DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 36

by L M Lacee

  Scarlett told them. “Unfortunately yes it is. Some shifters can be susceptible to spells and faerie spells are very powerful as is the one placed on Edith.”

  “Scarlett who?” Verity demanded.

  Scarlett winced as she said. “I assume, and it is an assumption only, that it was Sela.” She said hurriedly when she saw the looks on their faces. “Please understand we only just found out early this morning. That she apparently escaped her guards.”

  They all looked towards Reighn who nodded. “King Elijah has just briefed me. I met mama and Grace on my way here.”

  Sage nodded. “Molly and Ava are protected?”

  “Of course my soul, they are with Lars, Stan, Storm and Keeper at the new pool.”

  Queen Scarlett took a chance and offered, “I would like to offer two faeries as nannies and guards. They are well trained by Sparrow, and she and I will vouch for them.”

  The guard captain inclined her head. “They both trained with my guards and are more than qualified. Also, they have been trained as nannies by the High Queen’s own personal Nanny.”

  They all waited to see what Reighn would say, he would not agree if Sage did not. Even though he could ask for no better nannies. He should not have worried with a relieved sigh Sage said. “High praise indeed. I welcome your offer. If they would like to work for us and the girls, we would appreciate it.”

  Scarlett inclined her head knowing the trust she was being offered by Sage, especially after the fiasco of Sela. Edith said. “So I am glad that is settled. Want to tell me how I am spelled and why and what it is doing.” She held her hand up as she thought back and asked. “Wait that day with Molly, the dust that made me sneeze was that when it happened?”

  Scarlett nodded. “Yes, although she would have had to renew it since.”

  “How and when?”

  “We would all like to know?” Sharm asked as he entered.

  “Oh I thought you would come later?” Queen Scarlett said a little annoyed with the male.

  Sharm inclined his head as he told her. “No, that deal was struck with my dragon who will return later. I am here now to find out what has happened to my shadow.”

  Edith’s heart thumped hard in her chest at his words. If only we could believe he cared. She said to her bear who answered. Maybe spell is making him act like an ass!

  Well yeah, that could be it!

  Let us hope the faerie can fix it.

  Sharm refused to look at his shadow, she had not returned to him as he thought she should. Forgetting he himself was not at his home but he needed to know if the spell placed her in danger. Scarlett walked to Edith and gently placed her hand on her head. “Sweet Edith I have called someone who can remove the spell.”

  “Why can you not?” Verity asked just before Edith did.

  Scarlett said kindly. “Because Edith is not just a bear she ...”

  “Yeah... Yeah a null!” Edith said as Sharm’s body tightened in response to the despair he heard in her voice. Grace smacked her shoulder. “I told you not to say that.”

  Edith cringed as she said. “Sorry forgot!”

  “Try not to in the future, Verity and I do not like it.”

  “Well sorry again!” A sheepish Edith said as Sage and June snickered. Scarlett continued ignoring the interruption. “What I was going to say is she is what we call a Grounder!”

  “I beg your pardon?” Edith asked a little hurt at the put down from her friend. “Did you say ground hog?”

  Scarlett growled at her. “No why would I say that. Grounder! Really Edee you must listen better.”

  Verity exclaimed. “That is a very old term, are you sure Scarlett?”

  “Oh yes as rare as they are. I knew when I first met her.”

  “So what is a grounder?” Sage asked before any of the others could.

  Scarlett said. “It means... Ahh! I do not know how to explain it to you.” She looked bewildered at them all, as she spread her hands.

  Verity said. “Think of a lightning rod and what that does. It attracts lightning and diverts it into the ground harmlessly, well that is what our Edee does. She gathers people around her and then sends them to do what they need to do, with her guidance and direction. She helps them.”

  “Like Ella?” Sharm asked.

  Verity nodded, “Yes or Conor and Johner, Tessa for example.”

