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The Scandals of Life

Page 1

by K. L. Humphreys

  The scandals of Life

  The Working Girl Series

  K. L. Humphreys


  Other Books by the author:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21



  Follow Me


  The Scandals Of Life

  First Edition published in 2018

  Text Copyright © K L Humphreys

  All rights reserved.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  Editing by Erin Toland of Erin Edits

  Cover Design by Lee Ching of Undercover Designs.

  Formatter Rachael Tonks of Affordable Formatting

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written permission of the author. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Other Books by the author:

  The Deadly Series:

  Deadly Hunt

  Deadly Obsession

  Deadly Past

  Deadly Encounter -

  Deadly Mistake -

  The Working Girls Series:

  The Secrets Of Life

  The Scandals Of Life -


  The Hitman Series (With Pavan Kaur):



  One Night (With Rachel M Storm)

  The heart wants what it wants

  Woody Allen


  Walking into the restaurant my eyes instantly gravitate towards him, my stomach is flipping as it does every time I see him. As I approach the table James rises, a beautiful smile gracing his face. "Stunning, absolutely beautiful," he whispers as he kisses my lips.

  "James," I whisper back, I love being around him, we've been doing this, whatever it is, for the past three months. He hires me as an escort and then brings me to fancy restaurants and I actually convince myself that we're a couple. I know that this can't last, I mean I am an escort for crying out loud, who the hell would want to date an escort? It’s different for me than most other escorts; I don’t sleep with my clients, ever. Most men are fine with you being their bit on the side whenever they need a date. They however hate that you’ve slept with loads of men. Even in this day and age, men and women are different when it comes to sexuality. The more girls men sleep with they’re praised for it. Whereas, if a woman does it she’s shamed. Having James wine and dine me is getting to me. It’s making me feel things for him that I shouldn’t be feeling towards a client.

  He waits for me to take a seat, he's got good manners, and they’ve been ingrained in him. It's probably down to his parents and all the posh shindigs they attend. Looking down at the table I see he's already ordered wine and it's waiting for me. He knows me too well.

  "How are you?" I ask him, I can't take my eyes off him. His face is tanned, his eyes are a honey-brown colour and looking into them I sometimes think I can see inside. It's weird because sometimes I see pain and sorrow and other times I see happiness.

  "Better, now that I'm with you." Ahh, hearing that makes me feel like I'm a teenager again. God, he really makes me feel special and that's something that I've not felt before."What about you, how are you?" He stares at me intently, really interested in what I'm about to say.

  "I'm good, I took your advice and got a laptop, so I'm going to try..." His smile is huge, he looks smug. I wag my finger. “Don't get your hopes up, I'm just going to try it and see how I feel."

  That smug smile is still present. "Babe, that is brilliant, you finally taking all those notes you’ve made and turning them into a story."

  I still regret saying anything to him about it, I've never told anyone that I wanted to write a story and why I told my client is beyond me. He's been so supportive of me since the moment I told him and he'll ask me how it's going and if I've come up with anything new. Not that I've told him the stories I've been conjuring up in my mind.

  "So, what are you doing tomorrow?" I frown at his question, this is unexpected, as he usually books in with Penelope. "If you're not busy, I'm wondering if you fancied a bit of fun?"

  I raise my eyebrow. "What type of fun are we talking about?"

  He grins and I know exactly the type of fun he wants. “I'm talking about going to Thorpe Park or Chessington?"

  I instantly perk up. “That sounds bloody amazing! I haven't been to either one in years." I'm giddy like a child. "So, tell me about your job?" I know he’s a carpenter and he does really well but that’s it.

  "As you know, I'm a carpenter; I build furniture for high-end clients." His eyes light up when he talks about it, he seems to really love it. “It’s great, as each day brings something different.”

  "Oh, what's the favourite thing you've made?"

  He doesn't even have to think about it. “I made furniture pieces for a nursery.” His smile is big, I can see he really enjoyed making it. “I mean everything, cot, wardrobe, chest of drawers, everything.” He ticks them off with his fingers as he tells me what he made. “It was really great to see what the parents had envisioned come to fruition. They loved it and I think it has been one of the best pieces I have done." He's so animated when he talks about it. I love that.

  We order our dinner and I think, for my own sanity, I need to find out what this is, whatever it is between us. "James?"

  "Yes?" He sounds wary and I don't blame him, I sound ominous.

  "What's happening between us?" God, that sounds needier than I had thought.

  He relaxes instantly. “I've fallen for you and I really want to keep getting to know you and building on that."

