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The Diamond Bearers' Destiny

Page 13

by Lorena Angell

  “Don’t involve me, and I’ll stick around.”

  I can’t see the point in bringing him along, knowing in advance that he’ll leave . . . probably when we need him most. “You know what? Never mind.” I stand and walk to the door, grabbing the door handle.

  “Excuse me? Where are you going?” He rushes to my side.

  “We’ll figure out a different way, so you don’t have to be involved.” I pull the door open and stand on the threshold. Brand pushes his way out and stands there, blocking my way.

  “You can’t . . . ” he pauses and looks at my chest with a horrified expression. My eyes travel down to see a distinct red bead of light hovering over my heart. Then the ground spins violently around me.

  Brand takes me back to the point where I arrive at his house to ask him if he’ll come with us. He opens his front door, wearing a jacket with one of my Pulse Emitters attached to his collar. He says, “All right, I’ll do it, but I’m serious when I say I won’t kill anyone.” He rushes through the doorway and takes my hand. “Now run, before Deus gets here.”

  I don’t hesitate a second. I tighten my grip on his hand and take off running into the night. We dash through his sleepy neighborhood and arrive at Crimson’s parked car. I push Brand in the backseat with Chris, and I climb in the front with Crimson and throw her a nervous glance. “Drive!” I order.

  She reacts without so much as a word as to why.

  Chris turns to Brand. “What happened?”

  “Calli was almost shot at my house.”

  “Already? By Deus?”

  “Who else?” Brand asks. He points to Crimson and asks, “Who’s this?”

  She turns her head briefly and says, “I’m Jo Jo.”

  “Are you a Diamond Bearer too?”


  “Well, get us out of here!”

  With her eyes on the road, she smiles pleasantly and increases her speed.

  I announce to them, “Brand has agreed to help as long as he’s not asked to kill anyone.”

  Chris huffs as he says, “Yeah, right. What if it’s self-defense?”

  “I’ll just repeat back before the attack. I don’t have to kill anyone, and I can make sure I don’t die.”

  Chris turns his body to Brand. “Deus is clever. She is methodical. She’ll figure out a way to kill you.”

  “I highly doubt it, Chris. I can repeat further back than she can.”

  “Yeah, and that’s why your power is the only thing that can kill her.”

  “Nope. Not gonna happen.”

  Crimson clears her throat. “You have the right to choose not to be involved, Brand.”

  “Thank you!” Brand settles back into his seat and eyes Crimson curiously. “So what’s your story, Jo Jo? Did you become a Diamond Bearer the same way as Calli?”

  “No, my story is a bit different.”

  Brand’s tone of voice changes completely as he replies to Crimson, “I guess when a group of Healers gets it in their heads that they can dominate the world, they go berserk.”

  “The process always seems to follow the same path.”

  “So tell me, Crimson, why now? Why step forward now?” Brand asks.

  What? Is Brand repeating with Crimson? Has he just held a Q & A with her? I wonder how many questions he has asked and for how long? And why is Crimson playing along?

  She answers Brand’s question. “Never before in the history of the Sanguine Diamond has a Bearer been killed, but never before has the repeating power been around. The Bearers were established to help prevent the annihilation of the human race, which seems to be bent on destroying itself. Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn’t be wrong to allow that to happen so nature could start over again.”

  “Again?” Brand asks.

  “Of course. Many times in the past the world’s population has been greatly reduced or wiped out by natural forces like asteroids, mega-tsunamis, or volcanic ash blocking the sun long enough for most plant life to die. Humans are resilient and can live for a long time on sparse diets void of nutrition—just look at what people eat today. However, a major catastrophe can also be viewed as a fresh start. Progress is set back a few thousand years, or in some cases millions of years, but nature always finds a way to move forward. The same type of extinction threat loomed last century during the Cold War. I don’t know how long it would have taken for nature to rebound if the world had been decimated by nuclear weapons. The future was not bright. The crisis was averted . . . for now.”

