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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 17

by L M Lacee

  The look of pain on Reighn’s face was priceless, he loved his girls from the first moment he had met them but Molly’s voice could peel paint from a wall, when she wanted it too. He still could not understand how his little princess could yell like that. He tried to believe his Shadow and Dam when they said she would grow out of it. But it was so very hard.

  Sage had given up trying to reason with him, instead she tried to make Molly use her inside voice. Which is what she could hear Grace telling her to do as they stood by the front door. She stared down at Ava who was just starting to wake in her arms and kissed her neck making her giggle as her eyes blinked open. Reighn leant over and kissed Sage goodbye, then Ava who grabbed his hair. He untangled it from her chubby fingers saying. “Sweet hatchling, papa has to go. I will miss you every minute I am away. Be good for your Mama and I will tell you a story when I return.”

  She let him go but started to wail as Sage placed her against her shoulder, at his concerned look she shooed him away. “Go...Go, she will be alright. Remember I told you that she was only like this while she can see you. When she cannot, she will quieten.”

  He looked at her dubiously as Ava let out another wail when she saw him moving slightly away. “But my soul maybe I should stay, her heart sounds broken.”

  Sage looked around and saw all the guards with the same look of worry and agreement on their faces. Really, these males so easily worried by a small baby. It would have made her laugh except each one of them, she knew would die to protect her daughters. She opened her mouth to explain once more about baby manipulation when June appeared from inside the house and whisked Ava from her arms. “Hey guys, how are you doing?” She asked before they could answer her or think to stop her she asked Ava. “What’s the matter little princess has mama been taking your lollipops again?”

  Then she walked slowly down the hall back to the kitchen with the quieter baby. “See!” Sage said to Reighn and the guards. “She is fine.” Then she yelled at Junes retreating back. “I ONLY DID THAT ONCE, AND SHE IS TOO YOUNG FOR LOLLIPOPS. I TOLD YOU THAT!” She absently kissed Reighn, then hurried after June as they heard her reply. “That’s what you keep saying lollipop thief.”

  Reighn was left with the sound of Sage’s voice yelling. “FEMALE YOU LIE!”

  As the door to the kitchen swung closed behind her. Stanvis murmured with a laugh in his voice. “It is a mystery why young Molly yells.”

  Reighn sighed then grunted as he backed from the door and bumped into Claire. “I am so very sorry Claire. I was not aware you were there?”

  “No problems it happens a lot, so Reighn!” At a grumble from a nearby guard, Reighn raised an eyebrow and looked over his guards. “Lady Claire as is Lady Grace and Lady June, part of my shadows family and therefore respect will be given. Admittedly they tend to forget that titles are used at Dragon's Gap, it is not from disrespect…”

  Claire cut in as she looked around at the gathered dragons. “Oh no definitely not, you and your family are wonderful people and we shifters from the Gap like and respect you very much. We just totally don’t use titles.” To the guards she said. “I will try to remember, seeing as I will be at the castle more in the future.”

  The surprise Reighn felt was in his voice as he asked. “Sage has spoken to you about the job already. I thought she was going to do that today?”

  “Oh, she is!” Claire assured him. “I just happen to hear about the job that was all. It will be much safer now I have a little one to look out for. Well, I should not keep you. I know you have a meeting this morning, sounds very important.” Reighn gave her a thoughtful look as she entered the home, Stan said. “More to her than just a shifter?”

  Reighn murmured. “Yes much more, investigate her and June please Stan, in your usual quiet way. I would like to know more about the females that are coming into our lives.”

  Stan raised an eyebrow as Reighn laid a hand on his shoulder. “It is not that I have no faith in my shadow’s judgment. But like you I do not know who and what these females are and my wings itch knowing they are more.”

  “But how much more, that is the question?” Stanvis said as they took to the air.

  Claire walked into the kitchen and took her place at the booth after being hugged by Grace and receiving a hug from each of Sage’s girls. She sighed as Grace placed a large cup of tea in front of her and inhaled the fragrant brew. It was enough to allow the tension in her back to ease a little.