  “I am betting that is what has happened all your life, people confided in you or came to you and you sorted their lives out for them. Guided them on the right path.” Scarlett asked sympathetically when she looked at Edith’s startled face.

  Edith hung her head as she said quietly. “That is why I restore art, it fills that place in me that was always empty and it is quiet. It demands little from me but a steady hand and a quiet mind.”

  “Oh my dear one,” Scarlett said with sympathy. “Of course it does. When no one needs your help or guidance your art does and the peace that comes from you working on the canvas must be such a pleasure.”

  Edith raised her eyes from the floor and looked at Sharm, saying with her heart had she but known it, in her eyes. “I had no idea and in truth it is very much the reason.”

  “Is that why the spell stuck to her?” June asked Sage who nodded slowly as she said. “It would almost have to be. Spells are not meant to affect shifters although I have heard if a witch is strong enough, she can form spells just for shifters. It would be very precise magic and she would have to be blessed by a higher power.”

  “You are forgetting about half shifters, would their human side be affected?” Grace asked.

  Sage grinned. “No the shifter gene resists normal magic or should.”

  Just then an Elemental arrived. Queen Scarlett you require our aid?

  “Yes, Lady Edith has been be-spelled or cursed.”

  In what form?

  “We are unsure, we assume faerie magic to cause great harm between Lady Edith and Lord Sharm to confuse and disenchant. To drive a wedge between them. To cause great mischief.”

  He swept both Sharm and Edith with his very purple eyes and advised. Such anger and confusion they have for each other. The curse was transformed, what started as fey magic has been mutated to cause great harm. Your bonding has grown cold, it is almost none existent. This is not right, you are destined to be together as greatness follows you both. He looked at Scarlet and Reighn. A terrible curse for one to cast, do you know who did so?

  “We believe the outlawed Sela” Scarlett told him.

  I leave you to administer justice.

  Scarlett and Reighn together said. “We will.”

  Leaning over the back of the couch, the Elemental placed his hand on Edith’s forehead and mumbled a few words then he said. The curse has been lifted, there will be no possibilities of this happening again. The Elemental disappeared as quickly as he arrived. Edith shrugged. “I feel no different.”

  Sharm shrugged as well. “I do not either!” Without a goodbye he turned and left the apartment by the balcony transforming and flying away before any could stop him. Leaving Edith staring after him, sadness etching her heart.

  Scarlett said to her softly. “I swear it was removed, and I also swear your shadow will return to you as the normal, loving male he is. His nature has been dented, but he is still there.”

  Edith tried to smile as she said. “If you say so.”

  Verity said with hug for Edith. “I think we should all go and leave Edith to think about things.”

  “Good idea.” Sage agreed then she and June ushered them all from the apartment. As Edith lay down on the couch and thought over all that had happened and all that had been explained. There was much to think on, uppermost in her bears mind was. Mate not an ass. I was right!

  Oh my Goddess. Is that all you got from that?

  What more was there?

  We were cursed!

  Pfft! Spells, curses what do I know of these?

  Maybe if you… like studied. We would not have become cursed in the first place!<
br />
  You are grounder. You should have known.

  How would I know this?

  See what you know…

  Yeah... Yeah! Would fill a tea cup.

  Several minutes passed as Edith lounged on June’s couch and sipped her drink, while she looked out the French doors and argued with her bear.

  “What are you doing?” Sage asked as she and June sat across from the prone female.

  “Mulling! I am bear we mull.” Edith said with a touch of her bear in her voice.

  “Oh!” Sage said, then she asked. “Will you be doing it for long?”

  Edith gave a long suffering sigh. “Who knows?”

  June pointed out. “It is just that it is quite maudlin. Don’t you think Sage?”

  “Maybe it is meant to be?” Sage suggested back to June who nodded. “Well it is mulling after all.”

  Edith eyed the two females as they sat looking at her, they were definitely crushing her mulling time, as annoyance tinged her voice she said. “It is mulling!”

  June said. “That is what I just said!”

