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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 25

by L M Lacee

  Reighn asked Edith. “Are you needed here?”

  Edith smirked at him and pointed to Verity. “Claimed! So yeah!”

  Reighn narrowed his eyes at her, although it was not hard to miss the laughter in them. He turned to Sharm. “You?”

  Sharm shook his head as he said and to Edith it sounded like he was in shock. “Shadow!”

  “Oh hell no!” Edith muttered, and now she was the one in shock. He turned just his head, and she was looking up into amused elongated eyes, his dragon stared back at her. “Yes!”

  Edith whispered. “No!” Denying not only his words but the tingle of desire that raced along her nerve endings.

  “Mine!” Sharm breathed softly letting a little dragon’s breath sweep over her. With that one word, Edith thumped her head back on the wall as she breathed out softly. “Fuck it!”

  He grinned as he whispered. “Eventually Shadow.”

  There were a few snickers of laughter quickly cut off, when she narrowed her eyes and looked round at the people in the room as she told him. “That was so not an invitation!”

  Verity could see Edith’s panic and feel her fear. She clapped her hands softly and took Edith in her embrace saying. “Oh my Sharm and Edith, how absolutely wonderful. Another one of my sons has found his shadow and what a delightful female she is.” She pulled away a little and looked into the startled female’s eyes. “Do you know how rare that is for us to find the other half of our soul?”

  Edith sighed as she gave into the inevitable. “Probably as rare as it is for shifters.”

  Sage told her. “It is rarer, we as shifters have a bigger pool to look in, dragons until recently did not.”

  Edith said. “I see, well that makes all the difference then!” She barely kept the sarcasm from her voice when she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Sage and asked. “Hang on, I thought you were a witch?” There was no mistaking she made it sound like bitch.

  Sage growled. “I am both.”

  “Huh! Who would have thought, an improbability like me?”

  Sharm asked. “Like you how?”

  Edith shrugged. “I am a null, a bear that cannot shift.”

  “What a crappy name and description.” Sage said sympathetically.

  “That we agree on.” Edith stated.

  Reighn inclined his head and said softly. “Edith welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you I think. Although you are all slightly weird.”

  “Huh! Says the girl who can’t shift.” Sage said with a grin.

  Edith grinned back at her. “Well there is that!” She eased from Verity’s arms and stepped around her mate’s body.

  Dear goddess, a mate! Edith shook her head as her bear danced in excitement. Yeah...Yeah good for you! She sniped at her. “So to answer your question. I am as I said Edith Black, friend of you mothers and apparently shadow to your brother Sharm. Before you ask Molly was told not to tell her family about her new friend. But as I was not family then she did not break her promise. Molly you did good honey.”

  Molly smiled at Edith, “Me good Edee.”

  “Yes honey you are.”

  Edith said to Reighn. “The one at fault here is that F.A.E.R.I.E! To make a little one keep secrets is bad, very bad she should be made to see that.” Edith looked at Reighn anger simmered in her eyes. “If you do not wish to do that. I can do it for you.”

  He dipped his head as he told her. “Do not fear Edith, I will make that abundantly clear. Now how do we get her here?”

  “Molly called Sela so I could meet her didn’t you sweetie?”

  “I did dada me call Sela. Me good.”

  “Yes baby girl you are very good.” He looked at Sage then his brothers and mother. “This does not bode well for the Grove.”

  Just then an Elemental appeared. Lady Edith we welcome you to Dragon’s Gap.

  Amazed and totally unprepared for the Elemental to arrive let alone talk to her, Edith nodded and replied “I thank you.” She then asked her bear. How the hell do they know me? Her bear did not answer which aroused Edith’s suspicions.

  “Do you know what has happened?” Reighn asked the Elemental, he looked around and then closed his eyes for a minute, opened them and said. I see! This was not to happen. We do not condone the wisdom of the act of the one known as Sela. Dragon Lord and Dragon Lady, we ask that you allow the Faerie Grove to be established as promised.

