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The Diamond Bearers' Destiny

Page 10

by Lorena Angell

  “Yes. The Sanguine Diamond was created to help humanity progress and to prevent people with extreme power from annihilating the human race. For the most part, we’ve succeeded. Although there was that hiccup of the Dark Ages.”

  “What do you mean?” Chris asks.

  “My Bearers were put in place to make sure humanity continued onward and upward—not to determine the legitimacy of religions. The Dark Ages represented a time where humanity floundered with little progress. The Crusades brought about many deaths, but they weren’t something I felt we should get involved with. Understand that I am all about choices, and people have their right to choose what they believe and have faith in. But the world slipped into a pattern of oppression and an absence of progress, and religion seemed to be the cause. Some of the Bearers began to get involved, but that only brought about the Inquisition and witch-hunts.

  “Religious and spiritual beliefs have existed throughout the history of humanity. Long ago, people with extreme power wanted total dominion and, ultimately, control over other people. They formed beliefs and superstitions and used guilt and fear to acquire wealth and power from the people, all with the promise of happiness after death.”

  Chris interjects, “You really don’t like organized religion, do you?”

  “On the contrary, everyone should feel hope in life, and if believing a certain way brings hope, then I don’t have anything against that. The Dark Ages weren’t about bringing hope into others’ lives. They were about controlling the masses by restricting critical thinking and questioning. An open mind will use questioning and evaluation to ascertain a new direction of thought. Through inquisitive minds, progress is made.

  “Only 380 years ago, Galileo Galilei was sentenced to house arrest by his religion for heresy because of his research. He expanded on existing research and challenged the idea of a geocentric, rather than heliocentric, solar system. The belief of the day was that our planet was the center of the solar system, with everything revolving around it. Using his telescope, Galileo proved we revolve around the sun. Maetha had the idea to get involved after Galileo was punished for standing by his scientific findings. She brought the case to my attention, pointing out that humanity’s growth had stalled. So I gave my permission to the Bearers to help individuals with scientifically-oriented minds.

  “I assigned a handful of Diamond Bearers to search the future for advancements and technological breakthroughs and then to guard and protect the inventors and scientists and their important family members and friends—anyone who would help bring about those breakthroughs. Whether it was a nephew, a spouse, or a maid, if a person had influence over the inventor, they were guarded. By ensuring survival of those who would bring about advancements to mankind, the Age of Enlightenment was born. This gives you an idea of just how much a forced belief system can cause progress to stagnate, because once the Diamond Bearers began preserving progress, great changes resulted. Especially in the last 200 years.”

  Chris speaks up. “Doesn’t it go against nature . . . er, your rules . . . to keep people from dying? I mean, if your Bearers go around saving important people so some invention can be invented, isn’t that controlling nature? Isn’t that like playing God?”

  “No one is kept alive longer than their natural life span. Also, to imply that I’m playing God is an undefined accusation. Whose god are you talking about, Chris? You don’t live as long as I have without understanding that each region of the world has different ideas of what an all-powerful deity or deities means to them. When Bearers get involved with an individual for the sake of humanity’s progress and are spotted or detected by others who see us as mysterious or unexplainable, it actually helps religious believers have hope and security. I see no harm in humanity labeling those events as anything else.”

  I jump in. “Yeah, but some would argue against that kind of thinking by saying organized religions bring about more death and suffering. Basing your beliefs on something unexplainable only furthers your faith in a potentially negative way. Don’t you think? Think about all the religious extremists.”

  Crimson continues her mini-lecture. “Unexplainable incidents are going to happen whether a Diamond Bearer is the cause or not. People cling to the hope of the unknown. It has always been that way. The only thing that truly scares people is the unknown, and death is the biggest unknown of all. When someone comes forward with ‘knowledge’ or a ‘faith-promoting’ story of what happens when you die, people come running like moths to a porch light.”

  Chris asks, “So what does happen when you die?”

