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Page 9

by Aurora Rose Reynolds

  Her gaze darts to the bedroom door, which is fully shut, and then over to the monitor screen on the coffee table in front of the couch. Jenna is sleeping soundly in her bassinet, where I laid her down about half an hour ago. Aubrey’s cheeks are a deep pink color when she turns back to me and blurts out, “We have anywhere from another minute to three hours before she wakes up. Is that enough time?”

  My control slips another notch at her boldness. I slide my hands under her ass to lift her up and against me, and her legs circle my hips. The couch is not the ideal location for her first time, but we have to work with what we’ve got since we have Jenna. “It isn’t very manly of me to admit it, but one minute will probably be plenty of time for me, since my cock feels like it’s gonna explode just from hearing you talk about us having sex.”

  “Really?” Her smile is one of feminine satisfaction as I lower my head.

  “Yeah,” I breathe into her ear, enjoying her little shiver in reaction. “But let’s hope for at least five minutes, so I can get you off first.”

  Her hands slip beneath the back of my shirt, her nails scraping along my skin as she moans, “Uh-huh.”

  I suck the lobe of her ear into my mouth and bite it gently. She moans and squirms restlessly beneath me as I start to kiss my way down her body. Her back arcs off the cushions, and I cup her perfect tits, listening to her sigh. I nibble and suck my way around them and tweak the hard, pink little peaks at the tips with my teeth. She writhes when I slide down her body and tug her soft, black cotton pants and panties down her legs.

  The scent of her desire hits me and I groan. “I’ve missed your pussy so fucking much, sweetheart.” I use two fingers to spread her lips wide then lick up the center and circle my tongue around her clit before pulling it into my mouth with a little tug. Her hips jerk up and her fingers dig into my scalp. “I could spend those three hours right here and still not get my fill of you.”

  Her body starts shaking, and I pull away to look up at her. With my eyes locked on hers, I breathe against her core and scrape my beard along the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Her eyes grow wide while her body goes taut, and her hips buck up against my mouth. I suck at her, plunging my tongue as deep as it can go until she screams out my name and shudders from her orgasm. Then I lick her through it until her body relaxes again. I press my cock into the cushions, and a deep growl rumbles up my chest.

  Her long eyelashes flutter and her eyes open. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, sweetheart, you did everything right letting yourself go like that for me,” I reassure her.

  “But you sound like you’re in pain.”

  “I wouldn’t call it pain.” I rise up on my knees and unbutton my jeans. “Just at the end of my control.”

  “Oh.” Her gaze drops to my zipper, and her eyes go half-mast.

  My cock feels like it’s ready to bust through my jeans to get to her, so I shove my pants down to my knees and kick them off. My hard cock bounces free and I settle over her, my crown almost touching her heat when I realize I’m forgetting something important. “Shit, I need to grab a condom.”

  “Um... you don’t have to use one if you don’t want to.” She grabs my biceps to stop me from moving away. “The doctor said the chances of me getting pregnant are almost zero during the next month or so while I’m breastfeeding.”

  “You okay with me taking you bare?” I hold myself still, waiting for her answer when my body is urging me to thrust inside her until I’m balls-deep.

  “I want to feel you moving inside me without anything between us.”

  “Fuck.” I claim her mouth in a deep kiss. “You keep talking like that and we’ll be lucky if I last a second, let alone a minute.”

  Her plump lips curve up at the edges, and she twines her arms around my neck. “Then how about we stop talking?”

  I can see a hint of fear in her eyes. I press a gentle kiss against her lips, because the last thing I want to do is scare her. I pour all my love for her into it as my tongue duels with hers while we both drown in sensual need. My cock nudges her entrance, and she shudders. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “That depends. Does it bother you that I don’t have a clue what I’m doing?” she asks.

  “It doesn’t bother me at all. It’s the opposite actually.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Men can be territorial over their women. I’ve never experienced it before, but everything is different with you.” I slide the head of my cock through her wetness then slowly sink inside her, watching her eyes drift shut. “Keep your eyes on mine, sweetheart.” When I’m finally anchored deep inside her, I don’t see anything but pleasure in her gaze. “Fuck. It’s wetter, hotter, and even better than I dreamed,” I grunt. “Your pussy is wrapped so tight around me.”

  “Justin.” Her nails dig into my back. I’ve waited so long for this moment. I know I won’t be able to hold back the release I already feel building inside me for long, but I’m determined to make this good for her. To get her to fly apart for me before I let go. I pump in and out of her, slowly at first, waiting to make sure she can handle me before picking up the pace. Burying my face in her neck, I try to control the urge to come.

  My hips continue to thrust back and forth as I slide my hand between our bodies to circle her clit with my thumb. Her pretty blue eyes stay locked on mine, and I watch as it builds for her until she falls over the edge. Her full breasts thrust forward when her back arches, and her nails dig into my back. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you are like this.”

  Her legs grip my waist and I brace my feet against the arm of the couch to give myself the added leverage I need as my thrusts speed up. Her pussy convulses around me, milking my orgasm from me and her walls clamp down around my cock as we both come.

