Turning Dreams into Reality

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Turning Dreams into Reality Page 8

by Yuval Tabib

  “With each breath I take, I feel that I am worthy of my life’s work.”

  “My subconscious mind is synchronized with the universe regarding my life’s work.”

  “I am supported by the universe in all that is related to my dreams.”

  “Faith in myself is getting stronger by the day.”

  “I am actualizing my life’s work.”

  “I easily attract the positions I want to me.”

  “I attract opportunities to my life non-stop.”

  “I find that it’s easy to attract to my life everything I need.”

  “My beliefs manifest reality for me.”

  “I am choosing to be motivated and confident.”

  “I am a person who never gives up.”

  “I believe in myself with complete faith.”

  “It is easy for me to stay focused on my goals.”

  “I think positively and only positively.”

  “I set goals for myself and I stick to them.”

  “I am a success magnet.”

  “I am focused on turning my life into a success story.”

  “I feel like I am achieving my goals.”

  Self Employed

  For many years I would visit the neighborhood grocery store on a daily basis. That grocery store had been serving that neighborhood since even before I moved in. Everyone knows everyone there; like a big family. The problem was that the ‘heads of the family,’ meaning the grocery store owners, would change every year and a half or so. Over the course of 12 years, the grocery store had changed ownership no less than seven times! I didn’t give it much thought and I didn’t stop to consider the reasons for this ‘serial’ turnover. As long as I could buy cottage cheese, rice cakes, and olives right next door , I was okay with hit. As of today, the current owner has held the store for more than eight years! A real world record! I’ve recently started to ponder the reason why he has managed to maintain ownership for so long, despite his predecessors who hadn’t managed to survive for more than two years. In light of my in-depth investigation in consciousness and awareness, I didn’t need more than five minutes to realize the reason. The grocery store owner is unknowingly applying the Law of Attraction.

  One of the most important things with the Law of Attraction, which brings what you want into manifestation, is your desire. According to the Law of Attraction, you will receive all that you desire, but sometimes desire is not enough and action is required. I am intentionally using the word ‘desire’ and not words like ‘want’ and ‘thinking,’ as we all have thoughts and things we want and they aren’t always fulfilled. The word ‘desire’ also implies will and emotion, which is of course the fuel for the Law of Attraction!

  Independent business owners or those who want to open any size of business must set clear goals for themselves. Without a precise outline of the goals, chances are that the business will fail or in the best case, remain at the same level of income more or less. Ask yourself exactly what you want and what you aspire to reach. Set a clear goal so that the Law of Attraction will work in your favor.

  Many business owners keep doing the same thing and this keeps them in their current condition or sometimes even makes their situation worse. They form sentences in their minds that create blockage. Phrases like “I might have wanted to open a business, but I don’t have any money” or “I am not ready to open a new business right now” or “I don’t believe that I can increase my income to be more than it already is” create a limiting belief in their minds that is self-fulfilling. Their subconscious mind makes sure to give them what they said.

  I conducted a short survey in which I checked to see if small business owners have an economic aspiration or a defined objective. For most, the answer I received was “What do I need that for? That’s all nonsense” or “I don’t believe that it’s possible.” From here is it clear why they are stuck or aren’t succeeding to break through to abundance and prosperity. Their subconscious mind is being fed with these phrases and is making sure that they remain right where they are.

  Obviously, if I were to ask everyone if they aspire to make more money, the absolute majority would say that they do. Yet, with so many limiting beliefs, it is safe to assume that they won’t succeed to leverage their business and bring in more profit. If you look at successful business owners who advance their business, or the neighborhood grocer that managed to get established where everyone else failed, you’ll surely learn something from them, even though they’re not extremely wealthy or a CEO.

  You can learn which actions they took that made their business prosper. You can talk with them, understand their way of thinking and draw inspiration from them. I’m sure you’ll discover that they believe in themselves, are willing to take risks and invest their money because they are sure that there will be compensation from it. Their strong faith that they will succeed is what brought them to the place they are now and to the place that you would like to reach.

  If you imitate the way successful business people think, and learn to think like them, you’ll see the day soon arrive that you’ll also feel a change in your life. When I say ‘think’ I don’t mean to imitate exactly the way they operate, rather to receive inspiration from them. Each person should choose what to take on and interpret things according to his or her own goals, based on his or her own intuition.

  No harm will be done if people start saying phrases like “My aspirations are to make more money” or “I want to promote my business.” You don’t have to phrase it exactly like that, but the direction must be positive. Even if you’re having a hard time believing yourself when you are saying these phrases, they will seep into your subconscious mind over time and it will drive you to change your behavioral patterns and your way of speaking, and it will act to manifest that which you’ve requested. If you direct your thoughts to what you do want, and not to what you don’t want, you’ll see that the universe will bring you new situations, occurrences, people, and circumstances to help you to reach your goal.