  Brand rubs his eyes. “Do you really think the world is headed for the end?”

  “Not the end. A new beginning, perhaps. It has taken millions of years for life to evolve to this state, and it would be a shame to have to start over again.”

  “So you think that by eliminating the government’s research on people with powers and preserving Diamond Bearers, this will prevent a total wipeout of the human race? That sounds a little too over the top to me.”

  “I’ve been giving this a lot of thought as well, Brand. I’ve come to the conclusion that if Bearers go into hiding long enough for Deus and you to die of natural causes, then their lives will be preserved. However, if the government research isn’t halted or at least slowed, then all people with powers will be eliminated by the time the Bearers emerge from hiding. Who knows, perhaps the government will follow up on Freedom’s research and create more Repeaters like you and Deus.”

  “Deus and I are not the only Repeaters,” Brand states confidently.

  “You are now. Deus murdered the others.”

  “What?” I exclaim, jumping into the conversation.

  Chris asks, “When did that happen?”

  “Right after I rescued you from the barn, Chris. The files she retrieved when she helped Brand escape the compound included the information about where the other Repeaters were located. Henry had collected the Repeaters and put them in a mental hospital in upstate Indiana.” She looks directly at Brand in the mirror and says, “You would have known that if you had looked at the files like she wanted you to.” She turns her attention back to Chris and continues. “You said Freedom was trying to capture Brand and Deus as well. I believe he realized he had created the key to his own death. He was too late in realizing that. With the knowledge of their location, Deus swooped in and murdered the other Repeaters in a single move, eliminating the possible threat to her own life.” She looks at Brand again. “I would guess Deus wasn’t necessarily trying to kill Calli on your doorstep, but you, Brand. As long as you are alive, you are a threat to her the same way the Diamond Bearers are.”

  “She got my address from the files, didn’t she?”

  “Probably,” Crimson answers.

  “I don’t understand you, Crimson.” Brand looks out the window, probably at the passing lights of the countryside. “Do you have more powers than Diamond Bearers do?”


  Brand turns his attention back to Crimson’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “Then why don’t you use them? I mean, you seem like you just stand by and observe, figuring things out after they happen. Why not view the future or read minds to find out for sure?”

  “Because that’s not how nature works. Nature evolves after an event or mutation. It doesn’t try to prevent the event.”

  Brand folds his arms across his chest. “Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that you’re not following nature completely.”

  “Go on.”

  “Why are you trying to stop Deus? Why did you have Calli recruit me? You might as well go running in on your white horse and take the government out on your own. So what if your involvement creates a bigger problem? Just take care of any new problems as well. No, I think the reason you are so concerned with this problem is because Deus knows detailed information about you that’s contained within those files. You are now in a position you’ve never been in before. You can be killed by Deus, and you’re trying to prevent your own death. You don’t need me to kill Deus. You just want me to save yo
ur ass.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Because there’s nowhere on the face of the earth you can go that government satellites or drones can’t find you. This is a new day and age. Technology has advanced exponentially, and along with it came the creation of Deus and me. Suddenly your peaceful little passive existence is threatened. You would go against nature’s ways to save your own skin.”

  I cut him off. “Brand! Knock it off!”

  “Or what, Calli? Come on!”

  Crimson speaks to my mind: Let him go, Calli. He needs to feel he is important here. Then she says to Brand, “Brand, I have one word for you: evolution. Species have survived after genetic mutations because they fought to survive. Their mutations either help or hinder them, and only the strongest survive. Not all are born strong. They have to learn how to be. If one person steps in and saves the lives of many, the saved won’t have developed the strength to survive. Am I afraid of Deus? Not personally, but I am worried about your safety and the safety of the general population. I only have to outlive you and Deus, which I can do easily enough because there are places I can go that drones and satellites can’t find me. I’m fighting for the survival of the human race as you know it.”

  Brand presses his back into the seat and relaxes his body. “Well, you’re up against some pretty difficult odds. The government has files on you and your red spinel.”

