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Amy King Cozy Mysteries- The Complete Series

Page 62

by N. C. Lewis

  "You see, Mrs. King, at an auction, it is of great advantage to know the maximum price your competitors are prepared to bid. I found out about Oceana's little arrangement to reveal my bid strategy. Oceana sold herself to Gwen for...what?"

  Amy was at the bedside cabinet and again glanced at the closet. If she could get to it, close the door and call for help, this nightmare would be over. Again she tested her leg. The pain was too great.

  "You tell me," Amy said, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. When she opened them, Marge was a step closer.

  "They thought I was an imbecile, but I figured it out," screeched Marge, stepping forward.

  "Why did you kill Eddie Yates?" Amy placed a little weight to test her left leg, then eased off. The walk-in closet may as well be a mile away.

  Marge's nostrils flared. "When her dirty little scheme with Gwen to outbid me for the blue-footed booby failed, she hired that filthy little man to steal my suitcase." She half turned to look at the lifeless form of Oceana. "It took a while to get her to speak…but eventually, she did."

  Amy closed her eyes. "So you tracked Eddie Yates down to the Five-Star Motel and—"

  Marge let out a bark of laughter. "Yes, yes, yes. The grubby, little man denied it at first, but then when I offered to pay generously for the truth, he told all."

  "So why did he have to die?"

  "The drunken bum found the statue of the blue-footed booby on the yacht and put two and two together. I left it in my panic to get away. He had the audacity to laugh in my face when I offered him fifty thousand dollars for the return of the statue…and his silence." Her lips curled into a snarl. "The clown said if I wanted to stay out of jail, I'd have to marry him, so he could live out his days in luxury. He demanded the blue-footed booby as down payment."

  "So you killed him?"

  "I would have spared him if he'd taken the cash, but the odious man placed his arms around me, said it was time we 'consummated our relationship.' I reached into my handbag and pulled out a handgun!"

  Like a smoldering fire doused with water, her rage died away, and her arm went limp. The bronze blue-footed booby tumbled from her grasp.

  "Let's talk about this," Amy said in a soft voice, struggling to lean against the bedside cabinet.

  "No, no, Mrs. King. The time for talking is over." Marge reached into her handbag and pulled out a revolver. "This is the gun I used to shoot Eddie Yates."

  Startled, Amy screeched, "Marge, you won't get away with this. The police will track the gun back to you."

  "It's not my gun. It belongs to Oceana."

  That wrong-footed Amy. "But the bodies… How will you explain two dead bodies in your hotel room?"

  A faint ripple of muscle contracted in Marge's jaw. "Mrs. King, this isn't my suite. We are in Oceana's room. My dear woman, it's the little details that make all the difference."

  Chapter 32

  It was too late now to make a dash for the walk-in closet, and anyway, Amy's leg wasn't up to that. She glanced around the room. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Closing her eyes she remembered what Nick had told her about hostage situations.

  "Use an authoritative voice," he had said. "Mention their name, and remind them of the consequences of their actions. That often jolts them back to reality."

  "Marge Christopher," Amy began in a commanding voice. "Put down the gun. Killing another person won't help the situation. Another death will only make it worse."

  Marge's face paled, and her eyes grew wide as if only now, for the first time, was she fully conscious of all she had done. "I… I don't understand."

  "Put down that gun," Amy ordered again. This whole horrendous situation would soon be over, but she wouldn’t feel safe until Marge Christopher was behind bars. "Marge, put down the gun and everything will be all right."

  Amy regretted her last sentence even before the words came out.

  It was like a match to kindling.

  "No! If I'm caught, they'll separate me from my babies. I have no choice." Marge's body stiffened. Her eyes glowed like hot stones, and her voice erupted in a low growl. "Mrs. King, I'm sorry it has to be this way. You understand, don't you?"

  Amy understood. Everything was crystal clear. "Marge, turn yourself in. You won't get away with this."

