DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 15

by L M Lacee

  Sage held her hand out to the brothers who each took it and kissed it in a courtly gesture, that enchanted Sage and made Reighn growl deep in his throat. She laughed quietly up at him. “Really? Your brothers?”

  “They are male are they not?”

  Storm grinned at his brother but spoke to her. “Sage we are male, therefore, territorial as Mama will attest to.”

  Verity rolled her eyes. “Do not get me started.”

  Rene` growled low in his chest. “I say again my dear. The male deserved it.”

  To Sage, Verity mouthed, tell you later. Which made her smiling. Rene` said. “Reighn my son finish this. I am hungry. And I want cuddles with my granddaughters.”

  “Oh yes, hurry Reighn. I haven’t seen my girls yet today, they will forget me?” Verity complained.

  Both Reighn and Sage sighed as Storm and Keeper laughed. “Just wait.” Reighn murmured. “Until it is your turn, then we will see how much you laugh.”

  Sage told his brothers. “I would mind, but truly how can I deprive our girls of the most wonderful grandparents who ever lived.” She hugged both Rene` and Verity, who beamed at her. She turned to Reighn. “Come on my Lord, wrap this up. They have had long enough to get over the shock and awe.”

  Everyone took their seats and it was as though by doing so it was a call to the people present, they too all hurried back to their seats. Afraid they may miss the next momentous revelation.

  All except one male, he was dressed in a pinstriped blue three piece suit with a brilliant white high collared shirt. His blond hair was styled in the latest business fashion, and he sported a small goatee. His handsome features were marred by the superior expression on his face. His brown eyes held a gleam of scorn that showed had he known it his contempt for Reighn and his position.

  Sage had seen males like him before, they had been her uncle’s betas. This male walked to the middle of the room half way between the nobles and the royal dais. She saw a few Shields pace him along the wall and breathed a sigh of relief. Mind you she thought viciously, she would fry the bastard long before he touched her shadow or any of her family and that included the Hunters and Shields.

  Reighn laughed at her thoughts as he slipped information into her mind. This is John Morton, a minor noble. He would like everyone to think he is impoverished and stupid and only good with finances. He is anything but, he is calculating, rich and very intelligent.

  Lars has had his eye on him for some time now mainly because he has control of most of the noble’s fortunes. Which makes him think he is more important than he is. In saying that the fact he does have control of many of their fortunes makes him a deadly adversary. He considers himself the financial manager for the ruling families, or many of those whom consider themselves ruling families. In his own way he is a powerful male that has serious backing. But I thank you my love for your protection.

  Sage gave him a slight nod as she blew him a mental kiss. Reighn again took his position at the front of the stage and hoped it would be for the last time today. He also wanted to have cuddles with his daughters. But before he could speak the male asked. “My Lord Reighn. I would like to ask, who was it that asked the Elementals to judge here today?”

  “I did.”

  A gasp rose from the nobles. John Morton raised his eyebrows in artful surprise as he swung his head around to the audience behind him and spread his arms wide as much to say. He dares! Which resulted in a few grumbles and frowns thrown at Reighn. John turned back and asked. “Why would you have done such a thing my Lord, what was your reasoning?”

  “My reasoning is mine alone and not yours to question but in saying that. I decided that the carriage of justice for dragons, by dragons. Especially the nobles had become corrupt. This was a fairer way to achieve a fairer judgment.”

  Emboldened by the whispers coming from behind him and the fact Reighn was answering his questions. John could not help but swagger a little as he paced back and forth, much as Reighn had earlier. Feigning surprise once again, he stated. “I am amazed the council agreed with you!”

  Councilor Harmon stood. “We did agree and as half the council was implicated in the rebellion and our Lord Reighn was the intended target along with his family. It was decided that court had become corrupt as our Lord has stated. In this instance we agreed that asking the Elementals to render judgment would be fair.”

  “I am sure that was it and that being a friend of Lord Reighn’s claimed brother had nothing to do with the decision at all.” Hatred shone from the eyes of John Morton as he sneered at Councilor Harmon who retook his seat. It was no secret that John hated Councilor Harmon. It was widely believed the Councilor had declined John’s interest in his daughter and had also refused his offer to manage the Harmon family’s considerable wealth. People often wondered which one he was more annoyed about losing, the female or the money.

  Harmon’s face became red as anger surged aggressively with his dragon to the forefront of his mind. Like John most nobles forgot he had once been a Shield at the display of temper

  John stepped back and swallowed heavily as the Councilor snarled his outrage at being accused of conspiracy. Reighn exercised his power over the room, cooling the s dragon’s temper and saving John’s life. When all was calm again, he asked. “Your question John?”

  Easing farther away from the slowly sitting Councilor, John asked. “I, like the other nobles have many questions. The first one being, we wish to know where the so-called accused are and when will they be returned?”

