Turning Dreams into Reality

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Turning Dreams into Reality Page 3

by Yuval Tabib

You can say thank you for anything. Also, say thank you for the ten dollars in your bank account. Because ten dollars is equivalent to one million dollars in terms of the frequency they transmit!

  An important tip: Also add to your list of things to be grateful for the things you have requested from the universe that you haven’t received yet! For example, if you asked for a certain amount of money or the job you’ve always dreamed of, say thank you for it as if you’ve already received it. You’ll discover that in this gratitude is tremendous power to hasten the achievement of what you requested from the universe.

  Be grateful for what you have and you’ll receive more of it, complain about what you don’t have and you’ll receive more of that.


  I’m just like everyone else. I’ve not always been in the best mood. I’ve had ups and downs and, if I am being honest more downs than ups. One of things that bothered me the most was being alone. On my own, I would start to think dark thoughts, start feeling sorry for myself and get myself into a loop of negative energy. My mind would turn over thoughts like, “What is the purpose of my life? Why am I alive?” or “How is a guy like me alone every evening?” These weren’t suicidal thoughts, God forbid, but they were enough to make me feel bad, to say the least. One of the tools that helped me to relax, focus and deal with stressful situations is meditation.

  At first I found it difficult to reach a completely meditative state. But later it got easier, because I practiced daily. In addition to having many health benefits, meditation is a very powerful tool for summoning your requests from the universe. Meditation is a bridge between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. To remind you, as long as there is a gap between what your conscious mind thinks and the information that flows through your subconscious mind, the more difficult you will find it to apply the Law of Attraction. So it is very important to synchronize the two parts of your mind. Daily meditation practice significantly contributes to this. In the initial stages, you may have a hard time reaching maximum focus, but that improves over time. See it like a muscle in your body; to reach the desired strength, you must exercise it until it gets stronger. Our mind is also like that. You must exercise it to reach a state of concentration, tranquility, and the ability to look inside.

  There are many videos on the Internet that you can use for guided meditation. They will help you during the initial stages. Later, you’ll already be able to do it alone with relaxing music or even without it. There are infinite ways and methods of doing meditation, achieving concentration and tapping into your internal world. You will find the methods that suit you best. The most important thing is that in the initial stage you achieve tranquility through breathing and muscle relaxation exercises. In the second stage, you enter a state in which you visualize what you’ve asked from the universe as if it already exists, while combining emotions and as many active senses as possible.


  Another important tool for creating reality is visualization. Visualization helps you focus on the goal that you set for yourself and helps you to develop feelings about your goal throughout the day. Effective visualization creates mental pictures in your mind through sounds, smells, tastes and other sensations.

  Up until three years ago, when my process was still in its infancy and I hadn’t yet crossed the threshold to working with my first client, I would visualize myself driving a Lexus, the car of my dreams. I would visualize the picture down to the small details: the smell of the car, the feel of the steering wheel, the sound of the engine, and every little detail in the interior of the car. I would almost physically feel the experience of driving my dream car. Also, when I drove in my old Nissan, I would visualize (with my eyes open, of course) that I am driving a Lexus. Even when at the beginning I heard internal voices that said “Calm down and stop fooling yourself”, I didn’t pay attention to them and I continued visualizing every chance I got. Two months had passed since I started practicing visualization, and here’s what happened: I used to teach a dance class in a small town called Ganei Tikvah every Thursday. Since I wanted to skip traffic on the main road, I would take a shortcut through the prestigious neighborhoods of Savyon. I always looked admiringly at the houses and cars parked next to them. One evening, while I was driving slowly through the neighborhood, I caught a glimpse of a Lexus with a ‘for sale’ sign on it. It was the exact car that I visualized! I immediately pulled over and wrote down the car owner’s phone number, with hopes that he wouldn’t ask for an excessive price, given my limited budget. The next day, I called him. He sounded decent and relaxed. To my surprise, he was asking for a price that was significantly lower than the market price, due to a sudden move abroad. I jumped on the deal like I’d found treasure. The next day, after completing all of the procedures involved in purchasing a car, it was mine! I was beside myself with joy. The car was exactly what I had visualized and summoned in my mind. This was another strong affirmation that my reality is constructed by the power of my thoughts and I was filled with great admiration for the precise fulfillment of things. While I was still sitting in the car, I closed my eyes and I knew that the time had come to intensify my practice of summoning my reality. I had plenty more goals to achieve.

  Now that you are aware of the power of the tool of visualization, let’s look at how it works and how you can summon to your life whatever you wish for it.

  The stage before visualization is to determine a goal and to create a clear picture of it. To help you to effectively visualize, write down a summary of the goal that you’re setting for yourself and next to it write down how you would feel if you were to achieve it. Perhaps you’d feel joy, satisfaction, pleasure from others being happy for you, excitement, etc.

