The Starry Wisdom
Page 29
You are right next to her now, you are aware of the particles which blow around her and will soon infest your system, it is time for consumation, already your mechanical cock is spurting involuntary jolts of electric orgasm, sparking skylike in the gloom; you take the razor...
Oh mother machine, we humble ourselves as mere terminals in the skirts of your holy network... oh mother machine who saved us from the Ark... we shall not disconnect nor malfunction nor... you place the razor gently against her soft flesh and begin the slow incision, she stirs slightly, still starring at you, curling her glistening ape-lips in adoration... and as you insert your probe into the smooth running wound, you are home at last.
Claudia Belloq
The man stood before her. He stared at her and she wriggled slightly, uncomfortable under his gaze. She’d been there for about three or four days now she thought, though she’d lost track of time in the gradual deprivation of her senses.
Everything she’d known before had become alien to her in the short time she’d been kept there. Her life as it was may as well have belonged to somebody else before the precise moment in time when the man at the bar had caught her eye and her life had changed forever.
She’d willingly gone home with him; sexy, funny and charming, he had easily appealed to her desire for love and companionship above all else. It was when she arrived at his apartment that she began to feel slightly uneasy; just the merest hint at that point but nevertheless evident when she checked in with her gut instinct. It was at this precise moment that she made the (perhaps?) fatal mistake of ignoring instinct in the pursuit of love.
They hadn’t fucked. She could say she was somewhat disappointed, but right now the truth was that she was neither disappointed nor relieved because she’d lost her ability to make sense of anything at all. She was disorientated, which was exactly how he wanted her: she was his living experiment.
The young woman squirmed and tugged at her wrist ties; they were hurting now, and she needed to pee again.
She signalled to him, her humiliation just about total with this ritual he had devised in order to meet her basic needs.
He arrived with the bedpan, gently lifted her ass to place it beneath her and then watched whilst she peed into it. He removed it with a tenderness that puzzled her, wiped her pussy with a delicate cloth wipe and then left to empty the receptacle.
When he returned, she knew another ‘episode’ was about to start; she had begun to tap into other secondary senses since being held captive like this. Although she’d initially become disorientated very rapidly, she had begun to rely upon her ‘sixth’ senses much more since that point. She may not have known where she was or why she was there; logic and reason departing, but her sense of hearing had become much, much keener, and her sense of smell was really sharp now, animal almost. Sweat, new sweat, a stranger’s sweat could make her retch with fear. She would know instantly a new person entered the room despite her awkward vantage point; the fear mingling inextricably with the awareness.
She could feel the change in his energy as if it were as real as an electric current passing through her. He was making ready for something; something he in turn feared. A tear dropped from the corner of her eye which he also wiped away with great tenderness, and then smiled softly at her.
Five others entered the room. There had only been one or two on the previous occasions, but she somehow knew that this was different. She recognised the faces of a couple of them who had already ‘visited’ her and it made her feel nauseous to see them there again. What they’d subjected her to already wasn’t far enough removed from her memory. She pulled at all of her ties but it just made her ankles and wrists burn on the existing sores, so she gave up trying. She knew it was futile in any case but felt she owed it to herself to try.
“Is she ready?” asked one of the group?
“Yes…she has been well prepared” replied her captor.
The six people in total, the five and her captor, began to collect a number of things from around the edges of the room. She strained her neck to see but found that there wasn’t much movement afforded from the head restraint into which she had been bound. Her gaze was meant to be strictly ‘straight ahead only’ in order that she had no choice but to gaze directly into the eyes of the one who would be coming soon. The group started to bathe her with some kind of warm to hot liquid that felt exquisite on her skin, though it had a strange smell, not dissimilar to the smell of oak-moss resin, or cypress or some other woody plant-based oil.
It smelled slightly bitter; a bit like burnt almonds…
The man who had captured her came and placed his face so close to her pussy that she could feel his breath on her vulva. It was arousing her and she flushed pink, not wanting to admit this to either herself or to her captor.
“Please…let me go,” she whispered.
Where had her voice gone? She was more afraid than she realised….
“Sorry, no can do baby; he’s expecting you now.”
“Who is? What the fuck is happening here? But the man just put his fingers to her lips and hushed her. “Such foul language for such a pretty young thing…it’s hardly fitting my sweet”.
He stepped back a little, clearly satisfied with her ‘appearance’, and beckoned each person forward one by one. The first shoved a finger into her pussy which made her yelp: it was unexpected. He pulled it out and licked it slowly, nodding to the man beside her…”yes, she’s good” he said, and moved away. She was puzzled, angry and afraid at the same time…
Next a woman approached holding a delicate fuschia-pink, orchid flower in her palm. She showed it to the captive woman and then knelt before her and pushed it gently into her vagina. The captured woman felt exposed… she had no idea what was happening to her but this ritual was clearly an important part of whatever it was. The young woman felt another tear fall down the side of her cheek, wetting her ear. The next three people who approached her all placed something inside her vagina; the first a small berry or seed of some kind, the second a tiny silver chain and the third, one half of a love heart, not unlike the kind you give to your first teenage boyfriend; each of you wears one half until you part. Then when you do, you inevitably despise the thing forever.
