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My Romantic Tangle

Page 12

by Shelley Munro

  “Use your fingers. Fill me,” she pleaded.

  Hari lifted his head briefly to grin at her. “It would be my pleasure, love.” Then he went back to his feast, licking and using the rasp of his tongue to good effect. Although at first he’d intended to rush her, he slowed to savor the experience, taking great pleasure in keeping her on a knife-edge of an explosion.

  “Hari, stop teasing.” Her hands clasped his head and she forcibly held him in place.

  He laughed, the burst of warm air against her clit bringing a feminine growl. She tugged his hair again, the sting of his scalp sending a burst of lust to his cock. Perhaps she was right. With one easy move, he lifted her, turning her onto her stomach.

  “Up on all fours,” he ordered, unsurprised to find his canines had lengthened farther.

  Almost primed for a protest or at least a show of unwillingness, Ambar’s obedience took him by surprise. She was beautiful the way she presented for him, legs parted to display her pussy, her long dark hair a silky ripple over her shoulders. Grinning, he leaned over and nipped one butt cheek.

  “Ouch!” She winced and glared over her shoulder. “Was that necessary?”

  Hari nodded even though she wouldn’t see. “I could do this instead.” He skimmed a finger through her folds, collecting some of her natural lubricant and spread it across her rosette, pushing slightly against the resistance.

  A tremble went through her, and Hari paused. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “Don’t stop.” A glance over her shoulder reinforced her demand.

  “I have no intention of stopping if you’re enjoying it.” Hari pushed his finger a fraction deeper and twisted it while gliding the fingers of his other hand over her clit. She shivered, but he wanted to know she enjoyed the way he was touching her. He wanted verbalization. “Does that feel good?”

  “Yes.” She pushed back against his finger, driving it deeper. Her scent deepened, swirling around him, pushing him to move faster, to mount her.

  “When Jake and I fuck you together, one of us will fill your pussy and the other will fill you here.”

  Ambar snorted. “Is that meant to be a threat?”

  “Of course not. The three of us together will be all about pleasure.”

  “And are you going to get fucked in the arse?”

  Hari paused to consider it. His stomach muscles clenched at the thrill that filled him when he thought of Jake. “Maybe.” Hell, who was he trying to kid? He wanted everything with both Jake and Ambar. Everything.

  He withdrew his fingers and fitted his cock to her pussy. Slowly, he pushed inside, savoring the tight clasp of her sheath, the subtle flex when he rested fully seated.

  “I thought you were going to fuck me.” She wriggled, pulling away then slamming her hips back to impale herself again.

  Her actions inflamed him, pushed past his restraint. He started to thrust and withdraw, pulling from her heat and surging back inside with a loud grunt.

  “Hari, touch my clit. I can’t balance and touch… I need you to touch me.”

  He swirled his fingers across her clit, teasing the swollen bud while continuing to piston his hips and pump his cock into her warmth. Her throaty moan spread straight to his balls, and he exploded into climax, his control past breaking point. He curled over her body, breathing hard. Sweat ran in rivulets down his chest, sticking them together but still he rested against her, loathe to separate their bodies.

  Reaching for her breasts, he tweaked a nipple, pinching harder when she wriggled her butt against his groin, her entire body trembling. Still semi-hard, he lazily stroked into her and rubbed his fingers against her slippery clit.

  “Harder, Hari,” she implored then shuddered. “That feels good.”

  Hari smiled and nuzzled her neck, lightly grazing his teeth over the tendons, heightening her pleasure with the edge of pain. He felt a quick flutter around his cock before she groaned again and collapsed forward on the mattress.

  After separating their bodies, Hari dragged her into his arms and relaxed. With Jake’s scent swirling around them, he was content for the moment. He played with a lock of her hair, winding it around his finger.

  A foreign sound dragged his attention to the doorway.

  “Jake.” He jackknifed upright and smiled. “I didn’t know you were home.”

  “That’s obvious,” Jake snapped. “I thought…” A tic sprang to life near his right eye. “Did you have to do it in my bed? Make sure you’re gone by the time I get back. Both of you.” He turned to leave, his face pale and unhappy.

