Turning Dreams into Reality

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Turning Dreams into Reality Page 5

by Yuval Tabib

  In order to raise my vibration, I usually visit the park near my house, to connect to nature and meditate or, alternatively, engage in sports. I feel amazing afterwards. Feeling like this means I am vibrating on a high frequency.

  Below are a few actions to help you raise your vibration and a few actions to avoid that lower your vibration.

  Actions for raising vibration

  Forgive others and know how to forgive yourself.

  Encourage yourself all day long.

  Hug someone, a friend, a family member, a pet. Hugs raise vibration.

  Eat healthy food! Fruits and vegetables.

  Spend time in nature.

  Be happy and do things that are good for your soul, like sports, hobbies, etc.

  Be consistently thankful for what you have in life.

  Drink a lot of water, take showers, spend time next to water.


  Listen to music that is at 432 Hz and 528 Hz.

  Actions to avoid

  Avoid television programs that have negative messages, especially the news.

  Avoid listening to music that has negative messages.

  Avoid being around people who are frustrated, aggravated, and broadcast lack (a low frequency).

  Stop complaining and speaking poorly of other people.

  Avoid drugs, alcohol, and processed food.

  Stop being jealous of others. Jealousy brings frequency down. Encourage others instead of being jealous of them.

  Ask and Believe

  Having faith and intention are absolutely necessary for manifesting what you want. For faith and intention to assimilate well, it is important to understand the law in depth. The laws of the universe do not indicate how much money you must make or what to do with it; they give you the opportunity to choose the life you want. You can be rich or you can live day to day. The choice is yours and yours alone.

  People ask themselves, “If this law is as simple as they say it is, then why aren’t most people in the world rich instead of poor?” The answer is very simple. It’s because people do not believe in themselves and in their ability. Most of them think that their situation is a divine decree and they just accept it. Some people are familiar with the Law of Attraction but they have never tried to apply it or haven’t applied it properly.

  All our lives we are taught to work hard, to fight hard and to eat dirt on our way to achieving a goal. This is a reality that is unnecessary. We’ve received a gift - the possibility to create and manifest anything that comes to mind – if we knew how to. It’s even written in the Bible that God created man to do good unto him. He gave us the ability to create our reality. Therefore a person must take responsibility for the reality of his or her life. You have the ability to receive anything and everything. For this purpose, there are Laws of Attraction. I call them - ‘manufacturer’s instructions’.

  Ingrain within yourself a strong belief that you are able and capable. Cast out doubt from your heart, and aim for your goals peacefully, calmly and confidently. Avoid broadcasting stress or disappointment, so as not to create opposing energy that could ruin your efforts. The results will not take long to arrive. You’ll see that whatever you ask for will come and be a part of your life.

  The universe doesn’t respond to words themselves, rather to the vibration that they transmit, to what you are feeling. Therefore, to create the right vibration and frequency, you must have faith along the way in what the universe is about to give you. Your faith must match your desires. You can’t ask for something from the universe and not believe 100% that you will in fact get it. In other words, as soon as the mind and the heart are in agreement, synchronized and of one opinion about the goal, know that you are on the right path.

  Sometimes, even when faith is strong, doubt may still form. To prevent doubts, you must aim for your goal. Having intention will decrease balance forces that could disrupt achieving your goal.

  Our quality of life is measured according to our thoughts, our beliefs, the words we say and our actions.


  As said before, emotion plays an important role in the process; it’s the fuel of the Law of Attraction. If you are asking for an amount of money to come into your life, your request immediately enters into a production process regardless of whether the Law of Attraction was applied or not. Your role is to attract the money to you, like ordering a package through the mail. Once your order is received, they immediately start preparing it for you. You just need to get a ‘delivery truck’ to bring it to you quickly and safely. The ‘delivery truck’ is a metaphor for the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is only what brings you the amount of money you asked for; it doesn’t worry about how the universe produces it for you.

  When you choose an amount of money, be specific about the amount that you want. Afterwards, focus on the final result, meaning what this amount will fulfill for you.


  Write down any amount that you want to receive, a half a million, 100 thousand or 50 thousand… Any realistic amount that you believe you are worthy of receiving and that your subconscious can believe is attainable.

