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Turning Dreams into Reality

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by Yuval Tabib

  First and foremost, this book is dedicated with great love, appreciation and gratitude to my mother, Leah, and to my late father, Yizhak, who educated me to walk the straight path and taught me unconditional love.

  Above all, I am grateful to God for all He gives me with His grace!

  Turning Dreams into Reality

  Change your Mindset & Effortlessly Achieve your Dreams

  Yuval Tabib

  Copyright © 2019 Yuval Tabib

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.

  Translation from the Hebrew: Dina Saadon


  Telephone: 972-52-2593142



  Laws of the Universe

  What Is the Law of Attraction?

  The Law of Attraction in the Eyes of Science

  The Power of Thought

  The Subconscious Mind

  Emotional Scale and Frequencies

  Emotions Influence the Organs of the Body






  Positive Affirmations

  Vision Board

  How to Avoid Excessive Desire

  Subliminal Messages

  The Law of Attraction - The Ten Commandments



  Money Equals Energy

  Barriers to Money

  Ask and Believe


  Feel Rich, Be Rich

  Learn to Receive



  Limiting Beliefs


  Manifesting a Relationship Through the Law of Attraction

  Circle of Energy

  Improving Existing Relationships


  Career and Business


  Self Employed

  How to Expand Your Clientele



  Self-Healing - Helpful Tools

  Self-Healing through Affirmations

  Weight Loss through the Law of Attraction

  Eating Disorders

  Quit Smoking through the Law of Attraction



  Additional Uses of the Law of Attraction

  How You Can Receive a Text Message from a Specific Person

  How to Attract a Specific Person into Your Life

  Winning the Lottery Through the Law of Attraction

  Signs That the Law of Attraction Is Working for You

  Angel Numbers

  Common Mistakes in Practicing the Law of Attraction

  20 Steps to Success



  About the Author

  Message from the Author

  “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

  - Norman Vincent


  We all want a happier life, relationships built on mutual understanding and honesty, a successful career, more money and abundance in all areas of life. This life changing book will help you fulfill all of your heart’s desires by implementing a few simple the rules and remembering to believe in yourself. In this book I present an overall review of the mystery of the universe and how you can turn your life into paradise on Earth.

  The world is not lacking miserable, frustrated, annoyed, resentful people, in horrible economic conditions – the result of their own doing! As you read this book, you will understand in depth why this happens and how you can very easily create the reality you’ve always dreamed of. Change will come faster than you think; by working with conscious awareness, good will, faith, persistence and taking action through the Law of Attraction which I explain in detail later on.

  You’ve probably asked yourself: “Why is this happening to me and why is my life like this?” or “What is the real purpose of my life?” Or you have said to yourself, “I’m doing my job, investing in my studies and relationships, but nothing is working out the way I want. I deserve more.” And you may feel like you’re standing still.

  Many of us get up in the morning, go to work or school, and return home frustrated, annoyed and unsatisfied. We live like we’re on a conveyor belt, without faith, without soul and without loving what we’re doing. Why? The common answer is “Because that’s life. You have to work hard in order to survive.” This is an attitude that can be changed. Life can be simple. If you follow the rules in this book and apply them, your life will most definitely change in positive ways.

  Throughout this book you will be made aware of secrets, acquire tools, and receive clear guidelines on how to properly take action according to the Law of Attraction. You’ll learn how to manifest anything you want in all areas of life and achieve all goals you set for yourself. As long as you are patient, everything will materialize for you. You’ll become calmer, more appreciative of your surroundings, more patient on the road, towards your coworkers, at home, and in general. Most importantly, you will be able to recreate your path, make it happier and richer. You’ll be able to design your life as you desire, to fulfill dreams , improve your finances, relationships, career, and anything else you desire.

  This book was designed to be user-friendly and is mostly based on my personal experience, my clients, and the people closest to me, who have changed their lives in a variety of areas. These lines were written for anyone who wants to take action, to make an immediate change in their life, without exhausting themselves with detailed and complicated explanations.

  Laws of the Universe

  Law of Divine Unity - The first of these 12 laws explains that we live in a world where everything is connected to ‘the everything’ and that our patterns of behavior influence, to a certain extent, other people and the entire expanse of the universe.

  Law of Vibration - This is a law that says that everything is in motion, vibrating and projecting energy. What defines our vibrational frequencies are thoughts, words, and actions.

  Law of Action - According to this law, we must take action in order to actualize ourselves in this world, and we must act in ways that support our thoughts, words, and emotions.

  Law of Correspondence - The Law of Correspondence teaches that our external world is a direct reflection of our internal world; therefore we must know to have control of our thoughts, words, and emotions.

