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Turning Dreams into Reality

Page 12

by Yuval Tabib

  Be persistent and broadcast a high frequency most of the time.

  Be supportive of the people who have won and don’t be jealous of them.

  Lastly, detach and let go of your thoughts and wondering if you won or not and be relaxed through the entire process.

  Signs That the Law of Attraction Is Working for You

  Many people who apply the Law of Attraction sometimes feel really frustrated by a lack of results. It’s obvious that what they’re doing is pushing them further from what they want, because frustration and lack of patience result in the opposite of what is desired.

  The process of the Law of Attraction works gradually. It doesn’t happen overnight. From the moment you plant the seed, it takes time for it to sprout and bear fruit. You must be patient. If after a month you don’t see or feel a change, or you don’t identify with the signs described further on, it could be that you are not properly doing all of the actions required.

  The universe makes sure to send us signs through ‘angel numbers’ which are number sequences (the descriptions are listed in the next subchapter) or through other ways. The universe is trying to tell us through these angel numbers that we must be patient, that our wish is about to turn to a reality or it is trying to make us aware of what we should be doing in order to actualize ourselves. These signs are meant to keep us on the right track. It is important to pay attention to them and to take the message that the universe is sending you seriously.

  Signs the Law of Attraction is working for you:

  You feel better

  When you feel better, it means that you are becoming synchronized with the frequency of the topic that you want to fulfill. Feeling better can be expressed in a few different ways, for example: things that bothered you in the past become marginal and don’t bother you anymore. You are calmer and more composed when reacting to situations. You smile for no reason and you even sometimes shed tears of happiness. You feel like you have purpose in life. Your thinking becomes more optimistic and as a result of this your feelings change. You better handle difficult situations, and you have a tendency to see the cup half full. You are simply in a higher state of consciousness.

  You have a feeling that it’s about to happen

  You have a strong internal feeling that it is about to happen. This feeling translates as you being sure of yourself in everything you do throughout the day. You suddenly start to feel like stress is a thing of the past - peace and serenity prevail.

  Unexpected obstacles suddenly arise

  In this process of your spiritual empowerment, just before you reach the final stage, obstacles start to pop up. Their purpose is to challenge you at the last stage before your wishes are fulfilled. They can be a sudden, inexplicable decrease in your salary, failing to complete a task that you wanted to do well, things that are suddenly not going the way you wanted them to. This is the stage in which you must be strong and not give up on the principles you have adopted for yourself. Remember, the universe tests you, so you must be aware of this and not lose control or, God forbid, have doubts about the Law of Attraction. Even the tiniest doubt puts you right back to the beginning.

  You begin to see numerical sequences

  We call numerical sequences ‘angel numbers.’ Later, I give the meanings of each numerical sequence and what you can understand from them. Two of the strongest numerical sequences are ‘888’ and ‘777.’ If you start to see the numerical sequence 11:11 or 111, know that you are very close to your goal and should be aware of your thought processes. The universe is coming to tell you that everything you are thinking right now can turn into reality, so beware of negative thoughts. Also, the numerical sequences: 555, 444, 222, 33, 22, 55 and so on… they could appear on things like license plates, the time on your digital clock, street signs, billboards and all kinds of places. Make sure to thank the universe and your angels as soon as you see these numbers and know that your request of the universe really is just around the corner.

  You think about a specific person and that person suddenly calls you

  Has it ever happened to you that you’ve gotten a phone call, text message or email from someone you were just thinking about? Or maybe you bump into them face to face? Or you were about to say something and someone else says it right before you?

  All of these things are signs that your intuition has reached another level and that you are at a higher frequency than before.

  You are conscious of your thoughts and your words

  You’ve started to notice your thoughts and the way you are speaking. You are careful not to gossip and offend others. You’ve become more forgiving of the people closest to you and people in general. You get along with people better than in the past and people want to be around you.


  Milestones are part of the path that leads you to fulfilling your desires. Milestones can appear as specific people or situations that lead you towards your goal. Things will come to you at the right time and will help you reach the goal you set for yourself.

  Angel Numbers

  From the moment each of us are born, a guardian angel is bound to us whose role is to protect us, watch over us and guide us on our life path. Angels are energy constructs created by the universe/the Creator serving as its messengers. I have been helped by them many times. The last time was when I had reached a crossroads in my life. I wasn’t sure if I should continue to work at my current job or if I should make a change in my career path and do I what I am doing now. I closed my eyes and asked aloud, “My angels, give me a sign about what I should do…” Throughout the rest of the day, I began receiving numerical sequences like 555, which told me that I should abandon situations that no longer serve me, and the sequence 999 that told me about the end of a period in my life – that I should make space in my life for new things. For some of you it probably seems strange to ask for help from an invisible entity, but you’ll never know how powerful it is until you try it for yourself.