  She had many decisions to make today and to have a minute to herself after the meeting with Reighn on the doorstep was pleasant. She liked Reighn, liked him a lot. She thought he was a good Dragon Lord and would become better now he had Sage by his side. But he gave her an itch between her shoulder blades as did his second and she did not know why.

  Which made her itch more, which put her senses on alert. It was a weird little cycle she was going to have to deal with soon. If indeed she was going to be working at the castle and her instinct said she was for the foreseeable future, there was no other option.

  For years Claire had known things, good and bad. She always told people that she heard it through gossip and sources but in truth she was a precognitive of sorts. She did not see the future or the past, well not always. She just knew the present, knew what something meant when confronted with it, such as the first time she had met Sage and June. She had known they would be friends for life or when the castle appeared or what someone wanted, be that information or an object. Just like when she had been confronted by Ace Battle. She had known he would be mated to a female who was unbelievably talented in art and death. She knew the instant she had rescued the little tiger cub she had named Kammy that she would be hers. Even though she had gone against the knowledge and given her up. It had not worked. She should have just done what she knew was right and taken the little girl and saved her and herself all the stress their separation caused. Claire knew she would make a great personal assistant for Sage. It was sad that she would have to decline the offer and accept the job that she would nudge Sage towards. The new job was an ideal position for her talents and she knew at this moment in time. She was about to tell three people, and by extension others of her greatest secret. It was a big moment for her.

  Eventually things calmed down with the girls and then Sage and June joined Claire sitting at the table with their own drinks while Grace bustled around the kitchen. Making them all morning tea, the girls were placed in highchairs with cookies and toys.

  Verity was due to arrive shortly, so until then they talked generalities. Claire admitted she was keeping the little girl Kammy. She told them she was three years old, older than they originally thought and a full tiger. They all wanted to know where she was. She told them she was with Ella, Sharm’s assistant. She apparently was taking her to someone who could help her with her memories and nightmares. They had kindly suggested that it would go smoothly if Claire was not present. She grimaced as she told them what Ella had told her, that apparently a new mama who was a renowned shot was not required. The others laughed at her disgruntled tone.

  Grace quickly changed the subject when she saw the distress in Claire’s eyes as she spoke of the little girls troubles. Half an hour later, with a half-eaten cake between them. Verity arrived accompanied by Rene` who had Kammy cradled in his arms. Claire hurried from her seat. “Thank you Lady Verity, Lord Rene` is she okay now?”

  Rene` grinned his slow smile and hugged Claire while he transferred the sleeping toddler to her. “Yes little Claire, she is well, her memories will not bother her now. No more nightmares for our sweet Kammy.”

  Claire moved nearer so it appeared she was speaking but in fact she was mind speaking. Thank you Lord Rene` you will keep her memories until and if she wants them?

  Rene` raised surprised eyebrows and his voice whispered in her mind. Shifters are truly amazing. Just when I think one thing, I learn another. It fills me with wonder every time, and I tell you little Claire for someone of my age that is a good thing.

nbsp; Claire smiled in return and mind sent. I am very glad, Lord Rene` and thank you again.

  I as a Keeper will hold her memories, but let us hope she never needs them. They were not pleasant.

  I suspected as much. Let us hope she does not!

  They walked closer to the others as June made room for Claire and Kammy who slept peacefully in her mother’s arms. The first since Claire had rescued her weeks ago. Everyone including Grace took seats while Verity and Rene` helped themselves to cake and tea. June looked at the sleeping girl and frowned as she asked Claire. “How did you find out what age she is? Did she tell you or do they have a test for that now?”

  Claire cleared her throat. This was a delicate situation she did not want to betray a confidence and cause upset for the person who had helped her, but she could not lie either. Shifters and dragons knew a lie. “I bumped into a female as Kammy and I were leaving the center before I left last time and this female who I assume had been wandering around there. I am not sure what she was actually doing. I think she was looking at the art.” She hummed to herself a slight frown between her eyes, after a few seconds she shook herself. “Anyway, she happened to tell me.”