Finally her captor approached with a small pot containing some kind of heavy viscous oil. He smeared it around her vagina, her labia, a little inside the entrance to her hole and a fingertip of it around her asshole. She looked alarmed but he just nodded to her slowly again. She could feel a deep, throbbing heat rising where the oil had touched her skin. Then he placed a drop or two on her lips and rubbed it into her mouth, the inside of her cheeks and onto the tip of her tongue. She gagged and tried not to swallow, but lying prone made her swallowing reflex as inevitable as breathing or she would begin to choke very quickly.
The liquid was making her limbs feel heavy and she started to imagine herself flying off into great clouds of billowing azure blue smoke, a crystal sea of fractured light and form. As she was drifting her sensory signals kicked in automatically, something had changed in the room but she didn’t know what. She could hear heavy footsteps approaching and there was a hushed reverie in the room.
“She is ready, and is perhaps the most perfect yet My Liege.”
She looked in front of her and saw him then. A muscular, well built man-beast of unknown origin. She wanted to scream but her voice was somewhere lost in those clouds. Nothing worked; there was no co-ordination or synchronicity left in her. Only open exposed flesh and being. The only thing they had left her with was her lace panties which were twisted around one ankle, still as pink and delicate as when she had put them on all that time ago…..
He placed himself between her legs and instructed that her binds be loosened. She exhaled with floods of relief…he was going to offer her free-will? However, with a click of his masterful fingers, he summoned the stirrups to be brought out and fixed beside her, just as she felt four pairs of hands take firm hold of her l
egs and fasten them securely into the metal hospital examination contraptions. Jesus no… ”please don’t hurt me” she whimpered….
He stood proud and tall; cloaked, and in readiness.
The girl’s tears flowed easily now, wetting the sheet beneath her and filling her with a sense of increased panic as she recognised that her auto-responses spoke volumes to her.
The six people stepped forward and removed the heavy velvet cape from the shoulders of the man-beast and he moved one step closer now. He looked her in the eye. His eyes flickered emerald green and were full of lascivious power. He needed her now. She wasn’t going anywhere. The helpers then removed the cloth that had been covering his loins and the woman screamed again, only this time she heard herself. The beast had a cock that was a living creature in itself. He was host to an independent life-form and it was clearly hungry, teeth snapping and tongue lolling out in greedy anticipation of her cunt and she knew it.
The thing held his parasitic attachment in his two hands as it began to screech and take a more accessible form. “Feed! Me! Now!” it commanded and the woman tried in vain to appeal to any last remnant of reason in the people surrounding them. Then she noticed the expressions on their faces; uniformly lascivious, and gave up…she was saving them from themselves. Her presence there provided them a necessary shield from their own shadows.
The creature was so close now she could feel the edges of its parasite cock-thing touching her clitoris for the briefest of moments.
It was in that moment that she realised, and acknowledged, that she wanted it….badly.
It was braying now to get inside her. It needed her innocence but above all it needed her fear, and her fear was gone. In its place was something like lust. Reason told her that this creature was so vile and despicable that there was no way on earth she would surrender without a fight but her pussy was begging for the moment when it would enter her, promising to devour her.
She looked it in the eye…the man-beast and then his cock-appendage. Straight, square in the eye and the thing flickered a moment; hesitated for one, split, second.
That’s when everything changed…
Its desire for her cunt was so strong now that it couldn’t stop, despite the man-beast’s best efforts. The man-beast, being a thinking creature, recognised what had transpired in the previous moment. The cock-beast did not.
It’s white stretched lips were dribbling something like a yellow pus of pre-cum arousal as it neared the girl’s vaginal opening. It was sniffing like a stuck pig and wriggling like a kitten in the hands of some callous schoolboy experiment.
The girl was both repulsed and fascinated by it; she’d never seen anything so vile and yet it was so clearly hungry for her. The creature’s hunger was making her incredibly sexually aroused. She whispered, quiet enough that no-one else could hear her…perhaps the words never even emerged; she couldn’t be sure what was real any more…
”Come on now baby…enter me now…push deep, and hard, and make it better than anything I’ve ever known….take me to the heights of the heavens and the depths of hell in one single moment of entry….take me now!”
The cock-beast sat with its ‘head’ at her vaginal opening and then let out an ear-splitting howl which shattered the windows spraying rainbows of cut glass into the flesh of those in the room who were watching. The girl screamed and the creature entered her at precisely that moment. The light in the room shed fractals all around them which were coming from their collected energies as the thing pushed itself further and further into her pussy. The force of it made her gasp and she wept rivers of tears now as it pushed mercilessly and relentlessly into her cunt, making its way up her canal, through her womb, through her belly, towards her heart. It was looking for her heart but she was no longer afraid. Surrendering to the cock-beast’s thrashing movements, her whole body was electric with sex, pleasure and desire. The two of them were merging. The beast was becoming her, and she it. No boundaries, everything melting…dissolving. Who was she?
