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Turning Dreams into Reality

Page 10

by Yuval Tabib

  Focus - the Law of Attraction determines that you receive what you are focusing on. Focusing on fat, types of food and calories is a negative focus, because you are focusing on the problem and not on the solution and you will therefore receive more of it. Instead of focusing on things you need to give up, focus on things that you are going to gain as a result of losing weight. Think about how you’re changing your lifestyle and not about your diet. in order to adjust yourself energetically to the goal that you desire, you need to think and act like a thin person. Stop focusing on your weight, and instead, focus on the positive reasons for losing weight and be happy with your current body weight. That will make it easier for you to lose the weight.

  Subconscious mind - People don’t understand why they gain weight after they already managed to lose a few pounds. The reason lies in the subconscious. Your subconscious mind is programmed to maintain your current weight for the sake of physical survival. Therefore, reprogramming the subconscious mind and bringing it to a condition in which it will adopt for itself new directives is very important. Affirmations and autosuggestion are two very helpful actions.

  Talk and think with positive energy about the reasons for losing weight. For example, instead of saying, “…so that I’ll stop being so tired,” say, “…to be more energized.” Don’t say,” I’m losing weight because all this extra fat is uncomfortable for me,” say, “I am losing weight so I can feel better.” Instead of saying, “I am losing weight because I feel limited and heavy when I move,” say, “I am losing weight because I want to feel light when I run.” Think thin and be thin.

  Gratitude - Gratitude has an important role in you becoming happier and more grateful about your world. Learn to be grateful for your body and each limb and organ. This helps you to improve your sense of self-worth and the process of losing weight.

  Let go - do these actions the best you can: affirmations, visualization, and everything mentioned above; detach yourself from the outcome. Don’t think about it too much throughout the day. Avoid weighing yourself every day and being impatient.

  Any pressure you project onto your desires causes balance forces to prevent you from reaching your goal.

  Affirmations for losing weight

  “I believe in myself.”

  “I am ready to lose weight.”

  “It is so easy to lose weight.”

  “I will achieve my goals and nothing will stop me.”

  “I enjoy losing weight and achieving my goals.”

  “I accept myself just as I am.”

  “Losing weight is natural for me.”

  “I get thinner day to day.”

  “I feel that my appetite for fatty food is disappearing from day to day.”

  “I believe in my ability to change my eating habits to being healthier.”

  “I feel that I am shedding weight from my body with each passing moment.”

  “I am grateful for my body and all it does for me.”

  “I have the power to easily control my weight by eating healthily.”

  “I am achieving my goals and maintaining my desired weight.”

  “I have more of a desire to eat only healthy food.”

  “I can do it, I’m doing it, my body is losing weight right now.”

  “I love and accept myself.”

  “I am making sure to live a healthy lifestyle.”

  “I am stronger than any excuse.”

  “I am choosing to do physical activity every day.”

  “I look and feel great.”


  Love yourself just as you are right now.

  Focus on the final result and not on the causes of weight gain.

  Practice visualization at least twice a day according to the rules.

  Think and speak positively about your goal.

  Be grateful for your body every day.

  Let go and detach from this activity throughout the day and minimize thinking about your goal in order to not create balancing forces. However, you must act towards the goal calmly and with intention.

  Eating Disorders

  Eating disorders are mainly related to a poor mental state that is expressed through irregular eating habits and serious concern about body weight and shape. Anorexia and bulimia are of the most common eating disorders. Next on the list is over-eating, meaning a lack of control over the amounts of food a person consumes. These kind of eating habits cause extreme weight gain, and also result in various health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and vascular disorders.

  Eating disorders are often associated with low self-esteem, so most solutions need to focus on the cognitive aspect of working on the conscious and subconscious minds.

  To solve the eating issue, you first need to learn to love yourself just as you are. You can get help from the chapter ‘Relationships,’ in the subchapter ‘Self-love’ where there are explanations and ways of taking action that will help you deal with your self-esteem. The moment you learn to love yourself as you are, the easier it will be to solve your eating issues. For the Law of Attraction to be utilized in your favor, you must first set a goal to focus on what you do want and not on what you don’t want.

  For example, don’t say, “I don’t want to eat a lot,” or, “I don’t want to suffer from an eating disorder.” Say to yourself, “I am totally recovering and I feel wonderful,” or, “I am eating in a proper and controlled manner.” When you word your goal, don’t say things like “eating disorder” and don’t use words like, “I don’t want…” Be positive in your attitude and always phrase your affirmations in the present tense.


  Write your vision on a piece of paper in the present tense, down to the smallest details. Describe the feeling you would have after you achieve the goal you set for yourself. Be generous with the details and create a kind of story to make you feel good each time you read it.

