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In Deep (The Blackhart Brothers)

Page 17

by Blue Saffire

  Like a toddler having a tantrum, he turns and storms off. I’m grateful to be left with my thoughts. Oh, and I have plenty.

  If Kevin does make that kind of money, what has watching over me cost him and his brothers? My Jane Doe’s ring grabs my attention again. It’s a nice rock.

  Some poor guy is going to be devastated to find out that the girl he loves is gone. Maybe she wasn’t who he thought she was. Or maybe, just maybe, he knew her enough to take her as she was.

  * * *


  “No, I’ll look into it in the morning,” I say tiredly into the phone as I step out of my car.

  “All right, wanted you to know. Bridget was pretty pissed, and since Quinn left here snuggling with his bird, I thought you should know,” Trent replies.

  “When isn’t the lass pissed off?”

  “Don’t let her hear you say that.” He chuckles.

  “I’ll give them both a bonus for this job. We knew he would be difficult.” I sigh.

  I knew that baseball player, Knox, was going to be a problem when he requested two of our females. High-profile clients like him tend to be a pain in the ass. Don’t get me wrong, Bridget and Q are two of our best. Heck, all the women who work for us are professional and at the top of their game.

  I get the feeling there’s a whole lot more going on with that case. If I can get things to settle here, I’ll pop in myself to see what the issue is. At the moment, my tired brain can’t comprehend why my agent and the baseball player she’s assigned to are having problems.

  “Yeah, but I get the feeling it’s more than him,” Trent repeats my thoughts.

  “Shane check in yet? Has he started to rattle those cages like Quinn asked?”

  My brother Quinn is starting to put the pieces into place. I totally agree with him that we’ve been chasing our tails, and it’s time to regroup. When we talked at the Golden Clover, I’d been a little distracted, but I’m totally in favor of calling the noise to us.

  Shane is the best at poking the bear and getting attention. He left not long after Dem to get started on his new task. I’m sure we’ll start to hear something soon enough.

  “Not yet, but I’m sure it won’t take him long to have something for us. I think Quinn is on to something,” Trent replies.

  “I was thinking the same thing.”

  “Anyway, it’s been a long night. The rest of us are all headed out soon. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  “Aye, later,” I say.

  I drag my feet as I walk to my apartment. I don’t want to go into that lonely place. I’m not sure what brings me here. I’ll be letting this place go soon. Normally if I don’t have the kids, I’ll sleep at the house.

  Well, lately I’ve been at Dem’s place more than my own. Running a hand through my hair, I chide myself for pushing too hard. It’s the look in her eyes. I can read her better than she knows.

  She’s thinking about pulling away, but there’s a part of her that doesn’t want to. That’s the part I’ve been getting to hold in my arms. I’m so in love with her, and I don’t know what to do if this shit blows up in my face.

  There are so many variables not in my control. I’m not used to not knowing everything to control the narrative and my environment. I’m the operations and tactical manager at the firm.

  Quinn sees the holes, and I create the strategies to plug them up. We’ve been this way since we were little. It’s how I can sense that I don’t have much time before he figures out what’s going on with Dem.

  Dem… Danita. It doesn’t matter either way to me. All I know is I’ve fallen for a woman whose name I don’t know. I’m twisted in knots over her, and walking into this empty apartment is going to feel like death tonight.

  Or so I thought.

  I lift my head to find a distracted-looking Dem trying to get into my place with the keys I gave her. When she turns to me, tears are soaking her face.

  I don’t think. I rush to her side and look her over to make sure she’s okay. She throws her arms around my neck and holds on tightly, burying her face there as well. I look around for any signs of danger. Once I’ve assessed there’s no immediate danger, I push my key into the lock and let us in.

  “Are you all right, love?” I ask, cupping her face so I can look down into it.

  Instead of replying, she shrugs from her jacket and then out of her holster. She lifts onto her toes and grasps a hold of my ears to bring my lips to hers. Her feverish kiss pulls a groan from me. I palm her full globes, but I don’t deepen the kiss. I pull away and kiss her forehead.

  “Don’t,” she whispers.

  “Don’t what?”

  She brushes her fingers through the front of my hair. “I don’t need you to be my friend. I need my man. Don’t cuddle me.”

  Her words are like the match that lights a firestorm. I lift her onto my waist and kiss her hard and deep. I don’t think we’re going to make it to my bedroom.

  Not the way she’s clawing at my face and the back of my head. There’s a voice in my head telling me I should ask questions. She hadn’t planned to come here earlier. Something had to have happened.

  Yet, the taste of her kisses and the feel of her pressed against me completely silence that voice. I walk her over to the back of the couch and perch her on it. Her button-down is the first thing I reach for.

  Frustrated with the first two buttons, I grab the shirt and tug it open. The buttons fly every which way. Dem looks up at me with a cheeky grin and raises her brow. I stare at her with hooded lids, making sure she can see my desire for her.

  I believe she catches the point. She shrugs out of the shirt and tosses it. I reach for the tank top she has on beneath and tug it from her jeans.

  “So sexy,” I breathe when her gorgeous breasts come into view.

