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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 61

by L M Lacee

  Charlie sucked back a breath as memories crowded her mind, she whispered as the night of terror rose swiftly to the forefront of her mind. She looked directly at Scarlett and said. “We were still in pain. It had not been pleasant as we could not go to school so we were made to work around the house. It did not matter that we were in a great deal of pain. Our father and step-mother did not believe we had not snuck out of the house to their way of thinking we deserved any pain we received. And truthfully looking back on it now, what could they believe. We could not tell them what had happened, that would not have sat well with either of them. So as you can imagine we were both very angry but in saying that. Harper always had a core of anger within her it was like a little bomb that exploded when things went wrong. I think it was her default emotion. Anyway this night it was a hundred times worse. She was so angry she stood in the grey and screamed a terrifying scream until she glowed blue.”

  Charlie panted, just remembering that night. Storm smoothed a hand down her back. “I am here my shadow. I am here!” She grabbed his other hand. “Okay...Okay.” Charlie rubbed her head against his chest letting his calm take her over. Her voice was muffled as she told them. “She made us swords and we fought.”

  “What? I do not understand?” Storm said. She moved away a little and sat straighter in her chair and looked at him, at them all. “I have no idea how she did it. I just remember standing there and glowing blue like she was and then there were swords filling my hands, long silver, blue swords and we were fighting. It seemed like hours and hours then there were no more things to fight. No more grey skeletons, no more grey misty figures with claws or swords. Harper grinned at me and said, we will not return. We have the right to leave. You will be safe now sis, and from that night on I have ever returned to the grey mist.”

  Elijah nodded. “I see!”

  Pale and looking slightly ill. Scarlett said. “Your sister was a true ghost.”

  “A what?” Charlie asked as she and Storm stared at the Queen and King. Charlie noticed all the faeries were pale and shaken. It was not hard to miss their reactions. Elijah said after he had cleared his throat several times. “Legend says only a true ghost can fight demons of old. To escape the grey world where they reside and if they defeat them.”

  “It will be many thousands of years until they can materialize again and reside in the grey gloom of the in-between.” A male guard finished.

  “I see, this is why it takes the High Queen to guide them from the grey place?” Storm commented.

  Elijah nodded. “One of the reasons, yes. Although the former High Queen was not strong enough to defeat them all. She defeated some each time she ventured there to rescue lost ones. I believe she had not ventured there for many years before she passed into the Higher Grove and the new High Queen has never gone to the grey mist.”

  Storm said. “I would imagine if you asked she would tell you it has been twelve years.”

  Elijah nodded. “Yes, I think she would.”

  Scarlett said sadly. “Now we know why.”

  “No more grey ones walking in the in-between. You and your sister made it safe for all half-bloods to live and grow. They no longer will be pulled into that half-life.” Elijah was impressed with Charlie. It was easy to hear in his voice.

  Storm said. “So what you are saying then is that Charlie and her sister Harper. Fought all the demons that lived in this grey place and killed them and now it is safe for you all to mate outside your species?”

  Scarlet looked at her light, he grinned as she said. “I will have to confer with the High Queen but in essence that is what we are saying. It is what Charlie and Harper did. Yes!”

  Scarlett looked at Charlie and smiled sadly. “You look so much like Junipa. I have missed her being in my life and am so very sad she has passed into the Higher Grove.” Which Charlie assumed was what the faeries called the afterlife.

  “The High Queen may have questions for you, Charlie. Are you willing to speak with her?” Elijah asked her.

  “Of course as long as I do not have to leave home.”

  “No, that will not be necessary, although we hope you and your shadow and young will visit us at the Grove here.” Scarlett said hopefully.

  Charlie broached the subject they had discussed earlier with Reighn. “Well as to that, I was going to bring this up later. But it has been stated that a Liaison between the Grove and Dragons Gap’s would be a good idea?”

  Elijah answered as Scarlett nodded. “Yes, that is so.”

