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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 57

by L M Lacee

  He strode with her in his arms to his bedroom, to prove as many times as it would take. How much she and her dragon were wanted, adored and loved. He spent many hours convincing her and her dragon that they were loved, much to their mutual satisfaction.

  An hour later Storm hovered close to his balcony as Charlie slid from his back. Before she regained her balance from riding dragon back, he was there. His dragon was riding him hard to secure his bonding as his lips crushed down on hers. Finally, he lifted his head and said. “I want to go slow, I really do! Unfortunately we have waited so long for you, and he will not allow me the time to court…”

  “Shut the hell up.” She growled back bravely. “Who asked you to? Now love me my large dragon before I strip you here and have my wicked way with you.”

  He grinned as he scooped her up into his strong arms. “My kind of female.”

  “Of course I am, now get me bonded before some idiot comes along and interrupts us.”

  He wanted to say that would not happen, but his dragon reminded him they were parents now, and young always wanted their parents. He growled and marched with her into his apartment. Charlie didn’t take her eyes from the male whose arms she was being carried in. Never in her life had she thought there would be anyone for her she had been alone for a long time since her sister’s death. And who could want an assassin or a half-human. She was part amazed and mostly she admitted, intrigued…

  Storm felt her mind wandering, he needed her focused and not on other things. He brought his mouth down on hers once more as he placed her on his bed coming down on top of her. She kissed him back, then pulled her lips from his and panted. “Wait...Wait!”

  “No time must be joined.” He panted back. Charlie nodded deciding some things could not be explained or at least not at this moment. “Well okay.” She hissed out as she heard fabric ripping, as he tore her clothes from her body. Charlie admitted it was the most erotic sound she had ever heard, she could not help the moan of desire that escaped her throat in appreciation.

  Storm’s mind went wild at the sound and within seconds they were both as naked as the day they were born. The room became silent as they stared at each other. Then a slow smile came over Storm’s face, changing him from fierce to startling handsome as his eyes traveled her body, stopping here and there along the way. “My… My...What do we have here?” He asked in a voice saturated with desire and raised eyebrows as he looked down his shadow’s body again.

  Charlie closed her eyes. She knew what he saw, scars. She had forgotten about them in her haste, she covered herself with her hands and went to roll away. Her hands were taken in a soft grip and she found herself flat on her back with Storm’s body pressing her a little harder into the mattress. She closed her eyes against the horror that would be in his.

  “Going somewhere?” A sinfully dark voice asked.

  Charlie nodded. “I know scars are a turn off.”

  “Really! I have to say I find them enticing, enchanting, even dare I say it. Arousing!” He interlaced each description with kisses along the worse or most recent of her scars, it was still red and slightly puckered, only being a few months old.

  “Oh my!” She breathed out as she felt the hot breath of his dragon on her skin. Her eyes snapped open to see him looking at her with eyes that had turned purple and elongated. His voice held his dragon as he told her. “We like scars.”

  Charlie smoothed his cheeks as she huskily said. “Well good, I have plenty.”

  Storm’s dragon receded when he saw he had made his point. “As do I, but we will compare later? Right now I have other things that I wish to compare.”

  She raised a teasing eyebrow. “Lengths?”

  Storm grinned in appreciation of her wit, as he nodded. “Of time I can hold my shadow on the edge of anticipation. Most definitely!”

  Charlie had no answer to that. She had no idea what he was referring to, having never had sex before. Storm looked at his shadow and another of his slow smiles appeared. “My shadow is that a virginal blush, I see.”

  Charlie was sure she was not blushing or allowed him to see her thoughts, but he knew them. Then she saw the doorway to Rene`, which was closed, and one to Storm had been opened. Oh sneaky dragon, jealous much? She asked.

  His voice came to her along the open path way, deep and with a decided growl and she knew it was his dragon that answered. My shadow, not our Sires!

  Okay but I like your Sire!

  His dragon thought for a moment recognizing her sadness in not having that connection with his Sire, he growled. When not with us!

  Charlie smiled and said softly. Agreed this is just for us!

  She doubted that Rene` would want to be a witness to what they were about to do. She thanked him for closing the door and opening the one for them. Storm’s dragon seemed satisfied with that. She came back to awareness to see Storm’s amused eyes on hers and said. “Maybe!”

  “Oh my soul.” He whispered as he returned to worshiping her body, scars and all. “Do not fear, I will take my time and you will enjoy every aspect of our bonding.”

  Charlie was unsure whether she was pleased or annoyed with that. “I thought you said you were in a hurry?”

  Storm kissed her deeply then mumbled by her ear. “You will learn there is fast and then there is hurried, we will explore each of these before the night is out.”

  Charlie nodded not really comprehending what he was saying. Her body was screaming at her for something that until now was an elusive thought in the middle of the night. Her last words other than moans and whispered words of love were. “Okay well let’s get to it!”

