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The Bond

Page 1

by B. C. Burgess


  Title Page


  Book List

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  the bond

  Earth Angel Series

  Book 7

  B.C. Burgess

  Copyright 2012 - 2016 by B.C. Burgess

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, store in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the above author of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status or trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This is the Young Adult version of The Mystic Series.

  Bandit Publishing

  ISBN: 978-1-946793-05-8

  The Earth Angel Series

  The Letter

  The Ring

  The Coven

  The Lie

  The Stranger

  The Fall

  The Bond

  The Choice

  If you’d like to talk about the series with the author and other readers, come join Earth Angel Group on Facebook.

  Chapter One

  Landing on the suite's rose-covered terrace with Layla in his arms, Quin swept open the balcony doors and carried her inside.

  He wanted to take her straight to bed. He wanted to lay her on something soft, vanish her dress then take his time touching every inch of her perfect skin.

  She hadn't stopped kissing his neck since they left the hockey game, and his muscles were simultaneously liquid and steel. He was more turned on by her now than ever before, and he could have sworn an invisible force was tugging his body toward the down-covered mattress. He fought it, summoning all the willpower he possessed to make sure it didn't succeed. His angel's stomach was growling, and he didn’t want her thinking about food while he devoured her.

  “Let me see you,” he urged, blindly searching out her cheek.

  Their bodies appeared, and she sighed as she found his eyes. “Hi.”

  He kissed her eyelids, cheeks and nose. Then he gently sucked on her pout.

  “Mmm…” she hummed, licking her bottom lip.

  He grinned then slid his tongue behind hers. “Would you like dinner?”

  “Sure,” she agreed, licking her bottom lip again.

  He laughed at her seductive game. Then he gave her moist pout one more kiss before lowering her feet to the floor. “I'll get it ready.”

  “Mkay,” she mumbled, trailing a forefinger across her pucker. Then she smiled and slipped the finger in her mouth, leaving him wanting as she floated to the bathroom.

  He watched her go, his heart practically thumping out of his chest. Not even losing sight of her calmed his vitals, so he pulled in a deep breath then slowly exhaled, locking his fingers behind his head as he walked to the parlor.

  Layla emerged from the bathroom to find Quin standing on the threshold of the veranda, facing away from her, but as she drew closer, he turned and held out a hand. She took it and let him pull her under his arm. Then she followed his gaze to the sea.

  The horizon was on fire, flashing with a delightful combination of orange, red and yellow as the sun dipped into the dark ocean, its shimmering reflection growing smaller and dimmer as the seconds ticked by. When only a thin slice of red remained, Layla flipped her gaze up, finding sparkling shafts of pink-coral and wispy silver where day coalesced with night.

  “That was beautiful,” she whispered, finding Quin’s eyes.

  “You're beautiful,” he countered. “Are you hungry?”

  “For some things more than others.”

  He looked over, and her gaze followed, widening as the nearby table filled with her favorite foods – expensive foods like lobster and shrimp. For dessert, there was a layered chocolate cake, and beside the table sat a minibar draped in roses. Atop the petals was a chilled bottle of champagne, two glasses, and to her utter amazement and appreciation, an espresso machine, which was already brewing.

  “How did you manage to do all this while I was in the bathroom? I was gone less than two minutes.”

  He pulled out her chair while floating his to the spot beside it. Then he sat and pulled her onto his lap. “I didn’t do this. It came from the inn's kitchen. I just put the order in.”

  She scanned the fragrant roses, delicious food, and twilight sky then found his eyes. “So why would we even consider eating out? This is far better than any restaurant I've seen.”

  “Well, the whole point of leaving was to let you experience Cannon Beach, which we didn't do.” He summoned a freshly brewed cup of espresso, added sugar then handed it over. “I'm sorry about this afternoon, Layla. I never intended for our time together to be interrupted by a game.”

  She drank her espresso in one gulp then floated the tiny cup to the minibar. “It was fun, and I got to meet your friends.” She smiled as she watched him take a drink of champagne. Then she licked the lingering flavor from his lips. “I did miss you while you were on the ice slaughtering the competition, but the reunion was sweet.”

  He pulled a curl from her cheek and swept it under his nose. “The sweetest.”

  His gaze flipped from her aura to her lips, then her chest. Then he cleared his throat and moved her to the chair beside him. “Let’s eat.”

  So that’s what Layla did, and she wasn’t shy about it either. She’d never seen such a delicious spread and was determined to take advantage. Thank goodness she had magic to maneuver through the shellfish and keep things clean, or she would have looked like a cave woman feasting on her brute’s fresh kill.