  After the shudders subside and we both catch our breath, I roll us over so she’s sprawled on top of me and hold her close, feeling like I’m holding the entire world in my arms.

  Chapter 15



  I look up from Jenna, who just finished feeding, and is now asleep, shaking my head at Justin leaning with his shoulder against the doorjamb and watching us. “What?”

  “Marry me,” he repeats, and I laugh thinking he’s joking. He walks across the room toward me and gets down on his knees at the side of the bed. “I’m serious, Aubrey.” He takes my hand as he pulls a ring box from the pocket of his sweats, flipping it open.

  “You’re serious?” My breath catches as he lifts a gorgeous princess-cut diamond ring from its velvet bed. “You want to marry me?”

  “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and if you’re okay with it, I’d like to adopt Jenna, so you’ll both have my last name.”

  Tears fill my eyes and begin to drip down my cheeks. “Yes,” I whisper, unable to get out any more than that one word. When I left Vegas, my family, and everything I ever knew, I didn’t dare to dream of having a family again. I never once thought I’d find the perfect man for me or an amazing father for Jenna.

  “I don’t want to put this off, baby,” he says, sliding the ring on my finger. “I want you to be my wife sooner rather than later. We can get married now and plan a big party when things settle down.”

  “How soon?”

  “Today, tomorrow.” He shrugs. “All it’ll take is a quick trip to the county clerk’s office to get our marriage license. There’s no waiting period, so we can get married as soon as we have it. And my dad knows a judge who’ll do it for us.”

  “That is really soon,” I say, a niggle of worry in the back of my mind. “Why?”

  He looks at Jenna then at the ring on my finger, and even though I can’t see his eyes, I can tell he’s tense. “I have to go back to Vegas.”

  My heart sinks thinking about him being away from us again. “When?”

  “Sven will send a plane when I tell him I’m ready to go.”

  I haven’t met any of Justin
’s friends other than Kenton and Autumn, but I know Sven is involved in everything that’s going down in Vegas. Well, him and another guy named Kai.

  I look at the beautiful ring on my finger and my throat gets tight. Even when I’ve asked, he hasn’t talked to me about what’s been happening. All he’s said is things are being taken care of. Still, I have a feeling it’s worse than he’s been letting on. It could also be why he’s pushing so hard for me to marry him now.

  “Are you worried about what might happen while you’re away? Is it why you want to marry me?”

  “I want to marry you, because I’m in love with you and want to spend the rest of my life as your husband and Jenna’s father.” He cups my cheeks. “Do you trust me?”

  I don’t even have to think about that answer. “With my life and Jenna’s.”

  “Do you love me?” His fingers skim down my cheek.

  “You know I do.”

  He places his lips against mine. “Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”


  He takes my hand and his thumb caresses the skin on my finger just under his ring. “Then just trust me.”

  I close my eyes and remind myself that he’s always done everything within his power to take care of Jenna and me and that he would never do anything to hurt us. “Okay.” I open my eyes back up.

  “Thank you.” He kisses me swiftly then stands and takes Jenna from my arms and places her in her bassinet. When he comes back to me, he pulls out his phone, dialing before putting it on speaker. “She said yes!”

  “Of course she did,” I hear who I think is Jasper say, and my eyes widen. “Congratulations, son.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Yep, hold on. Your mom’s been waiting for you to call.”

  “I’m so excited,” Cora says, and Justin grins at me, making me wonder when he spoke to his parents about his plan and exactly how much they know.

  “Good, because I need your help.”

  “Whatever you need.”

  “I’m gonna take care of Jenna while you take Aubrey out to look for a dress.”

  “I’m on my way,” she says then adds, “I should be there in the next thirty minutes.”

  He laughs while I just stare at him. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “You’re welcome, honey.” The line goes dead.

  “How long have you been planning this exactly?” I ask as he lifts me up then settles me on his lap.

  “I’ve had your ring for the last three weeks. I wanted to ask you when you were comfortable being away from Jenna for a night or two, but this afternoon, I….” He shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. Things changed, and I don’t want to leave again without you being my wife.”

  “Will things ever be normal between us?” I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.


  I tip my head back to catch his eye. “You met me when I was pregnant. We haven’t even had a real date, because I gave birth not long after we met. Jenna and I moved in with you just days after she was born—something you knew would happen, because you moved us in without even asking me beforehand,” I remind him, and he smiles at the memory. “Now we’re getting married, but doing it within a few hours of you asking me.” My nose wrinkles. “We’re totally not normal.”

  “I like how things are between us. We skipped all the bullshit and got right to the good stuff.”

  “Still, we’re not normal.”

  “I’m okay with that.” He kisses me then lifts me off his lap to stand. “Now go get ready, so you can pick out your wedding dress.”

  “Do I even need a dress if we’re just going to the courthouse?”

  “Yes,” he says firmly with a twinkle in his eye that makes me wonder if he’s up to something.

  “I’m trusting you.”

  “I know, baby, and I’m so fucking lucky.” He kisses me swiftly and then spins me toward the bathroom. I hurry to get ready, but even so, by the time I’m done, Cora is waiting for me.


  I love you, Justin mouths, and I hold back tears as he takes Jenna from my arms and rests her on his chest.