  Which caused Storm’s dragon, a lot of amusement. He enjoyed his shadows mind. It was filled with so many twists and turns, unlike the shifters whose thoughts he listened to on occasion. Like Sage and June’s or even Claire’s, not Edee’s, her bear always knew when he tried to listen to her and growled loudly at him. It was disconcerting to be growled at by a lesser animal. What he really meant and did not want to admit too, was he did not like the fact Edith’s bear scared him a little. He was, after all, a dangerous predator, a killer of rogues. A bear should not be able to do so! And yet he knew he was not the only one she could intimidate, it was confusing and humiliating.

  Many hours later exhausted and replete Charlie had found that elusive thought, or dream, many… many times over.

  Storm curled around his shadow as he finally let her sleep, he and his dragon complete and at peace for the first time in years. We have her and later we will meet our young. His dragon told him.

  Yes, sleep now my friend.

  Shadow safe?

  Yes and we will keep her safe. Was his last thought as he drifted off to sleep.


  C harlie woke with the scent of coffee and something else, she was sure it was food coming from the other room. She stretched and reveled in all her tired and sore muscles that moaned at her. She smiled, she had a mate. Oops! He was called a shadow. Someone to always have her back, someone to love her. He was strong, handsome and hers, all hers.

  She hugged the pillow and almost giggled, she was not alone anymore. Her heart, that had been only cracked open a little since finding her children, had sometime during the long night became busted wide open. It was shouting to all that she was loved and was able to love in return. Even if it may have seemed impossible for any to believe.

  Charlie now knew love at first sight could happen. It was what she felt in Storm’ arms. Storm loved her, his dragon loved her, there was no doubt about that. He had told her repeatedly throughout the night and had shown her again and again throughout the night. She knew, just knew that her heart beat for him. For his dragon.

  Her senses went on alert, and she looked over towards the door to see him standing watching her. Knowing he had not made a sound to indicate he was there their link was strong after such a short time, it was fascinating.

  She could not help but smile at the picture he made as he leant against
the door frame. His dark eyes held a smile for her in return, making her heart jump into her throat as she perused his half-naked body. Remembering where her hands and mouth had been the previous night, she hoped she wasn’t drooling, that was so… not attractive!

  He smirked and raised an eyebrow, his sinful voice causing her toes to curl under the covers. “As much as I am tempted to climb back in there with you my shadow, we have things to discuss and young to see to.”

  Charlie nodded and found her voice. “As much as I want you to climb back in here with me and I so very much do!” She said with a husky tone that made parts of his body stand to attention. “I understand, but shadow if you stand there much longer looking like that. I am just not going to be able to get out of here.”

  Storm sighed as the truth of her words registered, sadly he said. “I know!” With that he turned around calling back. “Clothes are on the chair, and the bathroom is through the door on your right.”

  Charlie did not reply as she jumped from the bed. He turned to see if she heard and groaned as she walked naked to the chair to pick up the clothes. She smothered the giggle that wanted to emerge. Seriously giggles!

  It sounded as though he was in pain she refused to look at him, knowing they would be back in bed if she did. She sauntered, also knowing he watched her to the bathroom. Another groan of agony followed her as she closed the door, leaning back on it, she found she was breathing deeply. Her shadow really was delicious.

  Sometime later Storm heard her pad from the bedroom, as he stood waiting in the kitchen, wondering what she would think of his apartment. With its walls lined with blades of all styles, his fascination for weapons was almost as great as Lars. They both had enormous hoards and now that they were both bonded he wondered what they could do with the weapons. Neither of them would have them around their young.

  He knew Lars would be storing his in one of the rooms on the utility level and supposed he would do the same. Charlie entered the kitchen and took her time walking to the table Storm was standing near. Looking at the weapons lining the walls in the kitchen as well.

  “Wow, this is amazing!” She told him. He seemed to relax a little, she frowned. “What?”

  “I was not sure you would approve. Females do not as a rule.”

  Her back snapped straight, her eyes narrowed as she demanded in a voice that would rival ice. “How many females have seen your collection?”

  Storm’s eyes widened in surprise. “Just mama and Sage and the cleaners. I am sure they are female, but you would have to ask mama that.”

  Charlie gave him another searching look, she would definitely ask his mother. Storm frowned but shook his head free of confusing thoughts and said. “I called mama. Our young are well and still asleep.”

  Charlie plopped down in a chair. “I forgot about them. Oh my goodness I am a terrible parent.”

  Storm cocked his head to the side as he said. “No, you are not. I am their father. I checked for us both. Why are you a terrible parent?”

  “I did not think of them as soon as I got up and yet you did!”

  Storm nodded. “I did but not because I am a good parent. It was because I wanted to ask my papa to do something for me, mama told me they were still alright.”

  Charlie smiled, “Well okay, why are they still asleep I would think they would be awake by now?”

  “I asked papa to give them information about me, not memories.” He assured her. “Because we have none yet but a thought of me and who I am and a picture of my dragon.”

  He waited for her to yell at him or say he had no right or something along those lines. He had a very good argument ready, if she did object. His dragon sat and looked at their shadow wondering if she would deny them this.

  “Oh! Storm, good idea that saves time. So did he?” She softly asked seeing the worry in his eyes.

  He nodded. “He did.”