  Read your vision aloud to yourself twice a day with a lot of emotion while you are experiencing what you wrote, and feel the wonderful feeling of being at that point in time in your life.

  Visualize at least twice a day, whether it is in the morning when you get up or at night before you go to sleep. Do this as with any of the visualizations you’ve learned.

  Create your own affirmations or use the affirmations I list later, and say them in the way that has already been explained.

  As you already know, emotions are the language of the universe. Therefore, I am emphasizing the importance of positive emotions and the need to live as though you’ve already achieved your goal. Also, remember to be grateful that you’ve recovered, even if you haven’t achieved your goal yet.

  Now start to take action. Receive inspiration from other people who have succeeded. Do at least one action a day that will bring you closer to your goal, and remember that the universe is behind you and will lead you towards your goal as long as you have faith in it and project patience.

  Affirmations for eating disorders

  “I am grateful that I have gone back to healthy nutrition.”

  “I feel better and stronger than ever.”

  “Eating healthily and orderly comes naturally to me.”

  “From this day on, I am eating healthily and orderly.”

  “I feel wonderful and stronger than ever when I eat healthily and orderly.”

  “I am determined to eat healthily and properly from this day forward.”

  “I am very successfully fulfilling the goals I set for myself.”

  Quit Smoking through the Law of Attraction

  There is no chapter that is better than this one to tell you about myself … My name is Yuval and I was a heavy smoker… I have been asked dozens of times, “You were a dancer and a smoker?” “Doesn’t it make it hard to dance?” people would ask in astonishment. The road t
o quitting smoking was fraught with endless hardship and suffering. I tried to quit smoking through many techniques, from nicotine patches to programs of all sorts. Sometimes I even succeeded, but only for a short time. This chapter presents the exact technique I used to completely quit this foul habit.

  I’m sure that if you are a smoker you’ve probably tried to quit before. Everyone who smokes wants to quit, even those who claim they don’t. A lot of people try the patch or drugs. Only a few manage to quit and overcome it. There is a clear explanation for this - none of these people had the ability or the willpower that is necessary to quit. This behavioral pattern, deeply rooted in the subconscious mind, can be changed through the Law of Attraction because everything begins and ends with whatever our behavior designs. The Law of Attraction helps you to change the way you think and assists you in quitting smoking easily, but not cold turkey. By doing it in steps and then over time it will happen on its own.


  1. Choose a reason and a goal

  Choose a reason why you should quit. The reason can be anything: starting with the odor that emanates from you after you smoke - the disgust people have when they smell your breath, the coughing at night or when you wake up in the morning, the financial expense, and the reason of reasons - the fear of future illness. As soon as you focus on a clear reason, you will be able to look at yourself and see what your life looks without cigarettes.

  After you choose a reason, form a picture of it in your mind. For example, if it is related to the smell of your breath, form a picture in which you are kissing your partner without being worried about repulsing him or her.

  Now choose a goal. The goal can be setting a deadline for quitting smoking or what you will do with the money you save or whatever comes to mind.

  2. Affirmations

  Quitting smoking is an attempt to change the paradigm that has been with you for so many years - to change this foul behavioral pattern. Now you want to be clean of nicotine. Affirmations are a significant part of the process of quitting smoking because they influence your subconscious mind. After reciting affirmations over time, your subconscious mind will start to internalize the message that the affirmations are delivering and it will cause you to change your smoking habits. As a result of that, you will gradually quit smoking altogether.

  As with any visualization, it is best to start with a few affirmations that you repeat, according to what you have learned in previous chapters. You can choose 3-5 phrases to say to yourself aloud, followed by the visualization of the reason that you chose for quitting smoking. Say each affirmation 10-15 times aloud with emotion and visualization of the reason.


  Do visualization in the morning when you get up or at night before going to bed. You can also do it during the day if it’s not possible first thing in the morning.

  Take a few deep breaths, try to disconnect from all thoughts that are bothering you. Calm and relax your body. Visualize the reason that you chose and create a movie out of it. Use all five of your senses. For example, if your reason for quitting smoking is because of a chronic cough , you could visualize a situation in which you get up in the morning and you can suddenly breathe deeply without coughing.

  Visualize yourself winning. Visualize people around you clapping for you. Visualize that from now on the smell of cigarettes won’t be on your breath or your fingers and that your sense of smell will become sharper. Visualize a pleasant aroma that suddenly becomes stronger. Visualize that the dependence on cigarettes disappears and you are set free. Visualize the money you save as a result of quitting smoking, and how your fingers and teeth are no longer yellow from the nicotine. Visualize your health getting better day by day and your surroundings are clean, no longer dirtied by ashtrays and cigarette butts. Visualize yourself happy and proud of yourself.

