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ACER final

Page 10

by Hargrove, A.

  Isla took off her coat and hung it on a hook by the door. “She’d love that. So how was the patient today?”

  “Dandy,” I said.

  Mom decided it was time she left and I was getting a bit sleepy. I was taking some pain medicine that was making me drowsy so I wanted to take a nap.

  “If you need anything, just call,” Mom said as she was leaving.

  Isla asked, “Hey, where’s your escort?”

  “He’s waiting out back. He parked there and we used the back door to be less conspicuous.”

  Isla put her hands in the prayer pose. “Please, please be careful and don’t allow him to drive you straight home.”

  “Yes, Ms. FBI agent.” Mom chuckled. “I’ll pass your request along.”

  “No passing along. I’m calling him so he can come and walk you to the car, or I will. I’m serious. Your son took a bullet over this and it was a good thing it landed where it did.”

  Mom grew somber. “True and I’m not belittling that fact. I’ll be extremely careful.”

  After Mom left, I told Isla about the phone conversation between Mom and my brothers.

  “I’m sorry I missed that.”

  “It was entertaining. How was work? Did you find anything?”

  “No, and I’m worried they’re going to close the case. We have a little time left but not much.”

  “I don’t understand. How can they close it when I was just shot?”

  “It goes like this. The man they arrested claimed he knew nothing of any mob or human trafficking. He said he wasn’t doing anything when you attacked him and the reason he shot you was because his life was threatened.”

  I bolted up from my seat and paid the price in the form of pain. After the stabbing ache eased, I said, “That’s ridiculous. I caught him half under your car.”

  She took my hands in hers. “We know that, Acer, and we’re doing our best to get him to talk.”

  “Who is he?”

  Isla massaged her eyes. “His name is Cillian Walsh, but that’s not important. What is important is he’s not a legal resident here. That’s what’s giving us an edge. If we don’t get what we need, he’s going to be deported. He gets very nervous when we mention that.”

  “What’s the next step then?”

  We both sat down and she said, “Thankfully, the police are being very cooperative with us. We’re bringing in the sex trafficking unit to see if they can get anything and playing good cop-bad cop.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Art is of the mindset if we keep pushing deportation, he’ll crack. So that’s our plan. And there’s one other thing. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew you’d freak out, but you saved my life, Acer. Walsh was under my car for a reason. He wasn’t putting a GPS device there. He’d placed a bomb under it. You caught him before he had time to activate it.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  “A bomb! What the fuck, Isla.”

  “It’s fine. Everything happened when you were in the hospital. I didn’t want you or your family to freak. I told Art where you found him and he sent some of the guys over. When they saw what it was, they called in the bomb experts and removed it. But like I said, Walsh never activated it. It would’ve been activated and then set off using his cell phone. So you did me a solid, Acer.”

  He rubbed his neck as his eyes drilled into mine. His gaze was so intense, it pinched my heart as I saw the pain in it. “Isla.” The hoarseness in his tone gave away some of his emotions. He opened his arms and pulled me into their warmth. “I am so fucking happy I went out there. I’d take a bullet any day for you to prevent something like that.”

  “Don’t say that, Acer.”

  “I’m serious. A fucking bomb. I never imagined that. What the hell do these people want?”

  “That’s what we’re trying to find out.”

  “And where the hell is Paulie?”

  It was a question I’d been dreading. “By this time, since we haven’t heard a thing and no one has seen him, I can only assume the worst.”

  “As in they killed him.”


  “But why? What did he do?”

  “Another unanswered question.”

  He pulled back and stared at me. “Isla, be honest with me. Do you think Paulie was killed because of this human trafficking thing?”

  “I can’t say. Maybe he was involved with another illegal activity, selling drugs or something else. But whatever it was, got him killed, and what scares me the most is you’re connected to him.”

  “But I’ve got nothing.”

  “Acer, I know that, you know that, but the bad guys don’t. That’s why we need to keep you safe. Please let Art assign a bodyguard to you.”

  “After I get my gun and am licensed, I won’t need one.”

  “You’ll always need one. You don’t have eyes in the back of your head.” It frightened me to think of them shooting him again. What if that happened?

  “Fine. I’ll do it, but only for you. I don’t want you to worry unnecessarily.”

  “Thank you.” I pressed my lips to his.

  His eyes were half closed, but this time it was with exhaustion. “Come on. I’ll walk you to the bed and tuck you in.”

  When he was under the covers, he took my hand and said, “I think I’m in love with you.”

  “You do, huh?”

  “Yeah.” He brushed a hand through my hair.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “The thought of anything happening to you… I don’t think I could live with it.”

  I sat down on the bed, where his body curved. “What would you say if I said I had the same feelings?”

  “It would make me happy. But do you?”

  “Yeah. I nearly died when you got shot. But my training kicked in and took over, thank God.”

  “Thank you. You took good care of me. Isla, do you think this is too fast? The two of us, I mean?”

  “Can you put a time stamp on love?”

