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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 22

by Alexie Aaron

  “K. Now tell me the truth. Do I look alright?” Mia asked, walking back into the library.

  Her hair was pulled up into a twisty chignon.

  “It looks nice. Perfect with your dress, but no one is going to see it because I’m making you wear my jacket all night,” Ted said.

  “I think that’s a good idea,” Lazar said. “Too much rack, very little support.”

  “He’s romantic like you,” Mia told Ted. “I’d like one of those,” she said, sniffing the expensive alcohol.

  “Nope. You get all flirty when you’re drunk,” Ted said. “I think Mike is going to be there, and I’m not taking any chances.”

  “Spoilsport,” Mia said.

  Baxter and Quentin came in wearing expensive suits but still managed to look comfortable.

  Quentin looked at Mia and smiled. “You’re all golden like a goddess. I approve.”

  “She needs a sweater,” Lazar grumbled.

  Quentin shook his head. “No, she doesn’t.”

  “She’s too exposed. It’s going to cause problems,” Lazar insisted.

  “Like what?” Mia asked.

  “Dear, do you really have to ask that?” Ted said.

  “But you’re with me. No one would dare…” Mia protested.

  “Mia, I know my limits. I cannot fight off Angelo, Victor, and Mike at the same time.”


  “I have an idea,” Baxter said. He whispered to one of the nymphs who appeared at his side. She left. Baxter explained, “Remember the kurta you tossed in the bushes when you were drunk?”


  “You left it here. I think that it would look beautiful over that dress.”

  The nymph arrived with the kurta. She helped Mia to slip into it. Baxter was right; the vivid blue worked well with the gold chainmail. Mia still looked sexy but much less exposed.

  “What’s wrong with a sweater? A tatty looking cardigan like my aunt Ethel wears?” Lazar asked.

  “Someone gag him,” Mia said, taking her husband’s arm as they walked out to the limo Quentin had insisted on.

  Cid had changed at Mike’s condo. He, Burt, and Mike arrived together at Angelo’s penthouse.

  “How exactly can Angelo afford this?” Cid asked, looking around.

  “Family money,” Burt said.

  “Mafia?” Cid questioned.

  “No, I think his people are into olives,” Mike said. He looked around at all the men in the room. “It looks like it’s a stag party.”

  “Audrey and Orion will not be here,” Burt said. “They are too upset to appreciate what Angelo is trying to do.”

  “What is he trying to do?” Cid asked.

  “He’s put all this together so that Mia will know who has her back in life and in battle,” Burt said. “Look around you. Father Santos, Father Simon, Altair, Victor, Angelo, and us. She’s arriving with Quentin, Baxter, Lazar, and Ted.”

  “But she doesn’t know it’s for her,” Mike said. “Otherwise, she wouldn’t show.”

  “Tomorrow she goes to Hell. Murphy and Victor will go with her. We won’t see her until she is needed. If this goes upside down, it may be our last time to speak with her,” Burt said.

  Cid put his hand on Burt’s arm. “No matter what, the Mia I know will search the ether for each one of us. We’re her family.”

  The door opened, and Baxter, Quentin, and Lazar walked in. Behind them, Mia came in on Ted’s arm.

  “My god, she’s beautiful,” Mike said.

  The conversation in the room stopped.

  Mia looked around for the source of the sudden quiet and then up at Ted. “What’s going on?”

  “I think you have spinach in your teeth,” he said.

  Mia laughed and hit him on the arm.

  “Careful, Mighty Mouse, frail human here.”

  Altair walked up and handed Mia a drink.

  “Ted doesn’t want me to drink.”

  “Ted, do you want these clowns to think that her and Victor have been doing more than training on that deserted island?”

  “Mia, take the drink, but if I find you climbing Dupree, I’m going to be quite put out.”

  “Yes, sir,” Mia said, winking at Altair.

  Altair held out his elbow. “Yes, I’m stealing the only woman in the room. I’m the oldest and most irresponsible,” he said. “Come on, Mia, let’s make the rounds.”

  Ted watched the men in the room. Not all of them had desire in their eyes, quite a few of them held concern. Ralph walked over and asked, “How’s our girl?”

  “Hard to tell. She wavers between completely optimistic and then won’t say a word. Don’t yell at her about the tan and freckles. They’re all over her. She isn’t paying attention to how she looks. Her concentration has been on training hard.”

