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The Scandals of Life

Page 12

by K. L. Humphreys

  "Me too, beautiful." His hand comes down again and I buck against him, panting and clutching at the sheets. His hand winds into my hair and he pulls; my head is jerked back as his other hand comes down on my arse with a harder whack causing me to detonate.

  "Uggggggghhhhh," I moan, and buck up against him yet again.

  His hands grab hold of my waist and he begins to thrust into me, harder and harder with each thrust. My hands are clawing at the sheets as he thrusts once more and cums.

  We collapse onto the bed, him lying on top of me and, even though I need a shower, I'm well and truly fucked; I need to sleep. We lie like this for a while before James gets off me and lifts me up. “Come on, beautiful, let's get you cleaned up."

  After we shower and get dried I walk into the bedroom to see James putting the pillows on the bed. He's changed the sheets and remade the bed with clean linen all while I was getting dried. "In you get." He throws over the duvet so I can get in. He joins me and I lay my head on his shoulder. My eyes already drifting closed. "What that bitch said to you today, none of it’s true. You're going to be a great mum and you deserve to be a mum. If you want children, beautiful, I'll give them to you." He kisses my head."I love you, Steffy," he says sleepily as a tear falls out of my eyes.

  I do want kids, I never thought about it before but losing the baby made me realise just how much I want them. What Valerie said to me hurt but knowing that James wants to have kids makes me happy.

  "I love you too." I snuggle up against him and close my eyes, both of us asleep within minutes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sitting in this waiting room looking at all the pregnant women around me, they all look happy, yet here I am shitting a brick. I took a pregnancy test when we got home on Boxing Day—it came up positive. Since then I've been a moody bitch. I've been rude to James and I hate that I have but right now my head's a mess and I need to clear it. Thankfully I managed to get an appointment for the next day, where the doctor confirmed that I am indeed pregnant. He called the midwife and set up an appointment for me as I've not yet had a period after having the miscarriage and, well, because I miscarried the last time. So that’s why I’m sat in this waiting room on a Monday morning.

  The reason I'm like a damn bull in a china shop is because I have no idea who the father is, I mean it's going to be either James or Owen. It's such a shit situation to be in, one I never thought would happen to me. I mean, I'm sensible, I've only had sex with three men in my life and now I'm up the duff with the possibility of it being Owen's. I can just imagine how that conversation is going to go. I've been trying not to think about it, not until I know for certain how far along I am. There was about a month between sleeping with Owen and James. God, that makes me sound like a whore.

  "Miss Wiley." I hear my name being called and see a happy, young, smiley midwife looking at me. I get up and follow her. She points to the chair she'd like me to take as we enter her room. "I'm sorry for the delay, I've been reading over the notes your doctor sent; it says that you had a miscarriage at nine weeks that was thirteen weeks ago?" She's looking at me with sorrow and I hate it.

  "Yes, that's correct."

  "You didn't have a scan or you didn't take a test after you miscarried?"

  I narrow my eyes. “No, why, was I meant to?"

  She smiles at me. “It’s fine. Now, you haven't had a period since you miscarried?" I nod. “Okay, let's pop you up on the bed." I do as she says and lie on the bed. She pulls the machine around to her so she can see it as she sits beside me on a chair. "If you could pull your trousers down a tiny bit." I pull them a bit down and she places paper towels around them and then she lifts my top and places paper towels under my bra.

  I watch as she puts gel onto the wand thing. God, I remember when Jess had this done when she was pregnant with Emme; that's over five years ago now. "It'll be a little cold." She places it onto my stomach and digs it in causing me to frown at her heavy-handedness.

  She starts frowning and I start to panic, why does she look like that? "Hmmm," she says. Who the hell says hmm when they're scanning a pregnant woman? A smile comes onto her face and she reaches over and hits a button on the machine. A whoomping noise comes; it sounds distorted but the look on the midwife's face tells me there's no need to panic. She turns and smiles at me. “That's your baby's heartbeat."

  Tears spring to my eyes. Oh wow, it sounds so strong. “It's one-forty BPM. That's really good." She turns the screen around to me and I see my beautiful baby, it looks so big. "Now, by my calculations and the size of your baby you're measuring at twenty-one weeks and five days."

