DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 37

by L M Lacee

  Edith asked before she thought. “Better or worse?”

  “So very much better, you are a delight to my senses and I realized after the influence of the curse had dissipated that instead of fighting your nature. Of trying to plant you in a role you are so unsuited for. I should enjoy your nature your feisty defence of those you perceive who need it.”

  “I will defend you to the death you know that right?”

  Sharm kissed her fingers and told her. “Yes I know and I would hope you know the same applies for me. We, my dragon and I are yours to command.”

  “Oh Sharm I don’t want to command you. I want to love you, to belong to you.”

  “I am humbled my heart for all that I have said and done, you are willing to believe in me. To still trust I will not revert back to a sexist moron.”

  “See I know from what everyone has told me that is not you. I believe the male who I first bonded with is my Sharm. Not the male you became, he was the curse. Sure was some of what you said how you felt, why not? You are allowed to have desires, wants and expectations. I am sorry I cannot meet all of them.”

  Sharm moved with her as he told her. “I am happy, more than happy with who you are my Edith, my heart and soul. I want every aspect of you.”

  Edith frowned. “You know I am grumpy, sharp tongued and can be maudlin at times right?”

  Sharm smiled as he pulled her into his arms tighter and kissed her cheek and neck and moved towards her lips murmuring. “Dear Goddess I hope so.”

  Edith felt entranced with the male that romanced her in a cave in the mountains of Dragon’s Gap. Finally towards dawn Sharm took his shadow back to their apartment and together they rediscovered the bonds that joined them as a shadowed couple.

  Edith woke around mid-day and watched him for a few minutes in wonder. So this was her Sharm, unencumbered from a spell or curse or a cursed spell, whatever they called it. This was her real Sharm, without what was placed on her to turn him against her. Sela was indeed clever and she would pay for her mischief, Edith would make sure she did. To hurt her shadow like that was beyond cruel. Sharm was an honorable male she had known that and yet he had acted the opposite. It must have been confusing and hurtful for him and his dragon. As she lay watching him, she knew the feeling that came over her was love. She loved this male so much and was so very glad she was here with him.

  She went to slide from the bed and grinned as his arm curled around her and dragged her back against his body, stopping her movement. With his eyes closed he asked. “Where are you going, my shadow?”

  Edith laughed as she snuggled back against him. “Well nowhere now!”

  “Good!” He kissed her neck and murmured. “We have to stay in here until three o’clock this afternoon.”


  He smiled as he opened his eyes to watch her reaction. “To allow Henry time to have everything moved to our new Zen apartment!”

  Her reaction was everything he had hoped for when he had planned this yesterday. Her eyes widened as she registered what he had said, then her jaw dropped open and she smiled with her whole body as she threw herself over him. “Oh Sharm our own place really?”

  “Yes my soul truly.”

  “We are taking our bed right?”

  “Of course, we like our bed. I made that quite clear to Henry”


  “Henry will have left drinks and rolls for us on the balcony for when we rise.”

  “That is so nice.” She whispered as she placed tiny kisses along his jaw line.

  Sharm grunted. “One would think so but in truth he just wanted us to stay out of his way so we wouldn’t interfere in his arrangements.”

  Edith grinned. “Well whatever will we do until we are allowed out? Should we eat, drink coffee, shower?” Her eyebrows rose as she made each suggestion. Sharm grinned as he dragged her fully on top of him. “Let us discuss this in detail.”

  He started to nibble on her neck as she squirmed, grinning he told her. “Keep that up and it will lead to interesting things my shadow.”

  Edith grinned as she sat up. “Well I do hope so!”

  “We have to kill time somehow I suppose!”

  Edith put her head back and laughed.


  R ene` Kingsley walked from the glowing portal into what once was his full time home and was now his home only when he was here. As he crossed the threshold, he felt the old annoyance of the Dragon Lord Mantle settle on his shoulders. He had lived with that responsibility for centuries and now he was finding that it was hard to shake the feelings, the thoughts of the mantle invoked.

