The Chosen Series Box Set: Books 1 - 3
Page 71
“Deal. Next time you hold him down and I will beat him. It’s a decent compromise.” She chewed her lip. “I lied by the way.”
Rushe gave her what he hoped was a questioning look as his brow creased. He took in her naughty looking, lopsided smile.
“I do give blowjobs.” She giggled. “I even swallow, but they didn’t need to know that.”
His confusion must’ve shown even more, because she made a surprised noise. “A blowjob. Don’t you know what a blowjob is?”
He shrugged.
“Okay.” She sighed. “When a woman puts a man’s cock in her mouth and sucks—”
Rushe choked. It was really weird because it wasn’t like he was eating or anything, he just started choking like the life was leaving him and he even had to stop to catch his breath. The only thing he could think about was her lush lips around his cock and nothing he could do would remove the picture. Especially since she said that she swallowed.
“I have to say,” Becky put her hands on her ample hips, “I’m impressed with your fighting skills. I should be appalled by that base display of testosterone, but I hate to admit that I’m a little wet.”
Rushe made another choking noise but managed to keep himself from having an all out attack this time. His nostrils flared as he instinctually tested the air. Sweetened honeysuckle hit his nose. He shut his eyes for a beat or two and groaned. “You are wet.” His voice had turned deep.
“You wolfies really do have a great sense of smell.”
Rushe nodded. He didn’t try to say anything, as his tongue felt thick in his mouth.
“I can’t believe you’ve never had a blowjob,” the female murmured almost to herself.
“Shifter females don’t take males into their mouths.”
“Why not?” Her brow creased.
They settled back into a slow walk. “There are so few of them. I’ve heard that they don’t do such things.”
“You’ve heard …?” Her eyes widened. “Haven’t you been with a shifter female before?”
Chuckling, Rushe shook his head. “No way. Shifter females only rut and mate with Alphas. On the odd occasion one might mate with a second-in-command, but never just a regular wolf like me.”
“Okay.” She sounded a bit unsure. “So you must have been with human females then. Ward and Stephany mentioned how the shifters are mating with human females to prevent extinction. Not all humans like to give blowjobs, but most are okay with it.”
“I know that you will keep our secrets. It is important that you do not mention our cross-matings to the vampire queen or anyone else though.”
“Are you kidding? I won’t say anything, and for the record, I think it’s great. I just don’t understand why the need for this list and taking turns.”
Rushe pushed his hands into his jeans pockets, but only because all this talk of dick-sucking and mates had his fingers itching to pull her against him. All her softness would fit against him just right and he ached to feel her close. “We really do need that list.” He took a deep breath. “What do you think the humans would do if a whole bunch of horny shifter males arrived in Sweetwater intent on rutting and mating all the single females?”
Becky giggled; within no time it turned into an full-blown laugh. He loved how she laughed from down deep inside with no holds barred. “You have a point.” She giggled some more. “Sorry,” she snorted, “I’m just picturing all of you descending on Sweetwater.”
He chuckled. “The pitchforks and silver bullets would be out faster than a wolf can shift.”
“Why are you only focusing on Sweetwater? Surely there are other towns you guys could try?” She tucked a wayward curl behind her ear, squinting as the late afternoon rays caught her in the eyes.
“There’s also Smithsonville.”
Her brow furrowed. “That’s miles and miles away.”
“This is just one of many of our satellite villages, our main town is way deeper in the mountains. I can’t give you too much information, but Smithsonville is the closest village to that.”
“I see. So you only focus on those? Sweetwater and Smithsonville?”
He nodded.
She scrunched up her face in the cutest way. “That’s stupid. All of you could have mates in no time if you spread out. A couple of shifters here and a couple there,” she clapped her hands together, “and bam, you’d all be mated.”
Rushe had to smile at her. “I wish it was that simple. Folks out there are very afraid of us non-humans.”
“Rubbish! I’ve heard women say that they would give up their firstborn for a shot at one of you. They throw themselves at those vampire boys like you wouldn’t believe.”
Rushe felt his blood heat. “The vampires are fucking human females?”
“I freaking wish … Actually that’s not true, I’m pissed at those bloodsuckers at the moment.” Her eyes narrowed and her hands became little fists at her sides. “The way they treated Stephany is unacceptable.”
Rushe nodded. “Yeah … bunch of fucking pussies.” He put a hand to his throat, remembering how terrible his neck wound had been. “Can’t fight like males. It took at least ten of them to finally get me down. They don’t fight fair … except for that one male … if it hadn’t been for him, I would be dead.” The male had stepped in after he was wounded to prevent an opposing vampire from killing Rushe. Maybe they weren’t all complete dickheads.
“You poor baby.” Becky ran her hand up and down his arm before clasping his bicep. “Wow, you really are well built. Do you work out?”
Rushe shook his head. “Shifters are naturally built and our dicks are also much bigger than human males’. It is why human females desire us and why human males would want us dead if we went after their females.”
She giggled, shaking her head. “Don’t sell yourself short.”
He felt his brow furrow. “I don’t understand.”
“There is a lot more to you than just the way you look and how big your dick is.”
Rushe had to grin. Becky seemed to like him.