  Reighn said. “I did not think you had. We will see to this and the Grove. Why are you here?”

  The Elemental inclined his head towards Edith. Who this time found her eyes trapped in the sheer beauty of the universes swirling within the eyes of the Elemental. Her breath caught in her throat and she swore he saw every thought, emotion and fear that lived inside her heart. He smiled releasing the hold he had on her. She found herself returning the smile as he said.

  For Lady Edith. Bear, artist, daughter, and shadow. We come to advise her to be at peace, you and your bear have many years to grow and learn to love one another. Just know it was necessary for you to not know of your lineage until you reached an age where it would benefit you. Do not feel sorrow for the other half of yourself. She traded her gift to shift for specific abilities. As time moves on you both will become united in the tasks ahead of you. Remember in the days to come you, and your shadow are well matched. Then he was gone. Edith stood slightly stunned as she said. “So they really are powerful! Still I am thinking taking my parents from me was a bit extreme.”

  No one commented, not knowing the whole story of Edith’s life, it was hard to agree or disagree. Finally, Verity softly said. “I think that was not in their plan dear one. They probably just took advantage of a terrible event.”

  Edith shrugged and focused on Verity as she said. “Maybe or maybe not. I get the feeling they move us around like chess pieces, so who is to know!”

  “Cheerful thought!” Sage said her eyes on Edith’s recognizing the long buried hurt in them.

  Reighn told them. “I am to know. Elementals value all life, to take advantage of a situation of their liking, yes. I believe they would do that, to take that life or lives. No! I do not believe they are that heartless.”

  Edith pursed her lips as she thought over what he said. “Well okay. I will go with your belief.”

  Sharm said. “You do not sound like you really believe him.”

  “It is moot now isn’t it? My parents are gone. I am here, and my bear traded her ability to shift for some mysterious gift or something.”

  Sharm inclined his head as he said. “Elementals are ethical, to do something like that would be against what they believe as Reighn says.”

  Edith looked at his earnest face and wondered was he really that trusting, were they all. She said carefully. “No, dragons are ethical. Elementals are magical beings that have their own concerns.”

  Sharm frowned, as he went to protest. “I do not...”

  Verity said interrupting him when she saw Edith’s face become expressionless, indicating she was becoming annoyed. It was the same look that happened with Storm, when he did not agree with someone and they annoyed him. She asked. “What is this gift you traded for?”

  Edith shrugged. “Never realized I had or she had.”

  Her bear told her. I will show you, place hand over person.

  Edith said. “She says to place my hand over someone.” Then she asked her bear. “Who should I choose?”

  Her bear growled then snapped. Over anyone!

  “Anyone?” Edith asked with raised eyebrows. “Just anyone?”

  Yes do not be difficult?

  “Difficult how is asking a question difficult?” Snarled Edith. By this time everyone was laughing at the one sided conversation, finally Verity said. “Edith dear just do it!”

  She nodded. “Yes ma’am.” She placed her hand over Molly’s head and without thinking stated. “Lynx and human, two years three months old. Oh my I can tell species and age.” She moved to Ava and did the same, saying. “Lynx, two days over
seven months old. Well hell!” She slid down onto a seat next to Johner who took her hand and then quickly released it as if it scorched him, when there came a low growl. He stood and said quickly. “Sorry!”

  Then swiftly moved away to stand beside Storm who grinned at him. They both turned and eyed Sharm standing with his arms crossed at the back of the couch eyeing Johner. Verity sat beside Edith and took her hand saying. “Now Edee, all will be well.”

  “I thought her name was Edith?” Johner asked.

  Sage said with a little pride. “Nickname. Molly gave it to her.”

  Molly clapped her hands. “My Edee.”

  Johner nodded to Molly. “Oh got it! Clever little Molly.”

  Edith trembled at Verity’s words. “ will it be alright? My bear traded away her right to shift for a useless gift... No I am sorry, that makes no sense to me.”