  Look at this amount at least twice a day and feel what you would do with this amount if it were in your bank account right now. You would almost definitely get really excited and feel butterflies in your stomach. This is the feeling that you need to feel when you are meditating. As was said, emotion is the fuel for the truck that delivers and manifests your request. In the beginning you may have difficulty developing emotion, but don’t worry, it will come over time. Even if you fake the excitement or emotion, remember that you subconscious doesn’t differentiate between fake excitement and real excitement. Perhaps your rational mind will initially respond with a smirk, but the important thing is that the subconscious believes it and eventually the conscious mind will too. This is what’s known as synchronicity. A small tip: Place your hands over your heart while you are visualizing, it will help you develop a stronger feeling. Define the exact amount of money that you want. Don’t forget that you are connecting with a universe that can give you money through a number of channels. You can earn this amount at work or you could suddenly get an offer that will channel in the amount that you asked for. You can even come up with a special idea that will generate the amount you dreamed of. Don’t define for yourself or for the universe a deadline for receiving the money. That only pushes your wish further away from you. Be patient; let the universe do the work to fulfill your request at the right time and place. Don’t occupy yourself with the question of when you will receive what you are asking for. It’s very important to remove jealousy from your heart. Jealousy transmits a very low frequency. If you see friends or family members get a nice sum of money or succeed in something great be happy for them with all your heart. Just enjoy the process; it’s a pleasant process that makes you a better and more loving person.

  In the morning when you get up and at night before you go to sleep, after having calmed yourself with a few deep breaths, visualize what you are doing with the money that you received. Visualize yourself actualizing all that you dreamed of doing and experience how it feels. See yourself in your imagination with the money in your bank account, buying the car you’ve always wanted. Visualize yourself driving the car. Activate all five senses and imagine the smell of the new car and the wind blowing through the window. Try to see in your imagination all of the small details; what the dashboard looks like, the gear shift, and so on. Also do this with other aspirations that you want to fulfill with the money: buying a house, going on a vacation, etc. Imagine all the details and illustrate them as much as possible. Visualize the final result.

  Affirmations - Choose 3-5 affirmations from the list later in this chapter. Memorize them, so that at the end of visualization you can say them aloud in the same way that was explained in previous chapters. Notice that towards t
he end of visualization, when your emotion is at its peak, is the best time to say the affirmations. State them with full intention while you are visualizing your desires. Making affirmations will not be affective in any subject if you don’t combine it with emotion and whole-hearted intention. Reminder: the heart transmits electromagnetic waves that are a thousand times stronger than brain waves.

  Persistence - To get results, it is very important to be persistent during the process. The main reason that people fail at applying the Law of Attraction is lack of patience and persistence. So, be calm and trust in the universe.

  Money affirmations

  “I am creating a large amount of money in my life.”

  “I am worthy of prosperity and the money that is meant for me.”

  “I feel that money flows easily into my life.”

  “I always receive more money than I spend.”

  “I am grateful and happy that money comes to me in amounts that are increasing and from various sources.”

  “I feel comfortable with a large amount of money.”

  “I am generous and share with my money because I know that there is enough for everyone.”

  “I am a money magnet.”

  “I am a rich man/woman of the universe and I live a life of abundance.”

  “I live peacefully with a lot of money.”

  “I receive money happily and without end.”

  “I have the power to attract money.”

  “My bank account is expanding day by day.”

  “I am grateful that now I am rich and happy.”

  “I create wealth easily and without effort.”

  “I am receiving abundance and prosperity into my life right now.”

  If you change the way you look at your life, it will start to change in that same way.

  Feel Rich, Be Rich

  You receive what you feel. You don’t have to actually be rich in order to create the feeling of being rich. The following are some suggestions that will help your subconscious mind believe and accept that you are already rich.

  I always urge people to go to places that transmit wealth and power. Go to car dealerships and sit in the car that you really want. Sit in a luxurious lobby and feel the atmosphere surrounding a rich person. Go to a fancy restaurant, and if you don’t have the money for a fancy meal, order a cup of coffee or a small dish only just to get a sense of the wealthy atmosphere. Read prestigious magazines and look in the financial in order feel like an important person. You can use experiences that you gathered during visualization. Since the subconscious does not differentiate between reality and imagination, whatever you do will be registered by the subconscious as actual reality. If you haven’t understood up to this point what the role of the Law of Attraction is, go back to the chapter that discusses the subconscious mind.

  Over the years, I’ve met many people having a beer at the local bar. Sometimes their depressed behavior was a testimony to their consciousness of lacking, which is transmitted at a low frequency. They were good people, I really appreciated them and it was hard for me to cut myself off from them. Luckily, I am strong enough to not allow myself to be influenced by these people or absorb their low vibrations.

  If you want to be rich, avoid spending time with people who broadcast lack and distress. They are broadcasting energy and low frequencies that can poorly influence a person who isn’t mentally strong enough. If you find yourself among these kind of people, try to change the subject when they talk about their distress or what they lack. Connect with people who have achieved their goals and draw inspiration from them. These people transmit a high frequency and this frequency will have a good influence on you.