  Combine emotion and smile to yourself while you are visualizing. The more details you include in the visualization, the more effective it will be.

  Say the affirmations towards the end of visualization. Do this 5-10 minutes each day for 21 days.

  Affirmations for quitting smoking

  “I am free of this addiction and I am very happy.”

  “I am calm because I beat this bad habit.”

  “I am keeping my organs clean and healthy from now on.”

  “From this day on, I am only doing things that are good for my health.”

  “Freedom from nicotine provides me with health and energy.

  “My sense of smell and taste is getting stronger by the day.”

  “Since I quit, the wrinkles on my face are disappearing from day to day.”

  “Quitting this habit has made me happy.”

  “I feel like I am now a free and happy person.”

  “I feel healthier with each passing day.”

  “I am now living a life free of any addiction.”

  “From this day on, I am only doing things that are good for my body.”

  “Each day, I see how my body is getting stronger.”

  “My mental state is improving day by day.”

  “I now feel very proud that I am no longer addicted.”

  “Each organ and limb in my body is grateful to me for quitting.”

  “I am breathing clean air 24 hours a day.”

  “I have tremendous will power to overcome this addiction.”

  “I smell wonderful all day long.”

  “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”

  - Henry Ford

  Additional Uses of the Law of Attraction

  Additional Uses of the Law of Attraction

  Until now, this book has dealt with the main areas in which the Law of Attraction can help you. As you’ve already realized, the techniques for achieving goals in all of the areas are pretty similar. After understanding the principles in depth and which mistakes to avoid, you can use the Law of Attraction in any area of your life, starting with improving your persona, getting a message from a loved one, changing daily situations and even achieving goals like significantly increasing your chances of winning the lottery, meeting a loving partner, getting married and raising a family.


  The reason you want every single thing that you want, is because you think you feel really good when you get there. But, if you don’t feel really good on your way there, you can’t get there.

  - Abraham Hicks

  How You Can Receive a Text Message from a Specific Person

  I used this technique to receive a message from the owner of a dance studio where I always dreamed of teaching because of the high salary and the quality of the students. The action that lead to receiving the desired message from the studio owner took just over two weeks, though the meeting we had following the message didn’t actually yield the expected result, because the contract they wanted me to sign wasn’t right for me. There’s no magic here, it’s all the laws of Quantum physics. Any error in thought, behavior, and emotion can ruin your process.

  Wouldn’t you want to receive a text message from a person you love or a family member you haven’‎t heard from in a long time? Or perhaps from someone connected to a financial venture you’re interested in? Taking advantage of the Law of Attraction can help you receive a positive message from a friend of the past. It is only possible after you’ve understood the principles of the Law of Attraction in depth.

  The first step is to believe that it is possible. You cannot manifest something through the Law of Attraction if you don’t believe in the process. The second step you need to successfully implement the action, is that you must become stable on the right frequency. You must make sure you are in high spirits and feel generally good, without anger or heavy residue from a difficult day you may have had.


  Find a calm and quiet place, sit comfortably and clos
e your eyes. Take deep breaths in order to calm and quiet the noise in your mind. Do this for three minutes. Try to not think about anything, just relax and release in your body.

  Hold your cellphone in one hand and with closed eyes and visualize the sound of the incoming message notification and the name of the person that you want to receive the message from. Try to see in your imagination the name of the person you want and allow emotion to well up in you. Visualize the content of the message with two words and see these two words clearly in your imagination. Smile to yourself and be full of joy. The more you combine emotions while you are doing this, the quicker the process will be. Do this for a minimum of two minutes.

  As always, when you are done, let go! Detach from the outcome. Don’t check your phone every few minutes to see if you got a message. Simply forget about it and continue with your routine.

  Do this once a day for a week or more. If you do all of the actions in a precise manner, there’s nothing stopping that desired message from arriving sooner than expected.

  How to Attract a Specific Person into Your Life

  I must admit that I’ve tried this only one time in the realm of romantic relationships. It took me one month to carry out the actions I describe below, until the long-awaited encounter with my ex-girlfriend manifested. Even though our renewed unity didn’t last very long, at least I got to be with her for two and a half ecstatic weeks. In the ‘Relationships’ chapter, I wrote about the successful story in which the same principle was applied by a client of mine in which it took one month for her to attract her partner to her life. For anyone who is asking if it really is possible, the answer is yes, you can definitely attract a specific person into your life with great success. Follow the instructions precisely for a minimum of 21 days and the universe will place you in situations that will lead you to ‘coincidentally’ meet the person that you wanted or it will lead you to a situation that will lead to a series of situations that will bring the encounter. Follow the instructions, be patient and most of all, be calm and relaxed and don’t broadcast impatience.


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