DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 16

by L M Lacee

  That has not changed.

  I have already said this once this week but it bears repeating. THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY!

  You have no voice here.

  You have no rights here.

  The only voice that matters is mine!

  The only rights you have are the ones I allow you.

  As of now I have removed all your privileges.

  You will comply or be banished.

  There is no other option!”

  His dragon released his voice as he said. “If you think that you would like to revolt as Simin Tomas and his traitorous friends tried to do. Or maybe you think to question my or the Elementals rule as John Morton did, then go ahead. Just remember how that course of action ended for them. So I caution you to be very sure your house is in order before you go against me. Take heed now, this is my final warning it will not end any differently for you.”

  Then Reighn turned his attention to Johner as he requested. “Captain Kingsley have your guards place into custody John Morton, the Redon family and the family Wents.” Johner gave a nod to his guards who hurried to place the stunned nobles in custody, cuffing and shackling them. Reighn then addressed the Councilor. “Lord Harmon, I would ask you to have all their estates confiscated and returned to the Royal Treasury. The charge is fraud and enslavement.”

  “My Lord it will be done.” He answered with a narrowed eyed look at the slumped John Morton. To the people under arrest Reighn said. “There will be no trial. You will be held until I decide what penalty you deserve.”

  They were shaken and weeping unable to believe this was happening and especially to them. They were led from court, silence their only companion. As the other nobles sat in stunned silence, even the councilors and they had been warned what was to occur. The enormity of the declarations still shocked them, keeping them immobile especially as they could all feel the full weight of their Dragon Lords displeasure. Into the silence Reighn decreed. “Nobles I give you fourteen days to decide if you wish to remain within my borders. If in that time you have not sworn fealty to me and the dragon nation. I will decide for you. Make no mistake, this is going to happen, with or without you. Now I suggest you go home and make your decisions. Dismissed.”

  Reighn held his hand out, and Sage placed her trembling hand in his as he helped her to her feet. With their family following and the Shields and Hunters escorting them, they left the silent room. Within the space of an hour, life had changed for dragon kind and as much as Reighn disliked what he had been forced to do. He felt no guilt over the ultimatums he had delivered. Sometimes a hammer or sword had to be used to teach a lesson. This was one of those times!


  R eturning back to the royal apartment which Sage and Reighn had recently started to make their home seemed surreal. Sage felt like there should have been drums or trumpets sounding. Anything to tell the world life had changed for dragons and all that lived and would live at Dragon's Gap. But there were no drums or trumpets or any musical instruments proclaiming change was in the air as they traversed the hallways. Which remained empty and peaceful while thy followed the Shields who set a sedate pace.

  Reighn and Sage were in the lead with Verity and Rene` sandwiched between them and Reighn’s brothers. The Hunters covered the rear as silence hung in the air setting Sage’s nerves on edge. The farther they walked from the courtroom, the more her shoulders hunched up around her ears. Reighn felt her tension through their connection as thin as it was, along with the grip on his arm.

  “Sage what is worrying you?” He asked as they stopped before heading up the wide stone staircase. She looked around at the warriors and her new family and asked. “Does it not seem too quiet for you? Something feels wrong and this seems way too easy!”

  Her words triggered a reaction that surprised her as instantly their guards stepped in closer. While Reighn and Rene` pulled her and Verity into the middle of the square they made with Storm, Sharm and Keeper.

  Just as Sage was going to yell that it was just an observation. From the rafters, males in green uniforms with masked faces swooped down and more swarmed from along the darken hallways. Even more poured from behind the closed doors they had just passed.

  The Kingsley males faced outwards swords at the ready surrounding Verity and Sage who held each other. Until Verity felt Sage’s body start to tremble and heat pour from her. She pulled a little away and saw her eyes glow deep blue.

  Being a mother for a considerable time and to sons, Verity kept calm and asked quietly so she did not distract the males defending her and Sage. “Sage dear, what are you doing?”

