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Love is Strange: A Taboo Anthology

Page 25

by Yolanda Olson

  Until then I will have to deal with the fact that she’ll be out of my watchful gaze. I can only hope that her drive to get into college and maintain her grades is enough to keep her from fucking around and ruining herself. She's too good for any of those little shits. I wish I could take her with me now, but I’d have the cops on me quicker than bees on honey.

  I can’t sleep. I’m leaving so fucking soon, and it’s driving me mad, knowing that Ember is being left behind, again. All I can think, as I lie in bed, is how sweet her ass looked in those leggings of hers while she laid on the living room carpet. Her little skirt had ridden up the back of her legs, and the curve of her ass, showing just underneath, taunted me. She’s such a sin. I can’t help wondering if she’ll burn as I make her come.

  Fuck. I’m definitely not getting to sleep, now. I groan and decide that a shower and release is what I need if I want to get any rest. Rolling my eyes in frustration, I get out of bed, grab a towel, and pull on a pair of clean boxers.

  That’s when I hear Casey’s bedroom door open and light footsteps that are definitely not my sister’s pad slowly down the hallway. We only have a small house with a shared bathroom, much to my little sister’s disgust. My lip quirks up on one side, and I tongue the rings that click together as I smile into the darkness. Ember.

  Carefully opening the bedroom door, so I don't make a noise, I peek out. Dim moonlight shines through the hallway window, faintly illuminating it with an eerie glow. I watch as Ember walks into the bathroom without turning on the light. She has stayed here many times over the years, so this house is almost a second home to her.

  I inch out of the bedroom and walk slowly and steadily down the hallway, keeping my footsteps light. Holding myself flat against the wall, I wait outside the bathroom door for Ember to come out. I am listening to the sound of her moving around in there when I hear something I didn’t expect. A small moan, so faint I nearly missed it. I hold my breath, waiting to see if I was mistaken, but another slightly louder moan reaches my ears.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Fuuuuck. Ember is definitely pleasuring herself in there, and her little sounds have me even harder than I was when I left my bedroom. I adjust myself in my boxers and bite down hard on my lip to stifle the groan that nearly escapes. The little whimpers pick up volume and frequency, but I can tell she's trying to be quiet. Then one particularly long, low moan catches my attention and I know she’s reached completion.

  I hear the sound of water running, and then the lock being turned. As the door opens, I make a snap decision: one I will either instantly regret or fucking savor for the rest of my life, but nothing can stop my next move. Before Ember can step out, my hand is over her mouth, muffling her scream. I shove her back into the bathroom and push her, face forward, up against the door, so that my front is pressed against her back, and she's pinned between me and the frame.

  She has to know who it is because there isn’t anyone else in the house apart from me and Casey. She whimpers in fear as I push my hard cock against her lovely ass, and then tugging her pajama shorts down, I cup her pussy and start to swirl my fingers in her recent release. When Ember lets out a little moan, I turn her head and crash my lips to hers while moving my other hand between us to free my aching hard-on. Still kissing her, I plunge my fingers into her tight pussy while I fist my cock, jerking it roughly.

  I bite her tongue as she comes all over my fingers, drenching them. When I feel myself getting close, I push my wet fingers into her mouth as my cum spurts all over her bare ass. I watch my release slide down the crease between her cheeks, and then spank her there. I leave her, spent, used, and covered in my cum. MINE.

  Chapter Three


  Ash left me alone in that bathroom: confused, wet, covered in his release, and with the taste of my own cum on my tongue. Tears spill from my eyes as I grab a washcloth to clean myself up. He treated me like I was dispensable, just something to get him off. I thought he liked me, but I never expected him to treat me like that. Fuck him and his asshole behavior, he can leave for college and never come back for all I care. What I hate the most is he was the first guy to ever make me orgasm, and it makes me feel sick with remorse I let him give me that first experience for his own satisfaction.

  Casey was right. I shouldn’t act on my crush, he isn’t worth my time. I’ll do what I always intended: focus on my studies and ignore guys until I get to college. It’s not worth the heartbreak and distraction. I just hope Ash realizes that when he returns, I won’t be here, and no matter what he wants from me, he won’t be able to get it. Not after this.

  It takes some time for me to compose myself enough to venture from the bathroom, and I’m relieved to see he isn’t outside when I open the door. I hurry back to Casey’s room and scramble onto the futon that gets made up for me when I sleep over. I’m shaking, trying not to start crying again. I wish I hadn’t left the room, now, but I woke up from a dream of him, hot, sweaty, and throbbing between my legs. I wasn’t about to give myself relief with my best friend in the room.

  I scrunch my eyes up and bury my face in the pillow, using it to muffle my cries. I don’t want to wake Casey up, because I’d have to explain why I’m upset, and I'm not going into that; I can’t. It’s her brother, and talking to her about it would be too weird, even for me. It’s nearly light when I finally succumb to sleep.

  The next morning I plaster a smile on my face and listen to Casey’s chatter about the approaching start of the school year: what the teachers will be like, and what we’ll be studying this year in our elective classes.

  I'm looking forward to my art and graphic design lessons, as well as Biology, which is one of my favorite subjects.