  “Good. Oh, Quentin, if we survive this, Bernard wants you to come to dinner because he wants to set you up with a colleague of his. Her name is Dr. Pamela Sanders. She’s tired of dating academics. She says she wants someone fun. She’s cute.”

  “I like cute. I can be fun,” Quentin said. “But…”

  “She helped PEEPs with a few paranormal inquiries.”

  “Sold. I’ll be happy to meet her.”

  Baxter patted him on the back.

  Altair took Mia out of the sausage fest – his words, not hers - and out onto the patio. Father Santos followed him.

  “I sense a set-up,” Mia said when Santos approached her and Altair disappeared.

  “I’m sorry, he thinks we can talk this out.”


  “Paolo,” Santos insisted.

  “Paolo, I can’t hold you responsible for what happened any more than I could Ted when it happened to him, or me when Father Alessandro activated my spell. Fortunately for me, I can’t drink a lot of wine without puking, and the target of my disgrace was an honorable man. I’m sorry for my reaction, but I had no idea how deep your betrayal was.”

  “I just want to say that I’ve never been prouder of you for stepping up. I’m not sure I would be able to take the abuse you do for mankind.”

  “I think it helped that I didn’t have much of an ego to start with,” Mia said. “I know you’re concerned about me and my various acquaintances outside your dogma.”

  “After being left out in the cold when the angels up and left, I think you’re wise to have a good variety of deities.”

  Mia laughed. “Paolo, Michael will be back. I’m going to make sure of it. But, I’m no longer going to be working for him. I want to spend my time with my family and PEEPs.”

  “What was it like to be amongst them?”

  Mia turned him to look inside Angelo’s house. “A lot like that. Archangels have egos, jealousies, and are competitive. Ted calls Michael’s lairs frat houses, and I’m not saying he’s wrong.”

  “I don’t know who to pray to?” Santos admitted.

  “God. I like to think of the God you know as the universe. The God I know is so large that he doesn’t need to have emissaries between him and his flock. No matter what anyone tells you, there is always someone listening. It just doesn’t have to be an angel.”

  “I understand from Altair, you have no angel DNA anymore.”

  “No. I don’t need it, not for what I do day to day.”

  “But here you are getting ready to possibly save the world.”

  “It could have come in handy, but Altair has stepped up. Abigor is rather good at what he does. Victor and Murphy are fantastic warriors. I’m the weakest link, but I’m motivated.”

  Angelo came outside. “Paolo, the other men are rather upset with you taking our little bird away. Come finish your drink. I have a meal that even you, Mia, will have a hard time finishing.”

  “I do love a challenge,” Mia said and took his arm.

  “You are so beautiful,” Angelo said, patting her arm. “Not just your clothes, but you shine, Mia.”

  “Thank you,” Mia said.

  “You’re ver
y tan. You and Victor must have been working for hours out in the sun.”

  “He trains hard. But I feel more confident with every rep.”

  “Nicholai sent a letter. He’s busy pulling together a flock. I set the letter on my dresser. Don’t forget to pick it up later.”

  “I won’t. Thank you.”

  He escorted her past the mingling males into his dining room and sat Mia to his right. Ted was seated across from her on Angelo’s left. Victor was put on the far end of the table. Mia gave her husband a twisted little smile when this happened.

  Angelo waited until everyone was seated and their glasses were filled before he stood and addressed the group. “All of you have made a difference in the lives of so many. I thank you for coming together so I can thank you for all you do, and to have you remember why we do what we do. It’s for the innocents, the young and the frail. We are warriors in the fight to bring this civilization to a place where no one goes hungry, no one is left alone and forgotten, and above all, everyone knows that love isn’t for the few but for the many.” He raised his glass.

  “Here, here,” Santos said.

  Mia smiled in agreement and took a sip of her drink. Angelo nodded to his staff and the soup course was brought in.

  Mia looked at her silverware and under them was a little card in Mike’s handwriting. He had drawn a diagram of which utensil to use for what course. Mia looked for him and smiled when she caught his eye.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The night was filled with conversations, stories, and remembrances. Mia commented to Baxter that she had an overwhelming feeling of attending her own wake. “It puts a lot of things into perspective. I’ve been fortunate to have these champions. From Ralph and Bernard’s rescuing me when they could from the cold house I lived in, to your guidance, and all the knights in between.”

