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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 27

by L M Lacee

  Edith whimpered, yes an actual whimper escaped from her mouth. “I have nothing to say to that!”

  Her bear was saying many, many things. Which, if she had been the blushing type, would have made her as red as a lobster. Thankfully the lift doors slid open and Edith rushed in, only to see Sharm casually stroll in after her. She said desperately, “I am going…”

  “To my place, which will soon be yours.” He told her as the doors slid closed and he pushed the button for his floor. She said with a bite to her voice. “You take much for granted dragon!”

  He looked over at her and asked innocently knowing the answer already. “Oh you have a place you would rather live at?”

  “Well no, I live at the female’s dormitory but still…”

  He cut her off. “So contrary for no other reason.”

  “I won’t be bossed!” Best she thought, to set the rules now, while she could still think. There would be no use crying later that he did not understand what type of female he was getting. Even if her bear was yelling at her to shut the friggin hell up.

  Sharm nodded. “I am not bossy.”

  Edith replied. “I will not be dictated too.”

  “I am no dictator.” He assured her as he ran his finger down her cheek while his dragon’s breath flowed over her senses. Dragon’s breath was used to seduce and enthral their shadows as it was doing now to Edith. Her senses soaked up the essence of Sharm and his dragon and started the process of forming the bond that would last a life time. It also prepared the way for a mental connection that in time would allow a pathway between the couple. Over time this bond will strengthen until the partners will not even have to be in the same country to be able to feel and talk to each other. Edith felt herself falling under her mates spell, forgetting her list of do not’s.

  He whispered as he breathed in her scent. “Although I like to be demanding in the bedroom, will that be a problem?”

  Edith stared ahead of her. Her mind one raging pit, filled with lust, it throbbed in time with her beating heart as another whimper of lust escaped her dry lips. She ran her tongue over them and felt, rather than heard his growl of desire. So it was not just her that was affected. Good to know!

  Her bear purred. Want mate!

  Edith snarled back at her. Do not tell me that was not a purr you tramp!

  She got chuffing as a reply. But Edith’s attention was snagged as Sharm moved closer and smoothed her hair behind her ear. Then he whispered against her neck, his hot breath making her knees weak. “We can discuss other things later.”

  She whimpered again in response to his touch as her bear rolled over and waved her paws in the air in surrender. Apparently blind lust made her stupid, unfortunately Edith was not far behind her.

  When the lift doors opened Sharm guided her along the hall, Edith was beyond knowing where or what she wanted now. She let him guide her into his apartment with a hand to her lower back. They did not stop even when she made a token show of slowing as they crossed the threshold. She felt the pressure of his hand on her back increase as he said with a growl in his voice. “We will explore later. I have other things to explore now!”

  He continued to guide her through to his bedroom like an automation she walked on not seeing anything of the beautiful home he lived in. They arrived in the bedroom that was as big as her last apartment and way more elaborately furnished with its super king sized four poster bed. Which sat proudly in front of large glass doors leading onto a balcony.

  She looked from the bed to him, her eyes wide. He shrugged with a small smile. “I like room to move around in. I am large.”

  She let her eyes wander in appreciation from his shoes up over his suited body to his face taking her time as she did. “Yeah I can see that. I am not exactly small as you can see?”

  Sharm stepped next to her as he heard the plea for reassurance behind the casually spoken words. Their bodies rubbed slightly together making her suck in a quick breath. He softly told her. “You are everything I will ever want and need. There is nothing about you that I will not finding pleasing.”

  The room darkened for a minute, Edith thought she had fainted with desire until she realized he had drawn the curtains over the doors. Soft lighting snapped on plunging the room into a romantic haven.

  She sighed as Sharm drew her into his arms and kissed her, causing every stray thought to disappear. He then proceeded to slowly divest her of her clothes. Every article of clothing he removed was followed by his lips and hands spending minutes discovering what he had uncovered.