  Quin stayed quiet, which spared her the embarrassment of talking with her mouth full, but he kept touching her, which made her forget about food altogether, even if she was in the middle of a bite. Her eyes would close, and only her natural reflexes kept her teeth mechanically moving as she concentrated on his hands… or his lips. Sometimes it was both. Yes, dinner was quite delayed by his fancy seafood and constant attention, and the result was the longest, most succulent meal she'd ever had.

  After forcing down a bite of cake, she took a drink of champagne and found his eyes. “You make it difficult to get through a meal, Quinlan Farrel.”

  “I thought I showed remarkable restraint,” he returned.

  She laughed and leaned closer, glancing at his nearly empty plate. “Are you done?”

  “With the food, yes. With you, not even close.”

  “Hmm…” she hummed, sliding a fingernail over his shoulder. “What will we do?”

  He shivered as he gulped his champagne. Then he vanished their dinner mess and picked her up. “I have a few things in mind

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and headed for his throat, but she’d barely gotten started when he lowered her feet to the closet floor.

  “May I put a different dress on you?” he asked, helping her out of his shirt.

  She looked down and furrowed her eyebrows. “Um… I guess. Why?”

  “That one's too tight,” he answered, running a forefinger along the cord of satin daisies trimming the empire waist.

  “Oh.” She still didn't understand, but if he wanted her in something else, she’d wear something else. “Go for it.”

  He smiled and leaned in for a kiss, and when he pulled away, she was in a different dress. “Stunning,” he approved, scanning her from head to toe.

  Layla looked down and lost her breath. “Quin.” Then her throat and heart swelled as she raised quivering fingers to a braided strand of green tourmaline. She started to tell him he shouldn’t have, but somehow forced her mouth shut before letting it slip.

  He reached out and touched her sealed lips. “I told you, you'll have to learn to live with it.” He turned her toward the mirror. “They look beautiful on you.”

  She did look amazing; perhaps even worthy of the word stunning. The dress was made of bright-white silk – soft, light and shiny; and the straps rested on the outside edges of her collarbone, gathered with clusters of tiny crystals. The deep v-neck dipped to her navel, showing ample cleavage, but the gown retained its elegance by barely hugging her breasts and hips before loosely flowing to the tops of her feet. The chrome tourmaline necklace hung perfectly within the neckline, as though the two were made for each other, and the bracelet to match glittered on her wrist.

  She swallowed a lump as she ran her fingers along the shiny, green gems. Then she flipped her gaze to Quin's reflection. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

  He turned her away from the mirror and laid a palm over her new necklace. “You deserve everything I can give you, Layla, and the jewelry's only beautiful because you're wearing it.” He gave her a soft kiss then whispered against her lips. “Will you go flying with me?”

  She was putty in his hands and would do whatever he wanted her to. “Yes.”

  “I'm going to cast a spell that will keep your jewelry in place.”

  She felt a tingle where the gems touched her skin, but the sensation faded when he removed his hand. After one more kiss and a dose of magical warmth, they donned their cloaks and flew from the terrace, soaring over the moonlit sea.

  He rolled over, letting her lie on his chest, and she closed her eyes, opening her other senses to him and the wondrous feeling of flight. Narrow streams of air swirled inside the velvet framing her face, and its current carried traces of his scent.

  She had no idea how long they flew or where they went, but she could have stayed that way all night. He, however, had other plans and eventually descended.

  Once their feet found earth, he pulled one of her palms to his lips and filled her with magical heat. Then their cloaks disappeared, exposing flesh to bitter wind that tickled her spine.

  “Where are we?” she asked, scanning the dark outlines of towering trees.

  “Our cliff,” he answered, kissing more heat into her wrist.

  Her eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yep. Through those trees.”

  She kissed his heart then grabbed his hand, pulling him along as she took off walking. “Well what are we waiting for? Let's go.”

  “I'll have to take you to a taller cliff sometime. Up the thrill.”

  “I like this cliff. It's my dream cliff.”

  Moonlight filtered through the trees ahead, and she turned toward the silver glow, but before she could pull Quin any further, he took a large step and swept her off her feet. “You are very excited, Layla Love. I like it.”

  “I really like this spot,” she explained, walking her fingers along his shoulder. “Actually, it's not so much the location as the way I felt the last time I was here.”

  “I hope it doesn't disappoint.”

  “It won't.”

  She laid her cheek on his arm, and he left the forest, not stopping until he reached the edge of the granite. “Ready?”

  Her heart rate spiked as her head jerked up. “Ready for what?”

  “For me to jump.”

  “Um… I uh…”

  He laughed and gave her a squeeze. “I'm kidding.”

