Turning Dreams into Reality

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Turning Dreams into Reality Page 2

by Yuval Tabib

  Thoughts broadcast frequencies. For example: If a person thinks negatively, he broadcasts frequencies that merge with frequencies at the same level. An angry driver on the road will always attract more situations that make him an angry driver on the road. Alternatively, if a person always complains about his debt, he shouldn’t be surprised if he sees his debt grow. People who complain about how bad other people are shouldn’t be surprised if they continue to attract more bad people into their life. Your behavior towards situations and people match the quality of your life and how your life looks. When a person is speaking or thinking negatively about someone else, it causes the brain to quickly release a stress hormone to the blood stream (cortisol) and it weakens the immune system. As a result, illnesses can develop and unanticipated difficult events can result. It is very important to avoid gossiping and spreading libel whether it is among friends or on social media. In the end, you’re harming yourself.

  Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto conducted a famous experiment on changes in the molecular structure of water. He discovered that the energy generated by the vibration from human thoughts, words, and emotions, affects the molecular structure of water. He took bottles and filled them with tap water. On each bottle he wrote different words such as anger, love, thank you, etc. After that he froze the bottles and looked at the molecules under a microscope. The results showed that the molecules of the frozen water in a bottle that was blessed with words of love were in beautiful, symmetrical shapes, like snowflakes. In the other bottle, that was cursed - the water molecules were murky and undefined. Some people disagreed with this experiment but, as of today, there have been a lot more experiments like this, whether in laboratories or as hobbies. There was even an experiment conducted on cooked rice that was stored in jars for a month. Each jar had a label on it with different emotions, blessings and curses, like on Emoto’s bottles of water. The results weren’t surprising. The jar of rice that had negative words, showed signs of mold, while the rice that had the word love on it remained as it was.

  The physiological influence that thoughts and words have on our bodies is no longer a secret. If the human body is made up of 70% water, consider what a negative thought or negative talk can do to our body.

  Be careful with your thoughts and treat others as you would want to be treated!

  The Subconscious Mind

  The subconscious mind is an endless storehouse that stores and operates according to all our memories, events and experiences from the distant past up until now. The subconscious mind is responsible for the involuntary systems in the body, such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure regulation and more. It is the subconscious mind that is responsible for the implementation of all our thoughts and beliefs. Everything thought in the conscious mind slowly flows through a filter to the subconscious mind and to its memory banks. It doesn’t matter what thought goes through your conscious mind, the subconscious mind always receives it in the end, and it doesn’t have the ability to differentiate between fact and fiction. The subconscious mind receives everything, and it operates based on the information it receives from thoughts and words. The subconscious mind doesn’t understand jokes. If you constantly say, “I have no money,” even jokingly, your subconscious mind will operate according to what you said. How you behave, what you eat, television programs you watch, desires for certain things, all come from your subconscious mind.

  Then what shapes your subconscious mind? Everything you’ve been exposed to in the past and up to the present. Your subconscious mind saves everything you have been exposed to since the day you were born. It is an infinite memory bank which operates according to the data that you’ve entered into it. The result is your current reality.

  The subconscious mind is much stronger than the conscious mind and it operates according to all of your experiences and beliefs. Almost every action you take in life is run by it. Free will is an illusion. About 2%-4% of the time, you decide what you want, while the other 96%-98% of the time, your subconscious mind decides for you.

  Your subconscious mind knows only one tense; the present. Your awareness, meaning your conscious mind, can think in terms of past and future. So, it is important to talk to your subconscious mind in present tense, like: “Now, I have…,” “I am succeeding…,” “I feel…”

  According to the Law of Attraction, the language of your subconscious mind is emotional. According to the emotions we broadcast, the subconscious mind will know how to tell if something is important or if it’s negligible and should be ignored. Your subconscious mind is the one that helps you achieve your goals and with its help you can achieve anything, if you only knew how to talk to it and how to program it. It is the tool with which you connect to the universe. Your heart has no less of a significant role, which I will expand on later.

