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My Romantic Tangle

Page 15

by Shelley Munro

  Not today anyway.

  She increased her pace in an attempt to outrun her thoughts. Her mind played tricks on her though, repeating the thoughts in a loop so she couldn’t escape them. Her mind centered on one thing. What hope did she have of independence when she turned into a mass of trembling lust whenever she came in contact with Hari and Jake?

  Chapter Ten

  “I don’t think Ambar wanted to spend time with us,” Jake said.

  “Work was a convenient excuse,” Hari agreed.

  “Should we worry?”

  Hari smirked. “I don’t think so. Not when she kissed us like that.”

  Jake pulled up outside his house. “I need to feed the dogs and the chickens.”

  “I’ll do the chickens for you. Anything else that needs doing urgently today?”

  “I need to shift the heifers, but that can wait until this afternoon. They’ll have enough feed until then. I have to check on the bull though.”

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Cut its leg. I’ll do that as soon as I’ve fed the dogs. What are we going to do the rest of the time?” Jake licked his lips, excitement surging through him. He had a fair idea of what they’d be doing, but he wanted Hari to verbalize his thoughts. The last thing he wanted to do was presume. That would be embarrassing.

  “We’ll be getting to know each other better,” Hari said in a husky voice. “There might be a little sleep involved but it will be in the same bed. Together.”

  “I’ll meet you in the shower after I’ve finished my chores.” He glanced at Hari’s groin, the other man’s erection easing the lurking fear in his gut. His apprehension wasn’t surprising given this was a step into the unknown.

  For both of them, he reminded himself. That knowledge was the only thing keeping him from freaking, turning tail and running.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Hari leaned across to give him a swift kiss. “See you soon.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Jake heard the sound of running water when he walked in bare feet down the passage to the bathroom. His cock shot to alert and he rubbed the heel of his hand roughly over the bulge. It did nothing to quell his anticipation. A zip of excitement tightened his balls and made his jeans uncomfortably tight.

  He stepped inside the bathroom and saw Hari’s silhouette through the glass door of the shower. He was lazily stroking his cock, his head bowed and his forearm pressed against the wall of the shower stall.

  Hunger grabbed Jake. He whipped his T-shirt over his head and scrambled from the rest of his clothes, his stomach tight with longing.

  Hari’s head jerked up, his mouth curling up in a grin. His hand worked faster, squeezing his cock, catching the underside of the flared head while his gaze never left Jake’s. Jake couldn’t look away from Hari pleasuring himself. Hari’s face bore a strained grimace. His eyes glowed with gold while tension thrummed between them. Jake watched in fascination, feeling each stroke as if he were masturbating himself.

  Jake opened the door and stepped inside, frowning when Hari’s hand stilled.

  “How’s the bull?”

  “He’s up and eating, which is a relief. He looks fine. Don’t stop.” His voice emerged with clear hunger and strain. He shook his head. Nah, the jogging of his brains didn’t make a difference. He still wanted to stay in the bathroom with Hari. He needed to watch. Participate. Hell, he’d given up trying to work out what was happening between the two of them. Ambar was easy. The woman wore sexy like a second skin, so it was no secret as to why he wanted her in his bed. But this desire for Hari stumped him.

  At least Sly and Joe hadn’t given him too much of a hard time. They were feline shifters. Fuck, his mind boggled every time he thought about it. All this time and he’d never had a fuckin’ clue.

  Enthralled, he followed the slow stroke of Hari’s hand with his eyes, saw the glossy sheen on the blood-filled crown and ran his tongue along his bottom lip. With shock, he realized he wanted to taste, even more than he wanted to touch himself.

  Before he could transform the thought into action, Hari groaned, the tendons in his neck, the muscles in his shoulders tensing as his orgasm burst over him.

  Jake shifted his body, angling it so he pressed against Hari’s back. His cock slid across Hari’s arse, the friction squeezing a moan of pleasure from Jake. Damn, that had felt good. “I thought you were going to wait for me.”

  Hari chuckled. “Too impatient.”

  “It gets better if you wait.” Jake suppressed his grin, the teasing reminding him of times spent with Ambar.

