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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 17

by Alexie Aaron

  “Why?” Victor asked.

  “This crisis involves old Norse gods who came after her. One-eyed Odin, Vili, and Ve. They - aside from in comic books - have all but been forgotten. They have some power generated from the meager tales and poetry that are still studied. But when I fell, they were the big players. They were the A-Team. I made a deal with Ve, and he just called in my chit. I’m to supply the army, if need be, to contain the frost giants. Once they are in play, then Surtr will be free, and he will destroy this planet, and I guess us with it.”

  “Why Nyx?”

  “I assume one of the brothers got one of her kids out of trouble. Nyx has so many children, it’s only a guess which one fucked up this bad.”

  They ordered food, and Lucifer reminded Murphy to save room for pie before he continued with his tale.

  “Mia’s parents were part of a group of scientists and grave robbers who were guided by the Cynosura to the door. They were fed information that there was treasure to be had, but the vault had to be opened correctly or everything would disappear in an acid bath. Time was running out – again, I think, contrived – and they decided to take the vault to the States instead of bringing their expert to Iceland, Norway, some place cold.”

  “Why do the Cynosura want the door to be opened?” Murphy asked.

  “It’s simple. If they can’t rule the world, and it’s looking like it’s the end of their days - thanks to you all - they are going to end the world for everyone. This is their Jonestown, their endgame. Kill us all. They probably are counting on the light to send their souls to their star. Gerald Shem probably has favors owed by Azrael’s staff. I really can only speculate how deeply these bastards are entrenched.”

  “What monsters!” Victor exclaimed.

  “We’re all monsters; we just need the proper motivation.”

  Abigor and Mia walked towards Abigor’s stables. “You really shouldn’t trust me. I’m one of the bad guys.”

  “I find honor on both sides of the fence. Like it or not, you’re honorable.”

  “I’d still love to plow your furrow.”

  “It’s not going to happen.”

  Abigor opened the stable door, and the sounds of an agitated steed reached Mia’s ears. “Lucifer said that you told Roumain you’d rather fuck my horse than make love to him. Ever since, my horse has been acting oddly.”

  Mia was speechless.

  Abigor stroked her arm. “Remember, when you make a threat, be prepared to follow through.”

  “I’m not going to fuck your horse,” Mia said, yanking her arm out of Abigor’s grasp.

  He laughed. “Come and meet your horse. She’s a beautiful mare.”

  Mia walked into a large stall. Inside was a jet-black mare with impressive wings. “I don’t know how to behave around animals,” she admitted.

  “Here.” Abigor picked up an apple and quartered it. He placed it in his hand, palm up. “Protect your fingers.”

  The horse walked over and sniffed the apple before taking it from Abigor. “Mia, this is Moonlight. Moonlight, this is your new rider.”

  Mia held out her hand with another apple chunk on it. The horse took it from her. Mia giggled. “Her snout tickles.”

  Abigor could see the little girl in Mia as she got acquainted with Moonlight. Gabriel may have broken the curse, but he hadn’t snuffed out Abigor’s regard for his assassin.

  “After Victor works with you, I want you to come back, and I’ll teach you to ride. I understand you only have to arrive on the horse leading our legions to nudge the memory of the frost giants. They know about you and me too.”

  “Abigor, I would like to give you my forty legions.”

  “Why?” he asked, surprised.

  “Because I don’t want to look over my shoulder at the other generals. And because, even though our bond is broken, you will always be my first love. If not for you holding me, I would have never been held. If not for you opening my eyes, I would never seen my Misty Mother, and I would have perished. Your eyes, your beautiful orange eyes, and skin of scales are beautiful to me. I know you prefer this persona, but it was your natural earthbound self that I see in my dreams.”

  Moonlight nudged Mia forward. She knelt. “You’re my general. You govern my dark side. Please take the burden of the forty legions from my clumsy leadership.”