  My breath catches and I'm stunned. “I thought... They said..." I can't form the words.

  "It seems as though you were carrying twins, Miss Wiley. One of them died at nine weeks but this little one is strong."

  I'm crying as I'm hit with a mixture of emotions. I'm happy, so overwhelmingly happy but at the same time I'm heartbroken. "Is the baby okay?" I'm afraid. I'm so scared. What if something happens to it?

  "Your baby is perfectly fine, Miss Wiley. Would you like to know what you're having?"

  I smile. Oh, I get to find out what we're having, we're... It's James'. I close my eyes and let out a relieved breath. Opening them again, the midwife's staring at me as she waits for an answer. "Yes, yes, please."

  She gives me the warmest smile I've ever received. “Congratulations, Miss Wiley, you're having a boy."

  I'm choked up. I'm having a boy. God! I'm crying hard but they're tears of happiness. I'm speechless and emotional but overjoyed. No wonder my clothes have been tight fitting. I thought with all the stress I’d been under that I had put on a bit of weight.

  She does something called the anomaly scan, which checks my baby's development; she's really pleased with how he's getting along. She hands me the scan pictures and I’m so in love already. She also screens me for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B, which kind of goes by in a blur, and then she gives me the whooping cough vaccination. I'm so overwhelmed that I'm not really paying attention; luckily she's given me leaflets to bring home with me. God knows I'm going to need them.

  I leave the clinic in a daze, after booking my next appointment and I'm hoping that James will come with me. I'm mad that I didn't tell him before today so that he could come with me but, then again, I didn't know whose baby it was so I couldn't face him. I send Jess a text asking if she's free, I need my best friend.

  Me: Hey, babe, you about? x

  Jess: Swing by PP and I'll be free shortly. X

  PP stands for Pleasure Palace; it's the strip club that Jess works at, but I have a feeling that it won't be for much longer now that she and Hunter have gotten back together. Also, Owen works there which Jess finds awkward. I don't blame her, I wouldn't want my brother to work at the place where I take my clothes off. Thankfully, they work different days so they don't see each other. Jess is friends with the owner, Damien. He knew that Owen was in prison and he's still given him a job as a bouncer. It's not often an ex-con would be given a job but, as I said, Jess and Damien are great friends. Jess is really close to Damien's girlfriend, Saffron, too; she used to be a stripper too. That was until Damien wised up and asked her out.

  I can hear music pumping as I open the door to the club. It's too early for them to be open so that means Jess is learning a new move or she's teaching someone some moves. Walking in I see that she's teaching someone, a very tanned young girl—she's absolutely stunning. Her big brown eyes are full of sadness but the big smile she has only enhances her beauty. She has long black hair down her back, so sleek and shiny. Both her and Jess are in leggings and a sports bra. Both of them have a toned stomach, and the new girl’s legs go on for miles. Without a doubt she's going to be a massive hit here.

  I take a seat and watch as Jess shows her some moves. One thing about Jess is she has a banging body and she's great at doing the harder moves. She spends ages perfecting them and she'd help anyone if they needed it. She used to show Saffron all th
e moves, that was until Saff stopped working here. The girls get good money here. I couldn't work here, as I’ve not got any rhythm in me at all. I'm the one at the parties and clubs either drinking myself silly or up dancing like your dad does.

  "Stefanie." I hear Saffron's voice and I look over to the bar but don't see her. She comes into view as she rounds the bar; she's just come from the office. "It's been a while. How are you?"

  It's been a few weeks, the last time I saw her was for Emme's birthday. "I'm good. How are you? Missing dancing?" I ask and by the way her face flames she's not fully stopped; someone must be getting private dances at home.

  Saffron's a talented designer, she's at college trying to get her degree and Damien's making sure nothing stands in her way. “Great, everything is going great." She sounds worried, like she's waiting for the other foot to drop.

  "You've had too much heartache for it not to go good now." Like me, Saff's mum died. She went to live with her aunt and uncle who were wankers.