  Marge let out a superior cackle. "It's really a simple story. You came to Oceana's hotel room to confront her with your suspicions. She let you in the room, and you heard my cry, found me tied up in the bedroom. Then in the struggle, you hit Oceana with the blue-footed booby at the same time she fired her pistol, shooting you dead. I escaped and called for help. I won't mourn your passing, but I will send flowers."

  Amy could wait no longer. She stretched out her right hand, picked up the book on the bedside cabinet and hurled it at Marge.

  It hit her square in the jaw.

  The gun went off.

  Amy flung herself at Marge expecting at any moment to feel the burn as the bullet penetrated flesh. Gasping, she toppled Marge to the floor, knocking the revolver from her grasp. There was an intense tussle. Marge broke free and scrambled toward the gun. Amy watched with horror as she scrabbled to get the weapon into her hand, steadied herself, and prepared to take aim.

  Amy had a flash of realization that Marge Christopher was about to end her life, and she could do nothing to stop it. Her last memories would be of those hate-filled eyes. Marge had planned so carefully, worked out every detail. The truth might never come out. She thought of how much she loved Nick as a roar of gunshot filled her ears, somehow the sound was louder, more potent, than the earlier shot.

  Then Marge Christopher slumped to the floor, blood oozing from a wound in her shoulder, and Amy looked up to see Nick with his gun drawn and Detective Mary Wilson at his side.

  Chapter 33

  Three days later

  It was Officer Jones who brought them the news while Amy sat, left leg propped up on a chair, at the kitchen table chatting with Danielle and Nick.

  "Miss Oceana Peach has regained consciousness," the officer said, standing awkwardly by the kitchen door. "And the medical team believes she will make a full physical recovery, although it will take time."

  "It's the first step," said Danielle. "Great news for her family. I guess the media are all over it?"

  "They will be soon," Officer Jones confirmed. "These things leak out."

  "I can't believe how much coverage the story of the blue-footed booby has generated," Amy commented. "The local news station, newspaper, and even a radio station from Canada have called for an interview."

  "Same at headquarters," Officer Jones commented. He turned to Nick. "Detective King, it's just as well you've taken a few days off because it is crazy, news trucks all over the place."

  Nick had taken time off to care for his wife. They'd spent long hours talking of the past and making plans for the future. He took a sip from his mug. "I suppose the media are pestering the department for inside facts?"

  Officer Jones lowered his voice. "Yes, and the chief is milking the story. To hear him tell it, how his great leadership gave his officers room to crack the case. City hall has also jumped on the bandwagon. There are votes in good news stories."

  Nick shrugged and sighed. "Things never change in politics, only the faces and rumors about the faces."

  "Is it true," Officer Jones began hesitantly, "that the department is reopening the executive protection unit?"

  "Gossip and rumors," Nick growled. "But I can confirm the city manager has released the funds, and I'm to head my old unit." He paused a moment and smiled. "Officer Jones, I'd like to recommend you for the position of junior detective."

  Officer Jones broke out into a broad grin. "Thank you, sir."

  "Think about it and let me know. Please keep it to yourself; no rumors, please."

  "Yes, sir. Speaking of rumors, there are so many about what happened." He cleared his throat and looked at Amy. "I was wondering if—"

  Amy laughed. "You want the skinny on what

  Officer Jones glanced nervously at Nick who nodded in approval. "Unofficially…just so I can…correct the…rumors."

  "Okay, take a seat, and I'll explain."

  By the time Amy had finished, Officer Jones was on the edge of his seat, eyes wide open, a finger reaching for his shirt collar. "It's like one of those action-packed novels I like to read. They should turn this one into a movie! What do you think, Detective King?"

  Nick, who had remained quiet the entire time, cleared his throat. "My wife had a lucky escape. Detective Mary Wilson and I went to the Cherry Tree Towers Hotel to speak with Oceana Peach. We found her name and cell phone number scrawled in Mr. Eddie Yates' diary. Fortunately, I remembered the group was staying at the hotel."