  “But why?” June asked as she tried to understand why a complete stranger would just tell her that.

  “I don’t know. She just looked at Kammy and then me and said. She was a full tiger and is three years and four months old and then she gave me the date of her birth.”

  Sage asked puzzled as a chill went down her back. “How did you know it was true?”

  “I just did. I just knew!”

  “And you did not know this female? Did she know you or Kammy?” Verity asked concerned, as she looked at her shadow. Claire shook her head. “No, she was a stranger.”

  “Have you seen her since?” Rene` asked with a raised eyebrow. Claire looked uncomfortable again. “I would rather not say. I am fairly sure she was not in possession of her body at the time. In fact I am almost positive her animal told me without her knowledge.”

  “Is that possible?” Verity asked the four shifters sitting around the table.

  “Ahh!” Grace smiled as she said. “She was a bear.”

  Claire said. “I would not like to say.”

  June asked. “But you know?”

  Claire nodded. “I do!”

  “But you will not say?” Rene` clarified.

  “I will not.”

  Sage shrugged and said. “Okay, so let us get down to why we are here. First Grace!” All the attention was suddenly on her as she said. “What she won’t say and I for one do not care enough to beat an answer from her. Kammy is well, and Claire knows what species her daughter is and how old she actually is and when she was born. Plus she has guns and can shoot us. So I am willing to just move on.”

  Grace grinned. “Yes Sage. So what can I do for you?”

  “I get the feeling, or at least Reighn told me you didn't want to move to the castle with us and you would rather stay here. Is he right?”

  At the hesitant look on her face, Verity took her hand in hers. “Grace my friend tell Sage how you feel. She will understand, tell her what you told me.”

  Grace squeezed Verity’s hand back. “It is true, I would rather stay here. I know this is your home but it is also mine. The first since my Ivor past away and I love it. Especially when the young warriors come and talk or when June and Claire and the others stay. I like being able to give them peace and a home cooked meal. I am sorry Sage, you and the girls mean as much to me as my own young and if you wish it, I will move with you.”

  Sage sighed. “Oh Grace, Reighn was right. No I want you to be happy and if staying here makes you happy, then that is what you should do.” She knew she was right when she saw the relieved smile on Grace’s face. “So to accomplish that Reighn and I would like to gift you the house and lands. That is if you will carry on doing what you do, helping those that need to come to Grace’s home. Oh my goodness that is a great name for the house.”

  June whipped out her tablet and as her fingers flew over the face she said. “Taken care of, someone will bring the new sign tomorrow and place it. Where would you like it, Grace?”

  “Above the front door so everyone knows they are entering a home, not a house.” Grace replied, in her soft voice.

  June nodded and entered that into her tablet. “All taken care of.”

  “I cannot tell you how happy this makes me, a home of my own. Are you sure Sage, this was your home, your wish?”

  Sage smiled a little mistily. “Yeah, I could not think of a better person to give it to. This house was built for you Grace, for the love you fill it up with.” A little tearfully, they all wiped their eyes. Sage even saw Rene` swipe at his and when Verity’s eyes met hers, she gave her a wink, which managed to lighten her heart.

  June gave a watery laugh. “It really is a great idea, but it needs to have a few bedrooms added. I think?”

  The others agreed. “Just two or three more.” Grace agreed as Rene` promised. “I will see to that.”

  “And gardens.” Claire sighed. “With lots of flowers.”

  “The garden club is seeing to that.” Grace told her.

  June grinned and asked. “So Grace, can I have a bedroom for a few nights?”

  “Ahh about that!” Sage interrupted. “I have a suggestion for Claire and you.”

  Claire looked serene as she cuddled Kammy to her. June’s look was more suspicious, as was the tone of her question when she asked. “And what would that be, my friend Sage?”