  “Wait! You don’t understand.” Hari wasn’t sure how to start. God, there was so much they needed to discuss. He glanced at Ambar but she remained silent, letting him do the talking for once. The one time he could have used her input, she buttoned her lips.

  “Jake, we need to talk.” Hari sprang up but Ambar grabbed him.

  “Leave him. I knew it was a bad idea to do this in here. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “That Jake would be secure enough to come and join us?” Hari rubbed his hands over his face. “Fuck. I’ve screwed this up.” He winced when he heard the door slam and shrieking tires indicated Jake’s abrupt departure.

  “I knew this was a bad idea.”

  “Yet you allowed me to fuck you. Twice so far,” Hari snapped. Sniping at each other wasn’t helping. He needed to do something. “Where would Jake go?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe to the pub or he might go to a friend’s place.”

  “Who are his friends?”

  “Joe and Sly Mitchell. Jonno Campbell.”

  “Humans or shifters. Are Joe and Sly related to Saber Mitchell?”

  “They’re Saber’s brothers. Most of Jake’s friends are shifters.”

  “He doesn’t know?”

  “He’s never said anything. The shifters here are careful about revealing themselves to humans. Disclosure is only to a mate.”

  “I’d better go after him. Explain a few things. Make him understand we want him.”

  Ambar scowled. “Good luck with that. He found us in his bed. I knew it was a bad idea.”

  “So you’ve said.” Hari quelled any further I-told-you-so quips with a fierce glare. “I told you I’ll fix this.” But maybe he should give Jake a little time—an hour or so to process what he’d seen—before he tried to talk with him. And if that didn’t work, he’d seduce him all over and keep him in bed until Jake conceded.

  * * * * *

  Jake drove to the pub, his mind screaming about betrayal. What made it worse was he’d found them in his bed. His bloody bed.

  The pub was busy when he stomped inside, but he couldn’t see any of his friends. Probably for the best since he didn’t want to talk to anyone.

  “Jake, I haven’t seen you in here for a few weeks. Is Ambar with you?” The elderly barmaid was a friend of his mother’s. Anything he said would go straight to his parents.

  A vision of Ambar and Hari filled his mind. He bit down on a smart-ass retort about women. “Just stopped by for a quick drink.” Maybe he should have stopped at the Mitchell place instead of coming here. “I’ll take a beer and a whisky.”

  He suppressed a cringe when he handed over a twenty-dollar note. He didn’t even have enough money for a decent drinking spree. Failure—it beat his mind in a frenzied cacophony. Jake tried to concentrate on the barmaid’s chatter, but all he could think about was seeing Jake and Ambar going at it in his bed. When another customer walked up to the bar, he grabbed his drinks and headed for a table in the corner where no one would bother him.

  Dropping heavily onto a chair, he sighed. His thoughts drifted to Hari. After this morning and the previous night he’d thought…hell! He didn’t know what he’d thought.

  What sort of game was Hari playing with him anyway? Had he wanted Ambar all the time and decided to play him? The thought had nausea tap-dancing in his gut.

  Jake could have sworn Hari had been sincere. Hari’s touch certainly hadn’t indicated ga
me playing or diffidence. Jake ignored his beer to down his whiskey in one gulp. The dry, peaty taste burned the back of his throat as he swallowed. He stared at his empty glass with regret. A pity he couldn’t afford a bottle of whiskey. He’d tie one on and forget the pain of betrayal.

  The image of them together had seared to his retinas. It replayed through his mind. He blinked and it started again. Hari and Ambar. Hari and Ambar with their limbs entwined, and the scent of sex heavy on the air.

  In his bed.


  Someone clapped him over the shoulder, and he whirled with a scowl.

  “How’s it hanging?” Sly Mitchell grinned at him and slumped onto the seat next to him.

  His twin brother Joe arrived soon after, carrying three beers. He set them on the table. “Long time no see. Ambar here?”

  “No.” Jake couldn’t look at them. He’d kissed another man and enjoyed it. He’d wanted more. He was sure his guilt and confusion about Hari would show on his face.

  “Woman trouble?” Sly asked, his joking tone absent for once.