  Ash is noticeably absent at breakfast, and I pretend not to care, but it’s hard not to feel deflated. If Casey notices my somber mood, she doesn’t say anything, probably assuming I’m still embarrassed after yesterday evening. Which, if I’m totally honest with myself, I am, but it doesn’t hold a candle to how embarrassed I felt after Ash degraded me in the bathroom.

  I’ll admit at first when he grabbed me and gave me an orgasm, I was hot and buzzing from his touch, but when he shoved his fingers in my mouth and came on my ass, I felt so humiliated.

  I shake off my disgust, refocus on the conversation, and eat the cereal Casey placed down in front of me before she dropped into the chair opposite. I feel a familiar heat behind me, and I stiffen when her easy smile turns into a sly one as she watches for my reaction. I know instantly that it’s Ash, but I’m not going to turn around and look. I won’t. That asshole isn’t getting any more of my attention.

  He puts his hand on my shoulder as he leans across the table for a napkin, and I brush him off because I can’t stand the thought of him touching me. He doesn’t get to treat me like he did and then act like nothing happened, all the while cozying up to me.

  I take a deep breath, and fighting back the tears that threaten to flow, I pointedly ignore him for the rest of breakfast. I can feel his eyes on me the whole time, watching my every little movement, and it hurts. When I'm done, I stand up and dash from the room, as quickly as I can, with my hand over my mouth. As I leave, I hear Casey speaking to him.

  “Did something happen? What did you do to her?” she asks, and her voice is sharp and accusing as she questions him.

  “No. Nothing happened, so stop speculating, little sister,” Ash answers, his voice clipped and detached.

  I never meant anything to him, and I will make sure my stupid brain and heart understand that. I’ll never be vulnerable like that to him again. I will lock Ash Briggs away into a fucking box in my head and throw away the key.

  I’m lying curled up on Casey’s bed, facing the open window, and playing with the bedspread, when I hear the bedroom door being shut softly and feel the bed dip.

  “What did he do Em?” Casey asks, rubbing my shoulder.

  I shake my head, sighing, “It’s nothing, Case. He's just an asshole. I know he's your brot
her, but he's still an asshole.”

  She laughs, and it’s light and sweet, making me smile. “I know he is, and I’m not offended you think so. If anything, I’m glad because the thought of you and my brother… sooo gross. Even if it meant gaining you as an official sister, I do not want that image.”

  I sit up and hug her, feeling better already. “I love you, Case. I don’t need to be with your brother for you to be my sister. In my mind, you already are.”

  Chapter Four


  I’ve only been at college for two weeks, and I’m already clawing at the walls wondering what Ember is doing. Given how things were between us when I left, she probably isn’t missing me. However, I’m going crazy thinking about her being back at school now with all those little shits who probably can’t keep their hands to themselves.

  Thoughts of her luscious curves I want to put my hands all over, and the smooth brown hair I want to grab in my fist, have given me plenty of fucking orgasms as I jerk off to her every night I’m away.

  I’m tempted to head home next weekend to visit, so I can check on her. I can see Ember under the pretense of wanting to visit my Mom and sister. Mom and her friend came back from their cruise the day before I left for college, so I didn’t really get to see her before I left. It’s the perfect excuse to go home and won’t raise any questions or eyebrows.

  I’ve already scoured her social media for updates, but other than a status with Casey about going back to school, she’s been pretty quiet on there. A knock on my dorm room door draws my attention, and I quickly dim my screen as I go to answer it. I grin when I see who is standing there: my roommate from last year and fellow electrical engineering major, Jason.

  “Hey, man. Wanna go for a drink tonight?” he says brightly.

  I consider refusing for a moment, but the thought of releasing some tension with booze and a willing woman is too tempting to pass up. It won’t be like having Ember, but I have to remind myself that she's too young and I need to wait until she's at college before I make my next move.

  “Sure, count me in,” I respond, grabbing my leather jacket from the hook by the door, and shoving my wallet into the pocket.

  I glance back once at the darkened screen, which is hiding Ember from sight and smirk. She won’t know what’s hit her. We were meant to be together, and the way she responded to my touch in the bathroom solidified it. I didn’t want to leave her like that, but if I hadn’t, I would have just ended up fucking her against the door, and then I’d have never been able to leave her behind.

  The bar we go to insists on everyone being carded, no matter their age, but we get in without a fuss. The music is loud, and the drumbeat pumping through the speaker system gets my blood racing. The presence of so many bodies makes the atmosphere heavy and hot.

  Having headed straight to the bar to get drinks, we don’t bother trying to shout over the music, and instead I scour the pulsing crowd, looking for a potential fuck. My heart is pounding out the beat to Stupify by Disturbed, and I smirk at the lyrics because with Ember it would be more than an innocent fuck. A brunette with nice tits and a fuck me look on her face sidles up to me, and I give her a dirty grin as I check her out.

  The sound of flesh slapping fills the quiet alleyway behind the bar. The music is fainter out here but still audible as I fuck the brunette in time to the beat.

  She holds the wall for support while I pound into her from behind, fisting her hair roughly and arching her back without any care for her comfort.