  Everything you have in life today is what your subconscious mind formed for you according to how you programed it to, consciously or unconsciously. When we tell the subconscious mind what we want to achieve in life, it works without stopping in order to achieve what we want. In order to actualize yourself in life, you must understand that everything is energy and vibration. Your vibration broadcasts frequencies. As soon as you feel and want something, you plant a seed in the subconscious mind and, through proper work on yourself, while applying the Law of Attraction, this seed will sprout and turn into a reality.

  But, the subconscious mind is not able to distinguish between reality and imagination. We must learn to use this this to our benefit. Here is an example: scientists decided to do an experiment. They gathered a group of runners and connected them to a device which measured the electrical signals from their muscles. They were told to just imagine themselves running. The result was amazing. The same muscles that are responsible for running transmitted the same electrical signals that are transmitted while running!

  Imagine that you are biting into a slice of lemon and sucking the juice out of it. You’ll surely feel how your mouth filled up with saliva. How does this happen? How does a thought about something create a physical response like producing saliva? Let me remind you, your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. Hypnosis, for example, works on the subconscious mind. The hypnotist plants whatever he wants you to believe. For example, if he tells you that you have a snake on your leg, you will believe it.

  Many children are exposed daily to violent content on television, on the computer, on their cell phones, etc. All of this is photographed by the brain and goes straight to the subconscious mind. When these children grow up, people don’t understand how they could become violent and rude people. One of the ways to stop this is to distance your children from this kind of content. Songs played on the radio with negative messages can also do us harm without us even noticing. Music can be a wonderful thing, but it can also have a negative influence on our health. Our subconscious mind receives the negative messages even when the program is just playing in the background, and it influences our behavior later on. Our thoughts shape us. We must pay attention to what we are thinking!

  People who speak negatively about other people don’t realize the physical damage that they are causing to themselves!

  Emotional Scale and Frequencies

  The higher you are situated on the emotional scale (shown on the next page), the higher your frequency will be and the more easily your aspirations in life will be fulfilled. Don’t expect your frequency to be situated high on the scale if you usually experience feelings of jealousy, anger, vengeance, etc. and then are suddenly imbued with a sense of faith or optimism for a short time. Use this scale and try to climb the emotional ladder, one step at a time.

  Remember that your heart is the greatest generator of electromagnetic energy in your body. Each beat of the heart emits an electromagnetic wave one thousand times stronger than brainwaves. Whoever has fed this electromagnetic field for many years with negative thoughts and negative feelings should not expect to clean it
up in one day. It requires work and persistence – to think and feel positively for at least a few weeks in order to be nourished by the new and to clean out the old.

  Once you adjust your emotions from the top of the scale over time, you will feel positive change in your life within a few days and it will increase over time.

  Emotional scale
























  Defeatism/mental fatigue






  Lack of confidence/unappreciation



  Emotions Influence the Organs of the Body

  In the chapter that dealt with the subconscious mind, I briefly discussed the influence that thoughts and emotions have on our body on a physical level.

  The most common signs felt in the body due to negative emotions are: back and neck problems, difficulties sleeping, sexual dysfunction, headaches, digestive and respiratory problems.

  Each group of emotions has an area in the body and a specific organ that the emotions focus on and attack.

  Worry, anxiety, mistrust affect the digestive system and metabolism, the spleen, the stomach and the pancreas. Over-worrying affects your focus and your tranquility and, as a result, causes the quality of sleep to decrease, which harms your health.

  Fear and stress affect the ears, kidneys, bladder, and cause nervous system disorders. Having too much tension causes an increase in cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Tension causes emotional problems and symptoms can be expressed in headaches, insomnia, irritability, muscle aches - especially in the upper back and neck. Fear causes you to lose your confidence and faith in yourself. Morality and happiness levels are also harmed.

  Anger, frustration, jealousy mainly affect the liver, gallbladder, eyes, and cause high cholesterol. Anger causes the brain to release the stress hormone cortisol into the blood stream, which weakens the immune system over time. Jealousy has a severe impact on your brain, which leads to depression, tension and anxiety.

  Depression affects mostly the lungs, the skin, and the large intestine. Depression causes constipation and difficulties breathing. Researchers have proven that depression is likely to harm skin tissue or even cause a low oxygen level in the blood.

  Hatred and impatience affect the bowels and the heart and can cause heart palpitations, chest pain and high blood pressure. They also cause liver and gallbladder damage due to negative thoughts that solidify the molecules of these regions.