  I look anxiously at the back of Crimson’s head for the answer as if she is the brightest light and I am a light-starved moth.

  She responds without missing a beat. “I don’t know. I haven’t died yet.” Crimson smiles in the rearview mirror. “The Age of Enlightenment has allowed for—in most parts of the world—the freedom to investigate, explore, and question everything without fear of imprisonment or death. But I digress. I want to get back to Neema and how she disregarded my rules.”

  “Right,” I say.

  “Neema told you how she fell in love with Henry and how she persuaded Maetha to make him a Bearer. Well, she already knew I disapproved of him becoming a Bearer, yet she pushed and pressured Maetha anyway. In the end, Maetha accepted and created a new Bearer. I spoke personally to Neema and reminded her that she had gotten my approval to receive a diamond many centuries prior, but this single choice had just stripped her of her rights. I told her that at some point she would be relieved of her diamond and she wouldn’t be able to prevent her death. The consequence of her choice with Henry was that she would lose the right to be a Bearer, but not before she witnessed the reason why her choice was against my wishes.”

  “You knew what Freedom, er, Henry was going to do?”

  “No, I only knew that it wouldn’t turn out well if Henry wielded the powers of the Sanguine Diamond. His pattern of choices and the trajectory of his life were enough for me to know he wouldn’t use his power wisely. I wish I could have seen his future back then because I would have removed his stone immediately.”

  “Wait. You can remove diamonds? Why did we have to shoot out his heart then? Why didn’t you just remove his diamond?” I ask.

  “By the time I realized he should be relieved of his diamond, he had discovered the obsidian and was able to hide from me.”

  “So obsidian is your weakness too?”

  “Everything has its opposite. Everything in nature has a foe. Even intelligent, top-of-the-food-chain homo sapiens can be brought down by a microscopic virus. The Primal Stone is countered by the Yellowstone obsidian, but as you know, the obsidian is countered by Imperial topaz. Yes, obsidian affects my powers, and yes, I knew of its existence long before Henry ever did. I actually used it just as I used the Sanguine Diamond. I instructed the early inhabitants of North America to use it against evil uprisings. Of course, that got out of hand quickly, and I then had to introduce its opposite to the Alaskan tribe you met with in order to prevent their extinction.

  “Once the area around the outcropping was designated a national park and the military began guarding it, I figured the obsidian would be protected. I had no idea Henry was behind its protection, using their services because he was using obsidian, too. You see, even my own choices have consequences. It’s a natural law that can’t be avoided.”

  “I’m confused. I don’t understand why you didn’t just get rid of the obsidian outcropping. You could have buried it with a landslide or removed it in its entirety and dumped it in the ocean.”

  “Where in nature does something like that happen? Everything lives and thrives in a symbiotic relationship. I have lived as long as I have, and humans have advanced as far as they have, because I respect nature’s way. Now we find ourselves in the interesting predicament of needing to fight to survive. I will fight back as naturally as possible with the understanding that sometimes cataclysmic events push progress back. However, I fully understand th
at nature always rebounds from calamity.”

  Crimson slows the car as a large truck merges onto the highway.

  “You said Chris helped remove Neema’s stone. Did you have a hand in planning her death?”

  “Calli, the last thing I want you to do is view me as a cold-hearted killer. Neema made her choice with Henry. Her consequence and redemption came in the form of helping Chris maintain his position with his father.”

  “So, you knew she would get her heart shot out?”

  “Yes, I knew Deus’s plan. I knew which Bearer I wanted to help Chris maintain his position, so I told Maetha through telepathy to finish her conversation with the other Bearers before talking with Chris. Then I put the thought into Neema’s mind to offer her assistance to Chris. She didn’t know what would happen. She didn’t know she would die at that moment. I was saddened as well, but Neema made her choice when she pressured Maetha to make Henry a Bearer and her time to right the wrong had come.”

  I don’t know what to say. I glance over at Chris, whose eyes hold deep concern.