  Needing to do more than look, I tug the right cup of her bra down and palm her breast as I dip my head to capture her peak between my lips. Dem arches her back and cries out. I’ve learned exactly what my girl likes.

  I swirl and flick my tongue against the hardened tip. That wins me the prize I’m after. She squeezes her thighs together and begs for more.

  Grasping her legs, I part them and step between their warmth. When I lift my head, the mix of want, need, and vulnerability that I see on her face is enough to fold me. Of all the looks she’s given me, this one tells me something has changed.

  I open my mouth to tell her I love her, and that’s when her phone rings. I have never begrudged her job or the late-night calls, but this…tonight, in this very moment, I loathe that phone and the fact that she’s a detective.

  Annoyed, I double back for her jacket where the phone is ringing. Dem covers her breasts with one hand and reaches for the device in the pocket of the jacket with the other. Tossing the jacket over the back of the couch, I can’t help but reach for her waist, if for no other reason than to have my hands on her.

  “Hello,” she answers the phone and pauses. “Sure, the password is scathingly brilliant. What’s this about?”

  I watch as her face becomes confused. Something is wrong. I gather her clothing and start to help her get dressed as she listens.

  “No, I’m on my way. Thank you.” She hangs that call up and accepts a call right after. “Hello, Ms. Pearl.”

  She’s shaking as she tugs her tank top back over her head. I’m getting frustrated with not knowing what’s going on. When she lifts tear-filled eyes toward me, I think I’m going to explode.

  “I’m on my way,” she says into the phone once again.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I have to get to my place. I need to get to Sunny.”

  “What happened?” I say and lead her toward the door, grabbing her gun to hand to her.

  “My place is on fire,” she says in the most haunted voice I’ve ever heard.

hapter 24



  I can’t believe this. I almost lost Sunny. I cradle him awkwardly in my arms in a tight embrace as I pace. He’s heavy, but I manage to hold him up, not wanting to let him go.

  “My home, my fucking home?” I sob, my blood boiling.

  It hasn’t sunk in where this has come from. Only the fact that they tried to take Sunny from me. My dog. Who the fuck goes after a helpless dog? When Eric warned no one around me would be safe, I never thought that would include Sunny.

  I’m at a complete loss as I watch my place burn down and the firefighters move about as they get the fire under control. Kevin wrap his arms around me as I rock back and forth with Sunny pressed against my chest.

  “Shh,” I coo as Sunny whimpers. I kiss his head, unable to stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks.

  Sunny was a gift from my grandmother right before I went undercover. She passed away not long after. I’ve cherished Sunny as if I’ve had a part of her with me. Eric fought me on bringing Sunny with me, but it was a battle I won.

  “Are you okay?” Kevin whispers in my ear.

  All I can do is nod. I’m too choked up to speak. I have so many emotions running through me. My anger has won out over my fears in this moment.

  “A warning,” Shane says.

  “Aye, but who the fuck are they to warn me of anything?” Kevin seethes. “I’m going to rain hell on their heads.”

  I’m seething too. Kevin told me on the way over that he and his brothers decided to turn the tables tonight. They mean to draw these cowards out. Kevin believes this is a result of Shane tapping at the right door. I’m not too sure of that.

  I think this is the ring’s way of telling me I’m next to meet with the same fate as Cal. Eric was right. I should have kept my mouth shut and held this assignment tight to my chest.

  “We have to figure out who they are,” Trent grunts.

  I zone out as I run through all the bastards on that list. I may not have the big guys, but I have enough names to rock a few heads to sleep. My anger has me envisioning my hands around a few throats.

  If they want to come after me, I can return the favor. For the first time, I want to go with my gut and say fuck caution. What has it gotten me? I want these guys to pay.

  I look up and lock eyes with Quinn. My wandering rage-filled thoughts must shine through my eyes from the look on his face. I quickly shut down all my emotions before his prying gaze claws in.

  I have to remind myself I’m nothing like the monsters in the ring. They traffic drugs, humans, and guns. They are willing to gun down a man and his wife in front of their home. Yet my anger is so fierce…in this moment, I can’t say what I’ll do.

  “Sunny is the last piece of my abuela I have left; if he had gotten trapped in there…if I had lost him,” I sob. “I’m going to fucking gut them. Do you hear me?”

  “Aye, love. We hear ya,” Kevin says, kissing the top of my head.

  I space out again as Quinn and Kevin talk about where I’ll be staying. All I can think about is how this changes things. Kevin catches a set of keys Quinn tosses to him, bringing my attention back to the present.

  “I’ll take ya up on that one,” Kevin says and starts to lead me away from the scene.

  * * *


  I want to get Dem out of here, and the cabin is the perfect place for her to be able to regroup. I can only imagine what’s going on in her head. I go to pull her closer when Sergeant Graves and Detective Harris come into view.

  “Moralez, are you all right?” Sergeant Graves asks with true concern etched into his face.

  “I will be.”

  “I don’t like this. I don’t like it one damn bit,” he grinds out. “I want answers.”

  Dem leans into me. “I’m going to find out who did this,” she snarls.

  “Maybe you should focus on getting away from here for a while instead. It’s obvious you’ve gotten in over your head,” Harris says.