  Abigor dropped his persona and stood tall, his scaly skin glistening with the expensive oils he bathed in. “I accept your tribute and, in return, grant you access to my lairs, my horses, and my concubines.”

  “I accept,” Mia said, looking up at him.

  “No one but Lucifer will ever hurt you. You will continue to have my protection and my esteem.”

  Mia met up with Victor and Murphy in the plaza. Murphy was weaving a bit.

  “Oh no, I told you not to drink alcohol.”

  “It was something called mead.”

  “Alcohol made of honey,” Mia said. She looked over at Victor. “I’m not pleased.”

  They followed their guide to a large conference room. Mia knew better than to sit before Lucifer entered. He did so within minutes. Mia curtsied low and waited until he passed.

  “You’ve got to love the old-world manners of this one. No wonder you’re my brother’s pet. Rise, let me look at you. Nope, don’t like it. I’m thinking, leather jacket, blue jeans, and a tee that will show the weight of those magnificent breasts.”

  Mia held her tongue. To give her credit, she didn’t blush. Victor’s arm stiffened under Mia’s grasp, but that’s the only sign that he disapproved of Lucifer’s manner. Murphy was too drunk to care and slouched in a chair.

  “Mia, you’ll be working with Abigor. You’re not his any longer. Michael gave, loaned, you to me. You’ll both follow my instructions. Victor, I want you to train her to be able to slash with a broadsword. I know she’s small, but I have a sword forged in Hell that is lighter than angel steel. I want her to be comfortable with using the broadsword and dagger at the same time.”

  “Yes, Lucifer.”

  “Abigor will want you to be able to control one of his winged horses. You only have to arrive on one according to this damn prophesy. After, eat it for Sunday supper, I really don’t care.”

  Mia raised her hand.

  He looked at her and nodded.

  “Why are we following the prophesy? It seems to me, if it’s been out there for a millennia or more, that someone else will have our playbook.”

  “Ah, excellent question. In the prophesy, we win. It’s to unnerve them. We only have to hold our line until Odin and his bros show up.”

  “What’s taking them so long?” Victor asked.

  “Unlike myself, these old gods don’t have much of a following anymore. They can’t move across realms. They are riding down from a wilderness in Canada, leading a thousand Norsemen foot soldiers. Don’t discount these warriors; one can take on a legion of Abigor’s easily.”

  Lucifer looked at Mia sideways. “I noticed you wince when I belittled Abigor.”

  Mia was silent.

  “I know you have a daddy complex, but transfer it to me, because he’s not your daddy. Your daddy is fucking up my life right now with the time bomb he’s got in the basement of the Field Museum.”

  “Can’t we just take it away from him?” Murphy asked.

  “Do you have a way to move a box that heavy?”


  “Well, I’m all ears.”

  “There are two Téméraire-class ships full of pirates who are more than willing to take that package off your hands.”

  “Well, that’s fine and dandy, but those thieves will open the door faster than Mia can devour a box of donuts.”

  “Let’s put it back on the heavy-lift cargo ship it came in on and sail it back to the end of the world and dump it,” Mia said stone-faced.

  “We’ll never get out of the harbor. Since you’ve been here, your father has put on extra security. It seems he doesn’t trust the museum to keep his prize safe.�

  “I’ll talk to him.”

  “You can’t talk to him. He only listens to your mother, who is under the control of the Cynosura.”

  “What if we make a deal? We get the door and they get their assets back?” Victor offered.

  “Try it. Excellent thinking. Mia, had you spent your time with your legs wrapped around Victor instead of posing nude for a gay artist, you would have gleaned knowledge.”

  “May I speak to you after the meeting?” Mia requested.

  Lucifer nodded. “Abigor will contact you when he’s ready. He’s got a squire you used to be engaged to who bears an amazing resemblance to your husband. Maybe he’ll do for a spare or for when Ted has a headache.”

  Abigor walked in and gave them an update on the location of Odin’s group, and the museum had been vandalized again, but the door was still intact. He presented a bundle of swords for Mia to use in training.