  Sage snorted at the tone. “Nothing dire, I just have a job offer for both of you or I should say. We… I mean the job is indirectly for me. It really is for the Gap and the castle... like, which is... Yes, for the castle and the Kingsley family, which I now am one of…”

  “Stop please!” June cried. “Just spill it. I can’t take anymore!”

  “Aww hush! She was doing great.” Claire said with a twinkle in her eyes. “She almost had it.”

  “Really and you know this how?” June asked with an arched look at the smaller female.

  “Because that’s what I do. I know things?”

  “Oh you do… do you…like what?” Sage asked.

  “Yet a complete stranger has told you about Kammy?” June queried lightly.

  Claire sighed. “Yes June she did and the reason for that is, for some weird reason. This sense or intuition or whatever you want to call it, picks and chooses what to let me know about.”

  “Untrained gift!” Sage said with nod of her head. “What do you expect?” And she knew she sounded a little superior when she pointed that out.

  “So wrong smarty pants!” Claire exclaimed. “I am more or less trained, but this is personal and apparently personal information is not always complete or reliable. A quirk of the gift.”

  “It happens.” Rene` stated. “We see it all the time in dragons, do we not Verity?”

  “We do especially in our foreseers. Magic can be fickle. You should know this Sage?”

  “Yeah… well, that is true.” She pouted. “Damn magic!” There was quiet laughter around the table at her statement.

  Claire sighed. “For example. I know, you Sage have a job as castle liaison for June.” She turned to June and said. “She wants you to live at the castle and co-ordinate the wants and needs of the shifters and humans as it relates to the castle. Also to help organize the same thing at Dragon’s Gap. It is a huge undertaking and something that has never been needed before. But it is a new world that we are entering. So the job needs an organized mind and a talent for matching people with what they need, and that is you.”

  Stunned they all looked at her then at June who had closed her eyes. June’s voice was husky and filled with hope, when she asked. “Is that true Sage do you want me for that?” She opened her eyes and watched as Sage grinned and held her fist up for a fist bump. “You bet I do, there is no one who could do it better but it would mean you would have to. Both of you would have to give up retrieval
s. What do you say?”

  June just nodded her head, too choked up to speak. Grace gathered the female in her arms. “There... there sweet girl, it is alright.” June relaxed her head on Grace’s shoulder and let the tears fall as she mumbled. “I hate going out there, it is sad and it makes me angry because I feel like I am not doing enough. I know I can do more here to help. Does that make me a bad person, not wanting to leave home again?”

  “If it does, I am just as bad.” Claire murmured. “I hate going out there. The job Sage is going to offer me is so much better and yet I will decline it.” She put her hand up as they all were about to speak. “The one I should do is what June does for the castle but for Dragon’s Gap and rather than live at the castle which would be amazing. I would like a home for me and Kammy at the Gap.”

  “Will you not live with me?” Grace asked kindly. Claire shook her head. “No, I don’t think I am up for that.” She sighed as she told them. “My life up until about two years ago was totally unsettled. I have moved constantly, partially my gift. Mostly my family, they were or still are, for all I know Grifters.” She could see the dragons did not know the term.

  June explained. “It means con men or women, criminals.”

  “Oh, I see!” Rene` said with a nod of his head. Claire was relieved to see no one’s expressions changed, after her revelation she had hoped it would not. “Their way of life was not for me, but it is hard to escape that kind of family.” She whispered with a wealth of feeling in her voice.

  “Especially if you’re very good at it!” June hazard a guess.

  “Yes well, when you are small and young and cute apparently, you are the ideal bait. I was thirteen when I left and up until I came here I have been running. So a home of my own is a novel idea but necessary for Kammy.”

  Verity smiled as she told her. “I will have our liaison arrange a home for you and Kammy.”

  “I thank you.” Said a humbled Claire as she hugged Kammy closer.

  June said. “I have the perfect one already. It is on the next street over.”


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