  He waited for an answer and when Reighn just stared at him, his bravo faulted a little and he quickly launched into his next question. “Secondly, we wish to know where it is written in our histories that Elementals are even allowed to rule over dragons. I have read the histories as have all the noble dragons. Nowhere did I see that there was authority and or permission for the Elementals to have a say in dragon society and especially the ruling families.” He paced back and forth his hands behind his back almost as though he was delivering a lecture. “We, the nobles have ruled the dragons for thousands of years, it is said since the First Dragons came into existence. And now to be told the ruling will be by Elementals, is preposterous. We have an ordered society, a society that has established lines.” He waited for a response, but Reighn still said nothing. Angry now his tone bordering on disrespectful he snapped. “Thirdly, how is our society going to be harmed by the arbitrary introduction of lesser species that you have allowed into Dragon's Gap? And apparently all these other beings those Elementals seem to think will come, similar to your Shadow?”

  At the collective in-drawing of breaths and the sudden standing of the royal males as well as the attention of the Hunters and Shields. John Morton quickly amended his question. “Not that your Shadow is classed as one of those my Lord, seeing as she is a witch. Although Lord Reighn, as you can see, it is obvious that the lines could become blurred!”

  Still Reighn said nothing, just watched the male as he spoke. His elongated black eyes tracking the male as he moved back and forth across the floor. Showing to all that his dragon had risen to the surface.

  John smoothed a hand down his shirt front in a nervous gesture. Just as the royal males all retook their seats. He took in a breath as the Shields and Hunters seemed to take a mental pace back and the sense of impending doom eased from the room. He could not seem to help himself as he stated barely suppressing the distasteful look from crossing his face. “It would seem, now that shifters and others are allowed to commit themselves or mate I think the word is with our kind. That there has to be guidelines put in place. What we as the ruling families wish to make quite clear to you and then for you to make clear to those others already residing here. As well as to these new ones who we are told are going to come and take up residence at Dragon's Gap. That as long as they understand their place in our society, is only at the benevolence of dragon kind. Then we will be content to allow this to continue.”

  I’m going to kill him! Mind sent Sage
as her eyes turned deep blue. Reighn’s. Calm my love…Calm! Went a long way in helping ease the throbbing anger as it started to build within her. She turned and saw the anger and despair in the eyes of the older couple. The younger males just looked amused or at least that is what it seemed like on the surface, underneath they were furious.

  John returned to his seat very pleased with himself, along the way he was discreetly clapped on the back as hands reached for his. A few females even kissed his cheeks. He was a pleased, happy dragon that sat facing Reighn with a speculative look on his face, along with quite a few others. John smiled to himself as he thought, he was not rebelling like that idiot Tomas and his family. No! What he, John Morton wanted was more wealth, more power. He had no shadow and unlikely, he knew to get one of his choosing. His only chance of getting a higher noble to give him their wealth and thereby establishing his control over all the nobles was with power and to amass riches. If he made himself the spokes dragon for the nobles today then so be it. He knew as of this moment. He was on the way to great fortune, his Grandfather had instilled in him the old adage. He who knew where the money was invested, ruled.

  John had a very tidy bank account, due to some financial accounting in his favor. Although he was still only a minor noble which was unlikely to change unless his plan worked. A dragon who controlled the fortunes of all the noble families would eventually control all the nobles. As he sat looking at Reighn, he decided that Dragon Lord was a worthy title for him to achieve. Not right away but in time he had the patience to wait to reach his goals. He knew he was untouchable he was far too clever a dragon to ever be caught. His creativity with finances was beyond any of the dragons here in court.

  Reighn sighed inwardly. They were all fools. I have no idea how dragon kind had survived for so long.

  His dragon replied. Because we kept them safe and have allowed them to wallow in their own beliefs for far too long.

  I am afraid you are right my friend. We have done them no favors. In a voice devoid of emotion, Reighn asked the nobles. “Please rise if you do not share the same sentiments that John Morton just expressed.”

  Over quarter of the nobles rose, including the three councilors and their families. Reighn waved his hand and seats appeared where the prisoners had been and motioning to the nobles. “If you could please just find seats over there. Thank you.”

  Left with John Morton were just under three quarters of the nobles that had originally arrived. They looked with disdain at the ones that had left, and several even smirked and sent them pitying looks, once everyone was quiet again. Reighn placed his hands behind his back and paced the dais much as he had done earlier.

  “John has raised some very valid points.” He came to a stop as he looked over the nobles remaining with John. “It is disheartening to see so many of you who do not understand what is happening here. So I will endeavor to address as many of the issues that he has raised and that you all believe are very important! Understand this! I will only do so this once.

  Firstly, the Elementals do not rule dragons. They, like the Goddess are here as guardians. They rule earth especially anything that has to do with magic, there is a distinction. I will leave you to find it for yourselves.

  Secondly, the accused were found guilty, you were present nothing was hidden from you. You sat in this very room, not that long ago and witnessed the judgment. Your refusal to believe your own eyes and ears is a reflection on you, not the process. So I will say this once and be done with it. They were found guilty and given a death sentence that was carried out by the Elementals. So therefore, they will not return. Their estates have been handed over to the Royal Treasury. Their remaining families will be interviewed, and a decision will be made about them in the future. I see some of you still look confused. It is quite straight forward the Elementals answered it when they spoke to you. If you did not understand what they told you. I will give you the short version now.