  Chris asks, “Are there other Bearers with bullseyes on their backs?”

  “Yes, but not for the same reason as Neema. I won’t identify them, but there are a handful of Bearers who are not following the rules. They’re not breaking them. They just don’t get involved with matters anymore. They don’t help humanity progress. Their diamonds would be better suited in new, younger Bearers.”

  Chris says, “Well, that’s already happened with Jonas. Now there are two young Bearers.”

  “Would you remove their diamonds because they aren’t doing their job anymore?” I ask.

  “I’ll give them the opportunity to do better. If they don’t, I’ll have them hand over their diamonds for rebirth.”


  “Rebirth is when a new Diamond Bearer is born. The diamond rebirth process—like what Calli went through—has been done many times over and always follows a certain order of transformation. However, Diamond Bearers are not always born because of a splintering diamond.”

  “Shadow Demons are also born when a diamond rebirth is performed, right?” I say.

  “Correct. The exploding diamond transforms those trying to harness its powers into new forms.”

  “It would seem, then, that avoiding an explosion would prevent new Demons from forming.”

  “Indeed, Calli.”

  “How else are Bearers created?” Chris asks.

  “Sometimes a Bearer is created by carrying the diamond for a time to become accustomed to the muted powers before inserting the whole stone into their hearts.” Crimson sighs and says, “Your friend Jonas is the first person to have a diamond introduced into his body without any prior familiarity. He would have died if you hadn’t healed him, Calli. I haven’t decided what will become of him, whether he’ll keep the diamond or not.”

  What? Ask her why? Jonas yells inside my head, causing me to scrunch my eyes closed and put my hand to my head.

  Chris turns his attention to me. “What’s wrong?”

  Crimson eyes me suspiciously.

  “Jonas is always in my mind and thoughts, and I’m in his. He wants to know more.”

  Crimson says. “What you two are experiencing is what I call quantum entanglement. I have the same kind of connection with Maetha because of the shared Grecian Blue Diamond. The difference is I gave her the blue shard so we could have the connection, whereas Jonas was never approved of, never qualified to become a Bearer. Furthermore, he has the bulk and you have the shard. It should at least be the other way around.”

  I’m thrown for a loop. Maetha and Crimson share the Grecian Blue Diamond?

  Tell her I want to be approved of. What do I need to do to keep the diamond?

  “Will Jonas be able to qualify?”

  Crimson speaks to me but addresses Jonas. “You must exercise restraint, first of all. Inserting your thoughts into Calli’s mind right now keeps her from the vital healing she needs. You will have several opportunities to prove yourself, Jonas. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. I can see right through that behavior. You were assigned to Mary, and Calli was assigned to Duncan because they are the only other Diamond Bearers who understand quantum entanglement enough to help you.”

  Jonas asks: “One last question. If you remove my diamond, will I die?”

  “You’re already dead. Your years were extended unnaturally. Not only were you kept alive longer than you should have been, you then became an unnatural Diamond Bearer. But before you jump to any conclusions about where you think I’m going with this, understand that evolution depends on unusual and seemingly unnatural events taking place in a species. Who am I to say it was right or wrong on the grand scale of things that you became a Diamond Bearer? However, you didn’t get the opportunity to choose that responsibility like everyone else. It was thrust upon you. What you choose to do with this current situation will determine whether or not you keep the diamond. To answer your question with clarity, yes, you will die if I remove your diamond. Now, exercise your restraint and don’t project your thoughts into Calli’s head until she’s completely healed. Enough said.”

  Jonas accepts Crimson’s instruction.

  I ask, “Would you tell us about the Grecian Blue Diamond?”

  “I suppose now is as good a time as any. We have several hours of drive time ahead of us.”

