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No More Secrets

Page 31

by Cate Beauman

  “Thanks,” she said as she popped a piece of whole-grain bread in the toaster. “I had to change twice. Nothing’s fitting right. I think we’re eating too much ice cream.”

  He frowned because that was hardly true. They’d never got around to eating the stuff he’d brought home the other night. And the last few evenings had been too chilly for one of their typical stop-offs at the park and the occasional ice cream treat afterward. “You enjoy a couple of small scoops that definitely aren’t messing with your figure. Trust me. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Grinning, she walked over to join them, kissing the top of Kaitlyn’s head, then his mouth as she stopped to breathe in his coffee. “That smells so good.”

  He held up the mug for her to take it from him. “So, have a sip.”

  She shook her head, staring at the dark brew with obvious longing. “I can’t. It’s caffeinated.”

  He set down the cup. “I doubt one little taste is going to hurt anything, especially when you’re heading off to work and Kaitlyn won’t be snacking again for a while.”

  “Do you remember taking turns rocking her until two a.m.?” She batted her lashes at him while she sent him a saucy smile, fixing the collar on his golf shirt. “Do you really want to risk it?”

  He covered the top of the cup with his hand. “We’ll find you a good decaf blend.”

  She laughed, bending down to wrap her arms around his neck in a long hug. “I really do love you.”

  He grinned, pulling her onto his lap. “I love you, too.”

  He’d officially been home for the last six days. His clothes were put away in the closets and drawers. He and Gwen hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep between the baby and their inability to keep their hands off each other. He was exhausted, and his schedule would be tight today because he’d offered to drop Kaitlyn off with Kay when Gwen was forced to schedule an impromptu staging meeting. This was his life—the life they were creating together.

  And he loved every damn second of it.

  It still surprised him that all of this had been waiting for him to discover when he’d reluctantly flown East several months ago. Cadence’s last wish for him had been to get everything he wanted. He hoped she knew that he was happy—that he hadn’t known that life could be this amazing. Deep down, he was certain she’d had a hand in arranging this entire thing—that she’d known Gwen and Kaitlyn had needed him as much as he’d needed them.

  Gwen eased back, nibbling her bottom lip as she touched the shadows under his eyes. “You’re not flying today?”

  He shook his head, recognizing the worry furrowing her brow. “Just lots of meetings.”

  She stroked his hair back from his forehead. “We need to get you some sleep before you go up in the air tomorrow.”

  He took her hand, kissing her knuckles. “I’m fine, Gwen. I would never fly if I didn’t think it was safe.”

  She sent him a small smile, moving to stand when her toast popped up. “I know.”

  He tightened his grip around her waist, keeping her in place, understanding that they had a long way to go before she would be comfortable with his job after their scare. “I want you to focus on your meeting—to go over to that house this morning and kick some staging ass.”

  Her smile widened as she rested her forehead against his. “I can’t believe I only have a week to pull this one off. We’ll be cutting it so close.”

  He slid his hand up and down her back. “The high season’s quickly coming to an end.”

  She nodded. “The market’s about to slow way down. Hopefully, we can get this place sold before it does.”

  He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Rory knows you can handle this project. So do I. When you’re good, you’re good. And you’re excellent, Gwen.”

  She fiddled with one of his buttons, her delight unmistakable with her next grin. “Thank you.”

  He loved being here with her—being here for her. Sometimes, he was sure she didn’t realize just how talented she was. “It sounds like you’ll get one more property under your belt before you give your mum a hand with the finishing touches for that fancy hotel.”

  Her eyes brightened with her excitement. “I’ve already started looking at different fabrics—”

  “Ma-ma-ma-ma,” Kaitlyn screeched as she banged one of her blocks on her tray.

  Cade looked the baby’s way as Gwen whipped her head around.

  Kaitlyn scrunched up her nose, blowing air in and out before she sent them another one of her adorable grins.

  Cade melted, absolutely in love with their sweet baby girl. “A mere four hours of sleep doesn’t appear to be a problem for this one.”

  Gwen laughed, cupping Kaitlyn’s cheeks, nuzzling the baby’s nose. “Are you looking for some attention?”