  Fuck, I wish this was Ember, but with her similar hair color and being unable to see her face, I can almost pretend. Will Ember respond so well to me? Will she whimper or scream when I fill her with my cock? I grow harder at the thought and then groan.

  I jerk my cock roughly into the unnamed woman, and she moans, “I’m coming.”

  I smack her ass, and when she clenches around my length, I cum. I pull out and remove the used condom; I’m not stupid enough to hook-up with a random slut and not wear one. I toss it in a nearby dumpster and then zip up my jeans. I don’t hang around to get her name, and she doesn’t call after me.

  Having taken the edge off, I’m satisfied for the time being and finally feel less tense, but it doesn’t satiate my hunger for Ember. Nothing but having her beneath me as I own her tight pussy will ever satisfy me fully. I just need to wait for the right time to snatch her up. She’ll belong to me, soon. I'm coming home, and I hope she's ready to see me when I arrive.

  I walk with purpose back to the dorm and pull my phone out.

  I fire off a short text message to Casey.

  ME: Coming home for the weekend, see you soon.

  Chapter Five


  School is already dragging, and it’s only been a few weeks since term started. I can’t believe I only have one more year of this before I finally get out of here. I'm so ready for school to be over; I don’t know where I’ll go to college yet, but as long as it isn’t here, I’ll be ok with it.

  Sure, I’ll miss my dad, but I can’t stay here forever. I need to get out there and spread my wings. I think the hardest part will be if Casey and I go to separate colleges. I can’t imagine being without her constant bubbly chatter and will miss her crazy ass so much, especially at the start.

  “Em? Wakey, wakey. You were off in your own world, again. What’s up, babe?” Casey asks, waving her hand in front of my face.

  I blink in surprise before smiling at her and sighing. “Just thinking about the future. Hoping we get into the same college.”

  She laughs and then looks suddenly wistful. “We better get into the same college. I’ll miss you too much if we go to separate ones.”

  Casey’s phone chimes, and she pulls it out of her pocket to check it. Her face lights up when she sees the message on the screen

  She squeals, “Ash is coming home for the weekend!”

  My face must betray some of my emotions because she frowns. “You’ll still come over tomorrow night, won’t you? Please don’t worry, Em. I’ll make sure he behaves.”

  I plaster a smile on my face and manage to keep my voice even. “Sure, I’m not going to let Ash keep me from spending time with my bestie.”

  I can’t help the knot of dread that forms in my stomach at the thought of seeing him again, though. His rejection still stings, and I don’t really want him to know I’m still reeling from it. The next day passes quickly, too quickly. Soon enough I’m heading over to Casey’s for the night, and my stomach is trying to leave the building.

  I steel myself before I knock on the door. I couldn't come straight over to Casey’s, because I had to see my dad first and spend a little time with him. To my absolute horror, Ash answers the door, and staring up at him, I freeze. He seems even taller than when I last saw him, but I must be imagining things. Ash always did tower over my five foot, two inches with his six foot frame. I can’t breathe, and the color of his eyes seems to darken as he looks me over. He appears… hungry.

  Casey’s voice breaks through our silent standoff, “Em, I’m upstairs!”

  “Coming!” I call back, and I see Ash smirk.

  I blush and squeeze past him, my body brushing against his because the asshole doesn’t move to allow me through. I let out a shiver at the contact and then dash up the stairs like the hounds of hell are chasing me. I feel Ash’s eyes on my back the whole way, but I don’t give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his stare.

  I shut Casey’s door behind me, and throwing myself down next to her on the bed, I cover my eyes with my hands and groan.

  “What’s up with you?” Casey laughs, smiling at me.

  “Hello to you, too!” I reply, grinning back at her and then sighing. “It’s nothing just your brother, again.”

  She huffs, “I’ll kick his ass if he keeps messing with you.”

  I burst out laughing. The thought of her doing that for me is enough to cheer me up. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle him if he keeps on.”

asey raises an eyebrow at me and looks skeptical, but she doesn’t say anything else just gives me a hug and smiles knowingly. I don’t bring him up again, and neither does she. We spend the evening chatting about anything and everything. She's just telling me about this guy in our class who she thinks is cute when we are interrupted by Casey’s mom, Shelly, poking her head around the door.

  “Hi, sweetie. I‘m home now. Oh, hi there, Ember. Are you staying tonight?” she asks, sounding happy but tired.

  I nod. “Yes, Shelly. It’s good to see you.”

  She smiles at us both and then leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

  “She looks tired, Case. Is she still working a lot?” I ask, and Casey looks sad.

  “Yeah, she's trying to get this promotion at work, so she won’t have to do as many hours and can be home more. Now Ash is back at college, it’s even quieter around here than it was before,” Casey says, smiling once again.

  My mind begins to wander when she brings Ash up. I know he’s her brother, so she's going to talk about him at times, but I just wish I could forget that night. It haunts my fantasies and still feeds my resentment toward him for leaving me the way he did. What hurts the most is that he didn’t give me any explanation as to why he left me so abruptly, like I was a cheap slut, after spilling his release all over my skin.


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