Turning Dreams into Reality

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Turning Dreams into Reality Page 9

by Yuval Tabib

  Can you do something about it? No?

  Then why worry?

  - Gaur Gopal Das

  Hatred is the most destructive emotion to the body, to the point that it can cause irreversible damage. Also, emotions like: worry, bitterness, anger, impatience, unkindness, criticism attack your body without end! Your brain is connected to the nervous system and to every cell and organ in the body. The moment you feel these emotions, your brain sends signals to the cells and organs that weaken them and impair their functioning. Have you ever stopped to think about your way of thinking? Have you ever thought about which negative emotions you are feeling and broadcasting? You take care of yourself, make sure that the house and car are clean, but what about the most important thing of all, the mind? This is the thing that can prevent you from getting most of the illnesses you suffered in the past or are suffering from right now. It’s clear to us all that genetics do have an influence on our health, but we have no control over that. However, over our emotions, thoughts and words, we do have control!

  You cannot maintain a healthy body if you broadcast negative emotions and suffering through behavioral patterns that attack your body without end. We’ve learned that words can be destructive - you surely remember how words affected the water molecules (in the subchapter ‘The power of thought’).

  Therefore, it is important to think before speaking. Sometimes people say to themselves and others around them, both jokingly and seriously, “My life is shit,” “I don’t deserve to be alive,” “I’m a loser,” “I’m already sick of everything,” “I feel like dying.” These people are not aware of the fact that words and thoughts have tremendous power and it doesn’t matter if they are said jokingly or seriously. The subconscious mind takes it all in. Many illnesses could be prevented if we just pay attention to the way we think and feel. Many of you are aware of your nutrition; you work-out at the gym, don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke and still don’t understand how you get struck with different illnesses, whether minor or severe.

  Self-Healing - Helpful Tools

  The following lines are dedicated to an amazing thing that happened with the most important person in my life, my mother.

  When my mother was nearly 81 years old, she was pretty lucid and functioning very well for her age. Since I started working in the field of consciousness and awareness, I would visit her at her home on a regular basis and I would teach her how conscious thought works scientifically. I taught my mother mental awareness. If you think that she had a hard time understanding it, you’re mistaken; she understood it better than people at least 40 years younger than her. She benefited from these lessons. She had been suffering from swollen legs for a few months. The diagnosis was that her kidneys or heart failure were causing it. She was told that it was a chronic condition and that she would have to deal with it for the rest of her life. But I didn’t give up and I proposed that she practice self-healing through affirmations. I taught her how to effectively say the affirmations so that it would work quickly and heal her. I also asked her to stop focusing on the problem and to stop talking about it in order to not empower it.

  Not even two weeks had passed and like magic the swelling in her legs had disappeared! There is no need to put into words just how happy she was, and how excited I was. I felt proud to have succeeded in providing her some relief from the pain.

  Focusing on an illness and its symptoms will have a bad effect on the healing process. That doesn’t mean that you should avoid talking about the illness at all or that you should totally ignore it. Try not to declare that you have an illness each time someone asks how you are doing, because there is a difference between thinking, talking, and complaining about it all the time and avoiding placing the focus on it. Extreme focus affects our body on the level of health. A person who catches a cold and mentions it every chance he or she gets, will worsen his or her condition and the cold could develop into something more complicated. Remember, if you focus on an illness, you make it worse. In place of that, focus on the amazing feeling you will have on the day you get better. That way you will be able to significantly shorten the length of the illness. Instead of saying “I am sick,” say “I am in recovery.” The way you speak about your body has enormous influence.

  There are people who develop fears of illnesses, so they spend most of their time researching illnesses on the Internet or watching health programs on television. These kinds of people tend to develop illnesses more than people who focus on good health and positive thinking. Our body is programmed to heal itself of all illness, if we were to only know how to use the most powerful tool for healing that we have - our mind. We all know the wide variety of information on self-healing, and there are also a lot of methods for it - there isn’t enough room on the page to describe them all here, but the main message, that is, the ability to understand the effect of thought and emotion on the body, will be presented in this chapter.

  According to the Law of Attraction, we can attract good health from the universe. You can combine meditation, visualization, positive affirmations, subliminal messages, and autosuggestion.

  It is important to note that everything written in this chapter is not meant to replace professional consultation with a doctor or an alternative to medicinal treatment of illness symptoms.


  1. Optimism

  Scientific researchers have proven that the immune system of optimistic people is much stronger than that of pessimistic people. Optimists always believe that they will overcome any obstacle in life and they always see the cup as half full in every situation in life. Pessimists, however, will always see the difficulty in everything. Optimists know how to deal with crises and stressful situations and they recover quicker from various illnesses. Cleansing the mind of negative thoughts makes people more optimistic. A person who lacks purpose in his or her life is likely to be on the pessimistic side. So, it is important to set a clear goal that defines your aspirations in life as well as creating real intention that will more definitely lead you towards your goal.

