No More Secrets

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No More Secrets Page 21

by Cate Beauman

  “That’s nice, too. But what about this?” He took her hand, rubbing her palm against his erection through his boxers.

  He was definitely huge—just like the rest of him. Holding his gaze, watching his jaw tense, listening to his breathing change, she took the lead, sneaking beyond the barrier of his underwear to move her hand up and down his hot, hard skin. “So, you mean more like this?”

  His nostrils flared as he closed his eyes. “Yeah, just like that.” He groaned, resting his forehead against hers. “Damn, that feels amazing.”

  Far less nervous, focusing only on how much she craved him, she pushed his boxers off his hips and down his legs.

  His green eyes grew darker as they opened again—edgy and dangerous as he crushed his mouth against hers, sending butterflies rushing through her belly with the heat of his want. Lifting her shirt, exposing her breasts, he pulled the soft cotton over her head before he cupped her.

  She moaned, loving the way his calloused palms felt against her skin.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” he muttered, moving to tease and lap at her nipples.

  “I don’t know if I would do that,” she shuddered out, not actually wanting him to stop. “You might get more than you bargained for.”

  He met her gaze, grinning as she did.

  She shrugged, refusing to be mortified in the bedroom because she was a nursing mother. “Parenthood isn’t always sexy.”

  “You’re always sexy.” He kneaded her, taking his time to kiss each of her breasts lavishly anyway. “Trust me on that.”

  Sighing, allowing herself to savor every delicious sensation, she let her fingers play through his hair as he moved down, inching off her panties, tossing the fabric to the floor as he settled his body between her legs.

  “You’re sure about this, Gwen?”

  She nodded as her nerves came rushing back.

  His frown returned. “Why don’t you look sure?”

  “I just—after-baby sex can hurt for some women. And you’re not exactly a small guy. I don’t know how it’s going to be.”

  He smiled. “Do you want to ride me? Be in control?”

  She shook her head. “I think I’ll have more control if you enter me. Just go slow. And stop if I tell you to stop.”

  “That goes without saying.” He kissed her, staring into her eyes. “You’re relaxing, remember? I want to make you feel amazing.”

  She nodded, smiling, trusting that he would take care with her.

  “Let’s start with this,” he said, pressing kisses along her jaw, nipping at her chin as he touched her with his fingers, sliding roughened pads against her bud.

  “Mmm,” she whimpered, tilting her hips, inviting him to take more.

  He rubbed her in circles, then dipped two fingers deep. “I love how wet you are for me.”

  Her breath rushed out with the flutters of pleasure already building in her center. “I’m ready, Cade. I want you. Hurry before she wakes up.”

  Nodding, he adjusted his weight, his eyes never leaving hers as he pushed himself inside, invading her with his girth, clenching his jaw as he slowly sank himself deeper.

  Gasping, she arched, her fingers biting into his shoulders, never feeling anything as good as him. “Oh my God.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she choked out, greedy for the fire—for what he would give her next. “I’m so much better than okay.”

  Resting his weight on his arms, he snagged her bottom lip with his teeth. “You’re perfect, Gwen.”

  She smiled, cupping his cheeks. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  His tongue sought hers as he reached for her hands, lacing their fingers while he lazily thrust into her.

  Each breath came faster as she felt herself building, her body trembling, waiting for fulfillment.

  He pushed her hands over her head. “Wrap your legs around me, so I can go deeper.”

  She did as he asked, whimpering next to his ear as he pumped harder. “Yes. Keep doing that. You’re going to make me come.”

  He picked up his pace.

  “Cade,” she gasped, nearly there, reaching for the peak, her hips moving frantically with his.

  “Look at me, Gwen,” he panted out, moving faster yet. “Look at me.”

  She clutched at his fingers, breathing in his gasps as he breathed hers. And then she tensed, her world exploding with a rush of ecstasy as she let herself go, crying out as loudly as she dared.

  “Gwen,” he groaned, jerking with his final thrusts as he filled her, nestling his face against her neck.