  “Would Charlie be a good Ambassador?” Storm asked as he saw Charlie hesitating. Scarlett smiled, lighting the whole room with her glow. “That would be most acceptable.”

  Charlie nodded. “I will do so for a time. Someone may come along better equipped to do the job. But for now I would love to be your go between.”

  “Opposition to her position will be heard.” Sparrow, Queen Scarlett’s guard advised.

  “Queen Scarlett smiled. “Charlie and Storm this is my personal guard Sparrow. She is a good friend of Edith’s and mine.”

  Storm said. “I have met Sparrow before as well as the other guards Loa, Rumoh and Dumoh.”

  Charlie inclined her head. “Hello is my doing this going to cause problems for the Queen and King?”

  Scarlett waved her hand before Sparrow could answer. “Yes and no. Sparrow I understand your concerns but if there is too much opposition we will have our Liaison talk to them, and if that does not work. We will ask Edith to perhaps say a word or two.”

  Sparrow grinned as she said. “That should do it. Of course if all else fails Lord Storm likes to bash heads together, to get his point across.”

  Storm nodded seriously. “I do but I should think once my shadow has said her piece, there will be no need for me or Edee to add anything.”

  “Why is everyone scared of her?” Charlie asked.

  “Scared is a relative term.” Elijah said. “Let us say we are wary of her sharp tongue and grumpy disposition. She is bear you know?”

  Scarlett said. “I have never found Edee disagreeable, around me she is always delightful.” They all looked at her. “What? I find her charming.”

  There were several grunts as Sparrow said. “She is, once you get passed all the gruff stuff.”

  “Well yes, there is that.” Scarlett smiled at Charlie. “Edith is a grounder. What that means is, she is sort of like a lightning rod, things happen around her. She draws people together and then guides and inspires people to go after, or in some instances. To realize what they wish to do with their lives. It is an amazing ability, and that is on top of her other gifts.”

  Charlie shook her head in amazement. “Oh wow, that must be exhausting for her.”

  Storm told her. “It is, she walks a fine line between being thought of as bossy or arrogant and a kind advisor who redirects and guides gentle change.” He grinned and raised an eyebrow at the faeries who all gazed at him with varying shades of amazement. “You assume I do not understand what is going on around me because I am not as verbal as some. You would be wrong. Edith and I often talk when I visit with her at her studio. Especially when my brother Sharm is unable to be her sounding board. That is what she told me I am.” He said to Charlie. “Edith restores paintings. She says it keeps her balanced.” Secretly he enjoyed their reactions. Charlie grinned at him knowing he was getting a kick out of the faeries surprise. Elijah told Charlie. “Dragon’s Gap has many things happening because of her, museums, art galleries and driving schools. Academies on crafts, gardening, cooking and a lonely hearts club.” He looked at his guards as they snickered at their King using such a term. “I know what it means. I looked it up. Anyway, she never allows any to be forgotten. Even the faeries are changing, we train nannies now.”

  Scarlett said. “For some it can be annoying or seen like interfering which is sad.”

  “What happens when someone does see it as annoying? What do you do?” Charlie asked.

  Storm said. “Tell her, Edee likes the tru
th. Tell her she is getting up in your face and she backs off. Or if you feel you cannot, see Sage or June. They buffer between her and other people. Do not tell Claire she will be angry, and that can never be good because then Lars gets angry. It is a vicious cycle. Also, Claire can shoot. Very, very well.”

  “Wow! For someone who is not always here, you really know Edee and the others!” Sparrow said admiringly.

  “She is my family.” Storm said simply.

  Charlie grinned. “It must be a full-time job for Sage and June.”

  Scarlett smiled as she said. “You have no idea, but as she looked into Charlie’s eyes she said. “It is worth it. Remember she comes from love and then you understand.”

  Charlie nodded, she thought she would in time. Changing the subject, she said with a touch of humor. “You should know I will not refer to two people who look my age as aunt and uncle. I will acknowledge you are my relations and hope we can get to know each other better in the future, if that will be alright?’