  Reighn turned his head to look at her and asked Sage. “Why are your eyes glowing blue?”

  She grinned. “Go...Go...I have this.” Then an azure bubble snapped into view completely enclosing Verity and herself inside. Sage made shooing gestures with her hands. “I swear!” She told the unmoving males. “Nothing and no one can get through this, so go help your males. They look out numbered.”

  Five heads swiveled around and great roars filled the hallways as the Kingsley males, entered the fight.

  Shortly after she had raised the bubble, arrows rained down from above until those that shot them realized they were making absolutely no difference to her shield. They put away their bows and shimmed down from the ceiling rafters on ropes to join the fight. Experienced hands swung swords with precision and accuracy as a bellow of anger from six males throats echoed off the stone walls.

  The Thomas brothers along with Lars and Stanvis hurtled from the banisters swinging large swords at any who dared get in their way. Another bellow was heard from the hallway they had just come along. Johner and several of his guards appeared outraged they threw themselves into the melee.

  Verity and Sage were glued to the carnage that raged around them. Every time someone tried to attack them they were thrown backwards away from the sparking shield. It was almost like an electrical field repulsed them. After the second attempt Sage grinned at Verity who grinned back and asked. “It is most effective, when did you learn to do this?”

  Sage murmured. “A while ago. Well, I knew the theory of it.’ She felt compelled to honestly declare. “This is the first time I have ever used it, though.”

  “Well...Well!” Verity stumbled over her words a little as she tried to wrap her head around the declaration, she almost lost her calm when she asked Sage. “Did you know it would work?”

  “Hell no! Logic said if I could imagine it. I could do it.”

  “I am honestly unsure as to whether I am impressed or just stupefied.” Verity admitted.

  Sage nodded. “That is how I feel most of the time about my magic.” Just then they heard a yell from a female. Looking up they saw June, her arms and legs wrapped around a male who was running along the upper hallway with her on his back. He was desperately trying to shake her loose but he kept banging into walls and tables, hindered as he was by June’s hands covering his eyes.

  Verity’s jaw dropped open when Sage yelled out. “You got him, June! Crush him...Crush him girl!” She said to Verity in a quieter voice. “She won’t be able too, but it will make her feel better. Oh look Johner has him now.”

  She yelled out to June. “Let the male go girl, Johner has him!” They watched as a grinning June slipped from the males back just as Johner ran his sword through him. He toppled over the banister, his face one of astonishment, whether it was the sword through his gut or June’s wild ride. Sage did not know she thought if he lived she would ask him.

  June grabbed the banister jumped up on it and slid down its length arriving beside Verity and Sage who asked. “The girls and Grace?”

  “Hidden with Shields and Hunters. You two doing okay, cool bubble.” Just then an arrow flew past, missing her by inches. “Hell bells, room in there?”

  Sage’s hands snaked out and grabbed her friend then she slowly pulled and June popped into the bubble. “Well hello guys. This is fun, huh?”

  “Your sense o
f fun is interesting.” Verity gasped as another body dropped from the floor above.

  Sage grinned. “You are crazy, what were you doing on top of him?”

  “He tried to get in the apartment. A couple of the Shields ran with the girls and Grace. I said I would distract him.”

  “It never occurred for you to run with them?” Sage asked as June grinned. “You know it didn’t!”

  “I am surprised they allowed it!” Verity murmured. June looked at her and for all her age, Verity suddenly felt foolish, a seldom occurrence in her life. June smiled politely as she told her. “Yes ma’am they did.”

  “June can be quiet persuasive when she wants.” Sage told her.

  Verity nodded her head. “That I can believe... Oh! It looks like we may have won.”

  Reighn bloody with a huge smile on his face came towards them as Sage’s bubble disappeared, she asked. “Are you alright?”

  “I am fine my shadow. We all are good.”

  “A worthy fight!” Said a voice that made the hairs on Sage and June’s arms rise. They both looked over their shoulders to find Ace Thomas behind them.