  She closed her eyes, fighting to breathe as he heated her skin with his panting.

  “Gwen,” he mumbled again moments later, saying nothing yet everything with one simple word.

  “Mmm,” she agreed, opening her eyes, staring at the ceiling as she moved her hand to trace her fingers up and down his spine. “I definitely prefer after-baby sex.”

  He lifted his head, grinning. “So, the nerves are gone then?”

  She batted her lashes. “What nerves?”

  Chuckling, he kissed her. “I’m happy we could make something work for you.”

  She sent him a smile. “Definitely.”

  “Even though this was just a quickie.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “When we do this again, I’ll be taking my time.” He kissed her. “Because I plan on touching you everywhere, Gwen—tasting you everywhere.”

  The tingles were back in her belly with his promise. “Yes, please,” she said, fluttering her lashes again.

  He laughed. “Your parents are still watching Kaitlyn while we go to Music in the Park tonight?”

  She nodded.

  He laced their fingers for the second time, pushing their hands over her head, the movement bringing her breasts snugger against his chest. “Come home with me afterward. We’ll make an evening of it.”

  She loved that he was already making plans for their next time—that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. “I can’t stay all night.”

  “I know.”

  “But I’m ready for this—for you to wake up in my bed on a much more regular basis.” Because although last night had been sad, it had also changed something between them—bringing them closer when they were already close.

  “You don’t mind Kaitlyn seeing me hanging out in here?”

  “I don’t.”

  “That’s a big step.”

  She nodded because truer words had never been spoken. “It is.”

  He sighed, resting his forehead against hers. “I can work with that.”

  She kissed him. “As much as I hate to say it, I need to get up.” Dropping her legs from around his waist, she nudged him, regretting it as he pulled himself free of her. Sitting up, she searched for her tank top among the sheets, slipping it on as he rolled to his back. “Hopefully, I can get in a shower before Kaitlyn wakes up.”

  “I should head back to the compound and grab a shower myself.”

  “Will you be joining us for breakfast?”

  “If you think it’ll be okay with your parents here.”

  “They won’t mind at all because they like you. Plus, this is my home, and I happen to be thirty-two years old.”

  He grinned. “I figure we should start things off on the right foot.”

  “You’re definitely all set.” She stood, searching for her panties next. Finding them, she pulled them back on. “We’re taking Kaitlyn to the marine hospital today to get a look at the baby seals. Do you want to join us?”

  “Try to stop me.” He stood, sliding his boxers up his powerful legs, then walked to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “This has been good. All of it.”

  She smiled into his eyes, continually amazed that it was possible to be this happy. “I agree.”

  “Now, I need to get out of here, so I can come back and pretend that I haven’t seen you already this morning.”

  She laughed. “We’ll see you in a few minute

  Chapter 21

  Gwen laughed in Cade’s arms as they danced to the cover band’s version of Dan + Shay’s “Tequila.” Cade guided them closer to Nate, Callie, Brad, and Molly, all of them loudly singing the song’s chorus, along with the hundreds of other patrons enjoying Music in the Park. Carter Island’s green space was packed to capacity with lawn chairs, blankets, tourists, and Sandersonians alike, yet Cade twirled her away, then pulled her back, dipping her.

  She laughed again, staring into his exceptional eyes as he grinned down at her. “How can you be so big and graceful at the same time? It doesn’t seem like it should work that way.”

  “I’m gifted,” he said, wiggling his brow, righting them again.

  She locked her wrists at the back of his neck, certain she’d never enjoyed a summer more. Everything was as it should be. Her daughter was at home, being doted on by her adoring grandparents, and she was dancing with the man who made her heart race every time she looked at him. “Apparently so.”

  The song ended, and the band slowed its tempo, rolling into a cover of James Bay’s “Us.”

  Cade held her tighter, trailing his fingers up and down her naked upper back as she wore the sassy green floral-print sundress Mom had surprised her with.