  His dragon asked. Why do you fight the feeling? We carried it for so long. You should welcome it like a friend, not an enemy!

  I am not there yet. It seems the annoyance of being Dragon Lord has not left. I only feel free when I am not here.

  And yet we pine for our home and family. His dragon mumbled softly.

  Rene` felt his dragon’s sadness but had no idea how to fix what he felt. He loved his home and family. It was a quandary he wrestled with daily. He walked into his apartment to be confronted by mayhem. “What is going on with our home?”

  Verity whirled around from her decorator. “Rene` my love!” She went into his opened arms and felt the bond they had, smooth and strengthen. “Verity my soul what is going on?”

  She laughed happily. “I am changing our home. We need to become updated.”

  Rene` eyed his happy shadow as he asked. “I see, what brought this on?”

  “Oh Edith, she suggested it and she was right. I have out grown this period of my life. It is time for change and renewal.”

  He held her in his arms and bestowed a kiss that still made her heart beat faster. She smiled and sighed when he let her go. “I have missed you my Rene`.”

  They touched foreheads as he said. “I know as I have missed you. Let us go into town, as my home is turned upside down and you can tell me what has happened.”

  Verity nodded. “One moment dear.”

  She left him to finish her directions to the team of decorators, minutes later they were walking from the castle. “Tell me my love what has happened?”

  Verity spent the time as they walked to Tessa’s new tea house explaining about Edith. Sharm and his attitude and the curse. When she had finished, they had entered Tessa’s.

  “Lady Verity so nice to see you again is Lady Edith joining you?” Tessa asked as she showed them to a table. Verity smiled. “No, I am sorry. She is not here.” There was a collective sigh of sadness from their hostess as well as all the patrons. Rene` looked around, the tea room was filled with equal amount male and female and they all looked despondent at the news.

  Verity smiled as she introduced Rene`. “Lady Tessa, this is my shadow Rene` he will be joining me today.”

  “Welcome Lord Rene` it is nice to meet the shadow of our Lady Verity and Sire of our Lady Edith’s shadow.”

  “Thank you.” Rene` said slightly taken aback to be relegated to an appendage of Verity and Edith’s. It was a position he had never been in before. He was unsure how he felt about it. After they had been served and had taken the first swallow of tea. Rene` said. “You called me back for what reason my love?”

  “Well I am sorry. I became distracted and should have told you it was not necessary for you to come home. All is better now it seems.”

  “It is never wrong Verity. I am glad to be home.”

  “Oh I think that is not quite true you are glad to be with me. But home no! Please, Rene` do not fabricate, not with me.”

  Rene` frowned as he looked at his lovely shadow and saw the glint of anger and hurt in her eyes. “It is true what you say and I know I need to apologize to you for my indecision. I too wish I could embrace the life you have here. Let us talk of other things please. I am here with you that is all I wish.”

  Verity let it go but firmly thought things would not stay the way Rene` wished forever. Things were changing, she was ch
anging and her shadow would have to change too. Her dragon growled. No, we should yell like Edee does at shadow!

  Well, we could do that or we could try my way first.

  Your way too slow!

  “So let me tell you what has been happening.” Verity launched into her news for the next hour as they talked of the changes to Dragon’s Gap and then laughed at antics of the grandchildren. She finally told him her dragon had made herself known to her. Much to Rene`s amazement and delight. She hesitantly told him of the museum and her plans. His lukewarm reception of the idea depressed her and made her feel like she should rethink her decision.

  Rene` frowned his Verity had many wonderful new things happening in her life but he was not happy about this new venture of hers. What did she know of running a museum? It seemed a bit extreme. He decided to talk to his sons to see what their take on it was as they would have a better grasp of the situation.

  They left Tessa’s and spent the remainder of the day wandering around the town talking to people they had not seen for a while. Then they stopped in at Grace’s for tea and Rene` and Grace talked about gardening which Verity did not know Rene` enjoyed doing. She sat and listened not to the conversation about gardens but to her dragon as they discussed ways to have Rene` realize he needed to be at home.