  Before visualizations, it’s best to be in a state of total relaxation. When we are in a state of total relaxation, your brain is in alpha state. Breathe deeply for a few moments until you feel calm and relaxed.

  While visualizing, it is important that you feel that you already have what you are requesting from the universe. As mentioned, it could be that in the beginning, you have a hard time seeing and visualizing. But the more you work on it, the more you develop stronger abilities. Try to see a clear picture of what you requested from the universe. For example, if you asked for a specific sum of money, see yourself as someone who has already received it and visualize the final result. Think about what you would do with that sum of money, what it would give you in life; maybe a vacation, things that you wanted to buy but couldn’t before, the house or car of your dreams. Combine feeling and excitement, see the little details, visualize how your family members are happy for you. Write a screenplay in your mind and include emotions.

  For visualizations regarding relationships, find a quiet place or do it in bed before going to sleep. For the visualization to have a strong effect, you must see all of the details and use all five senses. Try to feel the touch of the other person, their smell, maybe he or she smells good to you. Feel your hug, kiss, and hear the sounds of your laughter. Maybe you are having a romantic meal right now. How does the food taste? What are you talking about? What are you drinking? What are the background noises in the restaurant? Note that the more details you visualize, the more effective the visualization will be. In order to strengthen the feeling, rest your hands on your heart during visualization and try to focus on the feeling that arises from it. Try to feel your heart area and the emotions that emerge from there.

  You must feel that what you desire is already within your grasp.

  Remember, emotion is the engine of the power of attraction. It is that which gives meaning to your goal. When there is deep emotional connection to the goal, it endows it with tremendous power, into realms you have never experienced. Without emotion, your desires have no fuel. Emotions have deep impact on the subconscious mind, so they must play a large role in the visualization process.


  Autosuggestion is an additiona
l tool that helps us change behavioral patterns and achieve goals. It is meant to change our feelings and shift beliefs (paradigms). While a paradigm cannot be totally erased, it can be altered.

  Autosuggestion is done through repeating certain phrases in order to strengthen our belief in ourselves, or something that we want to strengthen in ourselves. For example, a person who wants to be in a relationship and suffers from lack of self-esteem, would want to say the following sentence: “I value myself and people are attracted to me”, or “I attract good and loving people.”.

  Autosuggestion is a powerful practice and is very simple to perform. Not only can it change our ways of thinking and behaving, it can also affect the human body on a physical level. For years, scientists have studied the effect of the brain on the human body and discovered that a person has the ability to heal himself just through thoughts and autosuggestion. All of our organs are controlled by the nervous system, which is controlled by the brain. Each individual cell and organ and all of their functions are controlled by the brain. So, clearly each positive or negative thought that affects the nervous system, which is connected to the entire body, will eventually affect how we feel physically, how we function and our overall health. The clear conclusion is that it is better to focus on how good our health is instead of complaining about it all of the time - this practice is good for our bodies.

  The key to the phrases is that they must be short, clear, positive and have a sharp message. That’s how they will more easily seep into our subconscious mind. Some people like to say them in the afternoon or evening but the best and most effective time to implant a message is in the morning, when you wake and the brain is in alpha state. It is also effective to do this exercise before going to sleep because our subconscious mind works almost in full drive for first three hours after we fall asleep.

  The messages we implant in the subconscious mind in the morning, right after we wake up, affect us the entire day, so it is equally important to begin the day with positive thoughts and sayings. For example, wake up to a song we love and it’s quite possible that it will play in our heads throughout the day. The brain records and registers everything, so it is not recommended to wake up to a song with negative messages or to the news, which can deliver negative messages. Try to keep in mind that negativity works on a low frequency and is like poison dripping into the subconscious mind!

  Positive Affirmations

  Affirmations are an integral part of my daily routine. They shape and have shaped for my new patterns of behavior. In the past, I used to check my bank account at least once a day, if not more, even though I had very little money in it. This kind of behavior causes the opposite to occur; it blocks the energy of abundance.

  I began saying two affirmations; in the morning and in the evening before bed. “I am generous with my money and share, because I know that there is enough for everyone” and “I am a rich man and am living a life of abundance.”. After about three weeks of making these two affirmations, a change occurred. Suddenly, I wasn’t that interested in my bank account and each expense was taken care of without a guilty conscience. I began to understand the power of the affirmations, and that they had broken the paradigms in even more areas of my life.

  Affirmations are the number one tool for helping us to apply the Law of Attraction. When most of our thoughts are negative and create undesirable realities for us, we should train our thinking to be more positive. Throughout the day and throughout life, you make affirmations you aren’t even aware of. All of the thoughts you have and the words you say are affirmations that have designed your life to this point.

  All of the thoughts you’ve thought and all of the words you’ve said since you were children, have created limiting beliefs and blockages that have delayed and are delaying your progress in life. Positive affirmations that are properly formulated will have a powerful effect on your behavioral patterns and change your current reality.