  Her body was being played like a violin, it fairly hummed with desire. Her mind may have been filled with lust but her body knew what it needed, her hands did not remain idle. She stripped his clothes from him just as thoroughly as he removed hers, when the final piece of cloth dropped to the floor.

  They stood looking at each other. “Perfect, just perfect!” Sharm whispered as his hands reached for her. Edith wanted to say, right back at yah! But her brain went to a place it had never been before and took her intelligence with it. Beyond words she whimpered once more and this time she was not concerned, it was so hard to remain still as his hands roved over her naked body. When he gently laid her back on the bed, she was sure she was going to faint with desire. Her bear told her. Their mate was a healer he would revive her if she was dumb enough to pass out.

  Edith could not find, even if she could think clearly the will to answer her. Every nerve was attuned to Sharm as he worshiped her body with every part of his. Throughout the remainder of the day and for the rest of the night. She did not faint, but it was close a few times.

  After three days filled with laughter and nights filled with loving Edith had moved into Sharm’s apartment. She is not quite sure how that happened it all seemed so fast. One minute she was single, the next she is sharing a house with a male dragon of all things. And as she thought that, she placed her head in her hands as she admitted she was more bear than she had ever realized.

  Now this morning she was alone for the first time since they had met. He had been called to duty earlier that morning as the master healer of the castle and Dragon’s Gap. He was always on call or so he told her the previous day in one of their many conversations.

  Edith did not mind, she was used to being solitary, in fact she was rather relieved he had gone. She had some mulling to do, bears were good at mulling she remembered her aunt telling her that and certainly her parent’s clan were experts at it.

  She had not until today realized she was prone to mulling, but here she was doing exactly that. Also, the views from the bedroom balcony were worth sitting in front of and appreciating. Majestic snow tipped mountains rose towards the blue sky that went on forever. Meadows of deep green grass waved in the breeze making them look like waves on a lake.

  To the left she could just make out the Shields training grounds and to the right the newly established Faerie Grove. She sighed as she thought back on the first day she had spent with Sharm, making love and exploring her new home. It was a wonderful apartment, decorated in warm earth tones throughout, with two bedrooms that had of course large bathrooms.

  There was a combined dining and lounge as well as a smaller lounge that Sharm was using for an office. He had suggestively stated it could be used for a playroom. Edith had not replied to the hint she saw in his eyes, she was far from making that decision yet. He had shown her the kitchen which had taken her breath away. It gleamed with stainless steel appliances and had a butler’s pantry. Edith even knew what that meant. She read damn it! Which is what she had yelled at her bear who had scoffed at her.

  Sharm explained he had a butler who did not live in to Edith’s relief. But he came each day before breakfast and stayed until after dinner if he was needed. Otherwise, he prepared an evening meal and left it for Sharm to eat when he came home.

  She did meet his butler later the following day. He was named of all things Henry, which just tickled Edith. It was such an English butler name. . He was a very nic
e older dragon who at some time in the past had been a butler for Sharm’s Uncle Andre` before he left. She liked him on sight, and the feeling was mutual, he took one look at the slightly bewildered female and fell hard. Especially when she admitted she could not cook, other than grilled cheese. And she had no desire to learn but she would clean a toilet if he needed her too. She always… always picked up after herself and never left a towel on the bathroom floor and would not tolerate any guest doing the same, if they ever had any.

  She had admitted to Sharm later that night she felt weird about Henry doing her laundry. As he rolled her under him and in between caresses and kisses told her that Henry came from a family of six females. She had nothing in her laundry he had not already washed. She was sure he said something else but by then he started to move in a most delicious way and she lost her train of thought

  Unfortunately, it was harder to forget her bear telling her later that same night. That she did not like her mates den, which was not their den!


  S o here she was in her shadows apartment, the morning of the big girl’s night. Having put it off until tonight, due to Sage arranging for the whole friggin town of Dragon’s Gap as well as the Faerie Grove to attend the party. Which it was now called, as males were included, so not just a girls night.