  Chapter 6 - Mother Nature

  “Over my lifetime,” Crimson continues, “I’ve experimented with many stones, crystals, and elements in the pursuit of transferring some of my power or capturing cosmic energy rays. The Primal Stone allows me to see energy beams. They appear similar to shooting stars, except in the daylight. The streaks of light actually hit the ground like lightning. Some areas of the planet get hit more often than others, because there is a gravitational or electrical force that pulls them inward. The Egyptian Great Pyramids are one such place. Mount Olympus is another.

  “The beliefs and superstitions of the early Greeks in the timeframe now referred to as the Heroic Period helped people with intense powers blend in and also gave them a logical place to live: on Mount Olympus. The powers of Mind-control were new to the world but not to the universe because they existed in the Primal Stone. For some unknown reason, the powers hadn’t been hitting the earth yet. Around what would now be referred to as the fifth century BCE, I detected the new powers emerging and could foresee the possible catastrophic results. I decided to capture the powers, the same way the powers were captured and infused into the Sanguine Diamond. I knew I would need more Diamond Bearers with these special abilities to help rein in the rampant formation of these powerful people. I was successful in forming the small Grecian Blue Diamond, dividing it into five pieces, and delegating its responsibilities to five Bearers. One of the Bearers being Maetha.

  “The humans born with the ability to control minds began dying off naturally over the course of a couple hundred years. I noticed a dramatic drop, almost a complete halt, in how many humans developed the mind-control ability. I estimate one or two humans every twenty-five years are born with the mind-control ability. A few are walking the planet today and I keep my eye on them.”

  Crimson turns the wheel and changes lanes to move around a slow-moving vehicle. “Long story short, all of the Bearers of the Grecian Blue succumbed to its tempting power and misused the abilities. I, along with Maetha, removed the shards from each Bearer. You see, Blue Diamond Bearers can spot other invisible people. Maetha helped me hunt down the remaining four. Once all the shards were collected, I decided to hide them in the most secure place on the face of the planet: inside myself. I let Maetha keep one shard for her own use and because of the quantum entanglement it would give us—like a video phone between us. Because of that connection, I’m always able to be up-to-date on the goings on with my Diamond Bearers without their knowledge of my presence. I am able to pull back and not allow myself to be seen by the others. Most of the Bearers have only seen me twice in their entire lif
e: once for qualification, and once for induction into the Bearers’ Clan. They don’t know I have the connection to Maetha. They don’t know I have the rest of the Blue Diamond. Well, except for Mary and Duncan.”

  I know Mary is one of the oldest Bearers and Duncan is the newest, except for Jonas and me. I wonder what happened for Duncan to find out that Crimson and Maetha share a Blue Diamond?

  I say, “Freedom knew right away that Maetha had a Blue Diamond when she froze everyone in place after Justin died. Why?”

  “Henry had been searching relentlessly for the blue stone all because of some ancient writings he discovered which told of its existence. The writings also told of various sea creatures and land monsters that have never been found. Maetha tried to redirect him from his pointless search connecting the lack of evidence of those creatures and monsters to the lack of evidence of the Blue Diamond. After a while she gave up, knowing he would never find what he was—”

  Crimson stops talking. Chris and I exchange perplexed glances. She finally speaks, saying, “I need to communicate with Maetha for a while.”

  Crimson continues to drive in silence. Chris tightens his grasp on my hand and says, “I can’t wait for this to be over so we can start our life together.”

  “Our life together started almost three years ago, Chris.”

  “True, but I haven’t had a chance to really get to know you yet.”

  “What if I have habits that are pet peeves to you? What if we’re not compatible? Or you don’t like me reading your mind all the time? What if you hate my cooking?”

  “You cook?”

  “Sort of.”

  “I doubt there’s anything about you I won’t be able to deal with.”

  “Okay, what if you have habits I don’t like?”

  “Well, perhaps we will be able to see beyond each other’s idiosyncrasies.”

  “My mind isn’t in marriage-mode like yours, Chris. That doesn’t mean it won’t ever be, but for now that part is a little way off in the distance. Besides, how would we provide for ourselves? Where would we live? Do you get paid money to work at the Runners’ compound?”


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