  “So I’ll make you wait.” Hari turned to face him, his eyes glittering with a hint of amusement. “I could withhold your pleasure.”

  Jake snorted. “You’re not the boss of me.”

  Hari reached for a bar of soap and rubbed it between his hands to create lather. He ran his hands lazily over Jake’s chest, dragging his thumb across a nipple. A shiver streaked down Jake’s spine.

  “Again. Do it again.”

  “You’re not the boss of me either,” Hari said with a smirk, but he did as Jake requested, pinching a fraction this time.

  Jake leaned against the wall of the shower cubicle, letting his eyes drift shut while he concentrated on the pleasure. Hari played his body like an instrument. He pinched, tugged lightly on Jake’s chest hair until his skin tingled and desire sang through his nerve-endings. Hari kissed him but only briefly before his touch disappeared. Jake’s eyes snapped open. “Why did you stop?”

  “I have something else in mind. Close your eyes again.” Hari put the soap aside.

  “What are you going to do?”

  Hari grinned. “Do you trust me?”

  Surprisingly, he did, even though they hadn’t known each other for long. “Yeah. Yeah, I trust you.”

  “Hands at your sides. Eyes closed. I’ll stop the minute you tell me to, but I’m not intending to do anything kinky. Okay?”

  Jake nodded. Hari didn’t move.


  “Give me verbal permission. I don’t want you to scream rape.”

  Jake snorted. “Yeah right, like that’s gonna happen. Yes, I trust you. Yes, you can touch me.” He studied Hari’s face, realized he was staring like a teenager with a crush and snapped his eyes shut.

  The water hit his chest, which meant Hari had stepped away from him. There wasn’t much room inside the shower. What the hell was he doing? Jake’s skin tingled all over, his cock drawing impossibly tight while he wondered what Hari intended to do to him. Nothing like a little anticipation to get things going.

  He thought he felt a touch on his hip. The nip of teeth confirmed it. That wasn’t so bad. Then he felt the brush of a finger over the head of his cock. All the muscles in his stomach tensed, wanting more yet feeling apprehension too. What would he do next?

  Fingers curled around his cock, and the air bled from Jake’s lungs.

  “You’d better breathe.” Hari’s voice held amusement. “I want you standing on your own two feet.”

  Jake sucked in a breath until he felt the warm heat of a mouth around the tip of his cock. Damn, that felt good. Even knowing another man had his mouth on his privates didn’t spoil Jake’s pleasure in the moment. His heart thumped erratically while he waited for Hari’s next move. He didn’t have to wait long for the rasp of a tongue over the head of his dick. The faint suction from Hari’s mouth felt amazing while the teasing swipe across his sweet spot made him quiver with need. The experiences piled on top of each other, one after another. Exhilaration grew as Jake slid toward climax. His legs started to tremble, the tension in his balls almost unbearable.

  Hari broke his rhythm, releasing his cock. “I don’t know if I can swallow, man. This is a bit weird. In a good way,” he added hastily.

  “Fuck.” Jake opened his eyes and looked down to meet Hari’s golden gaze. “I hadn’t even thought about that.”

  Hari rasped his tongue over the head of Jake’s cock, collecting the drops of pre-cum before lifting his
head. “That tastes all right.”

  A laugh spluttered from Jake when he took in the indecision on Hari’s face. “We’re both stumbling along here. Just do what you want. I’m gonna get off either way.”

  After that Jake fought to breathe. The pressure in his balls swelled even more with each lap of Hari’s tongue and the strong, unrelenting suction.

  “Don’t stop. Hari, don’t stop!” Jake slid the fingers of one hand through Hari’s wet hair while the other gripped his shoulder. Hari moaned and Jake felt the vibration along the length of his shaft. Unable to help, he jerked his hips forward, driving his cock deeper. He glanced down and saw the hunger in Hari’s gaze, the pleasure he took in giving, and Jake exploded. Hari swallowed automatically then drew back, extending Jake’s orgasm with the pump of his hand. Finally Jake collapsed against the wall of the shower to bolster his weak knees.

