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Page 8

by Stephen Brandon

  I informed him that he and his men should consider themselves under our protection until we moved to a safe area, and then we'd see whether they stayed or got kicked out on their own. He agreed and told his surviving men. They grabbed their gear and asked for their weapons, but the women said no. I told him that this was a completely volunteer guerrilla unit and every one of the women had been abused by the enemy. The only men safe from them were the ones that trained them. On the way back we spotted a convoy, ambushed it, and took the remaining vehicles and used them to move to our temporary camp near Belton Lake.

  What was left of our command structure was briefed. The military had held in northern Oklahoma and was now pushing south. They were sent to locate the problem the enemy seemed to be having in central Texas. My women started laughing and screaming. He and his men looked like they wanted to run and hide. I calmly said, “Death never had a prettier face than these women. You think this is bad, you should see the enemy when we attack. Those that don't die immediately, die trying to run.”

  He replied, “Like I said, we're pushing south. We were sent to organize and train resistance fighters. We can supply leadership, communications, weapons, and ammunition.”

  The Shrimp slipped between us and placed her favorite hook blade knife against his chest and said, “We have our knives, bows, rifles, pistols, and explosives. Everyone of us uses what we're most comfortable with. If we strung the balls we've cut off the enemy on a rope, it'd stretch from here to Austin. The one problem we have is that the buzzards follow us, because they know we leave them a free meal.”

  # # #


  ~ ~ ~

  OK, quiet now and listen up. “We've all lost money in these damn riots and looting. Any of you that don't want revenge enough to do something, well you better leave now. Anyone that leaks this plan will be dealt with. I'm fed up and taking legal steps, if you want in good, if not leave now.”

  “Jack, we're all fed up with our stores being looted and wrecked. I'm with you.”

  “Smith, Johnson, are you in.”

  Johnson replied, “What safeguards do we have to prevent being found out. You know how the law is, like a bulldog.”

  “Smith do you have any objections”

  “Yes Jack, I'm all for the plan except the part about eliminating the leaders in advance.”

  “Don't worry, all contacts with the enforcement personnel will be through mail drops that they will establish. Initial contact will be by email ads placed from Cuba. A friend of a friend knows someone in the government security section that oversees their Internet. Another friend of a friend knows a guy in Venezuela that will contact our Cuban friend.

  “The only weak link will be trusting the enforcers we hire to complete the job. They'll be instructed in the ad to set up an offshore account with a mail drop.

  “I've set up a numbered account in the Islands to pay from. Each elimination will pay $7000 for an accident, and $4000 for a detectable murder. That will give the eliminators incentive to make it look accidental. $1000 will be paid in advance with the target individual's dossier, and the balance when the death notice hits the local newspapers, provided there is no collateral damage.

  “Can you think of any detail I might have overlooked?”

  Johnson shifted in his chair and then commented, “I don't like just ki-- eliminating the leaders in advance.”

  “They won't be guiltless. The news media have enough evidence in their riot coverage to identify individuals that have showed up in different cities at different riots. A dozen or more of them have been spotted in multiple locations just prior to the looting of stores. They've even been recorded slipping away prior to the looting and fires set. I think three confirmed sightings is enough evidence to order an elimination.”

  Smith got up and poured himself a drink. Holding his glass he asked, “Who makes the decision?”

  “That's the sore point right. I have news footage from four cities here. Lets take a look. At these four riots several individuals showed up. Here are pictures of them taken from one of the riots and the camera footage.

  “Now lets look at the most vocal leaders of this second riot. Here are two of them again on the second night. I didn't spot them on the first night.

  “The third cities riots lasted four nights because of the wimps that let the rioters have free rein until they directly attacked the police. Here is one of the photo's taken by a news crew. See these three.

  “Now the last riot across the county a month later when a supposedly unarmed individual was shot and killed after stealing a car with a child in the backseat. The woman was shot in the leg after loading her purchases. On the second night here is film footage of two of the individuals clearly instigating a group in front of a drug store. Notice as the mob surges toward the store, they appear at the rear of the mob and then disappear. Those two are in all four riots, and three others are in two riots.

  “Now, we need to vote on eliminating those two, and we'll simply watch other riots to see if the others show up a few more times. That will demonstrate their guilt.”

  “What, we just vote?”

  “That's right Smith, we just vote and I'll send the dossiers out to two different eliminators. Then we sit back and watch the news and obits.”

  “But that's a woman!”

  “Oh, you don't think a woman can get a bunch of young men to do what she wants done. Sex doesn't give anyone a free ride, neither does color. Look at that white face in the second row here and the first row here. They usually show up on the second or third night, and then the riots turn violent. It is the pattern that professional riot instigators have.”

  “A seven thousand dollar consulting fee gets you a full report from my new security company on how you can improve your corporations store security. It gives us more cover for meeting. It also has a section on steps your local managers can take to better secure them when riots break out.”