  Scarlett smiled. “Oh yes please. I too hope we will become friends. You should know that we will send out ones to retrieve your mother’s body. So she can be placed in the Queens garden. It is a cemetery. Your mother would have been a Queen if she had stayed. She is entitled to rest there on her way to the Higher Grove.”

  Charlie nodded in understanding. “I have carried that piece of paper around for the last seventeen years in the hope someone would know what to do with the information. Will I be able to say my goodbyes to her?”

  “Of course, you did not when she was entombed?”

  Charlie shook her head. “No Harper and I were excluded.”

  “So how do you know she is there?” Elijah asked.

  Charlie sighed. “A friend went and found out for me a few years later to make sure she was there. I could not go without Harper. I think our father was too frightened of us or maybe you all, not to have complied.”

  Scarlett said. “I do not understand why she mated with such a despicable human.”

  “For Charlie and Harper,” Storm told her. “So my shadow could come here to Dragon’s Gap and rescue our young and save my dragons soul.”

  Charlie touched his face. “Yes for that alone.”

  Scarlett nodded. “I will take comfort from that.”

  Elijah said. “I think my light you should.”

  “So we must go back to our young, would you like to meet them?” Charlie asked.

  Scarlett smiled as she agreed. “Very much so. My guard you are free to leave.”

  “Our Queen are you sure?” Sparrow asked.

  “Please if I am not safe with my light and my niece and her shadow, when will I ever be?”

  Sparrow shrugged. “This is true.”

  “So cool.” Charlie said as she watched them shrink and fly from the room. “Before this morning, I would have been quite sad I cannot do that. But with my shadow having wings, not so much now.”

  “You know, I have no idea why you cannot fly. You have gifts?” Elijah queried.

  Charlie agreed. “Yes but not that one.”

  “What are they if you do not mind sharing?” Scarlett asked as they walked towards the lift.

  “I know a lie when I hear it. I am compelled to see justice done, regardless of the form it takes and I am a very good shot with any type of gun. Also I can unlock anything; plus cleanse my presence from anywhere and hide my sent!”

  Storm asked. “Amazing! What of your sister?”

  Charlie smiled it was becoming easier to think of Harper now, after talking about her. The pain was still there and she realized would always stay with her, it was however no reason to stop remembering her sister. “She could find anything, anywhere. She could and would find the truth of something. Scariest of all, she was phenomenal with knives and swords. If it had a blade, she could master it. The one great asset she possessed and remember as young girls we thoroughly loved this gift, was her ability to transport from one place to another.” They all entered the lift as Storm asked. “Are you serious?” He trembled thinking of all the trouble he and his brothers could have got into with that ability. “Oh yes.”

  Elijah said. “Dangerous for you?”

  “Maybe, we did not think so. Harper always knew where she was.”

  “Still to be able to quebliss, that is very unusual.” At the puzzled looks Storm and Charlie gave him he said. “Oh sorry, quebliss in the language of faerie, means disappear from one place to another. At least that is close translation.”

  “Thank you, in what way is it unusual. Cannot every faerie? Surely you can as Queen and King?” Charlie asked.

  Scarlet said quietly. “Only a High Queen can quebliss. For Harper to do so, meant she was a prospective High Queen. As far as I know a High Queen has never been found from a cross breed, it would have been unprecedented. I will have to report it to the High Queen and King.”

  Elijah sighed. “I can hear the screams and denials from the high council now. Can you not my dear?”

  “Oh yes, they will not be pleased!” Her face wore a very satisfied smile.

  “I gather we do not enjoy the high council.” Charlie asked.

  Elijah cut in before Scarlett spoke. “No they do not like to encourage change, it is a continuing battle most Queens face.”

  “So what will they say about my appointment as liaison?”

  Scarlett’s voice was sharp, overlaid with a sweet tone. “Oh I am sure they will say many things, but it is mine and my King’s Grove. We decide what happens within its borders.”