  Victor picked up the satchel as if it weighed nothing and headed for the door. Murphy followed.

  Abigor looked at Mia and Lucifer and walked out and closed the door.

  “Well?” Lucifer asked.

  “Respectfully, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOU? What the hell did I do to you to have you treat me with so much disrespect in front of my colleagues? How am I supposed to garner the respect of 100 legions of demons if you’re treating me like a common whore? I have always shown you more respect than you deserve, you miserable piece of Heaven garbage!”

  Lucifer frowned. He walked over to Mia and took her by the neck and shook her. She kicked him in the nuts, and he dropped her.

  “I should kill you for that, but I need you.”

  “Michael doesn’t own me. I came here on my own accord. I am not responsible for what my parents get into, but I will not stand by and see the world in which my children live be destroyed.”

  He glared at Mia. Her eyes turned sapphire blue, and she waited for his next move. He smiled. “God, you’re one hell of a woman. For your information, I treated you no differently than I do my generals when we are in a meeting. Abigor will testify to that. I’m sorry if you’re offended, but you’d better toughen up. You’re making more enemies than friends, Mia.”

  “Forgive me, I misunderstood.”

  “To give you credit, you requested a private meeting to chew me out. I can live with this. Next time, I’ll have you bent over the table. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Come here,” he said, opening his arms.

  Mia walked over. He hugged her and pressed his body into hers. It was very evident that he was aroused. “Remember, flip out again and this goes up where the sun doesn’t shine.”

  “I see it was you who invented workplace harassment,” Mia said coldly.

  “Go and rest up. Victor is not going to take it easy on you. Goodbye, Mia.”

  Victor, who had pretty much heard everything, patted Mia on the back. “You’ll get yours back one day, Mia.”

  “Take me home, please.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  A touch of a hand to her shoulder woke Mia. She opened her eyes and stared up into the face of Victor. He put his finger to his lips and motioned for her to come with him. Mia moved to wake Ted but thought the better of it. He got to bed very late. She slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Victor spun her around. Mia managed to grab her go-bag before he enveloped Mia in his wings. When he opened them again, they were in Nicholai’s house.

  Mia pushed away and headed to Nicholai’s bathroom. “I don’t like to be kidnapped. I’m not even dressed,” she grumbled.

  Victor shook his head and headed into the kitchen where Nicholai was making breakfast. “She’s such a pain in the ass,” Victor complained.

  “Mentally, she’s a human female. They like to be preen before they take on the day. Even my full-blooded birdwoman wife did.”

  “Mia has to put that part behind her.”

  “No. You have to work with it,” Nicholai said sternly. “Nyx sent Odin a woman for a reason. Don’t take the female out of her. Remember, she’s at her deadliest right now. The demon is gone, but she could still seduce any of us, even you, to get what she wants. She won’t because she’s in love with Ted and believes in her vows. Respect that she still has enough control over her urges to fight her natural inclination.”

  Mia walked into the kitchen wearing workout gear underneath the oversized t-shirt she had slept in. It smelled like Ted. She needed a part of him with her, be it only the scent of coffee and Red Vines. She walked over and hugged Nicholai before she sat down at the table. Nicholai set a large cup of coffee in front of her.

  Mia looked at the Nicholai-size cup and sighed. She picked it up with both hands and took a sip. “Ambrosia.”

  “Nicholai has volunteered to be my advisor,” Victor said. “He is most familiar with your peculiarities.”

  Mia smiled but said nothing.

  “Our goal today is to examine the three sides to you and pull them together to act as one.”

  “My human side will do that,” Mia said.

  “Yes, I believe it will,” Victor said. “It will be the connective tissue. I see you’ve thought about this.”

  “I’ve had years to deal with my peculiarities. Nicholai, these eggs are fabulous.”

  “Thank you, Mia.”

  “Victor, I would like to address something. Humans call it ‘the elephant in the room.’ It means something so obvious and large that you have to talk about it.”

