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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 13

by Alexie Aaron

  Lazar appreciated Robin’s help. Mia reached over and squeezed the young woman’s hand. “Thank you.”

  “Some people never grow up,” she said. “What did you do? Steal her boyfriend in high school?”

  “Um no. I didn’t have a boyfriend until I left home. It’s a mystery why I’m the target again.”


  “Ask any local about Crazy Cooper, the girl who screamed in the graveyard, and then come to me and I’ll tell you the real story. Right now, I’d like to gracefully walk out of here and go home.”

  “You’d better do it soon, half-time in two minutes.”

  Mia sent a thought to Cid. “I’m going to fly Varden home. Thank Rand when you see her.” Mia exited the stadium being careful to keep to the shadows. She brought out her wings and took off flying into the dark.

  “Mommy’s flying with Varden,” Varden said.

  Mia took the long way home. She skimmed over the lake, and Varden giggled as he saw the fish in the clear, calm water. She flew over the trees and landed in the aerie. She rushed Varden to the bathroom.

  “Close call!” she said.

  “Varden pee pee.”

  Mia walked down the stairs with him and pulled a few books on Norse Mythology off the shelves before they left the aerie and made their way to the farmhouse.

  “You’re home early,” Murphy said, joining her.

  “It was time to go,” Mia said stiffly.

  “A lady pulled Mommy’s hair and yelled bad words.”

  “Did you get into a fight?”

  “No. I stood there and took it. Rand Templeton stepped in, and Susan and Deb tossed the lady out.”

  “Who was it?”

  Mia shrugged. “Does it matter? Maybe I shouldn’t have come back to raise my children here. There’s not a week that goes by that someone doesn’t yell Crazy Cooper out the window of their car. It has to be hell for Dieter and Brian.”

  “Maybe you should talk with them. Tell them your side of the story.”

  “I don’t want them to look at me with pity or at others with anger.”

  “Mommy has Murphy and Varden to keep her happy.”

  “Yes, Mommy does,” Mia said and lifted Varden and spun around in a circle.

  They reached the farmhouse, and Mia was greeted with a barking Maggie. She unlocked the door and let the dog jump on her. She walked into the kitchen and set Varden down in his chair. “Do you want some juice?”

  Varden shook his head. “I want a beer.”

  “You do?”


  “Sorry, kiddo, but you have to be at least six years old.”

  It was Murphy’s turn to laugh.

  Varden settled for a sippy cup of milk. Mia waited until he was finished before she took him upstairs. She let him play on the nursery floor while she sat and researched Odin, Vili, and Ve.

  Ted burst in on them. Mia let out a little scream of surprise. Varden chirped.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what happened. Brian was asleep, and I was checking line 2468 of code.”

  “It’s okay. Rand Templeton came to my rescue.”

  “Old Lady Templeton?”

  “The very gal. I now understand why the kids are afraid of her.”

  Cid walked by with a sleeping Brian. Lazar arrived. “Mia, can I get you anything?”

  “What about Dieter?”

  “Susan Braverman said that Tom was taking the team out to the Dairy Bear, win or lose, so she’d make sure he made it home in one piece,” Lazar told her.

  Varden yawned, and Ted whisked him off for one last potty trip before he was put to bed.

  “That’s two weeks of dry days and nights. I think we need a new bed so he can get up by himself and use the toilet or a potty chair if he needs it.”

  “I’ll design something,” Cid promised.

  “Thank you, I’ll pay you for your time.”

  Ted brought Varden back in on his shoulder. “The littlest dude fell asleep on the toilet.”

  Ted tucked him in, and the three moved into the sitting room. Only then did Mia break down and cry. Cid and Ted took turns hugging her. Only the preyed upon can truly know the pain she was going through.

  “I embarrassed our children by just being there,” Mia hiccupped.

  “Brian was asleep, and Dieter was playing.”

  “He’ll hear about it in school.”