  Charlie and Storm understood in that short sentence, why she was the Queen. There was strength hidden under that honey exterior. Charlie sort of felt sorry for any that went against her.

  “Well at least you only have to explain about Harper, not have her appear in front of them. I am not sure how that would have gone down. She was not always diplomatic. So you do not have to worry about that now.”

  Scarlett frowned as she said thoughtfully. “No…no, we do not!”


  K eeper and Ella arrived at Reighn’s office around the time Charlie and Storm arrived to meet Queen Scarlett and King Elijah. Sage grinned when she saw them. “Hey you two, how are things?”

  “Well, and you?” Keeper asked.

  “All good, Ella we are having the party this weekend.”

  “Oh so soon.” Ella asked startled at how quick it was to be. Usually, it seemed like a week or two went by before the party was arranged.

  “Yeah… Storm has to leave on Tuesday for a mission apparently and he cannot get out of it. So Saturday party. Sunday family day and Monday to recover. Tuesday he is gone.”

  Keeper asked. “For how long will he be away?”

  “A whole week.”

  “Does Charlie know?”

  “I doubt it, Reighn just found out. Anyway, Reighn will be here in a minute.” She said as she took a seat. Just then he walked in. “Hello, you are wanting to see me, I am told?”

  Keeper nodded. “Yes, we are.”

  “Please sit.” He said as he took his seat behind his desk. “My soul what can I do for you?” Reighn asked of Sage who smiled at him. “Nothing just wanted to stay and find out what is happening. The girls have a play date with Storm’s girls and Claire’s Kammy. I miss everything, so I am here.”

  “Is that alright?” Reighn asked of Ella and Keeper.

  “Of course, we have no secrets.” Keeper assured him with a wink to Sage. He turned to Reighn and said. “So Reighn I wish to resign my commission.”

  “Really why?” Reighn thought he knew why the couple had asked to see him. This was not it, he assumed they came to ask for time off to go away or to change apartments. Sage looked just as shocked as Reighn felt.

  Keeper smiled and his eyes shone in delight at surprising his brother as he said. “It has been suggested that I have a library to share with Dragon’s Gap, and amazingly all this time, I thought I was collecting for my hoard. Apparently… I was incorrect. I
was in fact collecting for just this eventuality.”

  “Edith!” Reighn said on a breath as he looked at Sage who spread her hands and said. “What? I didn’t know anything about this.”

  Keeper nodded. “Yes indeed Edith, as well as June and my shadow, who it seems can see beneath the surface to the heart of the matter. They discussed their thoughts with me this morning.”

  “Is this true Ella?” Reighn asked gently. He liked the healer and thought she complimented Keeper well.

  “Yes and I think as Edee would say, you and your family have known this too my Lord?”

  Reighn sat back in his enormous chair. “I cannot fault your logic. We have, I have been waiting a long time for you to realize you are more than a sword hand, my brother.”

  Keeper thanked him and sighed as he held Ella’s hand. “It was never a coat I was happy wearing. Being a Librarian and a Keeper will be enough, now I have my shadow and a chance of a family of my own. My life at Dragon’s Gap is complete.”

  Reighn asked suddenly. “Ella what line do you come from?”

  Bewildered Ella answered. “My Sire is from the Field’s, my Lord.”

  Reighn shook his head. “I do not think that is true sweet Ella. I always knew you were special, but royalty never crossed my mind. Keeper investigate this please. We need to know.”

  “I do not understand?” Ella said. “What are you saying?”

  Keeper smiled gently. “My shadow, our Lord is saying he thinks you do not belong to the Fields. You have been lied too.”

  Ella sat stunned. “I am not theirs?”

  “Either you were claimed, or your Dam or Sire jumped the fence, so to speak!” Sage said. “I knew you were too good for them.”

  Ella shot her a smile. “I am coming to that conclusion. How can I find out for sure?”

  Keeper said. “I will investigate. I am quite good at it, also we will have Sharm do blood tests.”

  Ella pleaded. “Alright, soon please.”


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