence.

  We were here when shifters evolved from magic.

  We were here when humans evolved from shifters.

  We were here when dragons swore to protect any that wished to live without magic.

  Sadness filled the room as the sunlight dimmed plunging the room into a grey shadow as their voices became filled with sorrow. We were here before earth rejected magic.

  We were here when your Goddess came forth and promised to cleanse the world of the toxicity.

  We handed the world and dragons to her for safe keeping until the earth was cleansed and magic could return.

  We gave of our own essences to insure magic would survive on Earth.

  We left knowing that dragons would keep our magic alive within this castle and its borders. Magic has thrived and survived. Dragon's Gap evolved as proof of that.

  Today we are here to tell you. Magic has returned!

  So therefore, the time of your Goddesses stewardship is over.

  Sage’s body jerked when she heard that the Goddess was leaving. Reighn opened the thin mental pathway between them. Their bonding had initiated, and his essence was swept to the top of the castle with Sage. Together they stood atop the battlements overlooking Dragon’s Gap, when the Goddess appeared, they turned to her as one.

  She bowed her head and said. Greetings Dragon Lord.

  Greetings Goddess.

  She looked into Sage’s sad eyes and told her. My Sage, my time is over, the people of the planet do not need my kind of guidance anymore and magic has taken hold here once again. The roots are strong and continue to grow. I have accomplished what I promised and removed all the poison from the earth. Therefore, the Elementals, who are a better stewardship for this new world have returned as agreed. They are fair and just, because of that and the mighty arm of the dragons. I leave the surface knowing that it is safe under their and your protection.

  Sage sucked back the tears threatening to spill and asked. So where will you go?

  Golden laughter sounded as she told her. I do not so much leave as return to my home. I have forever been called Gaia.

  Sage smiled through the pain of her friend leaving. Of course you are, that makes sense. So the shifters?

  Gaia answered her unasked question with just as much sadness in her voice. Grace was right in some respects, shifters are on a path of evolution and when it is complete they will be wiser and much stronger for the journey. They still have a long way to go to accomplish what has started. Little ones like Molly and others are the beginning, nurture her and them. They will evolve into beings like the dragons who have a huge capacity for life and loving. My world is in no better hands than who are here now. And those to come. The ones that find their way to Dragon's Gap will be at peace for many years as will all their progeny. Do not fret my Sage all is as it is meant to be.

  You and Reighn will have exciting times ahead with many adventures. Now I must go but forever know you have been my joy. You carry within you my love and hope for the future. My bright star. Sage!

  Goodbye Goddess.

  She faded from their sight and before they realized it. They had returned to the court room and for the last time Sage felt the cool kiss from the Goddess on her forehead.

  The Elemental stated. Now that magic has returned your time of being alone, isolated from all magic, is coming to an end. As the magic grows, so shall you. The lives of dragons are changing. You must embrace what is to come, or you like the Goddess’s shifters will cease to be. This is your only warning.

  They c
ame to a slow stop as they said.

  FOLLOW YOUR LORD! He will show you the way!

  With one final bow to the royal family they were gone. Sage was sure the air in the room moved once more. She breathed deeply as she saw others doing and wondered if she was as pale as some of them seemed to be. Within seconds of the Elementals departure, not one person remained seated. Reighn allowed the talk, the out pouring of fear and anger as well as the healthy feeling of shock that came from the nobles. Who finally realized not all was as it seemed.


  H e motioned Lars and Stanvis over and said softly. “Take the four Tomas brothers to our apartment. They need to be away from court, make sure they are alright before you come back.”

  With a salute Lars and Stanvis agreed and moved off the dais and signaled the Tomas brothers. All four brothers slipped swiftly and silently through the throng of nobles, who were out of their seats and milling around. A short conversation later and the brothers nodded then left with Lars and Stanvis who did not return. But as promised they were able to see and hear what went on in the royal court.

  Reighn took a minute to make sure all was well with his family and take another drink. Sage hugged his arm as she said tentatively. “So you met the Goddess?”

  Reighn placed an arm around her shoulders. “There are many things we must still discuss, and she will be one of them. I thank you and her for allowing me to see who it was that guided you here.”

  Sage grinned. “Okay then. Elementals are sort of scary.” Reighn kissed her softly as he murmured. “They are, and they are not. Another topic for us to talk about later.”

  By this time his family had gathered around them. “Storm, Keeper, allow me to introduce my shadow Sage. I am sorry I did not introduce you earlier. It was not because I did not wish too.”


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