  Her bear growled softly but did not speak. Sage said. “Well it is not useless, she has told us that Molly is older than we were led to believe and you told us about Ava. We were never sure what age she was, so now we know and we do not have to guess when she was born. That is wonderful, and you and your bear have already helped another little girl and her mother.”


  “Your bear told her mother what species the little girl was and how old she was, even her birth date. I am hoping you can do that for my girls?”

  “Oh...Oh! I thought that was a dream.” Said Edith faintly. “Just a dream and all the time it was real!”

  Sharm squatted down in front of her, his dragon in his eyes and voice. “The gift is unique, definitely not useless. There are so many young here that do not know who or what they are, full or part shifter. There are young, even human young, who have no idea how old they are. Parents willing to claim them but do not know what to expect from the young ones as they grow. Now look what you can do, you can help them all with this wonderful gift. How is this useless?”

  Edith sighed. “I misspoke. I apologize I did not know all of that.” She said softly. “Thank you.” And smiled at both Reighn and Sage. “I will give you the information for the girls.”

  Sage said. “Thank you, now I need food and coffee and I think these two need a nap so we can discuss what is to happen.”

  Storm held his hands out for Molly who laughed as she was passed to her uncle. Reighn passed Ava to Johner just as a female entered from the balcony. She was obviously not of this world or that was what Edith thought. Before Reighn as quick as lightening, grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall. Wings seemed to sprout from her back as his hand grew long black claws and he let out a low growl. That made the hair on Edith’s arms stand on end.

  Sharm watched Edith to judge her reaction to the violence that was taking place. And was a little surprised to see she appeared to have none. Edith turned her eyes towards him and in her eyes he read acceptance. She fascinated him and his dragon. Reighn snarled at the faerie. “You dare to hide from me. You faerie have forfeited your right to reside here. You made my daughter keep a secret. Taught her to lie to her parents, her family.” He roared. “FOR THAT ALONE YOU SHOULD DIE!”

  She opened her mouth and screamed a high-pitched sound that drove Edith to her knees. Sharm’s dragon surged forward, seeing his shadow in distress enraged him. Sensing it was the faerie who had caused her to drop to the floor he took a chance and snarled at her. “Enough! Or I will take your tongue!”

  The sound immediately ceased. Reighn growled in warning.

  “Seriously!” Edith said as she rubbed her ears. “That was nasty!” She looked around at the others who seemed unhurt. “Oh come on! Are you going to say you did not hear that?”

  Sharm said. “We did not.”

  “But you stopped her?”

  “It was a guess only.”

  “Good one!” He grinned at her compliment.

  Sage told her. “So weird! We didn’t hear anything, her mouth opened but we heard no sounds.”

  Verity asked. “Edith dear are you part faerie?”

  Edith shook her head as Sharm helped her to her feet. “I have sensitive ears or hearing, always have, probably another gift for my bear.”

  Her bear sniffed. Ridiculous!

  Sharm murmured to her. “I will look to see what can be done.”

  “Thank you.”

  Verity told her son. “Reighn dear you should release her, you are frightening the girls.”

  Both girls were starting to cry and as Molly opened her mouth everyone held their breaths waiting for the piercing cry she was famous for. Edith said before she let the first scream go. “Molly, you will hurt Uncle Storm’s ears and Edee’s if you scream!”

  Molly sobbed but closed her mouth when she looked at Storm holding her and then at Edith. “urt mama, urt dada?”

  “Yes honey if you use your outside voice it will hurt your mama and dada.”

  “Kay Edee.” She tucked her head onto Storm’s chest and tears fell from her eyes, they all looked at Edith who shrugged. “Preschool worker.”

  Molly cried and the baby Ava sobbed, when suddenly the room was filled with buzzing small figures. Molly started to get really upset, but she did not scream. Sage touched her forehead and she slumped against her uncle’s chest. To answer Edith’s concerned look, she said. “She is asleep.” She then did the same to the baby in Johner’s arms. Both uncles took the sleeping girls back to their own beds. Edith grinned as she asked her. “Good to know, handy trick that, does it work on mates?”