  An important thing I have learned in life is to keep quiet and not tell anyone about my future plans because this would lead them to create all kinds of obstacles for me to consider. Avoid telling people what you’re doing and what you’re aspiring to do, because “The blessing is found only in something that is hidden from the eye.”

  Acquire the behavior patterns of wealthy people, and, as you already understand, you do not have to be rich in order to convey a feeling of abundance.

  “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.”

  -Albert Einstein

  Learn to Receive

  All our lives, we’ve been taught to give and receive. We’ve all heard and learned that it’s important to give in order to receive. That’s true, but sometimes receiving something specific is interpreted publicly as a sort of neediness or weakness, something that’s against the Law of Attraction.

  I’ve often been in situations that I am offered certain things that I don’t really need. For example, my dear mother always makes sure that I leave her house with my hands full. In the past, I would refuse some of the things because I didn’t need them, but today I accept everything and I am grateful for it.

  According to the Law of Attraction, the meaning of accepting a certain thing or money demonstrates your ability to receive. If a person is unable to receive something from another person it is interpreted as a lack of desire and ability to receive, and the universe will act accordingly.

  Learning to receive includes acting out the scenario described below, despite the embarrassment it evokes. About two years ago, I was walking on the promenade with my girlfriend at that time, not far from my house, when I suddenly noticed a penny laying on the edge of the sidewalk. What would you do if you saw a penny on the edge of the sidewalk? Would you go over and pick it up? It is safe to assume that most people wouldn’t pick it up. What a mistake! The laws of the universe don’t differentiate between a penny and a quarter of a million dollars; they are all the same frequency. Therefore, if you don’t pick up these pennies, it will be interpreted by the universe as you lacking appreciation for money! To prove to the universe that you are worthy of receiving money from it in the future, pick up any amount of money and even the smallest amounts and be thankful for them with all your heart. It will prove to the universe that you are worthy of receiving money from it in the future. As you’ve already imagined, I went over and picked up the penny from the edge of the sidewalk despite the astonished look on my girlfriend’s face, who immediately demanded an explanation…

  You’ve probably refused receiving many times out of being polite or because you didn’t feel comfortable with it. Receive with love and gratitude anything that is offered to you, whether it’s money, an invitation to go to a restaurant or anything else. From this point on, learn to say yes and to be grateful. In order to be ready to receive from the universe, you must agree to accept anything as long as it is not a bribe, an illegal offer, or a negative proposition. If receiving is hard for you, you’ll need to work on it, and even practice it. It isn’t greedy to accept money or other things. Being greedy is when in addition to your own money, you also want other people’s money.

  Many people ask me if each person on the face of the planet were to apply the Law of Attraction and want prosperity and abundance for him or herself, would there be enough for everyone. The answer is: Obviously! There is enough money and enough of everything else for everyone. There is no shortage in the universe.

  Remember that you are connecting with the energy of the universe and it will always respond positively. If you are at the right frequency, you will always receive that you desire. The Law of Attraction will answer you request in two ways, the first way - if you are at the right frequency and are performing the rules of attraction, your request will be fulfilled immediately. The other way - your request will not be fulfilled due to failure in the application the Law of Attraction or it will be delayed until you are at the right frequency and are in sync with the frequency of your request.


  In the morning when you get up and at night before you go to bed, practice visualization for 10-20 minut
es. Towards the end of your visualization, state the affirmations that you chose with strong feeling and intention. Finally, be thankful for what you have in your life. If you find that it’s hard to practice visualization for 10-20 minutes, just know that even five minutes will do the job, as long as you are using the proper technique; combining the five senses and emotion. You can change the order too, and give thanks when you get up in the morning and then immediately practice meditation and visualization and finally say the affirmations in front of a mirror or in bed.


  If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

  - Tony Robbins



  A large portion of this chapter was written with a ‘bleeding heart’ because there is no one out there who has made every possible mistake in relationships quite like I have. There is no one who has broken the sacred balance and blamed everyone else but himself quite like I have. I’m going to start with one of the most prominent examples, among many, that will illustrate for you what to avoid, and I will continue with explanations on what you should do in order to manifest a healthy relationship or to strengthen an already existing relationship.

  A few years ago, I met a beautiful woman who was a lot younger than me. The love between us blossomed and everything flowed easily, just like in fairytales. We had a stable relationship and I had no concerns or complaints until… until someone majorly disrupted the balance. Tormenting thoughts started to arise in my mind… Is she cheating on me? Why isn’t she answering my calls? Who is she spending time with when I’m not with her? As well as other fears and concerns of ‘what if the worst is happening?’. As expected, the worst did happen. I simply caused it to happen. I had created the movie of my life with my own fears and concerns. I disrupted the balance in that I didn’t let go and I demanded explanations for everything.


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