  In the blink of an eye, I release Dem and get into Orin’s face. “Only one in over their head is you,” I hiss.

  “You better get the hell out of my face,” he says.

  “Or what?”

  “Why are you even here?” Dem says. I turn to see her narrowing her eyes at Harris.

  “I heard the call. I came to see if you were okay.”

  “She doesn’t need your ass to come checking on her.”

  “Right, because you’re doing such a bang-up job of keeping her safe.”

  I grab him by the collar, ready to knock his ass out. I need somewhere to aim this frustration, and his stupid face looks more and more like the perfect place to land it.

  “Gentlemen.” Sergeant Graves sighs, grabbing everyone’s attention.

  He shakes his head at us, causing me to reel it in and release Harris. Rubbing a hand over his bald head, Graves places the other on his hip. His assessing eyes are on Dem.

  “Listen up, Moralez. I think you should take some time off. Get out of town for a bit, maybe. Someone has it out for you. I’m convinced now. It’s not a question. If they’re behind this… Look, I can call in some—”

  “Serg, with all due respect, I’ll be fine,” Dem cuts him off.

  “All right, but you’re taking the time. I’ll get in touch if anything comes up.”

  I pull a card from my pocket. “You can get in touch with me if you need to contact her.”

  Harris snorts. “Typical.”

  I turn back to him slowly. “You got something you want to say to me? Spit it out now while you still have teeth in your mouth.”

  Dem places a hand on my arm. “Kevin, let’s just go. I’m tired.”

  I clench my jaw, not turning from Harris’s glare. It’s the gentle flex of her fingers against my arm that causes me to take a step back. I swear I can’t stand this guy.

  “Take care of yourself, Detective. I’ll be in touch,” Graves says to Dem as I wrap an arm around her shoulders and start for my car.

  She nods. “Thanks.”

  Chapter 25

  Love and Comfort


  “Are you all right?” I ask as I run my fingers through the front of Dem’s hair.

  We’ve been at Quinn’s cabin since last night and have yet to get out of bed, but I’m not rushing her. I think she’s needed this time to process. I’ll figure out breakfast in a bit, but first, I want to see where her head is at.

  We’ll have to go out at some point to get her some clothes and pick a few things up for Sunny. The two have been clinging to each other all night. I don’t mind.

  I’ve wrapped them both in my arms, which seems to have kept them happy. I know it’s grounding me from leaving them up here where they’re safe, while I go find who did this and rip them to pieces. Dem has never broken down in front of anyone other than me. Seeing her fall apart in front of my brothers spoke volumes.

  Dugan better start coughing up some answers. First Cal and Erin, now this. I’m not going to play nice for too much longer. I can get as dirty as the bastards that have started all of this.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Her words are so soft and unlike her. I reach for her chin and lift her face to meet my gaze. There’s that vulnerability again.

  I release a heavy breath. “Something was already bothering you when you arrived at my place. We never got to talk about that, and now all of this has happened. Talk to me, baby. What’s going on in that head?”

  “A few of the gangs have been running a new batch that’s uncut. They’ve also been hosting these raves. Last night…something about seeing this young girl with her life…everything gone. It brought so much home for me,” she says.

  I wrinkle my brows. “Like what?”

  She tightens her hold on Sunny in between us. At f
irst, I don’t think she’s going to answer me. I fully expect her to shut down. However, after a few moments, she starts to speak.

  “I made choices that led me here. Those choices continue to affect people I love and care about. I don’t want a toe tag to be how my family—” She cuts off as her voice fills with emotions, choking her words. She kisses the top of Sunny’s head. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  “You hear that, boy. I think your mum has admitted she loves me,” I tease when I see this is too much for her to talk about. Especially without being able to give me all the details.

  Dem looks me in the eyes, but I don’t see the reaction I was looking for. I wanted to make her smile or laugh. Nonetheless, this look will do.

  “I do love you,” she says. “I wasn’t supposed to fall for you. It’s stupid and dangerous—”

  She doesn’t get to finish as I kiss her and cut her words off. Sunny squirms out of the way and plops across both of our legs. I lock my hands in Dem’s hair and hold her face to mine. I’m so gone for her, she could tell me that she’s an assassin and I’m her next target that she’s struggling to kill, and I’d still be in love with her.

  “I’ve been in love with you for longer than you could know,” I say in between nipping at her lips. “Every time I look at you, I have to tell myself to be patient. One day you will see the way I feel about you.”

  “I think I’ve seen it all along. I’ve been denying it because I know this could fall apart.”

  “You like waiting for the other shoe to drop, love. No matter what, my feelings aren’t going to change. I want you, and I’m willing to fight to have you. If that means I’ll be slaying your demons and Cal’s, so be it.”


  “Baby,” I say, and give her a pointed look. “Listen, you’ve been through a lot. Last night was emotional for you. I know you’ve been overwhelmed with everything you’re dealing with on your own. If you can’t share that with me, then I’ll help you to forget it for now.”

  She gives me a wobbly smile and reaches to place a hand on my ribs. Her touch is electrifying. However, as much as I would love to make love to her, I know she needs food and some fresh air more.


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