  “Your eyes are twinkling tonight.”

  She grinned. “I imagine they are. I can’t remember ever having more fun.”

  It was his turn to smile. “That’s what you said this afternoon.”

  Her laugh was back because he was right. Their entire day had been perfect: a sexy morning in bed, sharing Kaitlyn’s adorably delightful first experience with the baby seals, then their playdate on the beach, with a picnic and sandcastles included. Tonight was turning out to be no different, even if the clouds moving in threatened an eventual storm. “Well, it’s true again. Molly’s fried chicken was amazing; the music’s really good, and I’m here with all of my favorite people. I love that Nate and Brad haven’t gotten called away.”

  “Yet,” they said in unison.

  Then he surprised her, stepping forward and dipping her again.

  She beamed as he left her suspended. “What are you doing?”

  “I didn’t want you thinking my excellent moves are a fluke.”

  Shaking her head, she kissed him. “Never.”

  “I should also mention that my high school football coach made the team take ballet classes for an entire summer.”

  Her eyes popped wide as she grinned, loving the idea. “You’re kidding.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “It was the worst summer of my life.”

  Her laugh was back. “Were there tights involved?”

  “No. Thank God.”

  “And why didn’t this fun little detail come up when I shared my dance with you at Fisherman’s Bay?”

  “It’s a traumatic memory.” His lips twitched. “It’s not something you just blurt out.”

  “You poor guy,” she said with a grin, pulling his lips back to hers.

  “Tell me about it.”

  She opened her mouth to speak as she caught sight of Nate and Callie no longer dancing—Brad and Molly, too. Following their gazes, her bubble of bliss burst when she spotted Liam and Jessica standing mere feet away. “Liam.” She scrambled to right herself, pushing away from Cade. “You’re—What are you doing here?”

  Liam trailed his gaze down her body as he stood next to Jessica, both of them city slick and office casual, completely out of place among the majority of people dressed in shorts and T-shirts—Cade included. “Jessica’s never been to the island, so we thought we would spend the weekend.”

  “I see,” she said, touching the silver barrette she’d used to pull back some of her hair, still blindsided that her ex-husband was standing mere inches away. Liam had never wanted to be here when this was supposed to be his home. Now he was visiting because his girlfriend was curious?

  He cleared his throat, looking toward Cade. “Uh, I’m Liam O’Leary, Gwen’s ex-husband. This is Jessica Ross, my girlfriend.”

  Cade stepped closer, shaking Liam’s hand. “Cade Paxton.” He reached for Jessica’s hand next. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

  Liam’s eyes grew wide before he schooled his handsome features. “Cade Paxton from Paxton Enterprises?”

  Cade nodded as he moved closer to Gwen. “The family business.”

  “Um, Cade’s a family friend,” Gwen added, tossing him a quick look. “He’s the new owner of Carter Island Air.”

  Liam nodded this time. “There have been a lot of changes around here.” His gaze wandered to Cade again. “Gwen, if I could speak to you for a moment?”

  “Yes. Of course.” She walked several steps away with Liam and Jessica, clearing her throat, feeling the tension and hostility oozing from her family. “If I had known you were coming—”

  “I’d like to talk about our daughter. Perhaps over breakfast tomorrow morning?”

  Their daughter. Her stomach hitched, immediately growing ill. Apparently, it was time for more doting dad pictures. “All right.”

  “Perhaps at the inn? We weren’t able to get a room due to the high season, but Annie and Cletus have an excellent brunch, as you know. I think you’ll like it,” Liam said, turning to Jessica.

  Jessica glanced from Gwen to everyone standing a few feet away.

  Gwen licked her lips as she met Cade’s unreadable gaze, then gave her attention back to Liam. “If you’d like to make the reservation for ten, that would work best for Kaitlyn’s schedule.”

  “Ten thirty works better for us.”

  She nodded instead of arguing, wanting to get this over with. “All right.”

  “Will it just be you?” Liam asked as he looked toward Cade yet again.