  Sage sighed. “Well you know, it is real boring?”

  Edith growled and missed the gleam of amusement in both Sage and June’s eyes. She grumbled. “I did not ask you to stay. You two can leave, yah know?”

  “It is my place!” Complained June. Edith frowned at her and a smirking Sage. “Oh yeah! Well mulling here.”

  Sage mused out loud. “I know you have much to think on but well we could help by talking about it!”

  June agreed. “We are good at that, talking that is. I mean there was a lot going on. Spells, curses and lightning rods and grounders. Real exciting stuff!”

  They looked expectantly at Edith who they were sure was by now grinding her teeth as her bear snarled to Edith.

  These wolves have no concept of mulling!

  I know right, seriously what we need is a quiet place to lay and contemplate our life and what we are going to do?

  “So… What are you doing now?” June asked.

  “Still mulling, except with you two talking.” Edith snarked.

  “Oh…” Suddenly a shadow swept over the room blocking the sun. In exasperation for not being allowed to mull over the recent events. Edith snarled. “What the hell is happening now?”

  “Oh my!” Sage grinned as she said. “I think that is for you Edee!”

  June looked out murmuring. “Oh wow… beautiful!”

  Edith scrambled up and walked to the doors that led to the balcony. As Sage and June moved aside. Edith saw a beautiful sixty foot black dragon with scales that had a gorgeous blue sheen over them. He had enormous purple eyes that stared at her and in them she saw her Sharm. Her heart beat faster and her breath caught in her throat as she whispered. “Sharm you are a dream come true, beautiful absolutely beautiful!”

  He dipped his enormous head and Sage said. “I think he wants to take you flying.”

  “Is that true Sharm do you?” She heard in her mind, his voice or his dragon’s deep voice. Very much I am sad that I have not taken you flying so you could feel the wind and to pretend for a little while we are the only two souls in the world.

  Edith wiped her eyes. “Oh Sharm I don’t know what to say, thank you seems so tame.” He hovered close to the balcony as Edith slipped onto him.

  June said with admiration. “Wow! Her first time and she didn’t have to have a boost.”

  Sage sniffed as she eyed the female abreast of the black dragon. “Well with those long legs why would she?” She called out to Edith. “Tap his sides when you are ready to fly.” Then threw her a pair of sun glasses and grinned. “For the wind.”

  “Thanks.” Edith called back as she slipped them on and tapped his sides with her heels.

  Sharm gently moved from the balcony and when he was clear, he flew high into the air as Edith hugged his neck as far as her arms would reach. Thank you my shadow. She said as she felt him breathe out in contentment. They flew for what seemed like hours, finally Sharm circled above a lake, high in the same mountains that Edith often admired from Sharm’s balcony. He landed beside a large tree that partially obscured the opening to a cave. Edith slid off and stumbled a little before she could right herself. Sharm was there his arm around her. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome, riding dragon back I am told takes a little getting used to. I hope I did not overdo it?”

  Edith grinned up at him. “No, it was wonderful, one of the best experiences in my life. Thank you.”

  He grinned pleased. “Good, now…” He led her into a tunnel. “I have realized I have been remiss, normally dragons court our shadows or at least in the past we did.” He looked at Edith as she followed him down the tunnel. “I believe dragons need a type of courting to establish our link with our shadow. We did not do that,” He changed that to. “I did not do that and for that I am sorry.”

  Edith nodded even though he could not see her. “Do you think every dragon needs too?”

  “Maybe but in this case. I think only stubborn obstinate, one track minded healers, who cannot see reality for truth need it more.”

  Edith laughed. “Oh I see, well I am not sure what my response should be to that except spells and curses are a bitch!”

  Sharm laughed as he said. “Really I thought you would agree with me!”

  “Sharm?” She pulled his hand to stop him walking away. He turned as his eyes smiled at her. “Yes?”