  “Go on.”

  “Soren has approached Michael - thinking Michael owns me - with a proposition. I believe he has also spoken to you about it. I would like to tell you my feelings about it. Please listen all the way through.”

  “I will.”

  “It horrifies me that plans are being made for me for after my husband’s lifespan ceases. I realize that, in the birdman world, this may be something that goes on all the time, but in my world, it’s not normal. Maybe in the old world but not in this one. I have no plans on binding myself with anyone after Ted. Not you, not Angelo, not anyone.”

  Nicholai could see Victor relax, but he also saw something else briefly. The merest flicker of disappointment.

  “I appreciate you discussing this. May I ask, is this because of your relationship with Stephen Murphy?”

  “Partly. When I married my husband, he took into consideration the oddness of having a ghost attached to his wife. I’ll never ask that of anyone else.”

  “It doesn’t make Ted any less in my eyes,” Victor said. “I think I’m beginning to see what a strong man he is.”

  Mia nodded.

  “Mia, tell Victor, what are the other reasons for not wanting to bind yourself to anyone else? Speak freely, I assure you neither of us will judge you unfairly,” Nicholai said.

  “I don’t want my focus to have to be split between a husband and whatever I’m called upon to do with the rest of my life. It’s not fair to the spouse. I’ve been put in his shoes a few times, and it’s horrible to be the person who waits for the return of the warrior. I don’t know how spouses of military personnel police, firefighters, and spies do it. When I leave the house to speak with Michael, there’s every bit of a chance I’m not going to return. Roumain could decided to keep me. Lucifer could destroy me. And these are my allies. I can’t even fathom what he’ll go through when I have to face the frost giants.

  “Ted has to deal with his imagination, whether your hands are on me right now or if the primal part of me takes over in training. Victor, I’m a broken person. You’ve seen it. I never was given the chance to know parental love. I’ve had five mates in my life. Two of them are dead. I have lost a baby. Bore two more. I chose an evil wizard to help me become aware of the stuff I do that encourages males so I can stop doing it. While all of this is going on, I’m supposed to save the world. The pressure upon me is intense. I’ve only felt safe enough to really sleep twice.”

  Nicholai nodded.

  “So you’re going to
feel sorry for yourself?” Victor asked.

  “I’d rather not. I just wanted you to see me. Not the idolized version of me that Angelo and Mike see. If you’re going to pull me together, you must know the baggage. You can’t simply wipe it out of my memory because it fuels me. I’m a horrible soldier, and I will fight you if I think you’re wrong. There is no disrespect intended.”

  “Do you think you can take this on?” Nicholai asked Victor.

  Victor looked at Mia and then at Nicholai. “I want to. In Alsace, I saw the torment inside you. I sense that Gabriel has done a lot of my work for me. He has given you control over your soul again. I’m going to give you control over your body. Yes, my hands are going to be upon you. If things turn primal, we’ll deal with it. Whatever I need to do to save you from yourself, I’m going to do. I won’t take your memories. That’s a coward’s way. I have things in my head that I’d rather not have, but it does fuel me.”

  “Why did you really give me your heart feather?” Mia asked.

  Victor took a deep breath. “It was an impulse. My brother and I had worked in tandem with the other for so long that when he died, it was as if part of me was gone. When we worked together to create the waterspout, for a moment, I had that back. I justified the gift as a battle strategy, but I question myself too why I gave you my heart feather. Another feather would have given you wings near mine.

  “I also wanted to stick it to Michael,” he admitted. “I wanted to take his toy away from him. He retaliated and took my wings from you. I thought, initially, it was you who wanted them gone. I punished you for it. ‘How dare you, Mia!’ I thought. First you turn your back on the Brotherhood by rejecting Angelo, and then you turn your back on me by tossing away my gift. You and that smug bastard Altair at the Council of Women meeting, sitting and laughing with your back to the birdmen. After all we’ve done for you!”


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