  June nodded. “Well okay then!”

  Sage moved closer to Reighn, this male was dark or had darkness within him. He looked at her and raised his brow.

  “Do not fear my Lady. I am leaving.”

  “You! I do not fear. The darkness within you is another story.”

  “I thank you. I leave to see one that can help me.”

  “I hope they can. You have a shadow. She comes soon and will need you whole to help her heal.” Claire told him as she moved to stand with her friends. Ace Thomas looked at the small female, at the serious face she presented to him and asked with hope in his voice. “Are you sure?”

  “I am.”

  “Then I will take my leave.”

  Reighn inclined his head to the four brothers, who stood ready to leave. “Lars told me you had requested a new family name. What is it to be recorded as?”

  Ark answered for them all. “Battle after our Dam’s family.”

  “Oh my boys.” Verity cried with a catch in her voice as she went to each of them and hugged them farewell. “Your Dam would have liked that, please Ace, do not stay away too long. None of you. Our lives are less without you in it.”

  “We will try not to.” Ace promised and then they all saluted and as one, turned and left the castle.

  Rene` held his Verity as they stood amongst dead bodies, blood and gore and watched sorrowfully as four brothers disappeared from view. The Kingsley family hoped it was not for the last time. “Verity my love, are you alright?” Rene` asked as he looked down at his beloved in his arms.

  “No, I am sad. My heart is bruised for this senseless, tragic loss of life and for my four boys who are leaving.”

  “They will return my dear, as for this!” He toed a dead body. “It is best they were culled before the rot infected more.”

  “Well, that is one way of looking at it.” Claire expressed to June, who shrugged. She sort of felt the same way as the male. Sage asked Claire. “Why are you back so soon?”

  She sighed. “Kammy!”

  “Yeah, I was going to call you on that situation. Do you need help?”

  Claire smiled. “Nah sorted it out.”

  June grinned at the two of them. “Well Claire and I are off to Grace’s. Hate to watch and run, but I need sleep and Kammy needs her mummy it would seem.”

  Claire cocked up her top lip, in a small smile as she hugged Sage and nodded to the others, she said to Reighn. “Reighn you did well today. Whatever else happens, remember you are the Dragon Lord and your people...we... all your people need you to be strong.”

  “Thank you Claire. I will hold your words close.”

  “It will get easier. It is what we call teething problems that is all.”

  “I will hope, what you say is true.”

  “See yah soon!” She said as she skipped after June who was walking down the hall with two guards following. Rene` followed Claire with his eyes. “Does that female have no decent clothes, has she no money?” His concern, for her, was real. “Yes, she has.” Sage assured him. “Claire has issues, leave it with me. I will deal with them.”

  “If you say so my dear. We need to see to the babies and lunch. Everyone shower and be back at Reighn’s.” Rene` told them all. Just then Sharm arrived back with Lars who asked. “We have stretches what do you want done with the bodies?”

  Reighn ordered. “Find out who they are, what families they come from. Explain that they may claim them if they want, if not we will ash them all! Make that clear Lars.”

  “It will be done my Lord.” He saluted and started the removal of the bodies. As it turned out there were no wounded. Dragons left none alive. Sage was told that if they took the risk to assassinate the Dragon Lord, his shadow and family. The sentence would always be death. Reighn sighed as he looked around at the waste of life. “Let us get together in two hours everyone and thank you.” He scooped Sage under his arm, and they ascended the stairs, tired and saddened.


  L ater that night after all the tasks had been seen to, and the girls were in bed. Sage and Reighn walked to what was fast becoming Sage’s favorite place, the balcony off the lounge. She hesitated a moment then said. “We need to discuss the Goddess and who I am.”

  Reighn handed her a glass of wine as he took his whiskey he sat in the chair opposite her. After he had taken a sip of his drink he agreed. “Before we do, are June and Claire gifted?”

