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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 63

by L M Lacee

  “Well halt it. There are potions and magic now to stop something like this.” Yestoria told them all.

  “Why would you?” June asked slightly bewildered at her vehemence as both Lars and Johner came to attention on hearing the word magic.

  Yestoria looked down her nose at June as though she smelt something disgusting. “Well surely that seems obvious. She is unsuited for the position as lady to a Lord, even a minor one, as the youngest brother to the Dragon Lord is. One of my more graceful, beautiful daughters would make a better shadow for a royal. If he must have one of my blood line. If you had any sort of breeding other than animal, you would understand this.”

  June grinned, seemed like the resemblance to her grandmother was not just skin deep. “Seriously… you are calling me an animal?”

  Lars said. “Well, I have what you call breeding as does my brother Johner and we do not understand. And are you not forgetting something, as dragons we can be termed animal.”

  Johner said with a snarl which made all three females shift uneasily. “I would refrain from calling my brother a minor Lord, as we are his family, we could take offense. Please do not do so again.”

  The three looked a little taken a back at his tone. “We were not trying to insult you Prime Lars or your family Commander Johner.” Eugenia purred coyly. Causing June to smother her grin as Lars eyed the female with something akin to horror in his eyes.

  “Shadows are not interchangeable.” Johner’s deep voice made them jump a little as he said. “You Lady Field should know that and as for potions and magic to null the bonding, that is ridiculous and will never happen.”

  Lars said. “Thank you for notifying us of what is being rumored, we will look into this. There are not enough shadows for our race. That we can allow people to think that they can tamper with any bonding. We have witches who will not be happy that someone is peddling lies on what they can or cannot do.” He did not know if that was true but Sage would. And he knew for a fact she and Reighn would be very angry if there was a spell that could be performed to halt a bonding.

  The three females looked shocked and a little fearful at what they possibly let slip or for being caught out in a lie. June was not sure which one it was, but she was done playing with these females. Her voice tight with suppressed anger at what these females proposed for her friends she said.

  “So as I was saying Lady and Lord Kingsley are unavailable.”

  The older female stood and leaned on her cane. June doubted she needed it, as a prop it was thick and heavy and would make a good weapon. She could remember seeing several in Lars collection. The three of them watched the older female closely as she drew herself to her full height and demanded in tones of a noble talking to a servant. “I do not think you understand servant. Go and get my daughter now!”

  “I will not!” Returned June.

  “You are denying me?”

  “Well I guess you could call it that. I suppose. Yes!”

  “How dare you! Who are you to deny me?”

  June ignored the question answering instead. “You have a choice. You may visit this afternoon at two o’clock or a month from now. Lady Kingsley is only available at those times.”

  Yestoria Field thumped her cane on the floor saying. “I will not be denied.”

  “Ah! I think you will.” June argued. The three female’s faces were hard and cold now, anger and contempt making them appear ugly. How could Ella be related to these harpies? June wondered, it did not make sense.

  “I will see Verity now!” Yestoria demanded, changing tactics, hoping to scare June by implying she and Verity were friends. Unfortunately for her June already knew Verity detested the female and her daughters. She loved Ella and not just because she was Keeper’s shadow.

  June nodded and said brightly, almost causing Lars and Johner to burst out laughing. “Do you have an appointment with Lady Verity?”

  Yestoria wanted to scream as she thumped her cane on the floor and her daughters moved restlessly beside her. She hissed loudly and within a blink of an eye the gloves of each of the females shredded and to June and the male’s fascination, claws emerged. It looked like each of their fingers were implanted with a two-inch retractable claw. Even the older female had lost control enough to allow her claws to rip through her gloves.

  Wary now because June knew female dragons did not have physical attributes like the males. So for them to produce claws was an added complication to an already tense situation which she could not see getting any better now.

  She felt rather than saw Lars and Johner tense beside her, and sighed as she informed the three females. “I see you are to be unreasonable. This interview is over. I will inform my Lord and Lady of your request to see them. Good day to you.”