  After the decorators had gone for the day, they had dinner in the newly redesigned apartment. Two hours later Rene` kissed Verity with the promise he would not be long. He called his sons to meet as was normal for when he returned to the castle.

  They all met in the Dragon Lord’s small dining room that joined his office. An hour later after a few whiskeys, they had all caught up on the news of family as well as the Hunters and the Shields missions. When Edith slammed into the room to be confronted by every Kingsley male and two nest brothers. “Well are you all quite happy with yourselves?”

  Reighn eyed the fiery female as Sharm seemed disinclined to answer her. “Yes I think we are.”

  Edith seemed to grow with his answer. Her voice became colder and definitely more sarcastic. “Really! So the fact, your mother Reighn and your shadow, Rene`. Is depressed and feeling old and worthless again because you all made her give up the museum. So this causes you satisfaction. Well, that is good to know!” She seared them all with her withering gaze as she snarled and they could all hear her bear as she said. “In case you masters of wisdom all missed it. I am beyond angry at the selfishness of the males in this family.”

  She whirled around and pointed her finger at Rene`. “And you most of all are number one on my shit list. I have heard all about the great Rene` who was tied to the castle for eons and how he was finally able to escape to see the world. To do what he really wanted to do, which was not to be with his shadow! I ask you as it seems none of your sons will, when will you place your sweet Verity above your own needs? When was the last time you thought to ask her if she was tired of being tied to the castle as well? Or did you not even think of her in your hurry to get away from here…from her!”

  “My soul, I thought we talked about this earlier?”

  “Did we Sharm, I thought we had an argument and you left.”

  “So we would not fight.” He told her in a tight voice.

  Edith snarled as she asked him. “Well how is that working out for you?”

  Rene` demanded as he stood. “How dare you?”

  Sharm stood as well saying quietly. “Papa she is my shadow.”

  Rene` produced a cold smile as he said. “Then maybe you should control her better my son!”

  Sharm shook his head as he stated. “My shadow needs no controls. You will not speak so of her!”

  They all heard the in-drawn breath Edith took and cringed waiting for her to blast their father wither sharp words. But she said nothing her face hardened more and her eyes became stormy seas as she stared at Rene`. He knew he had stepped over the line and wanted to apologize but one look at the closed face of Sharm’s shadow and his son’s stony face. He refused to be intimidated. He was their Sire. Instead, he demanded of Edith. “You think you need to defend my Verity from her sons, from me her Shadow? You have no knowledge of our lives?”

  Edith almost quailed at the tone of a Lord speaking to a peasant. She sent one searing look at her shadow and then looked Rene` up and down and asked.

  “If I do not, who will? Certainly not you!” With that she stormed from the room slamming the door, as she went. It cracked as it settled in the door frame.

  “Well fuck!” Storm hissed.

  “I think I pissed myself.” Stanvis hurriedly stated. Lars hit him as he said. “She is one scary female!”

  “I think we should be grateful she cannot shift to her bear.” Keeper agreed. Sharm swallowed the whiskey in his glass not looking at any of them. His Edith was impressive, and he could feel the pride from his dragon. “She is correct we have failed our Dam. Papa has most of all.” He looked around at his brothers and father as he spoke and no one was left in any doubt how angry he was. “Edith is my shadow. You Sire had no right to speak as you did to her. She is mine to protect, to love. Why would you speak as you did to her, is it shame?”

  Rene` felt anger as his son called him out for his rudeness. His anger rode his answer. “She had no right to speak as she did. I am your Sire. I deserve respect.”

  “Maybe so! Although you would never have tolerated any male, family or not, talking to our mother like that. Because she too deserves respect like my Edith does. She is family, I chose her to join our family.”

  “Maybe you chose wrong?” Rene` stated coldly and then felt his dragon cringe at his words. Damn it!