  Since numbers are a universal language, they are one of the ways that angels communicate with us - each sequence with its own meaning. Why do angels communicate with us through numbers and not by speaking? The answer is pretty simple - angels are pure and are on a particularly high frequency, while we humans are wrapped in barriers and limiting beliefs and at a low frequency relative to angels. This gap prevents us from communicating with, hearing, and seeing them. We do this once we’ve reached a spiritual level free from limiting beliefs or barriers.

  Angels transcend barriers that separate them from us through numbers and signs. They get our attention any way they can, so that we will see the messages they are trying to give us.

  The following is a list of the short meanings of each number. When each number appears two or three times, the meaning of the number intensifies.

  Angel number meanings


  The number one symbolizes leadership, motivation, unity, intuition, organization, praise, and joy. The angels are asking you to be more focused on your heart’s desires and to pay attention to your thoughts. The number 1 encourages you to move forward and to take on challenges, new beginnings and projects with an optimistic, positive attitude.


  The number two symbolizes traits of intuition, love and relationships, adaptation and harmony. The angels are asking you to trust them and to know that everything you have asked for is on its way to you, so be patient and trust in the universe. Also, the angels want to see you sticking to the goal you have set for yourself and collaborating with others.


  The number three symbolizes traits of humor, creativity, freedom of action, and also spiritual, economic, and emotional growth. You should know that the angels are trying to get your attention, so you’ll use your creative talents to actualize your abilities and to help others in all areas of life. Be happy and optimistic because only in this w
ay will you be fully expressed.


  The number four symbolizes the traits of loyalty, conservativism, hard work, integrity, self-control, inner wisdom and security. The angels are giving you love, support, and encouragement directly to fulfill yourself. Know that angels are near and helping you reach your goal.


  The number five symbolizes talent, telepathy, curiosity, magnetism, pleasure, and joy. The angels are asking you to look positively at the changes in your life and to be optimistic about the future. Use your unique abilities along the way to achieve your goals.


  The number six symbolizes harmony, domestic life, family life, helping others, caring for others, care and beauty. The angels are encouraging you to be more empathetic and loving towards yourself and the people in your life. Also, trust in the universe regarding your material needs. This will all be fulfilled as long as you know how to help yourself and others.


  The number seven symbolizes the traits of mysticism, inner wisdom, understanding others, healing, modesty, respect, faith and spirituality. When the number seven appears in your life, know that the angels are telling you that you are on the right track. They are encouraging you to continue on your path to fulfilling your purpose.


  The number eight symbolizes the traits of security, money, wealth, stability, reliability, and efficiency. There is a positive message from the angels in the number eight to stay optimistic and to listen to your intuition. It tells you that financial abundance is on its way to you and that you must be grateful for what you have in life.


  The number nine symbolizes the traits of spiritual enlightenment, serving people, self-sacrifice, generosity, a strong personality, and loyalty. The number nine is a message from the angels that the time has come to finish a stage in life and to detach from whatever no longer serves you: work, relationships, and so on. You have all that you need and the time has come to act.


  The number eleven symbolizes traits of high energy, creativity, excitement, self-expression, and mysticism. When the number eleven appears in your life, the angels are sending you a message that you must keep your thoughts in line with your goals and release any doubt. The number eleven is encouraging you to provide inspiration to people through your natural ability and inner intuition.


  When this number regularly appears in your life, know that the angels are sending you a message to be patient. Your requests have been accepted and they are on their way to you, so keep working and know that your dreams are becoming reality.


  This number is a message from the angels that a positive change in your life is about to happen and that you are on the edge of a great breakthrough. It is telling you something good about your future. The angels are telling you that now is the time to take action and turn towards new horizons, and that you will have spiritual support in every risk you take.


  This number is a message from your angels that your bond with them and with the universe is very strong at the moment and that you should continue on the path that you are progressing on. Only determination will lead you to success. Know that you are receiving as much support and encouragement from the angels as you’ll need along the way. Pay attention to your inner wisdom and intuition and know that your bond with the angels is very strong at this moment.


  This number is a message from the angels for you to know to let go and release what is no longer serving you and to prepare for a great change that will happen in your life in the future. Do not hesitate to take risks because the angels are always with you and at the end of the journey you will come out of it stronger despite all of the difficulties. Be sure that the change taking place in your life is a positive change that will lead to new beginnings.