  “I have a feeling that all he’ll hear about is some drunken lady attacking a young woman holding a baby,” Cid said. “I’m going to leave a voicemail of thanks for Rand.”

  Cid and Lazar exchanged looks as they passed each other in the kitchen but said nothing further. Each had things on their mind.

  Enos and Seth landed softly. They were there to keep a silent watch over the Martin family.

  Inside the office, Ted sat down. Mia arrived with a thermos of freshly brewed coffee doctored the way Ted loved it.

  “I need to consult with you about some information I found out.”

  “Can it wait until tomorrow?”

  “Yes, it can, but if you could pencil me in before you leave to talk to Charles, I’d be appreciative.”

  Ted typed it into his schedule.

  “Cool beans,” Mia said. She got up and kissed Ted. “Goodnight, Jake.”

  “Goodnight, Mia.”

  Mia hugged Ted again and left the office.

  Marvin appeared on the monitor. “What’s going on, Earthling?”

  “I’m not sure. I feel numb.”

  “You’re just numbers-numb.”

  “I hope so.”

  “She loves you.”

  “She was hurt tonight, and I didn’t even notice. Cid had to pull me away during halftime. I didn’t hear about it until we got into the car.”

  “Could you have done anything to help her?”

  “No. She’d be humiliated if her husband had to tell the mean lady off. It was handled well, but I feel so helpless.”

  Inside the farmhouse, Mia was cleaning the kitchen. Lazar walked in and took a seat.

  “What can I get for you, partner?” Mia said.

  “A beer, and put it in a dirty glass.”

  “I’ve seen your type before. You’re going to end up face down in your own vomit.”

  “And my mother never thought I’d end up amounting to anything.”

  Mia smiled and handed Lazar a beer in a glass she frosted herself.

  “How’d you do that?”

  “Science,” was all Mia would say.

  Lazar took a long drink. “That chick was an asshole.”

  “That chick was guano loco.”

  “You seem to have rebounded.”

  “Us nerds and freaks had a hug, and we’re going to be fine. Thank you for coming to the rescue. Thank Robin for me.”

  “I will. I’m proud of you for holding your cool. People around us were very upset you were being picked on. Later, I heard that it must be because you ended up so famous.”


  “The Bodacious Beach Bod poster.”

  “When will that stop haunting me?”

  “It’s in its sixth printing. I’m sure you’re still getting checks.”

  “Yes. I put it towards Burt’s utilities and my taxes on the house he lives in.”

  “You’re supporting Burt.”



  “I don’t really know? I do know that in his mind he’ll pay me back one day, and then I’ll be freaking rich.”

  “Your heart’s too big.”

  “Hearts are amazing things. You can stuff a lifetime of love into them, and there is still room for more.”

  “I’ll take your word for it. Is Ted coming in?”

  “I have a feeling the mister is going to work all night. I’ll drive him in for his appointment tomorrow and bring my truck back.”

  “Why did you fly home from Chicago?”

  “Tripped and fell in Lake Michigan. I didn’t want to ruin the
seats, so I flew us back.”

  “Is that the story you want believed?”


  “Not Murphy’s version of him getting drunk in the GSD and you having to bring the sot home? I bet he puked on you.”

  “He isn’t a good flier sober,” was all Mia would say.

  Chapter Twelve

  They had made landfall. The ice rafts held long enough to carry them west to Saglarsuk Bay, where they started their trek in a southwestern direction. They consulted with the norns, Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. They counseled the three riders to move at night. It would take time to move the warriors unseen. There was no need to rush. The door had not been opened yet. Odin was happy to ride with his two brothers again. Vili roused the tribe with promises of treasures while Ve entered the underworld to collect on some debts owed to him.

  When he was cast out of Heaven, Lucifer had prayed to Ve and asked him for sight when the fall took his. Sight was given. He prayed to be given the face – he had so prided himself for - to be returned to him. The handsome visage was given. Ve had given him everything but the wings that were taken from Lucifer when he fell. The debt was large, and Lucifer thought it was forgotten until Ve showed up in a dream.