  Sage grinned as the buzzing stopped. Five figures enlarged until three males and two females wings included, stood in the room. It was obvious to Edith that the two faeries in the front. A male and female were royalty.

  Her bear told her. The Queen and King of the Grove.

  Edith thanked her and then said. Just so you know you, and I will be having a very long conversation about gifts and Elementals later, little missy! Her bear did not reply. But Edith felt a feeling of remorse sweep over her.

  The Queen had soft blue wings and long blonde hair that was as long as she was tall which Edith judged to be around five foot ten inches. She was slender with an ethereal look that made her silver eyes scream otherworldly, it was easy to believe you were in the presence of someone with power. She was exactly as Edith thought a Queen Faerie should be.

  While they all watched the faeries all seemed to shimmer and within a blink of an eye their wings folded and became cloaks or jackets. It was an amazing bit of magic that had Edith fascinated as it seemed Sage was, if her narrowed eyed stare was any indication. The tall male that Edith’s bear said was the King stood by the Queen. He was just as otherworldly with his silver wings and shoulder length blond hair that had a slight pink hue as she was. His features, although refined were harsher than the Queens.

  Edith was surprised she had assumed incorrectly it seemed. That faerie males would have been effeminate, like in the picture books she had seen as a child. They were in fact the exact opposite, this male and the one behind him were masculine to the extreme. The King even had a five o’clock shadow and he had eyes that were the darkest blue she had ever seen. Deeper than the color of the wings of the female beside him. He had to be two or three inches over six foot and where the Queen was slim and delicate he was well muscled and hard.

  His clothes Edith was amused to see were just a regular business shirt and trousers. Unlike the Queen who was dressed in a flowing teal gown probably made of silk, if faeries had silk thought Edith. The other three faeries who were all dressed as warriors in dark green and brown leathers. And as Edith had witnessed, their wings had folded to become long coats. Which did not hide the sword handles between their shoulder blades.

  All their features were similar to the Queens, except each of them had hard brown eyes and dark brown hair of varying lengths. And truthfully Edith thought, she would not go up against any of them on a dark night or in bright sunlight even! They looked like street thugs with their gleaming swords strapped to their back
s and long knives on their well-muscled thighs. One of them turned her head and raised an eyebrow at her. Edith grinned betting the guard could read her thoughts. To test her theory, because seriously she just had too, which she explained to her bear who just groaned and hid her eyes under her paws. Edith mind sent a raspberry to the guard. When the female guard kicked up her top lip in what could pass for a smile, she knew she had been right.

  Edith tightened her own mental shields, having learnt she had them when she arrived at Dragon’s Gap. Which came as a surprise to her as apparently it had to the male that was teaching her to form a shield. When he discovered she already possessed one he had spent minutes trying to penetrate her shield and eventually gave up. That was when he explained that a shield was a barrier to protect her thoughts from being read and her from being manipulated. All shifters had them to one degree or another, he believed shields were a quirk of nature. The female wolf she had met believed it was compensation for being a shifter. Edith thought it may be evolution at work.

  Whatever caused shifters to have shields or to be able to develop one. It seemed that she had a very strong natural barrier or shield. He suspected Edith had strengthened it as she grew up in the foster system. He explained that of course it was reinforced with her bears own ability, whatever that was. She had spent the next seven days having intensive training sessions. Learning how and why she may have built such a strong shield, and how to loosen or strengthen it at will.


  S harm moved a fraction and placed his body in front of Edith’s cutting off the faeries line of sight to her. Edith was in two minds on whether she found it slightly annoying or totally adorable. Her bear seemed to like it as she said smugly. Mate protects us!

  Seriously you like that, you a big bear and all?

  You like mate, do not say you do not!

  Edith declined to answer her, there was only so much smugness she could take from her bear. The male Faerie inclined his head to Reighn and Sage and said. “Please allow me to introduce my light, Queen Scarlett and I am King Elijah Wilde her light. We have been chosen by the High Queen and High King to oversee the Grove now growing at Dragon’s Gap.”


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