  “Trouble full stop,” Jake said, admitting the truth out loud. His life was a bloody mess. He’d been able to ignore his financial problems because of Ambar and Hari. But now he knew it was time for honesty—at least to himself. He couldn’t keep the farm going for much longer. “Nothing I can’t handle.” He barely winced at the lie.

  Jake glanced up, caught Sly sniffing him and shoved him on the shoulder. “Quit that. I had a shower today. What the hell is up with you guys? You should have grown out of that childish behavior years ago.”

  Joe smirked, flashing a dimple that all the women seemed to like. “Funny, Saber said the same thing only this morning.” He shot his brother a quick look, brows arching as if he asked a silent question.

  “And quit with the spooky twin-communication thing.” Jake didn’t try to hide his crankiness. Ever since he’d met the twins at primary school, they’d practically communicated without words, or at least that’s the way it seemed. It was fine when they were concentrating on someone else, but he wasn’t about to let them dissect him. Even if they did keep it private.

  “All right,” Sly said. “Who’s the guy?”

  Shock struck like a lightning bolt. How could they know? A spurt of panic cramped his stomach. “What guy?”

  “You might as well tell us,” Joe said. “We can smell him on you. Only close contact leaves a scent like that.”

  Sly nodded, a sly expression distorting his face. “Yeah, mystery man with a hint of Ambar.”

  Jake picked up his bottle of beer, attempting to ignore his friends’ amusement. If they weren’t careful he was going to rearrange their pretty faces. A kink in their noses would go a long way to making him feel better. “I should have run when I saw Kaylee Girven punching you on the school grounds during our lunch break. Or at least stood back and let her give you a good whooping. I should have cheered instead of helping you.”

  “So why didn’t you run?” Joe asked. “She’d already given Sly a bloody nose.”

  “Hey, it was a lucky shot.”

  “It didn’t look that way to me,” Jake said. “Kaylee had you both whipped. If I hadn’t come along she would have broken your arm.”

  Joe snorted. “Have you been taking lessons from Emily? That’s the sort of thing she’d say.”

  Sly narrowed his eyes. “We were talking about you, not the past. We’re not stupid. Who’s the man and what’s going on with Ambar? If you don’t want her, then maybe Joe and I will take her off your hands.”

  “She’s not a possession.” Jake grumpily slurped his beer. How could they know? It was that smell thing again. If he didn’t know them so well it would freak him out. “Hari has just moved to Middlemarch. He’s living with me.”

  “You’re living with a guy?” Joe asked, his dark brows shooting upward in surprise.

  “It’s not like that…it…” Hell, it was like that. Just the thought of touching Hari and having that touch returned made him hot. Joe and Sly weren’t stupid. One look and he knew they’d picked up the subtext, the things he hadn’t said in his stuttering protest.

  Sly leaned back in his seat, stretching his arms above his head with feline grace. “Is this guy from India?”

  “England, but he’s of Indian descent. Apparently, his great-grandparents lived in New Delhi.”

  “Interesting,” Joe said, his gaze shifting to the door. “Shift over. We have a friend coming to join us.”

  Jake scooted his chair over with a distinct lack of interest in the new arrival. Socializing was the last thing he wanted to do. Wallowing alone—now that sounded better, but part of him was glad Joe and Sly had turned up. They had a way of cutting through the bullshit. Maybe they could help him get his head straight. Why he was suddenly interested in Hari when he had a beautiful woman in his bed? Not that it mattered much now because it seemed as if Ambar and Hari had other ideas, and they didn’t include him.

  Sly stood. “We haven’t met. I’m Sly Mitchell, and this is my brother Joe.”

  “Hari Daya.”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Jake half stood, but Joe pushed him back on his chair. Hari was wearing one of his shirts. Damn, wasn’t using his bed enough? The man had to take his clothes as well?

  Sly and Joe did their communication thing and this time they included Hari. It was the weirdest thing. Their nostrils flared, and they stared at each other before Hari nodded and took possession of the spare seat beside Jake.

  “We need to talk.” Hari didn’t waste time with chitchat.

  “About you fucking Ambar in my bed?” Jake snarled.

  “If we’d wanted to sneak around, don’t you think we would have gone to Ambar’s place? Or found some place private?”