  “The files are all misleading. Red spinel doesn’t have the powers they think it does.

  I ask, “What does red spinel do?”

  “Many years ago, I tried to use the stone to harness powers of healing. It worked somewhat, but it was being used to prolong life unnaturally. Red spinel developed the reputation of being the immortality stone, and people from all over flocked to collect their own pieces of spinel. Royalty would place it in their crowns, believing that they might be able to escape death. Oftentimes, the red stone was referred to as ‘ruby’ to throw off any thieves who sought the immortality stone. Over many centuries, the lore of the spinel died out, and the red gems kept the name of ‘ruby’ until not too long ago, when it was determined that the valuable ‘rubies’ were actually spinel. Then the lore resurfaced, and I suppose that’s where Henry and the government got their ideas that spinel could make you immortal. There’s nothing to it. Spinel is no more powerful than golden topaz. Both stones will only hold their power for just so long.”

  I add, “Like a battery. Deus told me she was trying to get her hands on spinel. Maetha and the other Diamond Bearers still believe spinel is important. Haven’t you told them?”

  “No. I don’t see the need to. Besides, if I had updated everyone, Henry would have been updated as well. He spent many years investigating and hunting for the exact spinel. Those were years not spent harassing my Diamond Bearers.”

  Crimson turns the car into the empty mall parking lot where Suz and I used to go when we were bored. Memories of my high school days flood my mind. I project my thoughts into Chris’s mind. This is where I used to hang out a lot. Also, it’s where I first discovered Brand had a superpower.

  Crimson says, “Let’s set a trap and try to rescue Beth from Deus.”

  Brand grunts at the mention of Deus’s name. “If she hurt Beth in any way, I’ll . . . ”

  “Kill her?” Chris prompts.

  “No. But she won’t like it, whatever I do.”

  Crimson says, “Calli and Brand, go stand by the side of the building, well away from the doors, in clear view. Chris and I will position ourselves a bit further away. When Deus attempts to shoot either one of you, repeat back with Calli so she can tell me which direction the shot came from. Chris and I will retrieve Beth and meet you across the road over at the pet store. Deus may not even figure out she’s been played. She’ll only think that Beth got away, and Rolf’s intel on where Calli’s diamond would be was wrong.

  “Sounds good,” Brand says.

  Crimson drops us off at the sidewalk under a street lamp.

  Chris sends me his thoughts. Be careful, Calli.

  I reply with my mind, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. I close the door and Crimson drives away.

  “Is she always like that?” Brand asks.

  “Like what?”

  “Never mind.”

  “Brand, when the laser light was on me back at your house, did Deus ever get her shot off? I mean, did I get shot before you repeated?”


  “Do you think Crimson is right that she was aiming for you?” I ask.

  “Maybe. Or maybe she couldn’t decide who to kill first?” I laugh and then Brand’s expression changes. “She’s about to shoot you.”

  “What? Did you just repeat?”

  “Yes.” Brand studies the surrounding area, looking in the direction of the pet store.

  “Where is she, Brand? Crimson, are you hearing this?”

  Yes. Hold your positions.

  Brand turns to me. “The laser bead was on your left front shoulder and slowly moving down and over.” He points to the center of my chest. “We have less than two minutes before it appears again.”

  I say, “Crimson said for us to hold our positions.”

  “Tell her I think Deus is positioned by the pet store. The bead isn’t angled at all. It’s dead on square. She’s definitely trying to kill you, not me.”

  Crimson’s voice enters my head. We have her in sight. She’s exited the vehicle and has the gun resting on top of another car, aiming.

  I tell Brand what Crimson says.

  He asks, “What’s the make and model of the car?”

  Tan, Pontiac, Grand Am, four doors, Crimson responds.

  As soon as I relay the information to Brand, the world spins wildly as he repeats back to when Crimson drops us off at the sidewalk. Brand says to Crimson as we climb out of the car, “You’re looking for a tan, four-door Pontiac Grand Am near the end of the parking lot directly across the road by the pet store. Oh, and don’t park by the pet store. Park further down by the stoplight. Try to grab Beth the moment Deus exits the car. Don’t forget to count to thirty.”