  He poured her coffee. “June said you liked coffee she delivered breakfast while you were showering, I cannot cook.” He told her boldly. Charlie grinned. “Me neither.”

  “We will hire someone to cook and clean.”

  Charlie grimaced. “Well who? I am sure I won’t tolerate another female in my home, and I’m sure you won’t tolerate another male?”

  He was un-surprised, she understood. “I will not!”

  “So who?” She asked, he frowned and then smiled. “A faerie, we have faeries. I could tolerate them, what of you?”

  Charlie thought about that, then said. “Okay we can do that.”


  Charlie spooned eggs onto his and then her plate as he piled bacon and sausage onto both their plates.

  “Now I should tell you. I am the Commander of the Hunters. You know who they are.”


  “I stay at home normally but not all the time. Sometimes I am away for days. Since I have taken over the role of Commander. I have found I enjoy being at Dragon’s Gap, especially now.” He smiled at her she could see his dragon in his eyes as she asked. “You both do?”

  “We do.”

  “Okay, I think I am going to like our home too.”

  “What do you do for employment?”

  Charlie sighed she knew she would have to tell him but she really did not want too. She took a mental deep breath and blurted out. “I am an assassin.”

  He nodded as he forked up some eggs, once he swallowed he asked. “Do you want to keep on doing that?”

  Surprised she stopped eating, a fork of eggs balanced before her. “You would allow me too?”

  Storm grinned. “Allow, so old fashioned. It is what you do.”

  Charlie never considered herself old fashioned before, it was funny hearing him say it especially in relation to her. “Well no, I want to find something to do here. I think I would like to be a shadow and a mother and stay at home. So I guess in that respect, I am old fashioned.”

  Storm did not let her see his relief at her words. He was being honest, he would not have objected but he would also not have let her go away by herself. He asked. “We will live in your apartment, do you like it?”

  “Is your apartment not big enough?

  He shook his head. “No, it only has the one bedroom.”

  “Well then, the apartment we moved into is huge. We should be really happy there and yes, I do like it a lot. The kids and we will grow there nicely.”

  He nodded. “That is good. I wish to make a home with you and our young. Now as we live together, we will find out more about each other.” It was something he had observed in others bonding’s. Charlie smiled. “I have heard that is so.”

  Storm frowned as he told her. “I should be honest and tell you I normally do not talk a lot. I have said more to you this morning than I have said to anyone for a week. Except last night. I seem to remember I was talkative then.”

  She grinned. “And if I remember correctly. I also was talkative last night!”

  Storm grinned but did not comment. Charlie grinned wider at the satisfied look that came over his face. She said thoughtfully. “Anyway as I was saying, truthfully I am not much of a talker either but then like you I have never been a shadow before. So maybe between the young ones and us we will talk more?” She grinned when she finished talking.

  He looked at her as he took her hand in his and kissed it. “Let us hope so, to a new life.” He raised his cup as she raised hers. Charlie nodded on a sigh. “Just you, our young and loads of family.”

  He shrugged. “Yes many, many family members.” But he didn’t seem annoyed by it. He told her. “So only two more things to discuss for now.”

  She nodded. “Okay, go for it.”

  “First I have to ask, and please realize it is I that is asking, not my dragon.”

  Charlie took a sip of coffee seeing an amused glint in his eyes. “Alright!”

  “Are you as unnerved by Edee as we all are?”

  She burst out laughing at his innocent tone. “Oh my Goddess
yes! Terrified.”

  He heaved a mock sigh. “See!” He spoke out loud to his dragon. “I told you everyone was… not just us.”

  He and Charlie both laughed and finished their breakfast when they just were sitting with tea and coffee left she asked. “And the other thing we need to discuss?”

  Storm drew her to his lap where he held her as she did him, really I am cuddling now! She thought, yes…yes, I am... My shadow, my mate.

  “The Faeries arrived last night.”

  “I remember.”

  “They came for you!” He felt her body tense but not pull away from him.


  “You are a lost one. What they call a grey one, half-faerie, half- human. One of your parents was not human.”

  “Oh, I know that would have been my mother. Father was all human.” She told him quietly as she laid her head on his shoulder. Storm waited, she was in his arms not leaving him, and so he would wait. She was thinking he knew what that was like, he did the same often weighing his options thinking through the situation before he spoke. Finally, she asked in the same quiet tone. “What do they want?”

  “To take you to their Grove, which is what they call their home. We have one here overseen by Queen Scarlett and King Elijah. They are very nice, they wish to keep you and our young safe.” Storm felt his dragon growl but he wanted to be fair, they were nice. He liked and admired both royals.

  Charlie laughed and tightened her hold on him. “Well, that is not happening is it?”

  Storm told her. “I will go with you. If you wish to leave here.”

  “Leave our home?” She asked in disbelief.

  “Yes… for you!”

  “Thank you my shadow but no! This is the first home I have thought of having since my sister passed away. A home with you and our young and all our family. We stay together here. They can go whistle.”

  He grinned at her. “Whistle! I would like to see Queen Scarlett whistle.” He laughed partly in relief she would remain with him and happy he would not have to leave his family.



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