  Jake opened his mouth to speak and snapped it shut again. Hari was right. Shit, he didn’t understand any of this. He caught the three men watching each other. Joe reached over and touched Jake’s arm. Hari let out a low growl and moved closer to Jake.

  Sly and Joe chortled.

  “Saber is right,” Jake snapped. “You two are out-of-control.”

  Joe grinned at Hari. “Come on. We’ll buy drinks at the bar. Jake, you want a beer or a whisky?”

  “Both.” Jake sensed Hari’s hesitation despite him refusing to meet Hari’s gaze.

  “We’ve known Jake since we were five-year-olds at school. Sly won’t do anything to upset him,” Joe said, taking Hari’s arm.

  Jake scowled, his gaze fastening on the spot where Joe touched Hari. Damn if he didn’t want to smack his friend. A low growl of protest erupted from him, and Joe laughed, lifting his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender. At least he’d taken his hands off Hari.

  “This just gets more interesting by the minute,” Sly said, watching the pair walk to the bar.

  “I’m not gay,” Jake blurted.

  “That’s a label,” Sly said, his grin fading. “Joe and I don’t do labels. Do you think less of Gavin and Charlie because they fuck each other? Rohan and Kiran?”

  “Of course not!” In fact, he counted all the men as friends. They never made him feel uncomfortable, and it was obvious they were happy in their relationships. Then he recalled that Gavin and Charlie also lived with Leticia. His mouth dropped open, his mind working at warp speed for once. Nah! He shook his head sharply to clear the vision of Hari and Ambar from his mind.

  “So why are you getting so bent out of shape about Hari? You want each other.”

  Fuck, was it that obvious? Jake risked a glance at his friend and saw that for once Sly was serious. “We only met a few days ago.”

  “Sometimes one look is all it takes.” Sly’s tone gave him away.

  “You too?”

  “Joe and I met a woman a couple of years ago. We knew she was the one, but she wasn’t ready. Hell, I don’t think we were ready either. It’s been hard waiting.”

  Jake fiddled with one of the empty bottles in front of him. The twins had always
shared lovers. After growing up with them, it hadn’t bothered him seeming entirely natural rather than kinky. “Sounds serious.”

  “Not discussing,” Sly said.

  Jake didn’t want to talk either. A sense of uneasiness settled in his gut. He kept seeing flashes of Hari and Ambar together. He shuffled on his seat as his mind played tricks on him, planting him between the two. Hands smoothed over his naked body, teasing and sensual. Feminine hands. Masculine hands. They both felt great, stroking pleasure across his nerve-endings.

  “Earth to Jake.” Sly clicked his fingers in front of Jake’s face, making him start.

  Heat collected in his face. That had never happened before. The minute he and Hari were in the same room he started to think about sex. He groaned inwardly. It had to stop. It wasn’t normal, dammit.

  Joe and Hari returned, setting drinks on the table. The heat in Jake’s face moved down, across his chest and sank to his balls. He fidgeted, only stilling when Hari sat beside him. Their legs touched as Hari moved his chair closer, and the agitation inside him settled to a low burn. Every breath he took seemed to smell like Hari—musky and full of fresh green scents with a faint spice.

  Joe and Sly started asking Hari questions, leaving Jake to sip his whisky in quiet contemplation. He stared at the tan skin revealed in the V of the shirt Hari wore. His shirt. The reminder brought a surge of satisfaction in him. The urge to lick had Jake leaning closer, so focused on his goal he didn’t realize the conversation had halted.

  Jake blinked slowly, trying to break the weird connection. When he opened his eyes again, Hari smiled, slow and seductive. The heat in his cheeks intensified. They were in the bloody pub. It felt way too personal, exposing himself to his friends and neighbors this way, yet he couldn’t seem to control his actions. Something deep inside compelled him to respond to Hari.

  “You’re toast,” Sly taunted softly.

  “Don’t tease my mate,” Hari said, his husky voice sending needy ripples all the way to Jake’s balls. Jake shivered, lost in Hari’s compelling brown gaze.

  Joe lifted his bottle of beer in a salute. “He’ll make a good mate.”

  “Of course I’m a good mate,” Jake snapped. “I’ve put up with the pair of you since we were kids.” He turned back to watch Hari even though he worried about making a fool of himself.


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