“I’m sure you have women throwing themselves at you whenever you are in town.”
“Yeah … most of them just want a quick rut. The thing is, the humans in Smithsonville and Sweetwater tolerate us at this point but we need to be careful. That is why we have a list and stick to those two towns only.” He shrugged. “Maybe we could try elsewhere, but these things need to happen in stages. The Alphas are cautious.”
“Alphas? I thought Ward was the Alpha.”
“Just like you humans have more than one leader, so do we. There are others but I am not permitted to discuss it and would ask that—”
She held up a hand. “Yeah, yeah … that I don’t tell Tanya or anyone else.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. Becky was not permitted yet to know that there were more species types within the shifter community than just the wolves, so he couldn’t explain this further right now.
She smiled at him. “Stephany was right, you are really sweet and really freaking hot.” She sighed, looking disappointed.
“I will visit you when you go back to Sweetwater. I can’t wait to—”
Becky groaned. “No, please don’t tell me.” She sighed again, this time more heavily. “Look, you’re a nice guy, you deserve a sweet, nice girl.” She scrunched her eyes shut and hung her head for a moment. “I can’t believe I’m about to do this,” she muttered to herself before turning her stunning eyes on him. “I have this awesome friend, her name is Tina. I will introduce you to her when your name comes up for a mate. She would give her left arm to be with a shifter.”
Rushe felt his breathing grow labored. “We agreed that I would visit you. You said you wanted me to lick your pussy and fuck you till you scream. You grew wet when I hit that shifter in the dining hall.”
“It’s just that it wouldn’t be fair. I don’t want the dinner and the movies or a diamond ring.”
Rushe smiled as a weight lifted. “Wel
l then we’re good, because I hadn’t planned on doing any of those things. I thought we discussed this earlier.” He was actually glad that his mate wasn’t interested in material goods that were of no real value, like he had read some human women were.
Becky looked shocked for a second before pursing her lips. “Oh, well. Are you sure you’re cool with that? Because you seemed like you were wanting …”
Rushe chuckled. “I’m definitely cool with that. I plan on giving you a whole lot …” His love, his heart, his soul. Everything he had. “But no rings. No, ma’am, no rings, I promise you that.”
Becky laughed, sounding relieved. “Oh goody, in that case, you are so on.” She ran a hand through her hair, twirling a curl around one of her fingers.
Rushe felt disappointment as they arrived at Becky’s cabin, he was enjoying their conversation. “Do you want to come in for a cold drink?” She smiled seductively, looking at him from under her lashes.
Rushe shook his head and took a step backwards. Down boy. His cock refused to listen. His wolf actually whined, sounding like it was in agony.
Becky winked. “Easy, tiger, I don’t plan on jumping you or anything. I promise.”
“I’m not a tiger.” His voice was a deep rumble. The things this female did to him.
Her smile grew wider. “I know that, silly, it’s just a saying.”
He felt himself relax, just a little. There was no way he could fully relax with his wolf just beneath the surface insisting that he do all the things he’d just beaten the panther for. “I am not permitted to enter your cabin. I shouldn’t even be talking with you.”
“Why not?”
Rushe shrugged. “Because I am highly attracted to you, yet it is forbidden to rut you. Talking can lead to many things.”
Her eyes became hooded as her lashes practically fused. “What things?”
“Don’t, female. Don’t make me say them again. My willpower is sorely tested as it is. You will find out more and in infinite detail soon enough.”
Becky nodded. “I look forward to it.” The female reached up on her tippy toes and splayed her hands on his chest. The air in his lungs must have evaporated because he suddenly couldn’t breathe. His chest heaved and yet he still felt starved of oxygen. Becky leaned against him, her soft breasts brushed his chest. A deep rumble left him as he felt her nipples pebble. She touched her soft lips briefly to his cheek. “I’ll see you later, big boy.”
He nodded, sure his voice would fail him if he tried to talk.
The beautiful human giggled, she shook her head as she walked up the porch stairs. Becky glanced back at him over her shoulder, her giggle started up all over again. “You are so freaking cute. I can’t wait to eat you up.”
Rushe cleared his throat before another choking episode could seize him. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, just looking at her door. If Sawyer hadn’t come up behind him, it could’ve possibly ended up being hours. She had him tied up in knots.
“Hey, Rushe.” Sawyer stood at the end of the path that led to the cabin. “Ward wants to see you. I have been asked to watch the female until you get back.”
Great! Ward had heard about the little incident in the dining hall. His Alpha might not approve of the outburst.
“Do you know what he wants?” Rushe asked.
Sawyer shrugged. “Hunter went to see him, they exchanged words and he called me to get you.”
Fuck! Hunter was the panther Alpha. This was definitely about the dining hall incident.
Rushe looked at the door that separated him from Becky. The last thing he wanted was to leave her. He didn’t trust the other males. Rushe turned hard eyes on Sawyer, even though he and the male had been friends for a long time. “You won’t let anyone near her.”
Sawyer shook his head.
“I mean it.” His voice had dropped several octaves, but there was nothing he could do about it.