  The number sixty-six is mostly connected to topics that are related to family, relationships, justice, and love. If you’ve had problems in your family or relationships, know that the angels are sending you love and support and are doing everything they can in order to solve the problem. This number symbolizes abundance and optimism and it has a strong message of love and healing. Also, this number is telling you that you must be more sensitive and understanding towards the people around you and especially your relatives. Remember that you must find harmony in your family and let go of anything that causes damage to your family unit.


  If you regularly see the number seventy-seven, know that the angels are sending you the message that you are energetically matching your desires and that soon you will see your desires manifest. As long as you maintain balance between your spiritual world and your material world, know that your success is just around the corner. Also, you must focus on your spiritual growth, maintain positive thinking, and serve as an example for others.


  This spiritual number symbolizes that you are on the edge of spiritual and financial abundance. The angels are sending you the message that all of your financial worries will soon disappear and that stability and abundance will take their place. You can be sure that all of your hard work has paid off in the end. Know that the angels are proud of you right now and that now is the time for you to enjoy a bit of freedom and to help the people who need you. Know for sure that your angels are helping you to make the right decision any time problems or worries related to achieving your goals come up.


  This number is a message from the angels that one phase of life is about to end and a new phase is about to develop for you. Don’t worry, the change that occurs with be positive. Let go of the old and the inefficient for the sake of new opportunities. Do not fear developing spiritually and know that the angels are by your side the entire way and will help you reach your goals with great ease. The number ninety-nine shows that you have the strength and desire to greatly succeed and that the time has come to follow your dreams. Remove worry from your heart because the angels are behind you and supporting you whenever you need it.


  The message from the angels is that you are on the right path and that you are at a high flow of energy. Your thoughts will soon turn to reality, so pay attention to your thoughts, think positive and neutralize negative thoughts.


  With this number, the angels are giving you a soothing message that your goals are about to come be fulfilled. Everything is happening in your favor and you must continue doing the outstanding work that you are doing and that you will soon be picking the fruits of your labor.


  This powerful number is a message that you have strong divine protection and that the angels are close to you at this time. Use your spiritual talents to help others. Be clear about choosing your goals and know that the angels are working together with you for the fulfillment of your goals.


  The message is that you are on the path of spiritual awakening. This is a sign that you are getting closer to synchronizing with creation and that you are exactly where you should be in life. Trust that the angels are by your side and are ready to help you whenever they are asked to.


  This is a sign that many changes are happening in all areas of your life and that you must know that these changes are positive. Go with the flow and let go of old doubts. If you are scared, do not hesitate to ask for help from the angels. Let go of the old and whatever is no longer serving you and make new space.


  This is a message that you must focus more on spiritual life and less on materialism. Pay attention to what your inner voice is saying, nurture your spirituality and get back on the right track. The purpose of this number is to gently warn you to go back to focusing on love, joy, and less on the material.


  The number 777 is considered to be
a divine number, so the message is that you have reached the highest spiritual level. You are perfectly synchronizing with the universe and all of your goals are manifesting. You are one with your goals. Stay focused and balanced, continue the good work and know that you are on the right path and that you will soon be picking the fruits of your labor.


  This is a message that is related to abundance, prosperity and the material world and that you will soon be able to experience the abundance that you’ve so wished for. Many people believe that this number brings the good fortune of abundance, happiness and wealth. Pay attention to the opportunities that happen along your way and know that the universe is giving you financial abundance and many offers that will bring you to prosperity and growth.


  This number symbolizes that things are coming to an end and this is the end of a cycle. Clear space in your life for new things; allow abundance and rejuvenation to come into your life. Release any negative belief, thought, or emotion in order to enter the new cycle in life when you are clean and pure.


  This is a sign that you are one with the Creator and that you have the ability to achieve anything you want. You are in perfect harmony with your higher self. Seeing 000 regularly indicates the amazing power and enormous potential you have for achieving anything. Remember that your energy is strong at this stage, so stay positive.

  Common Mistakes in Practicing the Law of Attraction

  I often hear about people who fail to apply the Law of Attraction and repeatedly try but don’t get results. Sometimes the mistakes can be very minor and corrected immediately. Pay attention; make sure you are not making even one of the mistakes described below.

  Focusing only on yourself

  A person who wants abundance from the universe and is focused only on himself without noticing the people around him will not receive anything from the universe. A person who only takes care of himself and focuses on his own desire to fill what’s lacking will broadcast the opposite energy to the universe. In the subchapter ‘How to Expand Your Clientele,’ I mention the importance of encouraging competition, and I give the example of my friend who was overprotective of his clients and afraid of his competitors. The moment he learned to encourage them and let go, his clientele base started to gradually expand.


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