  “Oh,” she breathed, feeling silly.

  “I could jump,” he added, “and you’d be fine, but it's a bigger thrill to jump by yourself.”

  “Are we going to play first?” she asked, looking toward the nearly full moon.

  “Sure.” He took a step back and lowered her feet to the ground. “What would you like to do?”

  “Umm . . . ” She tapped her bottom lip as she thought. “Can we combine our fire?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I can cast a fireball, and you can cast one, and they can combine in the air, but I'm wondering if we can combine our fire magic before it becomes a reality, before it leaves our bodies. Then we could make one big fireball all at once.”

  He thoughtfully stared at her for a moment then shook his head. “There’s a way to strengthen individual spells by holding hands, but I've never heard of anyone trying to combine their magic before it hits the air.”

  “Want to try?”

  “I have no idea how. The attempt could burn us.”

  “Hmm . . . ” She lifted his arm and examined the inside of his palm and wrist. Then she touched her forefinger to his. “Can you feel that?”

  His eyebrows drew together as he stared at his finger. “Yes.”

  “Does it burn?”


  “Is it hotter inside than it is outside?”


  “See if you can push it through your fingertip.”

  He obeyed, his eyes widening as a tiny fireball, about the size of a grape, rolled from his skin. “You're brilliant, Layla. Do it again and I'll add mine.”

  “Okay. Tell me if it gets too hot.”

  Quin watched in awe as she moved her forefinger to the inside of his elbow then trailed it to his wrist, filling his arm with warmth. Once she reached his hand, she pulled her finger away, and he took a deep breath, hoping his arm wouldn’t combust when he combined his heat with hers. He took a chance, summoning magic into his forearm, and while the heat was intense and slightly uncomfortable, it was tolerable.

  He flipped open his hand, casting their magic from his palm, and their smiles glowed in the firelight as they leaned away from the heat. The flames were big enough to engulf a semi truck, and they crackled louder than fireworks as they charged the gray water. When the blaze sizzled against the waves, a large puff of smoke rolled into the air.

  “Fantastic,” he exclaimed, pulling her finger to his lips. “How did you do that without burning me?”

  “What do you mean? I just made it so. Isn't that what you do when you heat me up?”

  “No. The warmth I send into you can't be expelled as flames. It's not the same type of magic.” He grinned and shook his head. “Now you're teaching me tricks, my love. You're incredible.” He kissed her finger and raised his eyebrows. “Want to try a bigger one?”

  “Did it hurt?”

  “It was a little uncomfortable, but nothing unmanageable.”

  “May I try?”

  His smile fell. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don't know how to do it, and I won't risk burning you.”

  She stared at him for a long moment then bowed her head. “Okay.”

  Her easy concession was harder to watch than those he fought for, and his heart squeezed as he swept a finger over her cheek. “Do you still get the rush?”

  “A little, but not like usual. How about you? Did you get the rush?”

  “Yes, and it was much stronger than usual.”

  She grinned as her eyes lit up. “Finally! I've finally found something I
can do for you that you can't do for me.”

  Yes she had, and he didn't like it one bit. The rush of their combined magic felt incredible, and he wanted to share it with her, but couldn’t bring himself to risk it. Her spirals fluttered across her smug smile, and he swept them aside before kissing her nose. “I'll have to find a way to repay the favor.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I'm glad I finally get to please you while leaving myself out. I know the situation is different, and you're definitely getting the short end of the stick, but it still feels good to have the upper hand in the pleasure department, if only for a moment.” She played with her bottom lip while contemplating the situation. “Let's see. You've sexually pleased me multiple times while receiving nothing in return, so I think we should break this into multiple spells. Let’s do three more, and we'll keep making them stronger as we go. The fourth will be the finale.” She flashed a smile. “What do you think?”

  “I think you're the most amazing person I've ever met.”

  “Thank you,” she returned, laying a hand on his bicep. “Shall I give you your second?”

  He couldn't stop smiling as he held out his arm and aimed his palm at the moon. “Sure, love. Let's see what you got.”

  This time she trailed three fingertips down the entire length of his arm, and not only did her flames fill his arm, they filled his shoulder, neck and side. She'd summoned more fire magic into him than he usually summoned himself, and like before, it wasn't uncomfortable until he added his own. But the irritating heat only lasted a second before he pushed it from his palm, replacing the burn with euphoria and adrenaline.

  A fireball about the size of a modest house flew from his hand, and at least seven seconds ticked by before it lost height. He usually had to fill his entire body with heat to achieve such a big flame, and his heart quickened as he contemplated his finale.


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