  “I will be collecting on what is owed,” Ve said.

  “What do you want?” Lucifer asked, hoping to bargain down the debt.

  “The doorway to Niflheim and Muspell has been unburied. It has been taken. We need to retrieve the unopened door and bury it once more. If it has been opened, you are called upon to fight the frost giants, who would be the first to move through the doorway into this world.”

  “My generals have grown fat and lazy. How many giants are we talking about?”

  “An infinite amount. But you will only have to fight them until we arrive and set things right. Above all, Lucifer, you must not let Surtr leave his post. Nyx is sending you a daughter who will be most helpful.”

  “I need no more maidens to shriek and need protecting.”

  “This is no maiden,” Ve said. “She is known and unknown to you. Trust her.”


  Mia had just finished feeding the late-arriving but always hungry Dieter. He told Mia all about the game, and she listened with rapt attention. There was no need tonight to tell him that she was the cause of the family missing half the game. Dieter just assumed that the little boys, who weren’t used to late hours, conked out.

  She pulled on a hoodie and walked out on the porch to enjoy the quiet of the night. Ted would be working late, and Mia didn’t want to go to bed without him.

  “Mia, come.” Michael’s call was unexpected, but she could use another perspective on this door. He may even know something about Odin, Vili, and Ve that wasn’t written down. Mia walked into the house and left a note on the coffee pot.

  She walked away from the house when she sensed she was being watched.

  “Who’s there?” she asked.

  “Birdman watch,” Enos said quietly.

  “Is there trouble stirring?” Mia asked.

  “Just a precaution.”

  “I’ve been called by Michael.”

  “The between is quiet tonight,” Seth called over.

  “Thank you,” Mia said, unfurled her wings, and took off. Mia let Michael’s call guide her. He had so many lairs, and Mia was a horrible navigator when she flew. She appreciated the guiding call.

  She found herself in his crystal anteroom. Mia knelt down and put her hand on the floor, expecting to see a dark mark when she lifted it but was relieved when there was none. Crystal absorbs evil. The white turns black until the evil has been destroyed, and then its white color returns. It was an excellent filter for emissaries who had to venture into Lucifer’s lair.

  The door opened, and Mia walked into the meeting room. She didn’t see anyone around, but it didn’t mean that they weren’t there. Mia walked forward and knelt.

  Michael, who was puzzled by her unexpected reverence, put his hand on her head. “What’s wrong?”

  “Forgive me, Michael, I have sinned.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I have such hate in my heart, I don’t know how to release it.”

  “Go on.”

  Mia told him about the Cynosura and Father Santos, which he knew about, and then about Lisa Lane-Cordoba. “I don’t know what I did to her to make her want to debase me in front of my family, friends, and my hometown? Am I so horrible that I incite this kind of behavior?”

  Michael didn’t really know what to do. He was a general, not an angel of comfort. He simply guided her from the floor to the divan, held her hand, and let her cry. He had seen Mia express most every emotion, but this kind of self-loathing sadness was new. “How such a beautiful person, inside and out, can have any problems is beyond my understanding,” he admitted. “There are people in the world who are truly evil. They blame others for their troubles and enjoy bringing happy people low. They have this false sense of entitlement that baffles me. As a child of God, you are entitled to forgiveness because of the Gentle One. But you must earn your place on the planet. And this is done with compassion for the less fortunate and hard work.”

  Mia looked up to him as he spoke. She rarely saw him without a Mia-sized frown on his face.

  “Thank you for listening to me. Sometimes, just knowing someone is hearing your cries in the night is enough to get up in the morning.”

  “I’m not good at this. Now if you want me to smote someone…”

  Mia shook her head. “I’m sorry, you called me?”

  “You and I have been looking into the same problem.”

  “The door.”