  Kaitlyn babbled her response, grabbing for Gwen’s earring.

  Gwen expertly evaded the baby’s hand, sending her another smile. “No way, Miss Noisy. How about this instead?” She plucked up a small blueberry from the bowl, setting it on the tray.

  Kaitlyn went to work on picking it up to put it in her mouth.

  “That’s my girl. You enjoy your fruit.” Gwen glanced at her watch, wincing. “Uh-oh, Mommy needs to go.”

  Cade stood, recognizing that Gwen was clicking into work mode. “Here’s a smoothie for the road.” He handed her the insulated cup.

  She looked through the clear plastic top, her eyes going soft as she met his gaze. “Is this the one you make with the raspberries and bananas—my favorite?”

  He winked, adoring that something so simple made her so happy. Plus, it was the least he could do. Gwen had already nursed Kaitlyn, then got the baby ready for the day before she’d had a chance to take care of herself. “I thought we should start your morning off right.”

  “Aw.” She pulled him into a hug. “You really are my superhero.” She kissed him next. “Thank you.”

  He pulled her mouth back to his. “Knock ’em dead today.”

  “I will. You’re all set with Kaitlyn?”


  She moved to snag her piece of toast. “The diaper bag’s packed by the door. Please ask Kay to let me know if she’s getting low on breast milk. I keep forgetting to ask her.”

  He nodded. “Will do.”

  “And remind her not to let Kaitlyn sleep too long. I don’t want us getting back into the night is day and vice versa thing.”

  “Amen to that.”

  She sighed, walking over to Kaitlyn again, pressing her cheek to the baby’s hair. “I hate that I’m not taking her the way I usually do—that this meeting is messing up her routine.”

  “She’s fine, Gwen.” He plucked Kaitlyn from the high chair, ignoring the mess her sticky blueberry/banana fingers made on his shirt, then hooked his arm around Gwen’s waist, nudging her toward the doorway. “Kaitlyn, let’s blow Mummy a kiss and tell her goodbye.”

  The baby brought her palm to her mouth, then moved it away, copying his gesture—something they’d been practicing for a surprise.

  Gwen pressed her hand to her heart, blinking back tears as she beamed. “She blows kisses. You blow kisses, honey.” She peppered Kaitlyn’s cheeks with kisses of her own, making her laugh before she moved to do the same to him. “I love you two.”

  He laughed, bringing her back for a peck on the lips, then held her gaze. “This is good, Gwen. What we have is good.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “Call me when you finish up your meeting. Maybe we can squeeze in a quick lunch over at Molly’s.”

  “Okay. I’ve really got to go.”

  “We’ll see you in a bit.” He watched her hurry down the hall, then turned his attention to Kaitlyn, giving her a bounce. “You did it, Baby Girl. You knocked her socks off.”

  Kaitlyn pressed her palm to his lips, blowing raspberries.

  He blew air against her little hand, knowing that’s what she wanted, grinning when she did. “Let’s get you washed up, so I can change my sh
irt. Then we’ll get out of here.”

  He headed for the stairs, blowing on Kaitlyn’s palm for the second time, thanking his lucky stars that this was his life—that every awful moment over the last three years had brought him right here.

  Chapter 30

  Gwen double-checked the tidy two-page list she’d created on her laptop, making certain that everything would be easy for Callie to read when she got around to writing her many thank-you notes. Satisfied that gift giver and gifts received lined up just right in their appropriate columns, she closed the lid, grinning as she looked around, thrilled that all was going perfectly on Callie’s special day.

  The weather had cooperated, blessing them with bright, sunny skies and mild temperatures. Family and friends from as far as Oregon and Washington joined the party. Even Mini and Leah had made it back in time for the big occasion.

  Gwen and her mom had taken extra care with the flowers, tucking gorgeous blooms into dozens of pretty vases, while pale-pink and white balloons surrounded the table where a mountain of gifts had been lovingly unwrapped and oohed and aahed over. But it was the cake—the two-tiered stunner that had brought Callie to tears when Molly set up the confectionery surprise moments before all the guests had arrived. And the vanilla bean sponge and raspberry buttercream center had tasted even better than they’d looked.