  “No I do not agree. Are you stubborn, no more than I am, are you obstinate, not really, are you one track minded, yes as you should be. That is what makes you a great healer. I like the male I bonded to.”

  “But not the male I became?” He asked softly.

  Just as softly she answered truthfully. “No not so much!”

  He nodded as he led her further into the tunnel and smiled a smile she had not seen for a while. “You are very forgiving. My dragon tells me I should be thankful for this, and I am and humbled by your words. I will not ask for forgiveness because they are words we say too often.”

  “There is nothing to apologize for. The spell did its job very well.”

  “Unfortunately the spell did not place all the feelings and words in my mouth or mind. Which sadly I am to blame for.”

  “Oh, well again. I am not sure what my response should be.”

  Sharm said nothing for a minute then quietly said. “What I wish to do is show you for the remainder of our lives. How and why you are my shadow. Why you are a piece of my soul.”

  Her heart in her throat they entered a small cavern. Candles lined ledges everywhere, making the cave rosy with their glow. In a little curved horse shaped kick out made of rock was placed a beautifully set table with white linen and two covered dishes, along with champagne flutes and roses.

  A bucket of champagne cooling on ice was placed beside the table. A long the wall sat a table covered in the same white linen with still more covered dishes. Soft music played around them as they walked farther into the cavern. Looking up she could see faerie lights strung all over the ceiling of the cave. She bet actual faeries had placed them up there. It was one of the most romantic things Edith had ever seen. Sharm escorted her to her seat and as she sat, he kissed her hands. Looking deep into her eyes and saw the hurt, the bewilderment, the hesitation and ached for what had been caused.

  Edith asked with a smile. “Are we courting?”

  Sharm kissed her, letting her feel all the emotions, the hunger, the love he had for her in that one kiss. As he drew slowly back from her, he raised an eyebrow and said. “You and your bear are most definitely being courted.”

  He took his seat and poured the champagne, “Oh my!” Edith gave her head a little shake to clear the sexual haze that enfolded her. She cleared her throat and tried for normal. “I do not think I have ever had champagne before.”

  Sharm grinned as he raised his glass to hers. “To new and exciting experiences.”

  Edith grinned as the glasses clinked. “I like the sound of that.

  They took their time eating, drinking, and talking about everything and anything that crossed their minds. Sharm set the pace of an unhurried evening. They spoke of their lives growing up, in Edith’s case without parents, in Sharm’s with parents and brothers. They discussed Johner's adoption, his nest brothers and what they could do to improve the quality of care for the orphans arriving at the Gap. They touched lightly on their relationship, but when Edith wanted to bring it round to them in more detail. Sharm talked of something else.

  Her bear finally told her. He is courting, when courting one does not talk of their relationship. Which seemed dumb to Edith, so she asked, what do they do then? Her bear slyly said. They talk of life and have sex, lots of sex. Edith called her a sex maniac, and it sort of went downhill from there.

  Sharm and his dragon were having a similar conversation, his dragon advised him. Talk of her art now!

  I am getting there.

  We must make our shadow know we like her work, that the idea of the gallery is a good one. Patiently Sharm told his dragon. I will, I swear!

  Good, you have hurt her enough, time to make up for short comings.

  I agree! He could feel his dragon’s fear that Edith would leave them, but he could see in her eyes she would not. She was confused but that was understandable. It would take time for her to trust him again, and Sharm had nothing but time to win her.


  T hey talked well into the early morning, interlaced with drinking and slow dancing to music that Sharm had chosen. He had married soft rock and country together it was a beautiful combination of music to dance to as they moved slowly around the cave floor. Sharm’s dragon sighed as he held her in his arms, at peace for the first time since they had joined together, softly he said. “Somewhere along the way the curse made me think my wants were more important than yours.” It was the first either of them had mentioned the curse since they had entered the cave. Edith asked. “Are they?”

  “No never, that is the sad thing about this. I guess I fell in love with the curse version of a shadow and the reality is so very different.”


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