Now it was the man-beast who was weeping and begging as his cock-appendage was clearly being devoured from the inside out. The girl was looking at him; her tears dried, her lips open around her teeth, back bucking against her restraints. She was arching in ecstatic pleasures like nothing he personally had ever imagined let alone witnessed. Then it came…the sound and smell of death; a darkness that fell and a strangeness in the air that took everyone with it; no question of that. The spectators dropped to their knees, they did not know how to act without a guide.
The man-beast went limp and the girl broke her bonds as effortlessly as had they never been there. She sat up. He cunt was dripping a viscous mix of blood, semen, the beast’s decaying flesh and her own cum…she rubbed her hands into it and then pulled it across her face, her hair, down her chest and torso, and her back. She spread it into her thighs, her calves, her feet, and then wiped it around her mouth and licked her palms clean like a preening cat.
“I think you underestimated me,” she said as she left the snivelling pile of bodies in the room. “That was possibly the best sex I’ve ever had...”” And with that, she was gone.
Joshua Hayes
¡Aqui! General Pontoma screams jabbing his finger at topographical map ¡Aqui! Aqui! Aqui! Y aqui! Aide staggers across room flabby red intestines clutched in hands dark blood squirting through fingers dripping on the battered floorboards Sesseno stoops to fit through doorframe ¡Buenas noches General! Vamos a follar! Sesseno nearly has to crawl across the cramped ramshackle cobertizo to reach General Pontoma; General Pontoma pulls Colt .45 from black leather belt holster Sesseno slaps gun from hand pushes General over clutter of maps charts photographs rolling pencils wrenches General’s shoulders from sockets and fucks in thick swollen culo while leaning down screaming into ear ¡Sí, sí, sí, usted es igual que una colegiala!
Beatrice crouches in the shower, sops of her dark hair cling to her neck and face. She stares at her toes and at the water eddying down the drain.
Graham is standing above her, scrawny and awkward, staring sadly at Beatrice’s small, perfect body. Pimples fleck his narrow shoulders and boney chest; psoriatic plaques cover his inner thighs.
The woman squirmed beneath the Rape Machine’s™ restrictor clamps as it rose and fell with invariable rhythm, grinding and hissing and squealing mechanically. The woman screamed. It was a C-Model Rape Machine™ equipped with loudspeakers and a string of prerecorded phrases, a design initiative that was either an attempt at humanization or a sarcastic spoonful of sugar. “LET IT HAPPEN” the Rape Machine™ droned. “LET IT HAPPEN LET IT HAPPEN LET IT HAPPEN”.
With the worldwide legalization of rape a trillion dollar market was blown wide open for governments and private sectors alike. In 2010 an estimated seventeen percent of the global population had been victims* of a rape* or a sexual assault. Five years after rape’s legalization this figure had tripled and everyone on earth had either raped or been raped by a loved* one. Two thousand and something saw the Australian government generate twenty-five billion dollars in revenue from their comparatively mild rape taxes. In Japan one hundred rape assistance devices were being patented a day. The world’s governments took further advantage of the new socioeconomic climate by manufacturing their own robotic rape assistors and selling them to one another. Sybians in rickety, remote control spider frames were replaced by billion-dollar machines as paradigm shift after paradigm shift washed through the world of robotics. Competing budgets climbed higher and higher and many predicted economic implosion...
“Ok girls, let’s go. No time to waste if we want to fit in lunch as well.”
Audrey totters unsteadily over the cobblestones on her 10 cm heels and makes a lunge for the doors of Marks and Dixon. Once inside she regains her composure and glides across the marble floor towards the perfume counter.
Her rotating retinue – yesterday Phee, Pip and Sky; today Tory, Brandy and Cody – follows in her wake. They all spray on
various samples of a hundred dollar a bottle fragrance and in a heady fug of mixed aromas proceed to the escalator.
Upstairs in the softly carpeted surrounds of women’s designer wear they attack the racks with the fervency of a group of vultures pecking over a fresh carcass.
“Hey Cody, this would look gorgeous on you! Go try it on!”
“God! You know I can’t wear cream, Tory. It makes me look like I have a perpetual hangover.”
“Well you do, don’t you sweetie?”
“ Yeah but I don’t want the whole goddamn world knowing.”
“Hey this is gorgeous and only $500. What do you think? Is it too short?”
“Hell no, not with your legs.”
An hour and many garment changes later the girls are in the lingerie department.
“I am definitely having that black corset and matching suspenders now that Ollie has fucked off.”
“Fo sho girl! And don’t you just love this little cami and thong set – that poor fool sho as hell doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
Having maxed out one set of credit cards, the girls move on from designer underwear to high-powered weaponry. They scour the hydraulic racks of Fisher Firearms looking for that perfect gun that balances reliability with precision and a high rate of fire.
“Ooh, baby!” Tory purrs. She holds up a Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun.
“Oh, I can totally see you blowing off some nigger’s head with that,” Brandy tells her.
“Wow!” Exclaims Audrey. “Hey girls! Look at what I found...” She shows her retinue a Colt Delta Elite 10mm handgun.
“Whoa!” Cody gasps. “Is that a Delta Elite?”
“Those things are totally rare!” Tory eyes the weapon enviously.
“What do you girls think of this?” Brandy shows the girls a Kimber Grand Raptor II.