  The actions in this chapter are similar to those in the Employees chapter, so they will be presented briefly with some alterations for those who are Self Employed.

  Remember, it’s not enough to only have desire, you must also have faith and intention. Above all, it is important that you know that you are going to receive from the universe what you want. When I say “know,” what I mean is that you must be totally confident in yourself.


  At the first stage, before anything that you want to manifest in your life, you’ll need to clear your subconscious mind of the limiting beliefs that you’ve had. You’ll succeed to manifest only if you know how to transmit the right frequency and matches your requests. The positive affirmations that are presented here will help you clear any limiting beliefs that have been ingrained in you and will make you change the behavioral patterns into those that will have a positive impact on your business.

  Chose a clear goal and do the actions that are listed in the subchapter ‘Employees.’

  Affirmations for Self-Employed

  “I attract a lot of clients to my business thanks to my positive approach.”

  “I am always open to criticism.”

  “My business is growing and prospering by the day.”

  “I am fulfilling the goals that I set for myself.”

  “I am confident in myself and confident in the universe that is manifesting my desires.”

  “I see myself succeeding at any objective I set for myself.”

  “I am grateful for every client that comes to my business.”

  “I am grateful for every project that I receive.”

  “I am grateful to the universe that it manifests my every desire.”

  “I love my business.”

  “I have all that I need to succeed in my business.”

; “I see my business flourishing and prospering in the future.”

  “I am equipped with all that I need to succeed in my new business.”

  “I have strong faith in myself and I know that I will exceed at anything I do.”

  “I meet my clients’ expectations.”

  “I succeed in everything I do.”

  “Success is a part of me.”

  “I am a successful person and I am living a life of abundance.”

  “I am a successful idea magnet.”

  “I know what I want, therefore I am succeeding.”

  “I succeeding in everything I am doing.”

  “I am a client magnet.”

  How to Expand Your Clientele

  While I was writing these lines in the book, a client contacted me asking for help. He told me that his business is not taking off and he has almost no new clients. Having already known each other for years, I did not have to dig deep into his mind to see if there was any kind of limiting belief hiding in his subconscious mind. I did know that he was over-protective of his clients and afraid of his competitors. I asked him to remove this limiting belief of being afraid of his competitors through affirmations that were customized specifically for him. I also asked him to do a small experiment two weeks later. I asked him to send a client of his to his competitor if he was unable to fit that client into his schedule. When he heard the idea, he almost fainted. But after some convincing, he agreed to try.

  A few days later not only did he receive compliments from his clients for the way he behaved towards his competitor, but also the number of clients started to grow. The attitude towards clients must be the same as it is towards money; they are both forms of energy and they both need to flow in order to grow.

  Money kept in the bank without purpose blocks energy and prevents more money from coming in. The same goes for clients: if you hold onto them tightly and are afraid of letting them go, this transmits as distress and lack, which can decrease the number of clients.

  Encouragement has a positive impact on the manifestation of our desires.

  There are endless techniques, websites, and various systems on how to increase clientele. Many techniques focus more on the practical and operational side. Many techniques may be effective. But attracting clients according to the Law of Attraction can be much easier, and it doesn’t require financial resources or a change in the composition of the organization and operations. With it, we simply change our thought patterns and accept what we feel.

  Working with clients can be an unpleasant experience, to say the least. Clients can be annoying, loud and audacious, and impatient. This behavior makes you feel bothered and frustrated. Most of you also express these feelings and complain about it, something that is known to attract more of the same thing. If you have enough clients and you’re not interested in gaining more, stop complaining about them so that you will attract better interactions with your clients.

  How can you increase the number of clients in your business?

  In order to attract more customers, you must focus on the character of the clients that you do like and not on the character of the clients that you don’t like. Sound simple? Well, it’s not so simple because most people have a limiting belief that’s actually from the recent past, from clients you would have preferred not having at your business. Meaning, almost everyone has some sort of negative thought or opinion about clients ingrained in their subconscious mind. This is a thought that causes you to broadcast frequencies that can push clients away, decrease the number of clients or, in the worst case, stop the flow of clients all together. Who would you blame? Of course, the clients, the wind, the rain, the government, the municipality and whoever else… just not yourself!