  Gwen’s gaze wandered toward the delicious offerings arranged on the massive table they’d borrowed from Cletus and Annie. Even after the amazing outdoor sit-down luncheon, she was still starving. “Let’s go ahead and do that,” she muttered to herself, listening to her stomach growling as she abandoned her computer to beeline it to the plates in her pale-sage spaghetti strap jumpsuit.

  Helping herself to a couple of finger sandwiches, she plucked up a glossy green grape, popping it into her mouth. “Mmm,” she said, loving the sweetness. She moved farther down the table, spooning dip onto a corner of her dish, then used the tongs to select several of her favorite vegetables.

  Without thinking, she snagged an olive from the antipasto tray, biting in, savoring the salty, pickled flavor. Picking up another, she glanced over her shoulder toward her family and friends mingling in the living room and out on the deck, slightly embarrassed that she was so damn ravenous. With Kaitlyn’s latest growth spurt and life finally settling down again, her appetite was back with a vengeance.

  “You’re a nursing mother,” she reminded herself, taking one more olive, popping it past her lips. But she stopped midchew as her eyes grew huge, realizing what she’d just done—realizing why so many of her clothes no longer fit her right.

  Molly sidled up next to her, looking sexy and stylish in a jean skirt, pink halter tank, and strappy sandals. “Did you get your fix—all of your organizing with your list?” She sent Gwen one of her smart-ass smiles before it quickly disappeared. “What’s wrong?”

  Gwen set down her plate as she swallowed her bite. “I’m eating olives.”

  Molly frowned. “So?”

  She shook her head because this was so much more than a ‘so.’ “I’m eating olives, Molly. I like them.”

  Molly’s big blue eyes grew just as wide as Gwen’s. “Nuh-uh.”

  “Uh-huh.” Grabbing another, she struggled not to burst into tears as she bit in, showing her sister. “It’s salty and delicious and wonderful.”

  Callie walked over, reaching for their hands, beaming in her pink flowing sundress that accentuated her adorable baby belly. “This is such a perfect day. This has been the best baby shower.”

  Gwen slapped a smile on her face even as her mind raced, refusing to ruin her best friend’s celebration. “We love that you love it, honey.”

  Callie squeezed Gwen’s fingers as she grinned again. “I keep thinking about how much my life has changed in just one year—how wonderful everything is. Last September, I came to Carter Island for a vacation because everything was falling apart. Now look. I have Nate and my sweet little Ava and you guys…” Her smile faded as she studied Gwen. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she and Molly said in unison.

  Callie’s brow shot up. “Well, that’s hardly true.”

  Gwen made her lips curve in a reassuring smile. “It’s nothing that can’t wait until later.”

  Callie looked from Gwen to Molly, crossing her arms, resting them on her tummy. “That’s not true, either. Don’t you two keep telling me that this is my special day?”

  “Yes,” they said at the same time.

  “Then don’t hurt my feelings. Don’t keep secrets from me on my special day.”

  Molly nodded as she pursed her lips. “Well played.”

  Callie grinned. “Thanks.”

  “Gwen likes olives,” Molly added.

  Gwen put another one in her mouth, chewing, holding Callie’s gaze.

  It was Callie’s turn to frown. “I don’t—” And then she blinked her surprise when everything clearly clicked. “Oh.”

  Gwen struggled with a sniffle, quickly losing her composure. “They’re so yummy.”

  “You two should come upstairs with me.” Callie took Gwen’s hand, guiding her up the steps, then down the hall to the main bedroom and bathroom. “Let’s just do this because I have a couple of leftovers.” She reached into a cupboard, handing Gwen a pregnancy test. “Now you can put yourself out of your misery.”

  Gwen stared at the wrapped test, then pinched her own arm because this couldn’t really be happening. “This is a nightmare, right? I’m supposed to wake up now and realize that all of this was some sort of terrible, subconscious joke?”

  Callie sent her a sympathetic smile. “Let’s see where things stand in three minutes.”