  Sage shrugged. “I do not know. I know she is something special as is June but what I cannot say. I truthfully never asked. I suppose I will have to now.”

  He nodded. “Maybe so my soul. Now what is it that you want to tell me about the Goddess?”

  “Well as you know the Goddess was my guide. It is the how she came to be, that needs discussing!”

  “Why do you not tell me?” He said as he took another sip of his whiskey watching her. Sage shrugged uncomfortably, he did not hurry her this was her story to tell. He sipped his drink and stared out at the darkening night sky, watching several dragons do aerial acrobatics. Young dragons! His dragon told him, testing their wings.

  Finally, it seemed Sage had decided on what she deemed important for him to know. “Okay but I should tell you it is not a pretty story!”

  He smiled. “Not many are my love. Nothing you say will shock me. You are mine, whatever has happened to bring you here to me, cannot be all bad.”

  Sage looked at him and her eyes lost their haunted look. “You are right, everything else means nothing except being here with you and the girls.” So for the next hour she told him of her life, her parents and her uncle and aunt. Finally they spoke of the Goddess’s sentence. Then she told of him of her agreement with the Goddess. Eventually the talk turned to Grace’s thoughts on the subject of the shifters and finally Reighn told her of the Elementals. Who they were and where he believed they came from. They talked of dragon life and some of the history of dragons. Reighn said he would make available the histories of his people for her to study. It was late into the night when they finally felt unburdened enough to retire.

  They went to bed to remove the day from their thoughts and to find solace in each other’s arms, renewing the fledgling love that was blossoming between them.


  S everal days later. Sage and Reighn with guards came to a flying stop in front of Grace’s home. Hands helped her, and the girls dismount from Reighn’s dragon back.

  “Thank you Stan.” Sage grinned up at the tall, impossibly handsome dragon who passed Molly to Reighn after his transformation to human. “My pleasure Lady Sage.”

  Sage looked down at Ava and laughed. “Look at that, so blasé, she never even woke.”

  Every dragon there laughed quietly to themselves. Since the attack on the family. She and the girls more often than not traveled on dragon back with guards surrounding them. It was saf
er for her and the girls so Reighn declared. Sage enjoyed the ride as did the girls so she did not complain. They had flown to Grace’s home which use to be Sage’s house at Dragon’s Gap, to meet up with June and Claire. Today Sage was offering her friends employment and she had a gift for Grace.

  The door opened, and Grace stood there with a smile. “Welcome! I have missed you all so much.” She said as Sage gave her a one armed hug and Reighn kissed her cheek. All the guards smiled and said. “Hello.”

  Grace was a favorite of the dragons. Her home was always opened for meals or just sweet tea or coffee. Many had found themselves around her table discussing their woes and thoughts. They would come to her and talk and receive wisdom or just to be comforted. Grace never turned anyone away, which had prompted Reighn’s idea. It had only been a week since the trial and things in Dragon's Gap were still unsettled.

  So far Johner had thwarted three assassination attempts on Reighn and one on Sage. She and the girls now had personal guards as did Verity much to her displeasure. Now when Reighn mentioned guards for Grace, she was more accepting than his mother had been. She laughed as Reighn told her about them and gave his cheek a pat and grinned saying.

  “Sweet boy, I am bear, plus the shifters are on alert, but do what you must to make you and your shadow sleep better at night.” Then she walked off into the kitchen leaving a bemused Reighn behind. “She is a very strange female. Does she not know that just about every dragon is older than she is?” He asked Sage with a confused look on his face, which matched his guards. She shrugged. “Probably but she does not care. And she is not strange, she is bear.”

  Reighn was going to comment as he placed Molly on the floor where she ran off to find Grace. “Gramma gramma grannnmmaaaa!” She yelled as loud as she could, in her, not so sweet voice. Making Sage and Reighn's shoulders rise in pain, at their sweet daughter’s loud screeching voice. Along with every guard there Sage swallowed her laugh at the guards who tried desperately to keep a bland look on their faces and failed.


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