  2. Meditation

  According to studies that have been conducted in recent years, 75% - 98% of mental and physical illnesses are a result of our thoughts and emotions. Only 2% - 25% of human diseases, whether physical or emotional, stem from our environment, lifestyle and genetics. Meditation not only causes physical relaxation of the body, but there is also a mental and emotional release. Meditation improves your strength and concentration and your ability to withstand daily stress. It improves the mood and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition, studies have shown that meditation can slow the aging of cells in the human body and strengthen the immune system. These studies have also clarified that there is a clear connection between a person’s emotional state and morbidity. People who were under emotional stress and constant pressure got significantly sicker than people who were relaxed. Try to close your eyes for a few moments and detach from your thoughts. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. Let your mind rest a little. Over time, you’ll see that it will be easier for you to do it and the time you spend meditating will increase. Learn about different meditation techniques and choose one you connect with. Do it once or twice a day, and you’ll feel a huge change in the way you function.

  3. Laughter

  The sentence “laughter is good for your health” wasn’t said for no reason. There are numerous scientific studies that prove that people who have a sense of humor and laugh a lot are healthier than people who don’t laugh often. People who laugh a lot lower the level of the stress hormones in their blood (cortisol, adrenalin, noradrenalin), which reduces the level of anxiety and the degree of stress that affect your body. Also, decreasing the production of stress hormones causes the immune system to be stronger. Laughter releases endorphins that can provide relief from chronic pain and make you feel better. It’s known that even a forced laughter causes the same result because the mind does not differe
ntiate between real laughter and fake laughter. Laughter also protects your heart. It increases blood flow and improves blood vessel function, which reduce the risk of heart attack and other problems in the blood vessels.

  4. Nutrition

  You’re obviously aware of the important contribution nutrition makes to your health, therefore pay attention to your menu. Stop eating processed foods immediately. Processed foods contain additives that are not good for your health: sugar, salt, preservatives, and harmful types of fats and oils. Be careful buying ‘healthy food’ packaged in cans, containers, or bottles. Eat more fruits and vegetables that contain nutritional fiber and reduce the number of products with white flour and white sugar. The food you eat becomes a part of you.

  5. Physical activity

  There is no need to elaborate on the benefits of physical activity. Physical activity encourages endorphin production and causes the brain to release them into the blood stream and thus improve our mood. Physical activity decreases depression, anxiety and risk of chronic illness. It increases our energy throughout the day, strengthens our bones and muscles and contributes to our cardiovascular health. Physical activity improves our brain functions, our memory and thinking, relieves chronic pain, and improves the quality of our sleep, sexual performance, and pleasure. There are so many things and the list just goes on.

  6. Sleep

  People who don’t get enough sleep have a relatively low level of energy and vibration. They are also not focused and have a tendency to be irritable. Lack of sleep also has other effects on people, some are emotional and some are physiological. A body that suffers from lack of sleep may respond by producing increased levels of the stress hormone (cortisol). Haven’t you noticed that when you’re tired it is hard for you to remember things? Your brain signals to you when it doesn’t get enough sleep. Good sleep will reduce your blood pressure, help you to maintain your weight, encourage a better mood (high frequency) and maintain good cardiovascular health.

  7. Positive thinking

  I won’t go into detail here about the benefits of positive thinking because they’ve already been made clear. But since positive thinking plays an important role, I will finish by mentioning this topic again, which is mentioned thorough out this book and especially at the beginning in the subchapter ‘Your emotions and their influence on the organs of the body.’

  Self-Healing through Affirmations

  Optimistic people are healthier. One of the more prominent health benefits of optimism is having a healthier heart. Affirmations will cause you to change your attitude and feelings towards the specific topic that you are making affirmations about. Following this change in attitude, your feelings also change and lead you to different behavioral patterns.

  Affirmations for self-healing and general health affirmations can have a very significant influence on your health, as long as you know how to use them properly. Repeating these chosen phrases has the power to make you stronger and healthier by permeating from the conscious to the subconscious mind.


  Choose 2-5 the affirmations that you connect with from the list below.

  At first, repeat the affirmations aloud, more for awareness than for your subconscious mind. After you say them aloud, whisper them so that they can be absorbed by the subconscious mind.

  The best time to say the affirmations is in the morning when you wake up or at night before you go to bed. Close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths, and detach from any thoughts running through your mind. Say the affirmations with emotion and intention and try to feel and see the final result.

  Repeat these affirmations every day, even throughout the day. Simply in front of the mirror, look into your eyes and say these affirmations while combining emotion and intention.