  I smile brightly, for the first time in such a long time, I'm truly happy. “I've fallen for you too and there's nothing more I want than to keep this going."

  We raise our glasses and toast, "To the future."

  Chapter One

  Three months later

  I love it this time of year. The summer has ended and all the kids are back to school. Autumn is here. Walking around Camden Market, I am trying to see if I can find something vintage. I want a change. I usually dress up in brand-new dresses. Something extremely skimpy or tight. However, this time it's different, I’m meeting James tomorrow and we’re going to a restaurant. I’d go with the normal fancy dress but he’s chosen one of my favourite restaurants where it’s lower key.

  So here I am at my favourite place in the market to see if I can get that perfect dress. Usually I’d get Jess, my best friend, to come with me, but that will just lead to questions about James and how stupid I am for
sleeping with my client, again.

  Yes, I’m an escort. I’m highly paid and I work for the most prestigious escort company—Midnight Lovers. It’s run by Penelope, who prides herself on having the most sought-after escorts in the business. I’m lucky—Penelope found me when I was seventeen. I was a mess. She took me in under her wing and let me be an escort with a twist. The rule is “I do not sleep with my clients,” and it’s a rule I've had from the start; one that Penelope agreed with. And it was all going well; I hadn’t broken my rule in four years. That was until James came along. He wooed me and I fell in love.

  Every week for the past six months James would hire me. He’d bring me to every function there was—along with trying out new restaurants each week. He would bring me flowers and hold my hand; it was as though we were truly dating. So, I lost my ever-loving mind and slept with him.

  The last time we were together I regretted it most; I had an attack of conscience if you want to put it like that. He’s my client and after everything Penelope has done for me, I broke the one rule we had set out together. It was so good though and I hate it, I hate that I enjoyed it and want more. It wasn't my first time or anything but I'm not a tramp either. I'm twenty-one years old and have only slept with two men in my life.

  Well, Robbie can’t really be called a man, he's a boy and we had sex when we were sixteen. It goes without saying that it was horrible and had put me off trying it again, until now.

  Then there’s James. Well, I can’t stop thinking about him.

  I find the perfect dress. It’s a black and white vintage 1950s A-line that I absolutely love at first sight. It was a steal, only twenty-five quid. Jess would have a heart attack if she had to pay that for a dress; she's got a good heart and I love her and her opinion means the world. We're as thick as thieves and she ain't no saint either.

  Jess is a pole dancer with a four-year-old daughter along with being guardian to her two younger brothers. She’s even paying off her mum’s debt along with trying to raise those kids. Then again, Jess wouldn't even come to a shop like this; she buys most things in the charity shops just so she and the kids can eat. She’s one hell of a strong woman and I’m so proud of her.

  Maybe she is a saint?

  I see an Iron Man jumper and I know that Simon, Jess’ youngest brother, is into his superheroes and Christmas is coming up soon. I’ll get it for him; he’s going to love it. “Excuse me…” I hear a woman ask so I move out of the way, thinking the lady wants to look at the stall and I’m in the way.

  “Are you from around here?” I turn to look at her and she’s stunning, she’s in her late thirties but is dressed impeccably.

  “Yes, I’ve lived in Camden my whole life,” I reply as her eyes soften and she smiles at me. She seems really nice.

  “Oh brilliant, my husband and I are looking for somewhere to eat, we’re hoping for somewhere a bit upscale.” She sounds sort of posh, she definitely isn’t from around here.

  “Yeah, there’s Milo’s, that’s an upscale Italian…. Then there’s Tawny’s, that’s more of an upscale bistro.” I look at my feet as I try to remember anywhere else, I really need to know what she likes so I can point her in the right direction. When I look back up at her she has a sad smile on her face; almost as if she feels sorry for me. “What type of food do you like?”

  “Let me get my husband, that way he can decide too. He’s just over there.” She points at a man who has his back to us, something about his frame and the way he’s standing ignites something in me, and he’s familiar.

  My heart starts to pound as do my temples. Something is wrong.

  “Darling, come here. This lovely lady is giving us ideas for restaurants. What do you fancy for dinner?” she calls out to him and turns to smile back at me once more.

  My eyes are glued to her husband and the blood drains from my face as he turns around and I start to sway. I don’t know how the hell I’m still standing right now. My legs feel like they’re about to buckle beneath me at any moment.

  That bloody cheating rat!

  I see the shock on James’ face when he sees me and I put on my fake smile and pretend I don’t know the bastard.

  “What type of food do you like?” I direct my question to his wife who wraps her arm around James as soon as he’s close to her.