  Law of Cause and Effect - This means that for each action there is a reaction and that each thing that happens to us does not happen by chance. We reap what we sow, for better or for worse. Everything that occurs is a direct result of our behavior.

  Law of Compensation - This law is a continuation of the Law of Cause and Effect and it says that each gift, inheritance or large sum of money that we receive during our lives is a direct result of our behavior in the past.

  Law of Attraction - This is one of the most central and important laws and is the most famous of the 12 laws. It essentially means that a certain frequency attracts a similar frequency. Our vibration attracts vibrations that are similar. For example, a person who usually thinks negatively will broadcast an energetic frequency at a low level, an
d will therefore attract life situations that match this frequency.

  Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy - This is a particularly significant law and it determines that we all have the power that is required to make change in our lives. And through the understanding of the laws of the universe, we can implement the principles and the desired change in our lives.

  Law of Relativity - This law determines that despite all of the difficulties we meet and despite all of the tests we go through in our lives, we must look at it all in a positive perspective. There is light at the end of the tunnel and that is where we must direct our gaze – not towards the darkness, where there are far worse situations.

  Law of Polarity - The law of polarity determines that we have the power to transform negative thoughts and to reverse them by focusing on their complete reversal and therefore change the existing situation into a positive situation.

  Law of Rhythm - This law determines that everything is vibrating and has a cycle. This is the reason for example that the laws of nature remain permanent while change in nature is constant. The cycle cannot be broken, but the outcome of every turn of the wheel can be changed.

  Law of Gender - This law explains that each thing in nature has two sides, masculine and feminine, yin and yang. We must find the balance between the two energies if we want to live peacefully and happily.

  What Is the Law of Attraction?

  The Law of Attraction was summed up in one sentence by Tony Robbins: “Where the focus goes, the energy flows.” It allows you to attract whatever you focus on. The law of attraction is always working because there is no other option. It’s a physical law that many people aren’t aware of at all. Everything you broadcast, like feelings, thoughts, and words, will draw into your life the same things, through similar or identical situations. In other words, ‘like attracts like.’

  The Law of Attraction has been explained through Quantum physics and you don’t need to be a physicist to implement it. But the more you know about how the law works, the easier it will be for you to implement this wonderful tool and the change your life.

  It is my intention to instill faith in you and prove to you that almost everything that happens and exists in our lives is physics. I will briefly discuss the basics of how the law works scientifically and how science discusses this law on a spiritual level as well. I don’t mean religious faith, rather the existence of a higher force that science defines as a force that cannot be explained. Each religion gives the universe its own name, we call it - God; science calls it - ‘the universe.’ I would like to emphasize the point again, the Law of Attraction and the way in which you invite possibilities into your life are physical and mental processes that science has proven and is not an unexplainable mystical or religious journey.

  Belief in this law requires understanding a few general rules of physics and familiarity with the ways in which our brains work. Once you understand this, you will be able to apply the law easily and with pleasure. At the beginning you will start to feel changes occurring in your life and you’ll receive a few ‘treats’ from the universe to arouse more motivation to keep going.

  The Law of Attraction shapes your life whether you are aware of it or not. Look at your life and everything that you have: a career, a relationship, income, your health. You attracted all this into your life, you thought of all this; nothing was created in your life by chance. It’s all a result of your thoughts.

  Many people are skeptical of the Law of Attraction, but those who have persisted with it have discovered a whole new world. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Meaning, you will get exactly what you believe in, because there is no other option. You are the sum of your thoughts!!

  There’s been a lot of talk about positive thinking; a difficult task to implement, especially today with all the negative information flooding social networks. This flood does not benefit our subconscious mind and negatively impacts the way in which we behave. People who have negative thoughts don’t understand why bad things keep happening to them over and over again. People lose their jobs, friends become distant from them and they generally feel uneasy or sad. They have a tendency to blame everyone else when the only one to blame is themselves. Through their thoughts, feelings and words, they shape their current reality. The Law of Attraction tells us explicitly: we attract into our lives whatever we focus our attention on, it must happen. The condition is to know the rules that dictate the power of attraction and live by them; then we will be able to achieve anything and gain from everything.

  The Law of Attraction in the Eyes of Science

  The best way to describe how science relates to the Law of Attraction is through Quantum physics, which is fascinating and amazing. I won’t delve too deeply into Quantum physics, but I will explain what is relevant to the Law of Attraction.