  “Hari, come up here.” Jake wanted to kiss him in the worst way. When Hari stood, Jake pushed his tongue past Hari’s lips and slid their tongues together, tasting himself in the kiss. He ran his tongue over Hari’s front teeth and drew back with a jolt. “Your teeth have grown.”

  “Feline trick. Sometimes it’s difficult to control the urge to change when I’m excited or angry.”

  Jake arched a brow. “And are you? Excited?”

  The water picked that moment to run cold.

  “Let’s take this to the bedroom.” The gleam in Hari’s eyes promised more, and Jake was fine with that. Jake grabbed the soap and rubbed the bar across his chest. He cleansed his body, wincing at the cold water. Jake stepped from the shower and reached for a towel. He dried his body with brisk, economical moves before getting another towel for Hari. The shower shut off. Jake leaned against the vanity unit and watched Hari.

  Muscle rippled across Hari’s chest and shoulders when he reached for a towel. The solid slab of muscle shouldn’t have turned him on, but it did. Their similarities fascinated him as much as Ambar’s differences and softness had always attracted him.

  “Stop staring at me like that.”

  Jake enjoyed studying him. It was a novel experience, openly watching another man. “I like looking at you.” It was nothing less than the truth and it still had the power to shock him.

  Hari grinned and held out his hand. “Let’s spend an hour or two in bed.”

  Jake took his hand and grinned back. “I wish Ambar was here with us.”

  Hari kept walking and didn’t reply until they reached Jake’s bedroom. Hari sat on the edge of the rumpled bed and tugged Jake down beside him. “I’m not sure that Ambar is ready for both of us. She told me she didn’t want a mate.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing, if we play our cards right. You want this? With both of us?”

  Jake didn’t have to think about it. “Yes.” He’d felt a surge of jealousy when he’d seen Hari and Ambar together, but when he thought about the three of them, it felt right. “How do we persuade her to change her mind? When we first started going out she was very clear about not wanting anything permanent. It suited me so I didn’t argue.”

  “Things change,” Hari said. “I came out here from England because of her photo. She’s even better in person. You know about her parents trying to arrange a marriage for her, right? That’s how I came to see her photo.”

  “Yes, she told me about escaping an arranged marriage. We could go and get her later this evening.”

  “Good idea, but meantime…” He turned and pounced on Jake, shoving him back against the pillows. Heat sizzled over Jake’s chest when Hari pinched his nipple. Their mouths met, hungry and urgent, desire flaring anew. Their bodies strained together, cocks rubbing, hips pumping. They clutched each other, hands and mouths exploring, bodies learning each other as they fell into pleasure. Together.

  * * * * *

  Ambar found it difficult to concentrate, and the day seemed to drag despite the huge number of orders she packed. After making a second mistake, she took to double-checking each order. At least business was good.

  Finally, at six she and Rohan closed shop and walked home.

  “Are you going out tonight?”

  Ambar shook her head. “I think I’ll have a shower before I start cooking dinner.”

  “I can cook if you want.”

  “No, it’s my turn. I don’t mind. I won’t be long.” Ambar marched to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Once inside, tears flooded her eyes and she swiped at them angrily. This was stupid. She knew both Hari and Jake found her desirable and wanted her physically. She didn’t intend to stay in Middlemarch forever, so why was she so pissed with them for spending time together? Why did she feel so left out?

  Cursing under her breath, she moved closer to the bed and stripped off her clothes. They landed on the bed in a heap. Without giving them a second look, Ambar thrust her arms into her robe and headed for the bathroom.

  Her mood deteriorated even further during dinner.

  “What’s wrong?” Kiran demanded, having arrived home just before seven. “You’ve got a face like a sour apple.”

  She pulled a face. “Men trouble.”

  “I thought you guys had sorted that out,” Rohan said.

  Ambar tossed her cutlery down so hard her fork clattered to the floor. She bent to retrieve it and placed it more carefully this time. “I’m jealous, okay? And I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “You’re making it our problem because we have to watch you sulking,” Kiran pointed out.

  “Jake and Hari are alone.”

  “So?” Kiran said. “They live in the same house.”