  "I wish that I could believe you. Damien tells me the exact same thing. It's going to take some time to get used to this. I mean, I've gone from practically nothing, to being given everything and anything." She sighs. “I'm not ungrateful, far from it. I'm so happy; it's just a lot to take in. That and coming to grips with Damien's dominance." Her face flushes yet again. She's said too much this time and I'm not going to say anything about it. That's their business and as long as they're happy that's all that matters.

  "Who's the new girl?" I ask, changing the subject.

  "That's Katy, she's really nice. With Cherry and Jess leaving all the good ones are going and Dam's asked Jess to train a few of them. Katy's one of the few new one’s being taught who's actually managed to stick around; Jess is a bit over the top when teaching them. She doesn't start off slow and ease them into it. Anyway, the girls are finishing up now, so I'll leave you to it. Don't forget next month is my hen party!"

  Oh crap, I forgot about that. “I won't, I'm looking forward to it." I reach over and hug her, she doesn't stiffen like she used to, which is a good sign. Damien is helping her come out of her shell and lose some of the fear she had.

  "Me too, Stef, I'll see you soon." She waves goodbye as she starts to walk back towards the offices.

  I send James a text while I wait for Jess and Katy to finish up.

  Me: What time will you be home at? I'm making dinner, love you. X

  Within minutes he's calling me, I answer it. “Hello, are you okay?" He never usually calls when he's at work.

  "I was about to ask you the same thing. God, Stef, you've not been yourself since Boxing Day. I've been so worried." He sounds tired and no doubt me being a selfish cow and not telling him what's going on has been eating away at him.

  "I know, I've been a complete cow. I'm sorry. I'm going to make it up to you tonight."

  "Okay, beautiful, I've got to go. I'll be home around five-ish, I'm finishing early. Love you, bye." And he's gone, hanging up on me before I can even reply.

  Looking over at the poles I see both Katy and Jess have pulled on their jumpers and jackets and are ready to go. I stand up as they begin to walk over to me. “Hey, chick, how are you?" Jess pulls me into a hug.

  "Hey, babe, I'm good." I look over at Katy who's staring at us with a weird expression. “Hi."

  She shakes her head and smiles at me. “You must be Stefanie, I'm Katy. It's nice to meet you. Anyway, thanks for your help, Jess, I've got to go." She waves as she rushes out of the door. Jess is frowning as she looks at the door Katy just left.

  "So, Cherry's leaving too?"

  She groans. “Poor Damien, he's having a nightmare right now, with Saff, Cherry, and me leaving he's desperate for new staff. I'm starving, want to get some lunch?"

  "Sounds good." As Pleasure Palace is in Central London, we don't have far to walk to get something to eat; we pick a little cafe. " How're the kids?" I ask her as we take a seat.

  "They're good, Stef, annoying the hell out of me while they're on Christmas holidays. So, want to tell me what this impromptu visit is about?" She smiles at me. She sees right through me, she knows I need to talk to her. The waitress comes over ready to take our order. I order a tea and a Cajun chicken wrap, Jess orders the chicken tikka wrap and a glass of water.

  "Where do I even begin?" Tears well in my eyes, I never thought I'd be saying this to someone after the miscarriage but here I am.

  "Hey, don't. Whatever it is, we'll get through it," she says quietly, she's worried.

  "I'm pregnant," I whisper, still not believing that it's true.

  She gasps before she's out of her chair and over to me, pulling me into a hug. “Oh, Stef, I'm so happy for you." She goes quiet for a moment. “Is it James'?" she whispers looking around to make sure that no one heard her.

  I bat her away from me. “Yes, he's James'." I'm smiling, I'm so happy; she sits back in her chair as the waitress brings the tea and water to the table. "Thank you," I tell her and she smiles at me.

  "He?" she squeaks."You know what you're having?"

  I nod."Yes, I'm almost twenty-two weeks." She frowns and I know she's making up the dates."He was a twin."

  She covers her mouth with her hand as her tears fall, which of course has mine falling too. "Oh, Stef, I'm so sorry."

  "I know you are, babe. I'm okay. It was a huge shock, one that I'm still coming to terms with." The waitress brings our wraps and we both tuck in. I'm starving. I've been so nervous the past few days that I've been picking at my food, now that I'm relaxed I want to eat. "I mean it still hurts to think about the baby I lost, I think about them all the time." I take another bite of my wrap, loving the taste of it, maybe I should have ordered two?