  Sharm slammed his hands on the table and his dragon growled. “No we chose right, she is ours, you are wrong. Never say that again. My shadow is a precious amazing female that has endured much. It has taken me far too long to realize who and what she is.” He walked around the table and stopped at the door. As he turned his head towards his father, he said. “I will not allow you to subject her to your brand of discrimination, because she does not match your ideal of a shadow. I will take her from here before I allow that to happen!” Then he too stormed from the room.

  “Sharm!” Rene` called as the door slammed shut once more.

  Reighn leaned back in his chair and stared at his Sire. “How many of you told mama the idea of her running the museum was a bad idea?”

  All but Lars and Keeper put their hands up. Rene` had not raised his hand but by the look on his face Reighn knew his father had if not said anything to her, had not encouraged her.

  Storm said. “I did not say that exactly. I asked if she had thought it through. The amount of work that would be involved.”

  Johner sighed. “I sort of said the same thing.”

  Stan said. “I hinted that maybe she should enjoy her retirement, rather than take on a project this big.”

  Lars said. “I told her she was wonderful to give the community an identity through the museum.”

  Keeper said. “I have not spoken to her but when I do. I will tell her she is amazing to think of others. And it must be wonderful to find something to do that she will love as much as she loved running the castle.”

  Reighn nodded. “That is more or less what I said. She was very happy the happiest I have seen her for months, even years. So Father what say you?”

  “I have nothing to say.”

  “Really you had heaps to say to Edith!” Said Storm.

  “We all screwed up, you included papa and when she called us on it. Instead of admitting we have you attacked her, then Sharm?” Stanvis stated.

  Rene` stood and in the voice he used to quell his warriors he demanded. “You speak to me so?”

  “We do when you are wrong!” Lars told him.

  Rene` walked towards the door as he said. “I did not come home for this!”

  “Then why did you?” Asked the normally quiet Keeper

  Rene` reached for the handle of the door and stared at the wood. “Your Dam asked me too and in truth
I missed you all very much.”

  “Really? I am surprised!” Disbelief filled his voice Keeper had decided the time was right to speak. His anger at his father for running from his mother, his sons, his life had held his tongue but no more. If Edith who had been in the family less than a month could see his mother’s unhappiness he could no longer remain quiet. Rene` turned his head to his youngest son. “Excuse me?”

  “You are running all the time papa! All the time, you left us all. Edee is right… you ran away and are still running. We miss you. Our family is less without your heart to guide us. We your family need you but you are never here.”

  Reighn placed his hand on Keeper’s shoulder in comfort and support. Rene` did not miss the gesture and felt his dragon’s pain. He felt his heart squeeze as he softly said. “No I am not running!”

  Reighn stood. “Yes papa you are. You have been since before I took over and mama is suffering for it. Time to choose!”

  “It is not that easy my sons.”

  “No I suppose it is not.” Lars agreed as he stood along with the others. “Yet our father, you must or mistakes like today with Sharm and Edith will continue or become more frequent.”

  “If they do, Sharm will take Edee away from here as he threatened and if he does I will go with him.” Keeper stated quietly.

  “As will we all.” Lars told him.

  Reighn looked at his father and with his dragon in his voice told him. “I will not allow that to happen. So guess what will happen Sire?”

  “What you suggest is blackmail. Toe the line or never come home.” Rene` accused hearing his dragon snarl. No, listen to our sons they are trying to make you understand we need home. Sons need us at home, shadow needs us.

  Rene` ignored his dragon as Reighn said quietly. “Edith is a Grounder papa. One of the all-time impossibilities we have all read of in our histories. She must be needed here because she is here and bonded to your son. What does that tell you? We are not blackmailing you. What we are trying to get you to see, is our world is changing.

  We, your family are changing, your shadow has changed. You are missing out on so much, your sons and their shadows and grandchildren. To walk back into our lives only on your terms lessens the value we place on you. We will live around you and eventually as sad as it will be. We will not need or expect you in our lives, and that will be the worse crime of all.”


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