Sawyer held up a hand. “Look, I won’t let anyone close to her. She will be safe while you are gone. You have my word.” The male screwed up his eyes in thought. “What is it with you and her?”
Rushe shook his head. “She’s my security detail. I take my job seriously.”
Sawyer held his gaze for a few beats before finally nodding. “So do I.”
Rushe took a deep breath, he nodded and walked away as quickly as he could. How the hell was he going to let this female leave tomorrow? His wolf already thought of her as his. It was important that he not give in to temptation just yet. One taste of her and all choice would be over. He would have to have her in all the ways he had described and more. He would no longer care that his Alpha forbade it.
Chapter 4
Ward’s entire frame radiated pure energy. His shoulders were tense and his eyes were dark. They bore into him for the longest time before he finally spoke.
“What happened in the dining hall?” His voice was even, but Rushe didn’t let that fool him.
“The panther male was disrespecting the human. He planned on rutting her. Talked about putting his dick in her mouth for fur’s sake. I hit him to defend Becky’s honor.”
Ward gave him a tired smile, there were dark smudges under his eyes. “Take a seat.” He gestured to the table and chairs on the front porch of his cabin. A baby wail came from inside. It was quickly joined by a second cry. Ward’s eyes darted in the direction of the noise.
Rushe took a seat opposite Ward.
“Did the male say these things directly to the healer?” Ward ran a hand through his hair.
Rushe shook his head. “No, but that doesn’t make it any less disrespectful.”
“Males talk shit to one another all the time.” Ward sighed. “I understand that this female means something to you, that your wolf wants her, but you can’t go around beating every male who whispers something about her under his breath.”
Rushe wanted to argue with Ward, but realized that he might end up being taken off her detail if he did, so he nodded instead.
“I don’t know that you are the right wolf to be on guard duty when—”
“Please, Ward, it’s only one more night. I’ll control myself better.”
Ward shook his head, looking solemn. “I don’t think you can. I saw you talking with her earlier. It looks like the two of you are getting along a little too well, which is to be expected.”
“Aside from my wolf wanting the human, I really like her. I want to stay on this detail. I need to …” He looked Ward square in the eyes. “We have agreed that I will meet up with her once it is my turn to take a female. If all goes well, it will happen within the next few days. I’ll wait, Ward, but I need to be close to her while she is here.” He looked away, trying to find the right words to explain himself. “If another shifter so much as lays a finger on her, I might have to kill him. It would be better if I watch her to ensure that it doesn’t happen.”
Ward frowned. “Maybe this female is not the right one for you then. If she would go to another male so quickly, then you should reconsider—”
“No,” Rushe growled, immediately averting his eyes. He took a deep breath to calm himself. “I don’t think that she would do such a thing, but shifters can be persuasive. I don’t want to chance it. I won’t be responsible if someone touches her, Ward. Please keep me on this detail.”
Ward shook his head, his jaw clenched. “I must be mad. Fine,” he sighed the word.
Rushe couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you, Ward, you won’t regret it.”
Another wail came from inside the cabin, momentarily distracting Ward. After a few moments, he turned back. “I need you to control yourself. No fighting other males. You are only permitted to fight over a trial female. This one is off limits to all including you for now, so fighting is not permitted. In fact, after today’s display, most especially for you.” Ward’s eyes stayed firmly on his. “Can I trust you?”
Rushe answered without hesitation. “Of course you can. I am grateful that you have given me a second chance to prove mys
His Alpha rose to his feet and clasped Rushe on the shoulder. “You will have your chance soon enough. I know that you, out of all the wolves, have waited a long time.”
Rushe nodded while also standing. “Thank you for your understanding.”
Ward smiled, looking exhausted. “I really do. I’m sure you can remember how possessive and jealous I acted with my own female.”
Rushe tried not to chuckle while remembering how his Alpha had sworn and fought, and in general had acted like a total asshole.
Ward looked him in the eyes with his eyebrows raised. “Take my advice—”
The front door opened and Stephany put her head around the jamb. “Hi, Rushe,” his friend said as she caught sight of him. She had a baby on each shoulder. One of the tiny pink pups was squirming.
“Hey, Steph.” He smiled her way.
She smiled back, looking just as tired as Ward, possibly more so. Ward immediately moved towards his female.
“No … you finish up,” she urged. “I just wanted to let you know that your daughter wants you, so don’t be too long.”
His Alpha’s whole face radiated pure love and his chest seemed to puff out.
“Little Nate vomited on himself and I know how much you like changing them, so I will wait for you.”
Ward nodded. “I will cuddle with my Cat,” his eyes widened, “Catrina,” he corrected with determination. “And I would be happy to change little Nate.” His eyes moved from one of the tiny pups to the other before locking with Steph’s. A private look passed between the two, so passion filled, so intense that even an inexperienced male like Rushe could see the love between them. He hoped to see that look in Becky’s eyes one day very soon.
“Cat is waiting.”
Ward narrowed his eyes at his female but his lips twitched, belying his amusement. “I hate that pet name,” he muttered under his breath.
Giggling, Stephany headed back inside.
“Calling a wolf Cat just isn’t right.” He shook his head. “Where were we?” He looked back in Rushe’s direction, looking completely confused.