  The Elementals rule earth, they have always made the rules. We are a product of those rules. We are not the rulers. We are considered the hammer of justice. The protectors and defenders. The Hunters and Shields. NOT RULERS!

  Each Elemental is a part of the whole. The last one who spoke is the center of the Universe or so I have been told. So when they and especially he speaks, you listen. As I have done and I hope dragons, shifters, humans everywhere did the same.

  As to the rest of your concerns. I feel that things have become unclear over the last seven hundred or so years. For that my father and I will take responsibility. As he became weary of his role as Dragon Lord and I have been very focused on the position of leadership and training of the Shields. Also the recent position I have been granted that of being Dragon Lord. Also, there is the little matter of Dragon's Gap, of course there is also the dragging of all the dragons within the nation into this century. So let us begin, shall we?”

  He looked out over his rapt audience and nodded once as though he had come to a decision. “As your Dragon Lord. I am from this day discharging the council. For the remaining councilors, I give you my thanks for your tireless and often thankless dedication to the dragon nation, which you have rendered throughout the years. From now on the royal house will have advisers only.” As the mutterings of the shocked nobles started to rise. Reighn raised his hand and his voice. “You have one choice now remain quiet and find out today what else is happening. Or I will clear the room and you can be the only ones who do not know.”

  At their stunned looks he smiled and there was nothing nice about it. “Oh, did you all forget you were live on camera. I did say technology was amazing!

  Now all money invested by John Morton has been secured by the Royal Treasurer until further notice, due to the misrepresentation by John about profits made by his investments and some creative accounting.” Not one person moved or made a sound. Many sent speculative looks at John who sat rigid in his chair while the blood slowly left his face.

  “Lastly, John told me that as long as everyone knew their place in our society nothing would change. Well, I am here to tell you everything has changed. There are no places in society left. I have taken the wealth from over five hundred families, and I will continue to do so until you realize that our society. Our nation is not the same one you woke up to this morning. My family and I have spent the last three hundred and fifty years trying to make you understand this and prepare you for what is to come. Yet you stubbornly refuse to realize that nothing is static, we must move with the times. Elementals, shifters, witches and fae folk are on earth and many more will come and they will come here. Whether you like it or not.

  They are coming looking for our protection, our ability to keep them safe, not to be subjugated or oppressed. We hope there will be Shadows for you and your children, to give you hatchlings and grand-hatchlings of your own. This will not happen if you do not change or at least, it will not happen for you!”

  He rubbed the bridge of his nose and looked out over people he had grown up with, people he had hoped would see they had to change. People he wished would remove the cumbersome values of the old ways and embrace the new fairer values on their own. Sadly as he watched them, he saw it would not happened without him. The Dragon Lord, the highest ranked dragon in the land, making it happen.

  Straightening his shoulders once more he said. “As I am tired of waiting for the nobles to wake up and see where we are and where we are going. I am no longer willing to play nice. The Elementals are here and they will not be as patient with your procrastination as I have been. So as nothing my family or I have said in the past has helped you realize the position you are in. You leave me no choice but to demand your compliance as of today.”

  No one moved, no one spoke some he worried did not breathe. They sat immobilized stunned into silence. He hardened his tones and stated. “The consequences of not complying from now on will be. First; loss of money and estates. Secondly; you will be nameless. I will take your titles and names from you. Thirdly; if after that you stil
l resist. Then I will have no option but to banish you and your family.”

  When he was finished, several females fainted and just as many males sat with their heads in their hands. Stunned into action, one or two started to yell at him as more joined in and again swords were drawn, as people leapt from their seats. Fists raised in anger and fear were shaken in the air. This time none of the nobles paid attention to the Shields or Hunters. So focused on their own anguish and fear of losing the lives they were accustomed too.

  Only John Morton sat staring at the far wall as he mentally tried hard to work out where he had gone wrong. How he could escape what he knew was to come. Shame and banishment if he was lucky, death was more likely, either by the hand of the Dragon Lord or one of his clients. Chaos raged around him as females and males started yelling louder using language that made several females blush. The nobles stood or sat so frightened of the demands Reighn had delivered to them, they forgot who they were. The rules for court etiquette went out the window when their way of life was threatened.

  It did not take long Sage saw, for their baser natures that they so despised in others to appear. Shields and Hunters moved to stand in front of Reighn and the platform the family were on. As a mob of just over five hundred dragons started to form. Here and there it was easy to see dragon scales and eyes elongating. Reighn blew a stream of blue flame across the ceiling as he had done days earlier, with the same result. He used his dragon to subdue the people in the court. Dragon Lord was not just a title.


  Silence ensured, people instinctively obeyed returning to their seats with shoulders hunched and heads lowered. Reighn continued with his dragon still in his voice as he stated for all to hear and understand. “I am your Lord.

  The Lord of all Dragons!


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