  Pick a phrase that has a clear message, which expresses your desire. Choose the statement that you connect to most.

  Examples of Positive Affirmations about Health

  “I am grateful and thankful that I feel wonderful.”

  “I feel that my body is balanced, strong and healthy.”

  “I feel like I have a lot of energy.”

  “I am fit and in shape.”

  “I feel that each and every cell in my body knows how to perfectly heal itself.”

  Examples of Positive Affirmations about Relationships

  “I attract sensitive and good-hearted people.”

  “I attract loving people.”

  “I attract people who are considerate of me.”

  “I value myself and other people value me.”

  “I am in a relationship that is effortlessly evolving.”

  “I am loved.”

  Examples of Positive Affirmations about Money

  “I make a large amount of money.”

  “I am worthy of the prosperity and the money that is destined for me.”

  “I feel like money flows easily into my life.”

  Additional affirmations on the topic of money are listed in the chapter ‘Money’.

  Lay or sit comfortably. Rest one hand on the other and both of them on your chest. Keep in mind that your heart transmits energy that is more than a thousand times stronger than the subconscious mind, therefore say the affirmation with intentions from the heart.

  Become relaxed through breathing deeply. There are a variety of breathing methods and techniques, but the 4-7-8 method really helped me reach focus:

  Breathe in for 4 counts.

  Hold your breath for 7 .

  Exhale and count to 8.

  If you find this difficult simply inhale and exhale slowly.

  Do this a few times. This technique can be used for meditation and also throughout the day to create a sense of well-being, release stress and raise your vibration.

  During the second stage, after you feel relaxed, close your eyes and say aloud the affirmations that you have chosen. Repeat 10 to 15 times each, with emotion and intention. If, for some reason, you are unable to say them aloud, say them in your heart and then write them down, though it is obviously most effective to say them aloud. Another option is to say the affirmations in front of the mirror, looking into your own eyes.

  Do this twice a day, in the morning and at night , for a minimum of 21 days. The effect the affirmations have on your behavior and how you feel happens gradually. Therefore, it is important to do this exercise consistently for a minimum of 21 days or until you feel sense a shift.

  It is important to be careful with the words you use. Use words that have positive energy; compliment others, smile and completely avoid gossiping, cursing, expressions of jealousy, complaints or talk about what is lacking, not even as a joke! Your subconscious mind does not distinguish between something that is said as a joke or seriously; everything is registered, recorded and influences our life! Our thoughts connect to our emotions, beliefs, and actions and materialize in the physical world.


  The phrases must be short and clear.

  It is more effective to say the affirmations in the morning when you wake and at night before you go to sleep.

  You should repeat the phrases 10 to 15 times with as much emotion as possible.

  Visualizing the goal while saying the affirmation strengthens its effect.

  The effect of the affirmations on behavioral patterns usually starts after 21 days.

  In order to succeed with affirmations, you must rid yourself of doubt and believe.

  You can write down your affirmations.

  Vision Board

  A vision board, as its name suggests depicts your desires visually. It is a picture of what would like to achieve through the Law of Attractio
n. Seeing your desires affects your subconscious mind in a very potent way.

  Creating a vision board is simple and fun. The objective is to make a visual presentation of pictures and phrases that reinforce the way you want your life to be. Think about what you would like to achieve; regarding your career, health, relationships, perhaps a dream vacation or artistic aspiration. Use any source to collect pictures and sentences that reflect your aspirations and hang glue them to the board. Write empowering phrases about yourself. Attach pictures of your dream house; a car you desire, even the amount of money that you’ve dreamed would be in your bank account. For example, “I’m so happy that my salary is now___” and fill in the amount you want. The vision board can contain a variety of goals in a number of areas.

  Place the board somewhere that you can see it continuously or at least a few times a day. You can make a vision board on your laptop or iPod or even on your cell phone. But the best and most powerful thing is a vision board that is hung on a wall.

  A vision board will provide inspiration and advance you towards your goal, if you are clear about them. You must feel good, so try to feel this way when you are looking at the vision board. Recognize that you already have what you want. Go over each picture and focus on it for a few seconds. Close your eyes and again let your visualization and your emotions work as though you are already there. Enjoy the process and smile to yourself. Don’t do it unless you want to, because after all, the Law of Attraction is something pleasurable and shouldn’t be forced. You don’t need to dedicate a lot of time looking at the board, a few minutes twice a day in the morning and the evening is enough. Remember not to become too attached to the vision board, it is only meant to remind you of your goals.

  How to Avoid Excessive Desire

  Excessive desire is one of the crucial factors that prevent people from achieving their goals in work, money, relationships, or any other goal.! According to the laws of physics, everything in nature has two sides, like yin and yang, male and female, and we must find the perfect balance between these two energies. Therefore, if a person expresses excessive desire towards his goal balancing forces will enter the equation and prevent the realization of the goal or, if it is realized, it won’t last for very long.


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