  Action 1

  Take a piece of paper and a pen and divide the paper into two sections. On the left side, write: “These are the clients I don’t want” and on the other side write “These are the clients I do want.” Whatever you write on the positive side; write the exact opposite on the negative side and vice versa. For example, if you wrote on the positive side, “I want clients who are kind,” on the negative side write “I don’t want rude clients.” If you wrote on the negative side, “I don’t want clients that don’t have any money,” on the positive side write,” I want customers that have money,” and so on.

  This teaches you that even a negative thought can be turned into a positive thought, if you decide that that’s what you want. Tear the sheet of paper in half and throw the half that has the negative qualities away and focus only on the list of positive clients; the ones that you want. Try to stay focused on this list and recite it to yourself from time to time. Try to avoid thinking or talking about clients’ negative qualities, even if you really want to. Try to take on this habit and you’ll see that over time the desired change will start to occur.

  Tony Robbins says: “80 percent of success is due to psychology—mindset, beliefs, and emotions—and only 20 percent is due to strategy—the specific steps needed to accomplish a result.” Business owners invest 80 percent in the technical and operational side of the business but not in the mindset and psychological side. Change your thought pattern, your speech and your behavior and invest more in your mindset.

  Never, I mean never broadcast disappointment over a client who left you for your competitor. More so, if you want more clients for your business, encourage your competitors because there is, after all, endless abundance in the universe.

  You are now equipped with the tools and basic knowledge of how the Law of Attraction works. Try to apply it and influence the number of clients you want. Choose a realistic number of clients you aspire to reach over the course of a month. Write it down and set it as a goal to reach. Use your vision board and visualization. Think about it, feel it and use the basic principles of the Law of Attraction and the tools that you acquired in previous chapters. Take on a new thought pattern, a positive thought pattern. And don’t let negative thoughts ruin or prevent you from reaching the goal you set. Remember, it’s neither fate nor luck that determines it for you. Only you do!

  Action 2

  Intention - Steer your thoughts in a positive direction. Neutralize negative thoughts or any other negative influence; focus on what you do want and not on what you don’t want.

  Goal - Choose a clear goal that you are aspiring to - a greater number of clients or a higher profit turnover. Write it on a piece of paper. Hang it on your vision board, if you have one. Think about it and talk about it all the time, but calmly, without pressure or obsession.

  Visualize - Visualize yourself reaching the goal according to the visualization techniques that were explained in previous chapters. While you are visualizing, try to feel the emotions you’d have if you were to reach your goal. Meaning, try to experience the emotion of the achievement in the present. Remember that throughout the day you must behave and feel like someone who has already achieved his or her goal. Do not broadcast distress, anger or frustration. The more you stay calm and relaxed, you’ll see over the course of the next few weeks your goal will start to take form.

  Take action - Do not hesitate to contact people or groups relevant to your business. Don’t immediately reject offers without giving them a chance, and make sure to follow your heart. The universe will already lead you on the right path despite what seem to be obstacles.

  Encourage - Encourage your competitors by rooting for them and complimenting them and don’t be over protective of your clients. Let them go and allow the energy to flow freely. There is enough abundance in the universe for everyone.

  Let go - Allow the universe to bring you what you want at the time and place that it sees fit.

  Remember, you should feel good and happy, as though you have already achieved your goal.

  You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that
the dots will somehow connect in your future. Steve Jobs



  “Worrying is praying for something you don’t want. So stop worrying.”

  - Bhagavan Das

  There is a strong connection between health and creation. An unhealthy person cannot create his or her dreams. An unhealthy person transmits a low frequency, which is a condition that makes it difficult to create positive things. Each illness stems from factors in a person’s way of life; excessive consumption of processed foods, drugs and alcohol, stress, obesity, etc. Now, even modern medicine admits that a person himself is the number one cause of his own illnesses. However, people are not aware of the causes of illness.

  People live under constant stress, worry, disturbing thoughts, burnout, and a fast and stressful pace of life. Each of these things are a source of different illnesses, such as: heart disease, nervous system disorders, autoimmune illnesses, the development of cancer cells, asthma, menstrual disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal disorders, etc.

  Worry and hate are two of the most destructive emotions to the human body. These two emotions cause the brain to release large amounts of the stress hormone cortisol secreted from the adrenal gland. Continuous stress also dramatically harms immune system functions, making us vulnerable to colds, various infections, and unexplainable stomach aches. However, we don’t typically make the connection between the illness and the emotional state that we were in a few days earlier. Worrying is not useful and it doesn’t help us deal with the difficulty that we are worrying about at the time. The moment you stop worrying or at least significantly reduce the amount you worry, the level of negative incidences also significantly decreases.

  Do you have a problem in life? No?

  Then why worry?

  Do you have a problem in life? Yes?

  Can you do something about it? Yes?

  Then why worry? Do you have a problem in life? Yes?


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