  Edith was not really annoyed. The whole family as well as the town were all so thrilled about the bonding of both couples and with everyone being invited. The faeries, shifters, humans and dragons, it was going to be a blast.

  Verity was happy, apparently Rene`, was due to return tonight. She was hoping he would be home in time to enjoy the party. Henry was somewhere in the apartment. He had brought her a cup of coffee earlier, she supposed he was cooking for tonight. He told her he was going and looking forward to it. The cleaners were cleaning, what… Edith had no clue nothing looked dirty to her but she shrugged, not her worry.

  No, her concern was her mating she had to come to terms with her bonding. Her bear was in blissful happiness with their mate, apart from the little detail of not liking her mate’s home. Edith sighed and placed her head on her hand as she stared out the window, she had to remember he was her shadow. That was what dragons called husbands and mates, she sighed again and admitted she did not like the apartment either, it did not feel like hers. She loved the bed, though. It was huge and comfortable, and she adored the view from the balconies.

  Her bear was right in that she called it his den, not theirs, but that left her with a dilemma would Sharm move and to where? Edith stood and stretched she had to get out of the apartment. She needed to walk around and think. And yes, she could do that here but she needed to be away from Sharm’s scent. Which was everywhere making her forget what it was she needed to think about.

  Edith was more reticent than her bear about their bonding. He seemed to be the perfect shadow, but she was just not sure, it seemed all too easy was it meant to be this way? Nothing in Edith’s life had been so simple and yet here she was bonded. With a very pleased bear and Sharm seemed thrilled. Verity was the same but Edith was well...friggin hell, she was just not sure!

  She stomped out of the apartment. She did not know what she was damn it! And was she meant to tell Henry when she left the apartment. See? She growled at her bear. That is another thing I do not know. This is all your fault because you wanted to get laid!

  She stabbed the button to call the lift for the main floor and slammed into it when the doors slid open. Her bear scolded her. You are being a child.

  I would resent that if it wasn’t partly true!

  You need to be doing something! You always get like this when idle.

  Haha! Edith scowled. Damn it maybe you are right!

  The lift stopped and she walked off while her mind was turning over her bear’s remarks. And walked straight into the arms of a female that was the same height as herself. A very beautiful female she noticed as she snarled. “Holy shit, are all friggin dragons so damn lovely?”

  Ella stepped back quickly from the enraged female and hesitantly apologized. “I am so very sorry, I did not mean to upset you.” She looked down, away from the glaring eyes and felt her heart beat faster as her hands became sweaty. She just bet this was Lord Sharm’s shadow. Goddess why was it always her! Would she never be graceful like her mother and sisters? Was she always doomed to be the clumsy one? Ella wanted to run and hide away from the beautiful lady and her angry eyes.

  Edith instantly felt bad, she knew the signs of a person who had been belittled and abused. They always had tells and a scent about them. She had met many during her foster years. She took a breath in and let it out slowly, then she carefully took the female’s hand in hers. She saw her flick her eyes up to hers and away again. In that one look Edith saw her youth, dragon she may be but youth was youth.

  “Hello, my name is Edith Black. Oops! I suppose I should say Kingsley now? See another thing I don’t know. I am sorry, I am a bear and I have a grumpy manner with a sharp tongue and am snappy on occasion.” She paused and said as the female raised startled eyes to hers. “Well most of the time really and I am pissed because there are rules I do not know about and that makes me irritable.” She looked at Ella who had finally raised her head to stare at her. “It is the truth. I am so friggin out of my depth here. So who are you?”

  “I am Ella Field, assistant to master healer Sharm. I came to introduce myself. It is my day off and I thought it was polite.” Oh Ella shut up you are rambling and why did it have to be her? She thought to herself so miserable she almost missed her dragon as she said. She is nice, I like her.