  # # #


  ~ ~ ~

  [Current personal note, there are several countries that consider their borders and populations at risk. Some of them have nuclear weapons. An example is India and Pakistan (constant enemies), with China (another enemy) just over the mountains. This story just describe another version of the dooms day weapon.]

  ~ ~ ~

  “Good morning gentlemen and ladies of the press. Today I will unveil a new self-defense system that our scientist and engineers have spent eight years developing and two years of construction.

  “First let me review the recent history of the conflict between my country and the terrorist. Last year they launched 1807 missiles at civilian population centers. Year before last 2904 missiles. The reason for the decrease in missiles launched was the simple fact that our intelligence sources informed us of several shipments of missiles and our military stopped them.

  “As you know from pictures and news reports the terrorist stockpile, store, and launch their missiles from civilian locations such as mosque, schools, apartment buildings, and hospitals. This needs to cease. The last military strike incursion into the terrorist held areas and destroyed 687 missiles mainly found stored in the basements of civilian apartment buildings and schools.

  “The idea for our self-defense system was put out in an article published twelve years ago. The author listed was anonymous. It took two years of debate and soul searching for our civilian government to decide to implement the idea. The deciding factor was the chemical rocket that landed and killed over four hundred of our citizens.

  “With the help of one of our allies a rocket interception system was developed and activated nine years ago. We now have a second part to our self-defense system and a third section is still under development. The second part we call FLASH BACK.

  “It consist of detection arrays that use visual, thermal, and radar to detect the launch location of missiles launched over our borders. It is fully automatic, t
hat means when I press this transmitter button the computers controlling the system will activate and no human will be able to influence or direct the system in any way. The system will determine the type rocket launched over our border and return a similar type missile and warhead.”

  Suddenly an aide rushed onto the stage and whispered in the Presidents ear. The President held up his right hand and pressed the red button on the gray box!

  With a sad face the president announced, “I'm sorry to have to activate the FLASH BACK system early, but my aide just informed me that twenty-three missiles were detected by our normal air-defense radar being launched. The first launch was four minutes ago. It's impact is estimated in another five minutes here in the capitol. If you will point your cameras out the south facing windows you will see one group of terrorist missiles headed toward us. Hopefully the IRON FIST, the first portion of our self-defense system will intercept and destroy them, however the terrorist have been launching more missiles in groups in an attempt to overpower our IRON FIST defense system.”

  Then the President pulled from his jacket pocket his cellphone. After listening a few seconds he yelled, “Listen up”, and pressed the speaker phone button and placed the cellphone near the microphone on the podium he was standing behind. “Mr. President, the FLASH BACK system went on line two minutes ago. So far it has launched thirty-three surface to surface missiles. I think one was an error, all attempts to self destruct that missile have failed. It contains a three kiloton fuel-air warhead and the targeting information displayed is the seaside resort that two terrorist missiles were launched from. What are your orders, Sir.”

  The news media stood there with their mouths open.

  The President then replied to the cellphone, “What is the status of IRON FIST and how many of the terrorist missiles have been shot down.”

  “Sir all but five have been intercepted. Four of those are due to impact the capitol within seconds.”

  “Thank you”, the President replied as he pressed the disconnect button on his cellphone. “Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I hope we survive and I also hope that your video broadcast were live. Thank you all.”

  The last picture received at International News Service was the President kneeling beside the podium praying.

  ~ ~ ~

  The fires in the terrorist occupied area had hardly been extinguished when sixty-one missiles were launched across the border.

  IRON FIST intercepted thirty seven before they hit populated areas. The FLASH BACK system replied with one missile. This was reported by several satellites observing the area. The nuclear warhead that exploded over the terrorist held areas broke windows five hundred miles away. Half the civilian communication satellites on that side of the planet were damaged by the EMP. Only seventeen military and spy satellites stopped transmitting.

  The FLASH BACK system started transmitting from multiple locations requesting missile resupply. These messages were not answered by the military headquarters, because that morning a terrorist missile got through to its target.

  ~ ~ ~

  During the emergency meeting held six hours later at the UN an aide rushed in and turned on the big screen TV.

  On the screen the head anchor of International News Service said, “I repeat, our sources reported the launch of an intercontinental missile from the ISIS forty minutes ago aimed at the eastern Mediterranean sea. It was intercepted, but still detonated at approximately 100,000 feet. However, the new FLASH BACK system reported on yesterday, launched one missile. This missile is inbound to the launch area of the missile launched earlier. It appears that the FLASH BACK missile will impact in two or three minutes. The warhead in unknown, so I'll keep broadcasting as long as the satellites allow. To recap this special news flash, yesterday and earlier this morning local time terrorist launched approximately four hundred missiles. Satellite images showed a total of one hundred and seven impacts including the capitol and several military targets. The terrorist finally managed to overload the IRON FIST missile defense system. The new FLASH BACK system activated during the news conference at the capitol replied with many high explosive missiles and one fuel-air missile which completed destroyed the terrorist port city. This morning local time an estimated sixty terrorist missiles were launched and only three were intercepted. FLASH BACK replied with one missile into terrorist held territory. Estimated yield from our source, was in the 20 mega-ton range. This was definitely a nuclear warhead missile. Forty-three minutes ago a missile was launched from central ISIS region and intercepted at roughly 32,000 feet over the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It was a nuclear missile. Any minute now the reply missile launched by FLASH BACK system will impact in centr........