  According to science, all matter in the universe is made up of atoms; meaning us, our environment, the objects around us like the table next to you, the chair, the cell phone, etc. Everything is made up of the same material. Everything is vibrating and broadcasting energy at different frequencies.

  If we break ourselves down completely, first we reach tissue, then cells, then molecules, and if we keep going, we reach atoms and subatomic particles. The density of atoms and their rapid vibration allows us to see matter and feel it with our five senses. According to Quantum physics, the particles in the atom contain a space that occupies 0.01% of its volume. Inside the nucleus of the atom are protons and neutrons attached to each other and held together by the strong nuclear force. If we go deeper into neutrons and protons, we find particles called ‘quarks,’ which are held by smaller particles called ‘gluons ‘ which carry the strong nuclear force. Surrounding the neutrons and protons is the nucleus of the atom with the enormous speed of the electrons. There are many more particles but right now, I will only refer to the main particles in the atom. If atoms are 99.99% empty space, what does that say about us and the rest of the universe? It means that we are less than 0.01% matter and the rest is empty space. Meaning, we, and everything around us, are energy.

  “Everything in the entire cosmos is nothing but a huge vibrating ball of interconnected infinite energy which has the ability to communicate into infinity with no regard for space and time. This energy joins together to create form based individual thought and intention!”

  Charles Green – ET Yoga 2012 and Beyond: The True Nature of Reality; Sue Stone – Love Life, Live Life

  Our energy transmits vibrations at various frequencies that are invisible to the human eye - this has all been proven by Quantum theory. So, how do we feel touch if we are 99.99% empty space? Science explains that what we feel when we touch something are electromagnetic fields that arise from our contact with the object. Meaning, there is an energetic resistance that we interpret as contact. For example, when you are sitting on a chair, you are actually floating at a height of one hundred-millionth of a centimeter above the chair - above the atoms that the chair is made of.

  Our vibration creates frequencies that attract matching frequencies. For example, let’s say that you want to listen to a certain radio station broadcast at a frequency of 91.3. If you adjust the dial to 90 FM, you won’t receive the station you want, only if you adjust the dial to exactly 91.3 FM. It’s the same in life. You receive according to the frequency that you transmit. These can be good situations or not.

  This law has always worked, from childhood to today, whether we are aware of it or not. Now, after sharpening our awareness of the Law of Attraction and the way it works, we can use it to our advantage.

  The universe will always respond to the energy you broadcast, for better and for worse!

  Quantum physics has proven that your thoughts, beliefs and perceptions concerning any and every event, condition or circumstances, determine how your life experience will unfold in the physical world.”

Chuck Danes –The 7 Hidden Keys to Conscious Creation

  The Power of Thought

  Humans think 65,000-70,000 thoughts a day! 90% of these are thoughts that we have already thought in the recent past, some of them are new and most of them are negative. Thoughts are an incomprehensibly powerful source of energy. The thoughts we think and the words we say shape our personalities. You can design your life as you desire; it all depends on you or, more precisely, on your thoughts. We all want a more successful career, better health, a better house, a new car, a perfect marriage or harmonious family life. All of these things and more, are achievable. Actually, anything is possible. It’s possible that you’ve tried to apply the Law of Attraction in the past, based on what you’ve read on the Internet or heard from friends, and you didn’t see the results you’d hoped for. There are many reasons for this, namely lack of tools on how to implement the law and lack of persistence. People believe that by thinking about a higher salary, and following a few rules, their boss will suddenly give them a raise.

  People’s lack of awareness of the law makes them think that it is a matter of religion. A few years ago, I posted something about the Law of Attraction on Facebook. Shortly after my sister sent me a message wondering if I had decided to become devout. As we’ve already established, the Law of Attraction is not something religious or mystical. It belongs to the world of physics, even though science cannot explain how human beings’ vibration can create circumstances and events and how thoughts translate into physical matter. One of the rules of the Law of Attraction is to never question how and why it works. Think only about how to manifest your dream and the universe will do the work for you…

  Understanding the frequencies of our brain will help you apply the Law of Attraction and utilize the tools presented in this book. The brain’s activities are divided into five frequencies: delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma. These electric frequencies are measured in hertz units (Hz). Delta is the lowest frequency (up to 4 Hz) and is characterized by deep sleep and low brain activity. After that comes theta frequency (4-7.5 Hz) which mostly appears in light sleep or meditation. The third one on the list is alpha frequency (7.5-14 Hz) which is broadcast while awake but calm. Beta frequency (14-40 Hz) is the frequency we manage our daily life with, and at the end of the list is gamma frequency above 40 Hz, which mostly appears when we are really focused, in a good mood, with a sense of well-being.


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