  She swallows whatever she has in her mouth. “I know, what does James say?" I give her a look. “Oh my God, Stef! He doesn't know?"

  I shake my head. I'm starting to feel really bad that he's not here with me. “I only found out for sure today. I was scared, Jess. I'm still scared. I can't have anything happen to him." I place my hand on my stomach. There's a little person growing inside of there. I'm gobsmacked and in awe.

  "I get it, Stef. I'm just shocked. I thought you'd want him here with you?" She pops the last bit of food into her mouth as she waits for me to answer.

  I throw my half-eaten wrap onto my plate; she eats so fast. “Because I was worried it wasn't his," I confess to her, feeling like a tramp for sleeping with Owen when I knew that he wasn't it for me.

  "Stef, you should have called me, I would have been there for you. Just as you were there for me when I was pregnant with Emme." She looks hurt that I never asked her.

  "I needed to do it myself. I needed to think. I needed to just be alone. I never meant for anyone to get hurt because of it, I just needed to do it myself." I start to eat again but I feel worried now. I'm worried how James is going to react. I don't want him to be upset but I know that I'm going to have to tell him that I didn't tell him because I wasn't sure if it was his.

  "Stop it, Stef." I look at her. What's she on about? "Stop thinking the bloody worst, you'll make yourself sick if you keep it up. Now eat the wrap and let's go shopping for some bits for the baby." She's getting giddy at the thought and I'm happy she's excited.

  "Don't be getting broody, you!" I wag my finger at her and she laughs. I finish eating the wrap. “Happy?" I stick my tongue out at her and she shakes her head. I can be really childish sometimes, that's mainly when I'm around Jess; she's so serious all the time and I’m childish so she can relax a bit.

  She rolls her eyes. “Ecstatic," I laugh. “I'm not broody. I'm not saying I wouldn't like another baby. Seeing Emme turn five was a huge shock. I keep wondering where the hell the time went. I loved it when she was a baby but things between Hunter and I are so new and so fresh that I would rather wait until we were more secure."

  "Makes sense." I know Hunter, he's got Jess wrapped around his finger. If he wants another baby it's not going to take much for Jess to change her mind.

nbsp; "So how was Christmas with the in-laws?"

  I groan. “Oh God, so bad." She looks shocked because I've told her that I love Sylvie and Thomas. “It wasn't his family, bloody Valerie turned up."

  She gasps. “She didn't?"

  I nod. “Yes, she did. We got to the Cotswolds and James went a completely different direction than his parents’ house." I look at her, she's confused which means she doesn't know. “He bought us a house there, Jess."

  "Shut up! Oh, Stef, that's amazing. You told me how much you loved the countryside." She's smiling from ear to ear. “We'd better be invited if you're upping and moving to the middle of nowhere."

  "I'm not moving permanently; James thinks it'll be a good place to get away to, so I can write."

  Her eyes light up. “Yes, it'll be perfect, peace and quiet. So, what happened with his ex?"

  I groan. “So his family turned up at our door, they brought dinner with them. When I say all, I mean all including Matthew and Amelia.”


  I nod. “Yep. So anyway, Lisa tells me that Valerie turns up at Matthew's door Christmas morning with Amelia and hands her over and fucks off. Poor Matthew was like a deer in headlights seeing as he's never had Amelia alone before."

  Jess' eyes narrow. “Let me get this straight. She doesn't let him have his daughter and then out of the blue turns up at his house and leaves her there?"

  "Bingo. She didn't even explain how to change a nappy or what she needs, nothing. She dropped Amelia at his house and buggered off." I'm actually still in shock at how much she doesn't give a fuck who she uses in her vendetta, including her own daughter.

  "What did she want?" Ha-ha, Jess hasn't even met her and she knows she's a bitch.

  "She turned up at James' parents’ house while everyone was at ours. When James and I got to his parents’ all hell had broken loose. Valerie had slapped Sylvie; Lisa was trying to break free of her dad's hold so she could batter her."


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