  ~ ~ ~

  Everyone sat stunned until a man in uniform walked in and up to the chairman's position. Holding up his hand he loudly stated. “Three minutes ago our allies FLASH BACK defense system launched a reply to an attack by the ISIS. This morning after the main terrorist missile attack we lost all contact with the civilian and military of our ally. The FLASH BACK missile detonated at ground level in the capitol of the ISIS. That was reported by satellites before the EMP fried every satellites within line of site. Seismic devices indicate seismic shock of 8 on the Richter Scale. This roughly indicates a 100 megaton warhead. The middle east is now in peril. Every country downwind will receive massive amounts of radioactive fallout.” Jamming his finger in his ear he said, “Repeat that!”

  With a shocked look on his face the then said, “Some asshole just launched another ICBM toward the eastern Mediterranean. The FLASH BACK missile system is completely automated and run by computers. Contact your governments immediately and inform them that we do not know how many missiles or the warheads on them. If they launch anything the FLASH BACK system will continue to reply with nuclear missiles until it runs out.

  “I also was informed that our special insertion teams report lethal levels of chemical contamination and no apparent survivors. That means those morons in the middle east are fighting a computer system, not their historical enemy.

  # # #

  The Drone

  ~ ~ ~


  [I wrote this short story almost two years ago. I sat on it because it has the makings of a major nightmare for the law enforcement community, and I didn't want to give any wackos any new ideas. Listening to the news reporting on a recent event in Washington DC, I heard the dreaded word. That is why I'm including it in Nightmares.]

  The Kid

  It all started the day his model airplane crashed into the windshield of a car, and the driver panicked and drove through the restaurant window and killed three people.

  He'd loved torturing cats. Their screams had been music to his ears for years. The lady in that car was making the same sound as he ran across the street from the park. Grabbing the remains of his plane he darted back into the park and ran all the way home.

  His dad bought him a plane kit for his fourteenth birthday several months later, and explained that building his own plane would teach him to take care of his toys. It took him two months to build the plane. It was to big to fly in the park, so he flew it out of the empty field at the end of his block. After three flights he hooked up a release to the bottom. It almost didn't get off the ground, because the kitten tied to the bottom kept clawing the ground and jerking around. After listening to it howl for ten minutes he got more altitude and released the kitten to fall from the plane. He was so taken watching the kitten twist around and howl on its fall to the ground he almost crashed his new plane.

  ~ ~ ~


  “OK, listen up, next week the senator will arrive for another of his surprise bullshit tours. The FBI got wind of an assassination attempt that's supposed to take place here. Lieutenant James, you are in charge. Sergeant Killjoy, you have communications. Sergeant Brown, you will have assets standing by with two bomb sniffer teams. Lie
utenant, you'll need at least four cruisers, and half a dozen motorcycle officers. Let me know if you have any problems, I want your plan outline on my desk in the morning.”

  “Yes Captain.” they all replied as they stood.

  “Sergeant Killjoy handed the captain her plan outline along with a list of equipment that she wanted to purchase.”

  After reading it he said, “Damn-nation, you mean to tell me the department doesn't have enough communications equipment?”

  “If you'll remember, half of the communications equipment requested for this budget year was disapproved. It's listed here, the list on the right is less reliable civilian equipment that we can purchase locally. All of it will have to be modified to work with our existing equipment, so you'll also have to authorize overtime for the maintenance section to do the modifications.”

  With a thump on his desk the captain growled, “I won't authorize purchasing this. Borrow it from other precincts for the senators visit.”

  “Yes Sir, I'll need an authorization letter this morning and a travel voucher within the state.”


  “I've already checked both precincts in the city. I will have to go to the capitol to borrow compatible radio's. I'll also need to go downstate to borrow the rest. It shouldn't take but a day or two.”

  “Lieutenant James, are you having problems too?” growled the captain.

  “No major problems sir, here is my plan along with an authorization for overtime for the traffic officers we'll need to borrow. The county sheriff called me yesterday and wanted to know the senators itinerary. I've also included a request for him and a deputy for a week. The senators office refused to send me his travel plans.

  “And by the way, I also got a call from the newspaper and TV station wanting to know when the senator will arrive.”


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