  "But how did you find the room?" asked Danielle who had remained silent the entire time.

  "We didn't. Patrick Crenshaw did. He is the general manager and a friend. He saw Amy. It didn't take a genius to work out she was on her way to meet with Marge or Oceana." Nick glanced around lowering his voice. "We visited Marge Christopher's suite first and gained access courtesy of Patrick. Then we visited Oceana's suite and bingo!"

  "What will happen next?"

  "To Oceana?"

  "Yes," Danielle responded.

  "There'll be an investigation. From what we know so far, Oceana hired Eddie Yates to steal the blue-footed booby. We figure she planned to sell it to Gwen Williams. So, she'll face charges for that."

  "The newspaper reported the county sheriff's department found a tracking device on Mrs. Williams' cell phone. Did Oceana plant it?"

  Nick shook his head. "Mrs. Williams' administrative assistant installed the app. She wanted to track Mrs. Williams' movements. It seems Mrs. Williams showed up at the office at random times to scream abuse at her staff. Who wouldn't want to know the whereabouts of a boss like that?"

  Danielle glanced at Amy as if she was uncertain about something.

  "What is it?" Amy asked, knowing her friend well.

  "Amy girl, I hope you don't mind, but I got to know."

  "Know what?"

  "What's going on with Marge?"

  Officer Jones interrupted. "They patched her up pretty good at the hospital. I was on guard duty for a while. The doc says she'll pull through, probably live to one hundred!"

  Nick sucked in his breath. "The prosecutor is taking their time in building the case. It appears Mrs. Williams was the subject of anonymous threats. They believe Marge was at the bottom of those. I suspect they'll throw that at her and murder charges. Marge Christopher will be behind bars for the rest of her life."

  Officer Jones stood up to leave. "Got to get back on patrol. Well done and good luck."

  Nick followed him out, leaving Amy and Danielle alone in the kitchen.

  "What's next for Studio Shoal Seven?" asked Danielle.

  Amy let out a sigh. "Siggy wants to discuss working for the Hidden Harbor Yacht Club."

  "What date?" Danielle pulled up the calendar on her cell phone. "I'll be at your side and ready to help."

  "I said no."

  Danielle glanced up. "Eh?"

  "When I set up Studio Shoal Seven, I made a rule of only taking work I wanted to do. I've broken that rule in my rush to make money. I don't want to work for the Hidden Harbor Yacht Club. Do you?"

  Danielle grinned. "Nope."

  Amy continued. "Mrs. Nudel asked if I would help out with her book launch. She wants catering as well. I mentioned Mrs. Lopresti for that."

  "Do you have a date?"

  Amy held her breath. "No." She wasn't sure Danielle would like what she was about to say. "I've decided to park the staging business. It was a lovely experiment, but now it's time to move on."

  Every ending is, of course, a new beginning. In a few weeks, Amy would be in London to visit her daughter and son-in-law. The twins were due in the spring, and she knew there’d be another visit to London then, and there was the spare bedroom to convert into a nursery…

  Danielle folded her arms and let out a chuckle. Then she gave Amy a hug.

  "Good for you, Amy girl!"

  Author Notes

  Nothing makes me happier than the thought of a reader finishing one of my books.

  So, thank you!

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  Until next time,

  N.C. Lewis

  P.S. As an indie author, I work hard to bring you entertaining cozy mysteries as fast as I can. I’ve got many more books in the works, and I hope you’ll come along for the ride.

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  Also by N.C. Lewis


  The Ollie Stratford murder mysteries are a set in the Hill Country of Texas and offer a light hearted glimpse into small time life. The stories can be enjoyed in any order:

  Texas Troubles

  Creek Crisis

  Bitter Bones

  Magic Mumbles

  Teddy Tumpin

  Double Dimple

  Angry Arrow


  Features journalist Doris Cudlow and is set in the English seaside town of Skegness. The stories can be enjoyed in any order:

  Deadly Chapel (coming soon)

  For an updated list of all books please visit:




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