  She turned as Johner covered her back while he held the door open and June gratefully nipped through it. When Johner closed the door behind June.

  Lars snarled. “You openly display claws in my Lord’s home knowing full well it is against his law. And for no other reason than you apparently can. This is abhorrent conduct by you and your daughters. I do not know who or where you received these disgusting modifications. What I do know is you will have them removed, or I will come and remove them myself. I give you the next three days to do so. Madam you will tell my guard who did this atrocity before you leave here today. Or I will have Shields come to your home and find an answer for me!”

  The stunned females stood with their mouths hanging open, either at the fear Lars induced or the fact they were shocked someone talked to them like that. Johner told them adding he hoped to the fear or shock they were feeling, either one suited him. “You are all banished from the castle until further notice. If Lady Ella wishes to see you, it will be at another place. I will notify your shadow of what has taken place here today and depending on his answer. He too may find he is banished from the castle. The Dragon Lord will be told of your transgressions and your modifications. I advise you never to return. An escort is waiting to see you from the castle.”

  Yestoria Field was stupefied, never had anything like this happened before. The embarrassment of being banished from anywhere, but especially the castle was not to be borne. No one had ever dared to refuse her patronage. And as she stared at the male before her, she thought those days may be over for her and her daughters because it looked very much as though, she was not only to be banished from the castle, but denied seeing Ella. She spluttered. “Th… Th… This is preposterous, you have no power to do so. I demand a hearing!”

  Lars said. “Have your shadow contact my office. Now I suggest as my patience is at its end, as is my brothers. And I am sure you would not like the inside of the cells. You should leave.”

  “Over an animal? Are you all mad?” Sneered one of her wretched daughters. Lars did not know which one it was and did not care, he snarled as his dragon surged to the surface. “You forget yourself female and whose house you are in. Now leave!”

  June stood in the darken entrance to a room further along the corridor and watched the three shaken females surrounded by guards leave. They looked as though their world had collapsed around them. Lars and Johner watched them go, then turned to her and Johner said. “Let’s go and tell Ella and Keeper what assholes the vipers are.”

  “Okay, so you guys were great.” She told them as she walked between the two tall males. “Thanks by the way.”

  “Huh we just saved them a beat down by you.” Johner grinned.

  “Claire will be pleased.” Lars did a two-step dance beside her as he told her. “She does not like the vipers.”

  June just grinned at the idiots as they swaggered beside her. Truly males, gotta love em’.


  L ater that afternoon while June was recovering from the confrontation with Ella’s viperous family. Queen Scarlett was visiting with Charlie at her apartment. She sat on the balcony that lead off the lounge with Justice in her arms. She had fed him his bottle and watched him fall asleep, he really w
as a beautiful babe.

  Charlie came back from putting Cara in her crib for her afternoon nap. Kelsey was with Kammy and Molly at their Grandma Verity’s apartment for afternoon tea. Cara would go when she was better. She was still recovering from her wounds and healing.

  Apparently it was something they all did once a week. Verity gently insisted Kelsey attend which she had been delirious with happiness to agree to. This morning, the day of the tea party, she had changed her outfit three times before Sage arrived with Ella to take her up to the party.

  Luckily they purchased Kelsey a new dark blue dress with a red jacket and shoes. As well as a little matching handbag. Kelsey had been in heaven when she modeled the outfit for Charlie and Storm. Ella then proceeded to brush her hair and snap it into a bun. She looked adorable. Charlie had looked at her dressed up daughter, and then Ella and Sage. They had instantly sworn to take the girls shopping for their Grandma’s tea party clothes. She had kissed her daughter goodbye and told Sage, she better shop before the next week or there would be mayhem. Sage had grinned and agreed she would make time the following day. Charlie had then made Ella promise to show her some hair styles.

  “You need nannies.” Scarlett told Charlie as she stepped out onto the balcony.