  If you have pain or a problem in a certain area of your body, you can always create affirmations to address your health issue. For example, if you are experiencing back pain, you can combine affirmations like, “my back feels great and with each day that passes it gets better and better” or “my back is quickly and easily healing itself.” Be creative and form affirmations that you can connect to and are customized to your specific issue. If you generally feel well, you can always maintain and improve your health condition through the affirmations that are listed below or create customized affirmations for yourself.

  Health Affirmations and Self-healing

  “My eye sight is improving by the day.”

  “I am grateful for my healthy body.”

  “Each cell in my body is healthy and radiating good health.”

  “My immune system is very strong and it can cope with all kinds of bacteria and viruses.”

  “My body is healing with each breath I take.”

  “My body is at the peak of health right now.”

  “I love my body and everything that is in it.”

  “My body is healing itself quickly and easily.”

  “I am grateful for my healthy body.”

  “I am choosing happiness and good health in my life.”

  “I have a healthy mind and body.”

  “I am grateful for my healthy heart.”

  “I eat healthy and nutritious food.”

  “My mind has the ability to heal my body.”

  “I see myself surrounded by healing energy.”

  “My body is in a constant state of renewal.”

  “I am sending love to each and every cell in my body.”

  “Each and every cell in my body is strong and will repel any intruder.”

  “I am demonstrating perfect health through making wise decisions.”

  “Each part of my body is performing its tasks with ease and efficiency.”

  “I am choosing to be healthy and happy.”

  “I am becoming healthier with each passing day.”

  “A sound mind in a sound body, is a short, but full description of a happy state in this World.”

  - John Locke

  Weight Loss through the Law of Attraction

  About six months before writing this book, a client came to me who had been suffering from depression, irritability, and obesity. The most important thing to her was that she lose at least 20 lbs. I told her that it isn’t possible as long as her mental issue was not solved. She didn’t understand what I was talking about, “What do my depression and irritability have to do with losing weight?” she asked impatiently. After she calmed down, I explained to her what you are going to read about further on in this chapter. She decided to come to me secretly, without her husband knowing, lest he think she’s cheating on him. She visited my home once a week for a month for sessions that were two hours each. Since this woman had a spiritual character and could understand in depth what was required of her, the process with her was quick and easy and within a short time her mental state improved immeasurably. From there, we went on to the process of losing weight. You’d probably like to know if she succeeded to lose 20 lbs. The answer is that she did and she didn’t. She didn’t because she hadn’t lost 20 lbs. She did because she lost 15 lbs. in the time that she had allotted herself.

  The following are methods for losing weight according to the Law of Attraction:

  As you already know, the Law of Attraction can be summed up in terms of frequencies. You attract to your life that which matches the frequency you broadcast, with your words, thoughts or feelings. To apply the Law of Attraction to lose weight, you must adjust your frequency to the frequency of your ideal body or weight. Meaning, decide which body you want and adjust your frequency to it.

  How do we adjust our frequency to the frequency of the ideal body?

  By taking just a few steps, you will succeed in reaching your goal. You just have to be persistent. It’s important that you feel good about yourself during the entire process. The same way you would feel afterwards.

/>   First of all, learn to love yourself and be happy for the sake of a successful process. The following example will show you how important it is that you feel good when you start such a process. Can you guess what would happen if your house had been built without a foundation? It’s safe to assume that it would collapse pretty quickly. It’s the same here with the foundations you have before you start the process. If you have negative feelings about yourself, it’s safe to assume that the entire process will be doomed to failure. Therefore, there’s no point in getting started before you’ve learned to love and accept yourself just as you are. Say a few affirmations twice a day, for a minimum of 21 days, which are mentioned and explained in the subchapter ‘Self-love’ in the in the ‘Relationships’ chapters. When you start to notice a change in your attitude towards yourself, only then should you get into the process of losing weight.

  It’s very important to love and accept yourself, just as you are right now, before you begin the process in Section 1.

  Affirmations related to weight loss. Affirmations alone will not lose the extra weight, but they will lead you to the kind of change in your behavioral patterns that will make you move towards reaching your goal. Choose a few of the affirmations that you like and say them in the same way that is explained in the chapter ‘Self-healing through affirmations.’ Remember, only reprogramming the subconscious mind will create other behavioral patterns that will more easily lead you to achieving your goal.

  Find a photo of the ideal body you desire. It can be a photo of you when you were younger or even a photo that isn’t of you. Position it so that it’s your head on the body in the photo. Hang the picture on your vision board or any other place that it will stand out. You could even have it on the lock screen of your cellphone or the screen saver on your computer.

  Visualize with your eyes closed, the feeling and the compliments that people around you are giving you. Do it twice a day, for 10 - 15 minutes each time, after meditation or in any place that you are relaxed. Enjoy the entire process. Feel your positive emotions; happiness, joy, pleasure, love, security, gratitude. Draw inspiration from the photo that you hung on the vision board or that you put on the screen of your cellphone or computer.


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