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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 38

by L M Lacee

  “Sire the mantle is no longer yours. The fit has shifted, mama has realized that, it is time you do too.” Johner told him softly.

  Rene` looked at his sons at the love they showed him. “My sons I am sorry.”

  “We know papa.” Keeper said. “So are we!”


  R ene` had spent an uncomfortable night with Verity in their redecorated apartment. After the confrontation with his sons, he had walked around for a while hoping to meet Sharm but he had not been able to find him.

  Finally, he had gone back to his apartment to be met by a cold Verity and for one of the few times in their bonding they had an argument. It had lasted until Verity had slammed from the room. Telling him to sleep in the guest room, she would not have him in her bed. He had spent a long night listening to his dragon’s grumblings. She had still not appeared when he rose from his lonely bed. He had solitary breakfast which he had prepared himself as the servants had the week off apparently, and Verity would not answer his timid knock on her bedroom door.

  Afterward, he had paced the apartment again going over his son’s words and his shadows. He decided he would talk to Edith only to be told by her butler Henry she was at her studio. Receiving instructions on how to find it, he wandered the hallways noticing several paintings that looked newly cleaned. His dragon told him that was what Edith did cleaned and made sure the art work was good for the castle. Eventually, he found Edith’s studio. Without knocking or announcing himself he walked through the opened door. “Good morning Edith.”


  “It would seem you are still annoyed.”

  “Annoyed no. I am still friggin angry!”



  “Yes why?” Rene` eyed the very angry female as she sat at her easel.

  “Really!” Edith placed her paint brush down carefully as her temper bubbled under her skin. “I love your shadow. She is the nicest, gentlest, sweetest female I have ever met. It makes me angry to see you all abuse that in her. You take her for granted, expect so much of her and now when she needs you the most, you have abandoned her.” She watched him as he stared around at her work room.

  “I see!” He said as he walked around not touching the paintings of which there were a few. All on easels in various stages of cleaning or repair with many more stacked up against walls.

  They had appeared much to Edith’s amusement after Verity had ordered them from storage. Rene` moved from painting to painting some he remembered from his youth, others he had not seen for many years. “Do you repair tapestries?”

  Edith nodded. “I can but I am interviewing people who are far better than I am at it.”

  “I see,” He said again, “So my Verity has commissioned you to take over the art works of the castle.”

  “And Dragon’s Gap.”

  He stopped and looked at her. “I beg your pardon?”

  Edith shrugged. “As you know we have decided to open a museum, or more accurately Lady Verity has. I am doing the art for the museum. I am also opening an art gallery to display the art that is all around us and hopefully to encourage artists.”

  “This was your idea?”

  “Not completely, it was mine and Sage’s.”

  He resumed his perusal of the art, his hands behind his back. A tall beautifully well-dressed male who appeared to be in his late fifties but was probably thousands of years older if not more. Edith wanted to dislike him but found she could not she was annoyed with him but to her, that emotion was normal. To hate the male was impossible.

  Her bear told her. Mate looks like Sire!

  I know. It was not just because Sharm looked so much like him. It was more that she knew he loved Verity deeply and his sons with a love that knew no boundaries. Here was a male that would die for anyone of them without a thought. But when it came to understanding what they all needed from him, he was lost. Her bear said sadly. He doesn't love us, you yelled at mate’s father!

  Well yeah but you know damn well he deserved it, they all did!

  Mate angry with us.

  Nah! Not really. I don’t think so.

  He didn't come home!

  Well yeah, he did do that.

  Maybe he will not come back ever.

  Why would you say that, you are one maudlin bear?

  You yelled at father and brothers!

  Well, I cannot go back and un-yell, can I? She snarled at her grumpy bear, who refused to talk to her anymore. To stop herself thinking of Sharm not returning to their apartment she compared the male in her studio with the male she loved. Sharm really did look like his father probably more than his other brothers. He had the same black hair although Rene`s was woven through with steel threads. And Sharm’s eyes were blue whereas, Rene`s were the color of cognac and usually she had been told sparkled with humor. Right now they held enough ice to drop the warmth of the room by degrees. He was clean shaven and so very handsome, it was easy to see where his sons all got their looks from.

  Rene` eyed the female as he said. “You said many things last night. I have taken exception too!”

  She said nothing just waited for him to continue, when he saw she was not going to jump in with excuses or an apology. He worked his jaw and frowned. “My Verity is fine. I saw none of what you talked about.”

  “Did you not? Amazing, did you ask her or talk to her about what I said.”

  He did not reply but his shoulders hunched ever so slightly. Edith’s lips tightened in anger and her voice came out sharper than she had intended it to as she said. “She is lonely, desperately so. Before Reighn took over she was busy with being the Lady to the Dragon Lord. She ran this castle and the people within it. Everyone came to her for advice and favors. She designed and oversaw the remodeling of the apartments, the whole castle in fact. Her children all lived at home, her shadow was with her and then like a snap of your fingers it was gone.”