  “You’ve seen the prophesy. Your involvement has been foretold by seers older than Lucifer’s existence on Earth. I’ve looked at the book in Bernard’s safe and find it a bit tricky, but it’s real. I’m calling you to handle the situation.”

  “Because I’m this supposed daughter of Nyx.”

  “But, Mia, you are she. I can see it in your aura. You’re still the little misfit that Sariel so loves, but you’re so much more. You’ve been given a gift by a powerful being. She has given you infinite power when you’re in battle. It doesn’t mean that you can’t be killed. What it means is, properly trained, you will be able to lead an army and defend yourself until the last drop of your human blood has left you. Correctly used, your new ability to become stardust will get you out of sticky situations.”

  “I’m no leader. But I will follow you.”

  “I’m not the one who has been tasked with this problem. My brother has.”

  “Gabriel? He’s not going to want me around.”

  “He’s an ass. He doesn’t know your potential. But no, Gabe hasn’t been asked to stop the frost giants. Lucifer has. I have agreed to loan you to Lucy.”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  “Part of the prophesy has you riding one of Abigor’s flying horses, leading his army. Because of your quick killing of Ruax, you are feared and respected in Hell. The warriors will follow you, but you must stand your ground. In order to do this, there must be no doubt in your mind. No disconnect. Because of this, I broke with tradition and contacted Victor. He will take you into Hell to consult with Lucifer. After, he will train you.”

  “What if I can get them to keep the door closed?”

  “Then all of this will have been a great goodwill mission between me and Lucy.”

  “Why are you helping him?”

  “If he wins, the earth survives. If he loses, then Surtr will leave his post and destroy mankind and every god who exists on Earth, one by one. We’re talking Dis Pater, Lucifer, the Greeks who have stuck around, and the Norse whose realm is bleeding into ours causing this. We all share the planet but in different realms. If one realm destroys the planet, then we all die. We are, as you are fond of saying, inextricably interconnected.”

  “I had no idea.”

  Michael smiled. She didn’t fight him or his explanation. Mia was showing a maturity he had longed to see in h
er. She was reckless but only because her heart was so big.

  “Mia, in order to fulfil a promise I made to Victor, and to make you as strong as I can, I must ask you to allow me change you. I know you hate it when us big guys mess around with you. You’re not a robot but a living creature who was bred for destruction but who has instead has been our salvation. But there are flaws. Some of them are mine. I let my jealousy get the better of me.”

  “I understand the stakes, and I agree. But please don’t take my ability to love from me. I know a soft heart in battle is many a warrior’s undoing. If you want me to fight for the world, then leave me a world to come home to.”

  “I will take this into consideration. The transfer will be quick and relatively painless. Sleep, Mia.”

  Mia slept.


  Altair landed and walked over to where Lucifer was gazing out over the River Styx. He reached out a hand to his old friend. Lucifer shook it. “Well?”

  “Michael has confirmation that something is afoot. The daughter of Nyx has been chosen and will arrive here soon. There is an illuminated manuscript that maybe Dis Pater’s di inferi could snatch for you that may help you out. It’s a prophesy that continues to change.”

  “Damn Norse gods, why did I ever fall into bed with those tricky bastards?”

  “I have to warn you that the daughter of Nyx is a favorite of your brother. Do not discard her cruelly when you’re finished with her.”

  “Nah uh, Ve said the daughter would not be a maiden. Michael only collects the pure of heart.”

  “Mia Cooper Martin is married. She is not a maiden.”

  “Mia? Abigor is going to flip. You can’t be happy about this.”

  “I know the toll this will take on her marriage. Ted is a strong human, but he is human.”

  “The last time I saw Mia, she was ready to kill both Roumain and Michael. If she wants to play with the big boys, she’s going to have to take a few for the team.”

  “I’d rather you not tempt her.”

  “I forgot, she’s your friend.”

  “Friend or not, Michael has loaned her to you. That is as far as he’ll go to help you out.”


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