  Why do I feel as though she’s marking her territory?

  “We love Thai and Italian.” She looks up at him, but he’s not looking at her, in fact he’s staring at his shoes; he does not want to be in this situation any more than I do.

  “Well, as I said, Milo’s. They’re so good.” I see James’ ears start getting red, that’s because he’s brought me there a few times.

  “There’s also Alessandra’s…. As for Thai restaurants, I’m not really a fan, but I’ve heard great things about Thai House.” I shrug, hoping I can leave now.

  “That’s fabulous, thank you so much. What do you say, darling, Thai House?” she asks James who’s still staring at his feet.

  “Yes, sounds good. Come on, let’s go, we’ve taken up enough of her time,” the coward says and he walks off, leaving me standing here with his wife.

  “I can’t thank you enough. I really appreciate all your help.” She waves as she leaves and I find myself watching them retreat wondering how the hell I got myself into this mess.

  I call Penelope; I can’t look her in the face as I tell her I let her down. That I broke the “one rule” we had. So, I do the cowardice thing and phone her, it seems everyone is today.

  “Stefanie.” Penelope is one of the very few people that call me by my full name, everyone usually calls me Stef. I sigh as her husky voice filters down the phone.

  She would be great at phone sex, I think, and not for the first time either. I practically think it every time I hear her voice.


  How the hell do I tell the woman who picked me up when I was at my lowest and gave me a purpose that I screwed up?

  “What’s wrong?” She sounds worried as I usually don’t beat around the bush.

  “I screwed up, Penelope. I slept with James.” Tears sting my eyes and I don’t know why, I hardly ever cry and I definitely shouldn’t be crying over that cheating prick.

  Penelope is quiet, so I carry on. “He’s married, I’m so stupid, and I’m so sorry, Pen. I won’t be working tonight, but I’ll be back tomorrow.” I’m bloody pathetic, I should be able to dust myself off and go to work and act as though nothing happened.

  “Hmmm…” is all I hear before the line goes dead.

  She hung up on me? Oh great, she’s really pissed off with me.

  I sit on my sofa and stare at the telly, in a daze, trying to recall where the hell I went wrong. There isn’t anything interesting on the telly, I just gaze at it, lost in my own world, thinking about everything, yet nothing at the same time. When I jump at the sound of my doorbell, it pulls me out of my inner torture and I’m totally shocked to see Penelope standing there when I answer.

  Penelope barges straight past me and walks into my living room. “I’m not staying long. Stefanie, what the hell were you thinking?” She doesn’t shout at me, but it would have been better if she had, the quietness of her voice is a sure sign that she’s disappointed.

  “I’m sorry! I never went into this thinking I was going to sleep with him. It just happened.”

  “I don’t give a shit if you slept with him. What I care about is the fact that you’re not coming into work. Instead you’re going to sit here and wallow in self-pity. Come on, Stefanie, that isn’t you, you don’t want to show the cheating bollox that he’s gotten to you. So, you go into that room, you get glammed up—Tim wants to bring you to the September Splash.” She must see my eyes widen.

  “It’s what it’s called, you don’t have to wear a bikini and get wet.” She rolls her eyes at me. “It’s just what those posh fuckers say instead of a gala. They want it to rhyme or some shit like that. So, chop-chop, you’ve not got long to get ready.” She
claps her hands together to inspire some sort of movement. And it works! I rush to my room and quickly get changed.

  Penelope's right. This isn’t me, I don’t wallow around. I get up and dust myself off. It doesn’t take me long to get ready and I already feel a hundred percent better. Penelope was right again; I don’t want James to think that he’s gotten to me.

  By the time I’m back in the living room, Penelope is gone; I should have known she wouldn’t wait around for me. I leave my house just as my phone starts to ring, I look down at my screen and see James’ name flashing; I set my phone to silent and put it in my handbag. It’s time to forget about him. I call a cab and take one last look in the mirror making sure that my hair and make-up are top-notch.

  The cab pulls up in front of the hotel and Tim’s standing at the curb waiting for me. “Stef, you look divine as always,” he says as soon as I’m out of the cab, and I smile. I love Tim; he’s one of the better clients that I have. He hires me in advance; I’m his “girlfriend” whenever he has events. He instantly calls Pen and books me if he can. Tim hides who he truly is—he’s gay, but he keeps it from his family as they disapprove so he denies his relationship with his boyfriend and brings me. His boyfriend is lovely and is very supportive of Tim. I have met Gary numerous times and each time he’s been nothing but sweet and friendly.


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