  Rene` turned fully to look at her. Edith stared at him as she continued in a softer voice. “She is now the mother of grown children who have children of their own. They do not need her like they did! Her shadow is off leading warriors and enjoying the sights of the world. Going to places that they both had visited in their youth and she is stuck here alone, left behind. It all went away, all her responsibility, her sons and you. Just gone and when she decided to find something to do you all took it away again. You have left her with nothing!”

  Rene`s face had become pale his cheek bones more pronounced as he kept control of his anger. The truth of her words sent darts of regret mixed with anger through him. His dragon sat up and listened as he heard what she said and saw what she painted with her words. Harshly he demanded. “You think I do not see that?”

  Edith shrugged nonchalantly. “When would you see it Lord Rene` when are you home long enough to actually see anything?”

  Temper rose swiftly along with his dragons at her criticism although Rene` was unsure if his dragon was angered by this female or himself. Rene` let her feel his displeasure as he asked sharply in the voice he had used time and again in the royal court. “You are very free with your criticisms and if I am not mistaken you have only been here a matter of weeks. I was told your bonding with my son has not been all that successful.” Instantly he regretted his words when he saw the haunted look enter her eyes before they became shuttered. His dragon snarled at him. Why do you hurt her with your words? Do you want to find stray puppies to kick as well?

  Rene` wanted to apologize to Edith and his dragon. His words were uncalled for and unkind. Just because he was in pain, it did not necessitate her being hurt. He felt ashamed but before he could apologize. She laughed a little bitterly as she said. “So because of that I have no understanding of what is going on around here. Please! It is far too easy to see. All you have to do is look. You cannot negate your responsibility towards your shadow that easily. You created this, now you have to fix it. One way or the other!”


��Stay away completely or come home. Stop screwing everyone around.”

  “This is what you, who has lived a minute of my time on this world tells me to do?”

  Edith shrugged. “Whatever Lord Rene`. If you will excuse me. I have work to do. Something else your shadow is denied!”

  Rene` stood absolutely still with his dragon’s silence weighing heavily on his mind. Whether he was in shock or dismay he did not know. What he did know was, he Rene` Kinsley had never in his life been dismissed dismissively! Anger he had not felt for years swamped his senses drowning out his dragon’s advice for calm. He strode from the room and slammed the door making the whole wall shake in his wake.

  Edith could hear him stomp down the hallway as she put her head in her hands and breathed deeply. Her hands trembled as her heart beat faster. She mumbled to herself. “He is one scary dude, when he is pissed!”

  Her bears comment went nowhere near close enough to making her feel better. Dragon mama didn't tell us Dragon papa is so volatile!

  No! She left that part out. Hope she knows what she is doing?

  He her shadow, she knows!

  Well okay, so do we tell our shadow?

  We are grounder. We keep secrets like keepers do.

  Oh now you are a grounder?

  We keep secret and always grounder.

  Okay, well, a healer must keep things to themselves as well. So okay.

  Yes, although you did not need to be so mean to shadows papa. He will be grumpy with us now!

  Oh so now I am at fault?

  See with you. Everything is personal!

  Are you serious?

  Her bear just grunted in response as Sage walked in from the other door. “Edith, are you okay?”

  Edith’s reply was muffled. “Barely! Wow… I think I lit a sky rocket under his ass.”

  “Umm yeah! Do you think that was wise?”

  Edith lifted her head. “I did what had to be done, you know that Sage. Verity asked and who am I to turn her down? Would you have?”

  “No of course not, I agree with you.”

  “Okay so we never speak of this right?”

  Sage hurriedly agreed. “Right, never happened!”


  “Rene`! Really Edee!”

  Edith laughed softly then said. “Yep, I do not think anyone has said or done that to him for years.”

  “If ever!” Sage mumbled.

  Edith shrugged. “Well there you go. So when I am banished from the castle, will you visit me?”

  Sage hugged her. “Sure but Reighn will not let that happen nor will Sharm allow it. Such a drama bear!”

  “So rude! I so am not a drama bear and as to Sharm, we are not talking.”

  “Because of last night?”

  “Yep!” Her face became closed. Sage nodded deciding not to pursue that line of questioning and said instead. “You know what you need?”

  “Alcohol, loads of it, so much I cannot feel or think.”

  Sage answered. “Oh yeah, well okay. I was going to say food but alcohol will do.”

  Edith grinned. “Nah food sounds better, maybe I will become a worry eater.”

  “Female you are strange even for us!”

  “So you say!”


  E dith sat on the balcony of her and Sharm’s new apartment. It was late afternoon. After the meeting with Rene`, she had gone with Sage to June’s apartment and had a delicious lunch with tea not alcohol. She had decided when she confronted Sharm. She did not want to be giddy with alcohol. So here she was in their apartment waiting for Sharm to return, but in truth she was mulling things over.

  It had been five days since the romantic evening at the cave and moving into their new apartment, unfortunately she thought. Apart from the sex and dear Goddess that was incredible, it seemed like they were heading backwards again.