  Justin once again proved he’s capable of making miracles happen. In the twenty-four hours since he asked me to marry him, he’s somehow given me a little bit of normal. Under an arch of flowers, holding a bouquet of cream roses in his parents’ backyard, I’m marrying the man of my dreams with his parents and mine as our witnesses.

  I was shocked last night when Justin told me we were going to dinner and I walked into the restaurant to find my parents waiting for us. Not surprisingly, Justin won over both my mom and dad without trying, but I have to admit I was a little astonished with the way they fawned over Jenna. It feels right to have them here today, but even with them, the judge marrying us, Jasper, and Cora here, I still feel like it’s just me, my soon-to-be husband, and our girl.

  He looks gorgeous in his black suit, white dress shirt, and baby-pink tie that matches Jenna’s frilly dress, the silk ribbon around my waist and stem of my flowers, and I feel prettier than I have in a long time. Cora and my mom helped me get ready. His mom curled my hair and mine did my makeup, and each of them gave me my something borrowed and something blue. Luckily, even with short notice, I found the perfect dress—a simple white lace gown with an empire waist and small pearls sewn into the material around the neckline.

  I can’t tear my gaze off his when the judge starts to speak, and tears I can’t hold back stream down my cheeks as we exchange our vows. When it’s time for us to exchange rings, he hands Jenna over to his dad and pulls two platinum bands from his jacket pocket. A perfect match for each other, his is a wider version of the one that goes with the engagement ring already on my finger.

  “These rings are a symbol of your commitment to your marriage, a reminder of who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going,” the judge says as we take each other’s hand. “In giving and receiving these rings, you acknowledge that wherever you go, you will always return to your shared life together.” Tears fill my eyes once more as we slide them onto each other’s finger. “May your rings remind you that marriage is a journey, with no beginning and no end, just a moment-to-moment opportunity to love and be loved to the best of your ability.”

  He speaks some more; I know he does, but until he says “you may kiss the bride” and Justin takes my mouth, my mind is so overwhelmed with everything that’s happened and I don’t hear anything. When he finally pulls his lips from mine, we’re married, but we still have drama to face before we start our life together.

  “I don’t like this,” I tell Justin, watching him pull my suitcase out the back of his Rover and set it on the ground after hugging his parents and Jenna goodbye. It’s only been a few days since we got married, and time that should have been spent with us enjoying being man and wife has been spent with my parents who left yesterday and Justin getting ready to go back to Vegas—something I wish he wasn’t doing.

  “I know, baby.” He looks at his dad, who takes my bag while Cora carries Jenna into their house, where we will be staying while he’s gone. He hasn’t shared why he wants me with his mom and dad except to say this will be his longest trip and he wants me to have the help with Jenna. I don’t believe him; I know there is more going on, but I don’t want to stress him out by asking too many questions. Especially when I know us being with his parents has something to do with them protecting me and my girl. “This is my last trip. After I get back from Vegas, I’m never going back.”

  “I hate that you’re leaving, especially now. This should be our honeymoon.”

  “Baby.” He steps into my space, cupping my cheek with his palm. “When I get home, we’ll go away, just you, me, and Jenna. I’ll get us a place on a beach somewhere and we’ll stay as long as you want.” I shiver a little at the sensual promise in his gaze, and he smiles before touching his lips to mine. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” My throat gets tight. “Promise
me you’ll be safe while you’re gone.”

  “I promise.” He kisses me once more then glances at his watch. “I need to go. I’ll call you.”

  I don’t say a word. I watch him climb behind the wheel and start up the engine. I wrap my arms around my stomach as he pulls out of the driveway and stand there long after he disappears out of sight.

  “Come inside, sweetie. It’ll all be okay,” Cora says, wrapping her arm around my waist. I let her lead me into the house and stop just inside when I catch sight of Jasper walking into the living room, carrying a rifle and a cleaning kit.

  “If anyone tries to come for you, they’re going to be in for one hell of a surprise.” He sets both items on the coffee table and heads back into his office. When he comes out again, he has two more rifles.

  My jaw drops, and I whisper, “How many guns does he have?”

  Cora’s voice is serious when she answers, “More than enough.”

  Lord, Justin better get home soon.

  Chapter 16


  “I CAN’T BELIEVE my sister married your ass and my parent actually like you,” Aedan mutters as he pulls his car into the departure line at the airport.

  “Get over it.” I send a text to Aubrey to let her know I’m catching a flight home in the next hour and will be at my parents’ to pick her up tonight. I did what I needed to do to make sure she’s safe, and no one will ever know what happened to her. And after the paperwork I pushed through clears, Jenna will be officially mine, leaving no trace of her real father.

  “I’d like to reconnect with my sister.”

  Fuck. “I don’t know if I’m okay with that. I don’t want my girls mixed up in your shit,” I tell him, shoving my cell into the front pocket of my jeans.

  Not only is Aedan a drug dealer, but he’s now one of the biggest in the US after what happened.

  “I want the chance to know my niece.”

  Anger curls up in my belly. If he would’ve had his way, there would be no Jenna, and I can’t imagine a world without her in it.


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