  “I don’t have much to offer. I’m not exactly rolling in the greenbacks.”

  I cupped his cheek. “Um, have you looked around here? I’m not either, nor am I judgy. I work in law enforcement, and unlike the TV shows, you don’t see me living in a fancy house, because I make a modest salary. You’ll find out about that when you get into it. One other thing. I’d think by now you’d know that much about me. I’m into people for who they are, not what they have.” I pressed a hand over his heart. “What’s in here is much more important to me than a number in a bank account.”

  “I hope so. I’m around my three brothers who are all wealthy and I see what it can give them. And then I realize I’ll never have that. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt a little.”

  I understood. When I saw Lenox with some of the women he dated, and the trips he took them on, it did make me slightly jealous of his lifestyle. But he was generous and signed up for that, I hadn’t.

  “I get it. I also have a wealthy brother and can see what having a lot of money brings. But I won’t hold it against someone if they don’t have it either.” I pressed my lips to his.

  “You’ve just confirmed again why it’s you I love.” His lids fluttered shut. This man was epically beautiful in every way. But it was his heart I was in love with. He was selfless and that’s what mattered most to me.

  I went out into the living area and the agent for the day, Clark, was there. He wanted to know what was going on with the case. I filled him in like I had Acer.

  “This isn’t good. It seems the more time that passes, the worse it gets.”

  “I know one thing. If they planted a bomb under my car, they’re after something. And if they failed this time, they’ll keep trying. That’s why we need to get this guy to talk.”

  I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Clark followed me. “Isla, when was the last time you were involved with a case like this?”


; “Same here. I’ve never been on a mob case.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Maybe this thing is bigger than us. Maybe Art needs to get others involved.”

  “Like who?”


  I pinched my brows together. “I don’t know.”

  “You should mention it to him.”

  “Me? Why me?”

  “Oh, come on.”

  My head was in the refrigerator hunting something to eat. I stood up and asked, “No, what?”

  “Jesus, you’re his favorite agent.”

  I put a hand on my hip and said, “I am not.”

  Clark pulled a covered casserole dish out of the fridge, then turned around. He aimed his finger at me. “Yes, you are. And for good reason. You’re smart and always have great suggestions. You have a nose for this business. I’m not saying this to blow smoke or anything. I’m just saying you’re a great agent and Art recognizes that.”

  I ate some dinner and mulled over what Clark said. “So Homeland, huh?”

  “We need more eyes on this. If this is the mob, one agency isn’t enough. We might need someone to go undercover to infiltrate them.”

  “True. Okay, I’ll mention it tomorrow.”

  In the morning, I went into the office and tapped on Art’s door. He motioned for me to come in.

  “Hey, Clark and I were talking last night.”


  “Maybe we need another agency in on this mob thing. If it is the mob as we suspect, then …”

  “Too late. I’ve already contacted Homeland and they don’t want it. They also told me it wasn’t a mob thing. It’s a singular thing.”

  “Oh? And how do they know this?”

  Art leaned back in his chair. “You know how tight-lipped they are. They wouldn’t say. I’m making a few more calls today to some of my connections. Something isn’t right with this.”

  “I’m on that same train. Why do those people want me dead? I don’t know a thing.”

  Art stood and came around his desk, where he leaned against it. “That’s where you’re wrong. You went to Mr. McCutcheon’s apartment and searched it. You took a phone and they’re not certain what else you took. Who knows what he had in there, but the mob doesn’t know and now you’re their target, even more so than Acer.”

  “If what you’re saying is true, why’d they leave that phone there when they took McCutcheon? It was lying on the floor in a pretty open area.”

  “I can’t answer that.”

  What if there was another phone? Or what if there was something hidden in that phone only Paulie knew about?

  “Art, did the analysis show anything about the phone itself?”

  “I’m not following.”

  “It was a burner, right?”

  “Yeah, but what are you talking about, Isla?”

  “Did they open it up for anything else, like a chip or whatever?”

  “Pretty sure they did. They’re always thorough on these things.”

  “Can you find out? There has to be something about that phone they want. Or maybe about one of the calls that were made.”

  Art went to his phone on the desk and tapped in a few numbers. “Yeah, Art here. Remember that phone Agent Chambers brought in for analysis? Did you guys open it up and find anything? You reported back that it was a burner, but there has to be something else on it.”

  Art was listening and then said, “Good. Let me know as soon as you can.”

  He glanced over at me and said, “They never opened it up. It was only analyzed for calls. How did I miss that?”

  “Maybe because you were reaming my ass for breaking the rules and the big guys were coming down to interview me?” I tried to look innocent. From Art’s sour expression, it was an epic fail.

  Chapter Twenty


  A little over a week passed since the shooting and I was almost back to normal. Exhaustion hit me fairly often, but other than that, the pain had pretty much disappeared and I was moving around well. Classes were starting in a couple of weeks so I wanted to go and have a look at the place. Knowing where my classes would be was on my mind.