  I mean? She asked her bear. What do we know about him? The real him, not the cursed him? Other than he does not like to fight and leaves just when I was winning. I mean that in itself, is just so annoying!

  Her bear sighed as she asked. Why are you angry at mate now?

  Oh yeah! It is so all my fault? She snapped back. You were there. He basically told me not to speak then he walked away!

  To father and brothers, you growled.

  Of course I did.

  Maybe mate knew better!

  No our mate is just too forgiving.

  Why do you say it like that?

  Like what?

  Like it is a curse.

  It was just an observation… Sheesh!

  You do not make mate calm!

  Yeah well! Edith grinned. I really do not!

  Nothing to be proud of! Scolded her bear.

  Depends! You like the making up part. Do not deny it?

  Sharm flew above the tops of the trees angry and annoyed at himself. Unfortunately, he could not blame the curse for what he had done last night. By not returning to his shadow, he had screwed up again. Shadow is feisty!

  I asked her not to say anything.

  No, you walked away.

  So we would not fight!

  You like to fight.

  We are not meant to fight. She is my shadow. She should...

  Oh, she should be sweet and docile and obedient?

  I never said that!

  His dragon said nothing. Sharm flew on and finally after thirty minutes he said. I never meant that although it sounds like what I would have said before. I embarrassed her in front of my brothers and Sire. I did not stand for her. He sighed. I have let my shadow down, why did I do that?

  You felt embarrassed she told you all what we have done to our Dam.

  Yes, I think that is true and shame made me allow papa to speak to her as he did.

  He had no right to speak to our shadow like that. She is ours to protect, to defend from everyone else. You told Papa that.

  I know I owe her an apology.

  If she lets you!

  Yes, if she does! He flew home and shifted as he landed on the balcony. She sat in the chair her face was set. It was like she had wiped it clean. Her eyes she could do little about they looked bruised and hurt shone from their depths.

  “Saying sorry is not enough and truthfully I am tired of saying it but I am sorry.” He said softly. “I allowed my shame to color my words and like my Sire, I have taken it out on you. Do not shoot the messenger is a saying is it not?”

  “It is.” She said quietly still without inflection.

  “I shot the messenger and for that I am deeply ashamed. You were right.”

  Edith stood and told him. “It was never about right or wrong it was about your mother and us. How we are meant to back each other up.” She made to move pass him. He gently caught her arm. “I failed to back you up when you were there, after you had gone was not enough. I should have left with you.”

  Edith asked softly. “You stood for me?”

  “I did but not...”

  “Hush! Just hush the fact you did is enough.”

  In that moment Sharm realized several things, if he did not admit he and his shadow had a relationship uniquely theirs, he would lose her. And if he gave it half a chance, their bonding would work. But the most amazing realization was that he was in love with his shadow. It had taken him far too long to see what was staring him right in the face. His Edith was made for him as much as he was made for her. And he like his dragon had fallen in love with her from the very first minute he had laid eyes on her. She brought light into his life, challenged him to be a better male. To be true to himself and she drove him to his knees with her love.

  He moved and pressed his body to hers. His arms enclosed her in his embrace as he felt her tremble. He moved her hair aside and leant his face near her cheek as he said. “I have lived my life surrounded by my mother, father, brothers, nest brothers, aunts and uncles. Please forgive me my arrogance. I want you to have that too and part of having a family like ours. Is you have every right to ca
ll us on our attitudes whenever we step out of line? I will always have your back, front and every side you wish to give me.”

  Edith smothered a giggle at the sexy growl in his voice, her body softened further as he whispered. “You are mine to defend, protect, love and my dearest Edee. I do love you with all my heart and soul.”

  Edith closed her eyes as she felt her body warm to his touch. “I too love you beyond reason my Sharm. Please never walk away from me again. I can and will take everything else, but I cannot do that.” She turned in his arms. “Promise whatever happens, however mad I make you. You will not leave me. I am lost without you!”

  His throat closed at her plea, he just nodded and then when two tears fell from her beautiful sea eyes, he almost dropped to his knees. Sharm kissed her forehead as he pleaded. “Please do not cry. I love you my shadow, my love for now and eternity!”

  Edith let more tears fall as she said. “I love you, mine forever!”

  “Forever my soul, together we fly to meet the future.”

  “Together always!”

  Here ends Sharm and Edith’s story.

  Love’s Catalyst

  By L.M. Lacee

  Table of Contents














  D ragon's Gap, a town protected and hidden from the world by dragon magic. As the name implies the town's citizens are dragons. When the Goddess of the Shifter Nation pronounce that all full-blood shifters had incurred her wrath and were under a sentence of death panic ensued. The Goddess in her grace relented enough to allow any who found their way to Dragon’s Gap to survive. Just like Sage who was a child of a witch and a wolf. As well as her friends June a wolf and Claire, a cougar. Along with hundreds of other females. So this brings us to this novella which is about two of Dragon's Gaps favorite people, Lars Axton, Prime to the Dragon Lord. And Claire Nash, retriever and seer, friend and adopted sister to Sage and June.


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