  Crimson eyes him curiously and nods her head.

  Brand turns to me and says, “Maybe we can get this right this time.”

  “How many times have you repeated?”

  “Four. All the passing traffic is our saving grace here. Deus has to wait a few seconds before she can take the shot, which will hopefully give Chris time to carry Beth away. We’ll see.”

  We stand waiting for the events to unfold. The seconds seemed to click slower and louder than a grandfather clock in a horror show. Then Crimson’s voice shouts, “Run, now!”

  I grab Brand’s hand. “We’re running.” He doesn’t resist as I direct our superfast legs behind the nearest tree and then along the parked cars out of Deus’s line of sight. Crimson’s voice tells me to run in the other direction toward the fast-food building behind the strip mall. Since Brand has not repeated yet, I figure this escape will be successful.

  We reach Crimson’s car and quickly jump in, Brand in the front-seat and me in the back with Beth and Chris. Crimson begins to pull forward, but Brand abruptly yells, “Left! Turn left.” She does.

  I turn to Beth and give her a hug. Her ankles are still cuffed. I ask Chris, “How did it play out on your end?”

  “Easy. Brand’s description of the car helped us find it right away. Deus got out and I crept up to the other side of the car. Beth opened the door, and I picked her up and ran.”

  Crimson adds, “I let the air out of the back tire while Chris took Beth, and then counted to thirty and stabbed the front tire with a screwdriver. The sound pulled Deus’s attention away from you. That’s when I told you to run. Deus realized Beth was gone but couldn’t do anything about it, so she tried to complete the shot on you, but you two were gone. Plus, her back tire was flat, and she couldn’t repeat back because more than thirty seconds had passed. She’ll have to steal another car now.”

  “Yeah,” I say. “I notic
ed she was driving a different car than the one from Maetha’s memory.”

  Beth says, “She knows how to hotwire a car in a couple of seconds.”

  Brand chuckles. “Well, now she’s driving a red sports car. We just avoided her. Boy, is she upset!”

  Beth asks, “Do you think she’ll figure out that you’ve repeated with her?”

  “How would she know? I can repeat beyond her.”

  Beth says, “You don’t understand what it feels like to be unable to do what you want to do all because someone like you is preventing it. When that guy, Travis, kidnapped Anika and me, we didn’t try to escape because we didn’t want our families harmed. After we arrived at the dead Diamond Bearer and saw Deus standing there, all proud of herself, I decided I wasn’t going to stick around. But before I could run, she made me put these cuffs on. You see, I think I had already run away, but she repeated me back and prevented it. Well, now think about the fact that she tried to shoot you guys, but ended up losing me, and her car was disabled. Don’t you think she’ll put two and two together and realize you’re more powerful than she is?”

  “She might, but what’s the difference? She’ll keep trying to kill me anyway.”

  “That’s true. She was headed to your house to kill you when she got a call sending us to the mall.”

  Brand says, “That’s what you saw, Beth. She actually came to my house to try to shoot Calli, but I repeated back to the point before she arrived.”

  “That makes more sense now. When we stopped in the parking lot she said something about changing her mind and how she was going to kill Calli.

  I ask Beth, “How were you and Anika captured?”

  “Is Anika okay? Did anyone go help her?” Beth asks.

  “Yes. She was picked up by other Diamond Bearers and taken to a safe location.”

  Beth lets out a sigh of relief. “Well, after all of us parted in Denver, we were intercepted on our way to Montana by a group of soldiers with human auras. I instantly thought of you, Calli, and your aura, so I was caught off guard, thinking they were friendlies. Once I realized we were in danger, I tried to run but found I had no power. We were put into the back of a military truck along with other prisoners . . . other people with powers. I recognized Seers, Readers, and Hunters alike. Not even the Seers could foresee the soldiers coming. I think it was because of the vests they were wearing.”


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