  One of the guys went with me and afterward, I went to purchase the gun. Then I signed up for a firearms safety class. The owner of the gun shop, also held the classes. They were three nights a week for two weeks, starting that night. It would include handling, dismantling, cleaning, and storing the weapon. Art had recommended him so I was confident I’d learn what was necessary. Once completed, I would be licensed to carry.

  I texted Isla to let her know I’d be away that night.

  My phone immediately rang.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “It’s so soon after the surgery.”

  “Actually, I’m looking forward to it and I want to have this completed by the time I start classes. The timing couldn’t be better.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. Then I’ll see you around nine-thirty tonight.”

  On the way back to Isla’s, I stopped by Brax’s. Raiden and Cruze had gone back to Denver and my parents were leaving for Florida the next day. When I walked in, Mom jumped out of her chair and ushered me to another one.

  “Mom, I’m not an invalid, I swear.” Clark was behind me and laughed.

  “You look a bit pale, dear.”

  “That’s because it’s January, Mom. I haven’t been in the sun all winter.”

  “I know, but I’m not sure you should be walking around.”

  “Dad, help,” I begged.

  Dad put his arm around Mom. “Darling, he’s fine. The doctor said he could do whatever he wanted and when he was tired he should rest.”

  “Yeah, Mom. Dad was there with me. And after I see you two, I’m going home for a while.”

  “A while?”

  Shit. I shouldn’t have said that. “Um, yeah, and then I have something tonight. But other than that, I’m resting.”

  “What’s so important you have to go out tonight?” Mom asked.

  “It’s nothing, really.”

  “Acer, I know when you’re not telling me the truth. What is going on?”

  “Mom, it’s not a big deal and I don’t want you to freak.”

  “Then tell me.” She wore her mom look. When she did that, I knew I’d have to tell her or she’d pester me to death.

  “I’m taking a gun class tonight.”

  Mom laughed. “Whatever for? You don’t even own a gun.”

  “I sort of do.”

  “What?” she screeched.

  “Yeah, I bought one and I’m going to take classes on the proper use of it.”

  “Acer Kent. The proper use of a gun is for it to stay in the box where it currently is. Now you return it this minute.”

  “Mom, I—”

  She pointed her finger at me like she did when I was young. I felt like I’d just gotten caught stealing one of my brother’s favorite toys.

  “Don’t you Mom me. You get back in your car this minute and return that gun.”

  Crossing my arms, I said, “I will not.”

  She stared at me for a second and huffed out a breath. Then she turned to my dad and said, “Brian, do something.”

  “Dana, dear, he’s a grown man. If he wants to own a gun, at least he’s doing the right thing and taking classes on how to properly use it.”

  “Mom, seriously, Art from the FBI recommended this. I want to do this the right way.”

  “Guns are dangerous, Acer. You, of all people, should understand that, having been at the wrong end of one.”

  “I get it, Mom. And I have a healthy respect for them. I’m going to do this right. I promise.”

  “If there’s no stopping you, then at least I can take comfort that you’ll know how to use one.”

  Glad that conversation was over, I asked, “So when are you guys leaving?”

  “First thing in the morning,” Dad said. “That
is if I can get your mother out of bed. She’s been a bit lazy lately.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. You two are on your own schedule now, so why not.”

  Mom rolled her eyes at Dad, which made me chuckle.

  “How about lunch?” I asked.

  “Sure. Where do you want to go?”

  “Your choice.”

  We went to Reynolds’ favorite restaurant. Brax was at practice. I asked Clark to join us. But Mom started asking questions about my relationship with Isla.

  “Mom, we’re just friends.” I didn’t want to say anything in front of Clark.

  “Acer, I’m not blind. I see the way you two look at each other. You are more than just friends.”

  “Mom,” I said in a warning tone. “No, it’s a friendly relationship.” I tried to kick her under the table but managed to kick Reynolds instead. She raised a brow. Maybe I could enlist her help.

  “Isla and I are friends. I think she’s cool. That’s it.”

  “Dana, I think Acer isn’t interested in a relationship at this time because he needs to focus on school,” Dad said.

  “Exactly,” I affirmed. “It wouldn’t be fair to Isla if we were involved.”

  “You can say what you want but you’re not being honest with yourself.” Mom was not convinced.

  We ordered our food and it arrived fairly fast. I had a huge cheeseburger, while everyone else ordered salads.

  “Looks like you all are being healthy and I’m not.”

  “You’ll get to the point one day where you’ll have to watch what you eat. Enjoy it while you can,” Dad said.

  “You don’t have to watch it,” I answered. “You’re as slim as can be.”

  “Maybe, but it’s my cholesterol I have to keep an eye on.”

  I hadn’t given that a thought. Maybe I should start doing that now so I wouldn’t have problems later. My grandfather died of a heart attack at the age of fifty. Who wanted that?

  After lunch, we went back to Brax’s. I stayed a few minutes and then left for Isla’s. I wanted to take a nap before my class tonight. It would be an unusually long day for me. On the way back there, Clark said, “It’s okay with me if you and Isla are together. Don’t hide it because of me.”


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