  She sighed. “So Verity and Sage have said. Do you have any we may like, plus would you have a faerie that can cook and do housework. Both Storm and I do not cook, cleaning we can manage… sort of. Although we are reluctant to have a female or male in our home. So we compromised on a faerie. What do you think?”

  Sparrow said. “Faeries are still male and female, you know?”

  “I know but seriously, we cannot cook which means we starve, so faerie!”

  Scarlett smiled. “Do you wish nannies for the night?”

  “Oh no Storm and I can do that, just the day time. We will both be working, and we need them quickly. Well, I will, as Storm is leaving on Tuesday for a week away. So are there any available, like now?”

  “Of course, I know the perfect four. I have Tansy and Rose who are nannies and they will compliment your girls and adore this sweet one. I think the girls will get on well with them and as it happens. Recently one of my chefs has requested to find outside work, she would fit in nicely here. Although she is somewhat shy but I think with you and Storm, she would be able to gradually open up more, like Ella did.”

  “Well yeah but that was Edith’s doing. Maybe you should give her to Edith?”

  “Ahh! No Lark is more umm… Delicate emotionally than Ella.”

  Charlie’s eyebrows went up as she asked incredibly. “And you think Storm and I both blunt people would be good for her?”

  Scarlett said. “Yes! Neither of you are as…”

  “Oh just say it!” Sparrow said. “Pushy!”

  Looking uncomfortable Scarlett wiggled a little in her seat. “Well, I did not want to use that term.”

  “Yet it is what you meant!” Loa mumbled.

  “Yes well! Anyway, she would suit you and the girls. Her name is Lark and then there is Cora, she will love to keep house for you. She hates being idle.”

  “Yes please take her, if she cleans my room once more I may damage her.” Loa told Charlie who was in no doubt she meant it. “Well they all sound good. Will they live in?”

  “No, we prefer they come home to the Grove, is that a problem?”

  “No, we can make this work. Just let them know unless asked and they accept, they are to have weekends off. Apparently the castle pays for them, who knew?” Charlie shrugged she had no idea how having staff worked, she was going on Sage and Verity’s advice. When she had asked Edith, she had stared at her blankly and asked her. “How the hell would I know? Do I look like an employment agent?” They had then spent the next hour hurling insults at each other, while they cleaned up the mess the girls had made from painting. It had been a fun time.

  Scarlett smiled. “I will be sure to tell them.”

  “Now!” Charlie said. “Why have you not told me of this faerie called Sela that caused so much havoc here? Scarlett, you should have made me aware of her.”

  “You are right but niece. I did not want you to think we were all as she is.”

  “As if I would?”

  “I know that now, it was my mistake. Elijah did say you would find out and be annoyed. I do hate it when he is right.” Charlie laughed at her put upon tone. “We do not need to tell him.”

  “Well yes, that may work. Sparrow and Loa you are not to tell him.”

  “As you say my Queen.” Sparrow replied grinning at Loa who shrugged. “Not that we would have anyway!”

  Scarlett smiled. “They really are the best guards and friends. I do not know what I will do without Sparrow!”

  “You are leaving?” Charlie asked surprised, it would be weird not seeing her with Scarlett.

  “Yes to go to Edee’s. When she has young.”

  Charlie grinned. “Does she know?”

  Sparrow sighed. “Yes, she won me at poker.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Sparrow, Scarlett and Loa laughed at her tone. Sparrow told her. “It was a wager.”

  “What did you wager?”

  “A year training in weapons.”

  “Are you unhappy about it?”

  Sparrow winked. “Devastated.”

  Charlie nodded. “I can see that. Do you all have time off?”

  Loa answered for Sparrow. “The weekends and parties like the one this Saturday and poker nights.”

  Scarlett snorted. “We all have that one off.”

  “When is it?” Charlie casually asked, not wanting them to know she loved poker.

  “Last Friday of every month at Edee’s.”