  How do you know she is nice?

  Look in her eyes they are sharp but honest, soft.

  And that says she is nice?


  “So your dragon talks to you too?” Edith asked with a smile.

  Hesitantly like she expected to be ridiculed Ella asked. “You know of others whose dragons speak to them?”

  “Yep Lady Verity’s dragon talks to her and I am told several other female dragons have woken up. You know my bear never talked to me until I came here.”


  Edith asked. “Why would I lie?”

  Ella ducked her head as she said softly. “Some people always lie.”

  “Well I do not. What would be the point? Shifters always know. I bet dragons do too?”

  “Mostly, some dragons are very good at it or have scent shields.” Ella told her quietly, and Edith knew she spoke from experience.

  “Huh! Well okay. I suppose that is like mental shields?” She took a stab at that. Ella smiled and nodded. “Something like that.”

  “Another thing I don’t know!” Edith moaned. “Damn it!” She asked Ella going back to the previous conversation. “Do you always do what is polite?”

  “Well yes. I was raised that way.”

  “Well that must have sucked!” Edith stated which caused Ella to laugh.

  Edith grinned. “As you can tell I was not, so as we are to become friends, you will have to curb that compulsion.”

  Ella stared at her and whispered. “Friends!”

  Edith slung her arm around the dragon and said as they started to walk from the castle. “Yes, now what had you planned for the day you have off?”

  Ella still fumbling with the word friend answered. “Well nothing. I do not have a plan, should one plan a day off?”

  Edith nodded. “Most definitely, do you know of a place to have coffee and tea?”

  Ella nodded and said wistfully if she had only known it. “There is Madam Tessa’s she has just opened. I have heard it is nice.”

  Edith asked. “You have not been there?”

  “No I do not like going to places alone, people stare.”

  Edith wanted to tell her it was probably because the female was so damn graceful and beautiful but thought she would not believe her, instead she said. “Because most people are idiots, just plain idiots. Remember that!”

  Ella nodded as Edit
h hummed then said. “So let’s go to this tea house. And I will ask you questions and you can do the same. And maybe you could tell me the rules and are you coming tonight?”

  “I was not invited.”

  Edith stopped walking as they came to the steps leading from the castle. She placed two fingers in her mouth and whistled loud and long when she was finished she looked at the shocked Ella. “Told you not polite, and that was for the car.”

  “Car?” Ella asked.

  “Yes a shifter has instigated a car service. I can drive but it seems most dragons and shifters cannot. So there is a need for a car service and before you ask my car is in being serviced I broke the transmission or something.”

  “Oh well alright!” Ella said a little mystified. She scrunched her face into a frown as she asked. “So anyone can use the service?”

  “Yep! Can you whistle?” Edith asked her. Ella shook her head her face downcast. “No.”

  “Only kidding you do not have to whistle. I just know he is around somewhere. I called the service from my place. You just use your phone. You have one of those, right?”

  Ella looked uncomfortable. “Oh well no not really! Who would I call?” She mumbled but Edith heard her and could not help herself. The poor female sounded so lonely she just went ahead and hugged her, saying. “Me, you can call me and after tonight there will be heaps of people to call. We will get you a phone today.”

  Ella looked unsure about the phone, but she liked the idea of not having to walk everywhere. She did not drive, although that would be a good skill to learn, as for a phone. What, she wondered would be the point, regardless of what Lady Edith said. She eyed her now, maybe she could asked her new friend to teach her to drive. She would think on it. Her dragon agreed. Good idea, Edee will teach.


  Yes, we like her. She is, friend.

  She blurted out. “My dragon calls you Edee?”

  Edith grinned. “Oh lovely, it is a new thing, little Molly started it.” She looked all soft and happy when she explained it. Ella wondered if she realized how much she revealed with that one sentence, or maybe it was a lonely person who recognized another! Edith told her. “I never had a nickname growing up.”


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