  Sorrow and sadness weaken the lungs, which can cause shortness of breath and fatigue and can lead to asthma attacks or bronchial issues.


  I’m sure that after having read about the effect that your emotions have on your physical condition you’ll start to develop awareness and want to gain control of your negative feelings, even though it is a process that doesn’t happen overnight. You need perseverance and awareness of your thoughts at any given moment until you can manage to shift into positive patterns of behavior.

  It is clear to everyone that our health is influenced by genetics, lifestyle, etc. But the relationship between emotions and the body is crucial and cab sabotage your day, whether at work, in relationships, or in interpersonal communication, etc.

  Practical Tools for Applying the Law of Attraction


  One of the most important elements in applying the Law of Attraction is gratitude. Many people look at what they don’t have, what they are lacking; their debts, instead of being thankful for what they do have. I once had a client who was also a good friend of mine. He used to constantly complain about the apartment he lived in, about the neighbors, about the small rooms in his apartment and about the area he lived in. To my astonishment, I even heard him refer to his apartment as “shitty”. His dream was to move with his wife into a house.

  Since I was already aware of the harm he was doing to his future self, I explained to him that he must appreciate what he has in the present and be grateful, even if it isn’t perfect in his eyes. Since he was unfortunately lacking the spiritual depth, it was necessary for him to learn the sacred value of gratitude. We didn’t see each other often for a while, but I would bump into his younger brother and get updates. Indeed, my friend had moved into the house he had dreamed of but lived there for only ten months before he was forced to sell the house due to his stormy divorce. The money he got from selling the house went the bank to pay off the mortgage and he gave the rest of it to his wife under the terms of their divorce agreement. Today he lives in a two-room rental apartment not far from his old apartment; the same one he’d complained about so much. I began sending him messages through his brother and as he began to articulate his desires and become a more positive person, more grateful for what he has and less focused on what he doesn’t have, things began to turn around for him.

  Learn to be grateful, appreciate what you have and don’t emphasize what you don’t have. Even the poorest person has something to be grateful for. When you are grateful for what you have, you come closer with your energy to the universe /God. The more grateful we are for the things we have, the more we receive. Gratitude raises the level of energy within you.

  Gratitude can apply to anything. Your house: think about it, there are millions of people in the world without a roof over their heads, and you do have one. Your car: not everyone has one. Your family, your health, your children, your money, your work, your livelihood; for everything. Even gratitude for your body!! Learn to be grateful that you’re healthy and fully equipped with two hands and two legs. Be grateful that you have an abundance of food; there are people who look for food in garbage bins. Learn to be grateful that you have eyes that see and you are reading this book right now. Gratitude is a powerful tool for achieving your goals and a very important part of applying the Law of Attraction.

  A person who isn’t grateful for what he has is not worthy of receiving what he wishes from the universe.

  A person who looks at what he doesn’t have and doesn’t know how to appreciate what he does have, may encounter more loss and increasing poverty. You, with your own thoughts, created this situation. You are the director, screenwriter, and set designer of the movie of your life. Negativity vibrates at a low frequency. If you talk, think and complain about your bad credit, you’ll receive even worse credit and more debt! If you talk about it less, you’ll be less exposed to these low frequencies. Most people are at a low frequency when they are angry, frustrated and ungrateful for what they have and complain about what they don’t have.


  Think of things you are grateful for. Begin with your health all the way to your car. It can be anything that serves you on a daily
basis or something that makes you happy. Make a list of 5-10 things. Express your gratitude for them aloud twice a day; in the morning when you wake up and, in the evening, before you go to bed. If, for some reason, you cannot say them aloud, simply think about them in your heart with a lot of intention and feeling or say them at another time when it is more comfortable for you. You can also write them down on a piece of paper. After a few days, you will already start to feel the change; your subconscious mind will start to understand that you are focusing on what you have in your life and not on what you don’t have, and you will be rewarded accordingly.

  The following are a few examples

  “I am grateful for my health.”

  “I am grateful for my children.”

  “I am grateful for my job.”

  “I am grateful for my income.”

  “I am grateful for the car that I have.”

  “I am grateful for the food in my house.”

  “I am grateful for my body that is whole and healthy and strong.”


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