  “Of course.” Charlie said. “Where else! Can anyone play?”

  “The more the merrier.” Sparrow told her as she rubbed her hands together, thinking of the extra money she could win…


  C harlie held a sobbing Cara in her arms as she walked around her lounge. She had been crying almost none stop, since she woke this morning and found Storm gone. Cara did not understand why her daddy was not home. Even though they had told her over the weekend, that he would be going away for a week. Her little two year olds heart was broken. Kelsey was not happy but at least she understood he would come back or at least she pretended he would. She sat slumped now in her chair looking glumly out the window at the rain and sighed as she asked again. “A whole week Mama?”

  Charlie answered as she did before. “Yes Kelsey, a whole week.”

  “That is a long-time mama?”

  “Yes but we will be busy, the faeries will start work tomorrow and you have clothes and toy shopping to do. Cara honey, hush please baby girl.” She asked her once more as she rocked her slowly.


  “Oh see Cara, someone is at the door! Who do you think that could be?” Charlie asked the sobbing toddler.

  Kelsey asked. “Can I open the door mama?”

  Charlie nodded yes as Cara said hopefully amongst her tears. “Dada?”

  Charlie felt bad as she told her little girl. “Oh no sweetie, I am sorry daddy is not here. He will be home soon.” She yelled the last word to be heard over the wail of despair that came from the toddler.

  Reighn and Rene` stood at the door as Kelsey opened it and they heard the loud crying coming from within. Rene’ picked Kelsey up. “Hello little kitten what has happened?” Kelsey laid her head on his shoulder and said sadly. “Dada has gone away and Cara is sad.”

  Reighn said. “Are you sad too, little one?”


  Rene` said. “You know he will be home soon?”

  “Yeah mama said that, but Cara is still crying.”

  Reighn had the idea little Kelsey did not believe he would be coming home soon. He sent a mind thought to Sage to bring Molly and Kammy, who was with the nannies to Charlie’s and told her about Cara and Kelsey. She told him she was on her way with them.

we should go in.” Rene` said as he walked into the foyer. Kelsey sighed a long-suffering sigh as she said. “Yes Grandpa.”

  Reighn shared a smile with his father little Kelsey had a pinch of the dramatics which they had all found adorable.

  They walked into the lounge to be met with loud wails from Cara and a frantic looking Charlie. It was hard to find any sign of the cool, calm assassin in the young female that looked out of her depth and ready to cry herself.

  Reighn walked over and lifted the crying toddle from her mother and cuddled her close. “Hush little one, tell Uncle Reighn why you are so upset. She sobbed and said. “Unca…sob…Rain…sob …Dada…sob…gone!”

  “I know baby girl. I know.” Reighn crooned to her. She seemed to quieten in his arms as he held her close. Charlie ran her hand through her hair. “I did not think she would be so sad. I don’t understand why she does not believe he will be back? We told her and Kelsey he would be, when we told them this weekend he had to leave.”

  Sage said as she entered. “Because it is all new, she just got him and now he is gone. Is that not right Kelsey?”

  From her grandfather’s arms, she nodded yes. Charlie looked at her daughter and in a bewildered voice said. “But we told you he would be back and you both said okay. We don’t lie to you girls.”

  “They know that.” Reighn told the slightly stunned Charlie, while he cuddled the slowly quietening little girl, as his dragon sang to her the same way he sang to Molly and Ava.

  “Little girls who have been abandoned, do not trust as easy as adults. Words are just words!” Claire said as she entered behind Sage. She kissed Cara, then Kelsey then told Charlie. “Trust builds over time, there was no way you were going to get away with him leaving and them having no reaction. Each time he goes away and comes home again. The trust will build, and they will realize he is coming home and believe he will return to them. Patience will win the day, my friend.” She smiled at Charlie as Sage said. “Have them sleep with you while he is away in your bed, his scent may help them relax and not pine so much.”


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