  “I doubt they’re playing house,” Rohan said dryly.

  “The mattress mumbo?” Kiran’s lips quivered as if he wanted to chuckle.

  Ambar shot him a glare. “I don’t want to talk about sex.”

  “You were quite happy to talk about sex when it came to us,” Kiran said.

  Rohan swallowed the last of his lamb chop. “Payback is a bitch.”

  “I don’t want payback,” Ambar wailed. She gulped, irritated to find herself close to tears again. She blinked rapidly and jumped to her feet.

  “What do you want?” Kiran asked.

  “That’s the problem. I don’t know what I want.”

  A car pulled up outside.

  Rohan smiled. “That sounds like your car, Ambar.”

  It was her car. She recognized the distinctive throaty roar her little car made when the driver changed gears. Anticipation skipped through her. Was it Jake or Hari?

  “I’ll get the door,” Kiran said, darting away from the table before she could argue.

  She heard the door open and the low rumble of masculine voices. Suddenly nervous, she sank back on her chair.

  “Do you think it will be Hari or Jake?” Rohan asked.

  “If you stopped yammering I might be able to tell you,” Ambar snapped at her brother.

  They both turned to face the door. Ambar’s nostrils flared, drawing in their combined scent. She gasped, jealousy thumping her in the stomach even when she’d prepared for it, had known they’d spend the day lovemaking. Happiness blazed on their faces, and Hari touched Jake’s shoulder with easy intimacy. They were a couple.

  “Ambar,” Rohan said with a sly glance in her direction. “They look well-rested.”

  Ambar kicked him under the table, fiercely wishing she wore her pointy-toed boots instead of bare feet.

  “Would you like a beer?” Kiran asked.

  “Have you eaten?” Rohan asked, with a smirk in her direction. He’d noticed the way Jake leaned into Hari. The wretch had probably noticed the dark bruise on Jake’s neck too. Ambar wanted to lick it in the worst way but forced herself to remain seated. Her jaw ached with the wide smile she forced on her mouth.

  “We’ve come for Ambar,” Jake said.

  “Does Ambar want to go with you?” Rohan asked, standing so she couldn’t kick him again. Her brother was no slouch in the brain department.

sp; Kiran walked past on his way to the fridge, pausing to squeeze her shoulder in silent reassurance.

  “That’s entirely up to Ambar,” Hari said. “We needed to return her car anyway.”

  A problem. If she went with them she was making a commitment of sorts, even if she stated otherwise. The pause grew uncomfortable. She was aware of Rohan’s amusement, the hum of the fridge as Kiran opened it and the faint rattle of beer bottles.

  Ambar worried her bottom lip, weighing her options. If she did nothing, she’d regret it. She knew herself well enough to know that, and the jealousy would drive her to madness. Imagining Jake and Hari together today had been bad enough. But if she went with them, wasn’t she taking a step past the point of no return? A shard of pain and the faint coppery taste of blood made her quit the lip gnawing.

  “Ambar?” Hari’s husky voice served as a prod for a decision and she came to a resolution. No matter what, she’d stick to it.

  Ambar stood and pushed her chair back under the table before she focused on Jake and Hari. “Just for tonight.”

  She stared at Hari until he acknowledged her words with a curt nod. He thought he could change her mind. That was obvious, but it wouldn’t happen. She intended to keep her freedom. She would travel soon. There would be no clipped wings for her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ambar insisted on taking her car so she could make her escape whenever she wanted. Hari and Jake drove back together in Jake’s vehicle. She pulled up outside Jake’s house, her stomach a tangle of nerves. Mistake or not, she wasn’t about to back out now.

  A deep inhalation did nothing to settle her trepidation. A sharp knock on her window made her head jerk up.

  Jake and Hari.

  Both men stood watching her.

  A united front. Waiting.

  She grimaced at the pain stabbing her heart. There went that damn jealousy again. It was a bit like being a new kid on the playground, unsure of the rules or social structure.

  Hari opened the car door and stood back, still waiting.

  “You’re not usually so shy,” Jake said.

  “Yeah, well. Things are a bit different now.”


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