  She swallowed, growing increasingly sick as her perfect world began imploding—as the myriad of complications came rushing back with a vengeance. “Of course. And Kaitlyn.”

  “We’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Liam nodded to Cade, then took Jessica’s hand as they walked off into the crowd.

  Gwen stood where she was, watching them disappear as her heart beat too quickly, pounding in her chest.

  “Are you all right?” Cade asked, coming up behind her.

  She nodded. Because what else could she do? “Yes.”

  “What was that, Gwen?”

  She let her eyes close for the briefest of seconds, hearing the edginess in his tone. Turning, facing him, she stared into green eyes gone hot with temper. “What was what?”

  “You pushing me away—telling him I’m your ‘family friend.’”

  She pressed her fingers to her temple, still trying to grasp that all of this was happening—that her fantastic day had quickly gone to hell. “I don’t know. He caught me off guard.”

  “You don’t want him knowing we’re together.”

  She couldn’t deny the obvious as she nervously swiped at her hair, which was blowing in the increasing breeze. “It’s important that he knows I’m taking good care of our daughter.”

  “And you being with me means you’re not taking care of Kaitlyn?”

  “I’m out with you, which means I’m not at home with Kaitlyn.”

  He laughed humorlessly, looking to the sky. “He didn’t even ask about her.”

  She flinched at the snap in his voice. “Don’t, Cade.”

  He shook his head as he clenched his jaw, the hurt and anger there for her to see before he stared down at the ground. “Damn you, Gwen.”

  She swallowed. “Cade—”

  “You have several family members here tonight. I’m sure one of them can give you a ride home.” Turning, he walked off.

  “Cade!” She hurried after him, falling into step beside him. “Wait a minute.” She pulled on his arm when he kept going. “Please.”

  He stopped. “I’m shitty company right now. We could use a break.”

  She dropped her hand, absorbing the nasty wash of fear that his words brought. “What does that mean?”
br />   “It means I need to cool off.” With that, he left as the thunder in the distance started rumbling.

  She pressed her hand to her heart, staring as he disappeared into the masses. “Oh God,” she whispered, hurrying back to where her family still stood, watching. “I have to go.”

  Brad reached into his pocket, tossing her the keys to his Range Rover. “I’m parked at the clinic.”

  “Thank you.” Desperate to fix the mess she’d just made, she snagged her purse off the blanket, then ran toward the parking lot as fat raindrops started falling. She made it to the Rover in minutes, just as the deluge began.

  Undeterred by the nearly blinding conditions, she turned over the ignition, pulling onto Main Street, moving as quickly as she could with pedestrians running for cover and the overflow of traffic clogging the road. “Come on.” She smacked the steering wheel with her frustration, frantic to get to Cade.

  Twenty minutes later, she turned onto the compound’s long, circular driveway, noting that most of the lights were off in the guesthouse. But she got out in the downpour and knocked anyway. “Cade, please open the door!”

  When he didn’t answer, she hesitated, then used the newer key Brad had given her several months ago, letting herself inside.

  “Cade?” she called, following the sounds down the hallway, stepping into the main bedroom as the shower shut off in the en suite. Holding her breath, clenching her hands, she waited. She wasn’t leaving until she made him understand why she’d done what she’d done.

  Steam filled the bathroom while Cade closed his eyes, pressing his palms against the shower’s cool marble tiling. He blew out several breaths, letting the hot water stream over his head, loosening the tension squeezing at the back of his neck. Rain pounded on the roof, and thunder rumbled in the sky—the perfect accompaniment to his shitty mood.

  He’d officially met Liam O’Leary. What Gwen had ever seen in the aloof, snooty bastard was beyond him. Although, the guy had balls of steel. That was for damn sure. Coming to an island where he would undoubtedly run into Gwen’s family and friends, none of whom particularly liked him much—and with his lover. The man was either stupid or didn’t give a fuck.

  Cade imagined it was the latter.


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