  Gwen nodded, reluctantly closing herself behind the door that separated the toilet from the main en suite. Well-versed in the procedures of the pregnancy test, she sat down and peed on the stick.

  “Well?” Molly asked from the other side.

  “I don’t know yet. I’m coming out.” Flushing the toilet, she stepped back out, staring at the stick trembling in her unsteady hand as Callie and Molly did. “I can’t—My heart’s beating so fast.” Within seconds, two bold lines appeared. “No,” she whispered, swallowing a swift rush of fear.

  “I’d say that’s a definite yes,” Molly supplied.

  “This can’t be happening.” Pressing her fingers to her temple, Gwen started to pace. “Things are finally settling down.” She glanced at the two women she trusted most in the world, then went back for another round of walking, needing to keep moving. “I don’t even know when this happened. We have sex all the time. I’m on the pill. I take it every day. I’ve been tired, hungry, and my boobs are achy, but what else is new?”

  Molly glanced at the test again. “Clearly, you’re a Fertile Myrtle, and it doesn’t surprise me at all that Cade has super sperm.”

  Gwen glared at her sister. “Is that supposed to be helpful?” She sat down on the edge of the tub, afraid her legs wouldn’t hold her with the new wave of anxiety. “This wasn’t part of the plan. This wasn’t even on the radar. What am I going to do?”

  Callie sat next to her, sliding Gwen’s hair behind her ear. “Maybe start by calling Brad? Just in case the test is wrong.”

  She shook her head, letting her tears fall. “I currently love olives. That’s the only pregnancy test I need.”

  Molly sat on Gwen’s other side, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. “It’s going to be okay. You’re an awesome mom, and Cade’s crazy about you and Kaitlyn.”

  Gwen swiped at her cheeks, terrified regardless. “We were looking forward to a slice of normal. He said he was looking forward to it being just me, him, and Kaitlyn.”

  Callie shook her head this time. “He’ll adjust. You both will. He loves you.”

  Gwen sniffled, looking at the undeniable proof on the test. “I’m going to be a mom again.”

  Molly sent her a small smile as she settled her hand on Gwen’s stomach. “Welcome to the family, Baby Paxton.”

en let her head rest on Molly’s shoulder, still unable to believe that this was really happening.

  “So, what do you think?” Gwen asked as she stared at the exam room ceiling, hardly caring that her legs were in stirrups, and her almost-brother-in-law’s fingers were prodding around in her vagina.

  “I think your cervix is high and soft.”

  She swallowed as she met Brad’s brown eyes, knowing him well enough to understand what he was telling her, especially when he’d already given her his opinion after he ran a urine test of his own.

  “And there’s no way this is a mistake? I’m one hundred percent pregnant?”

  He sent her one of his dimpled grins as he tugged off his gloves, tossing them into the trash. “In my profession, there aren’t many things I feel comfortable corroborating in absolutes, but after two positive tests and a physical exam, I’m one hundred percent certain you’re pregnant, Gwen.” He redraped her with the white cloth before he rolled over on his stool to fiddle with the fancy ultrasound equipment. He was dressed for the weekend in a snug black sleeveless Under Armour top and gray mesh gym shorts that accentuated his muscular build. “Go ahead and stay right there.”

  She sighed, clutching her fingers together on top of her pink paper johnny, yearning to stand up and pace away her nervous energy. “I just don’t understand how this happened. I’m on the pill.”

  He slid another glove on his right hand, then sheathed the transvaginal probe. “When we’re talking birth control, nothing’s guaranteed. The mini pill has a higher fail rate than other oral contraceptives. We discussed that.”

  “Oh, I remember. I just figured that with the breastfeeding and the pill, we were extra covered—that this would never actually be a topic of conversation.” She pressed her fingers to her forehead, rubbing at the stirrings of a tension headache. “I haven’t even had my first period.”

  He grabbed a bottle of clear gel, lubing up the device he was about to use. “You can still ovulate when you’re breastfeeding, even without a period.”

  “Don’t I know it,” she muttered, still finding herself in absolute disbelief when she’d been certain that hearing the confirmation from her doctor—in a clinical setting—would help it all sink in.


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