  “I’m honored to be included in this group. But, Mia, each of these males has been rescued by you too. It doesn’t go one way. They step up because you cared enough to help them. You’ve helped me too.”


  “Yes, you. One day I’ll tell you just how much. Right now, make the rounds. They all want to talk to you.”

  “I’ll do my best. First, the restroom.”

  “You are so earthy, Mia.”

  Mia laughed and walked down the hall to the company bathroom. It was occupied, so she made her way to Angelo’s en suite. His bath reflected the organized man he was. She used the facilities and then walked into his bedroom and retrieved the letter Nicholai had sent her. She sensed a movement behind her. She looked, and out of the darkness walked Judge Roumain.

  “I have slowed time, so please do not rush away, Mia.”

  “To be honest, I’m torn what to do? I have missed and feared your counsel.”

  The tall self-titled king of Purgatory stood there. His black skin smelled of frankincense, and his dark eyes pulled Mia in. He was proud of his looks and carriage. His long elegant fingers picked at a piece of lint. Mia just realized there was no lint; he was nervous.

  “My stardust is gone,” she said.

  “I know. Altair did right. When the mass exodus happened, you would have perished. Gabriel made you independent. He knew they were going to leave you to deal with this impossible situation. There are things you need to know before you venture into Hell. Gabriel destroyed the curse holding you and Abigor.”

  “I am aware.”

  “Good. Lucifer is angry at his brothers’ defection. He may take it out on you. Keep Altair at your side. Sleep with Victor if you have to, but don’t ever find yourself alone with Lucifer.”

  “Why would he destroy someone who can help him?”

  “Ego is a strong thing.”

  “Have you seen any change in the prophesy?”

  “There is improvement, but the door will be opened. There are too many others who are in play. I can’t control them all. I am but one. If the earth goes, so do I. There will be no Roumain to swim naked in the sea with.”

  “That’s disappointing,” Mia said. “Another reason for me not to let down my end of things.”

  “You’re still flirting with me. Baxter will be so put out,” Roumain said, smiling.

  “He has his work cut out for him. I’m but a saltmarsh sparrow.”

  “A little bird, but one who is loved,” Roumain said and walked over and drew Mia into his arms. “I’m afraid.”

  Mia was surprised. She looked up at the strong entity and trembled. “Have faith in me, Roumain. I’m little, but I’m a stubborn bitch when I put my mind to something. Help where you can. Be a part of this team. With you and that vast brain full of knowledge, you can help so much. Nyx gave Dieter a gift, and either he has yet to know what it is or he is keeping it to himself. Continue to counsel him. He refuses to go back in time with his brothers.”

  “I came to give you comfort, but it is you who have bolstered me. I will not fail you.” Roumain drew Mia upwards, and she allowed him to kiss her. Her mind and body were filled with so much stimulus that she thought she would faint. He put her down gently and disappeared. Time resumed.

  Mia picked up the envelope she had dropped. She slid it into a pocket and walked out to join the others.

  Ted walked outside to get some air. He saw Victor standing, staring at nothing in particular. He didn’t know exactly what to say to him. Their dynamic had changed so much in the last few days that Ted didn’t know if he should hate this birdman or love him. When the safety of the world was in the balance, Ted decided to put his immaturity aside.

  “I’m glad I found you here.”

  Victor turned and gave Ted his full attention.

  “I feel selfish asking this,” Ted began. “Please, do whatever is in your power to keep her safe. When you’re in the heat of battle, I know you will have your hands full and you’ve trained her well, but she’s not really ready. I know you put a patch on things for my sake.”

  “No, for hers. She needed knowledge, and I and Angelo shared ours with her.”

  “But not if it gets her killed. I’m a thinking man, and I’ve reasoned my way through the last few years. It wasn’t a whim that had you delivering your heart feather to her. You instinctually knew that all of this was coming. You fought to stop it, but it happened anyway. When Michael took the wings from her, you knew that the end was coming, but you couldn’t do anything about it. What did you lose in order to get him to give them back to her?”

  “I promised not to bar the return of the angels when this is all over. Michael thinks we can defeat the frost giants together with Odin. Gabriel is the one who ordered the angels to retreat, not Michael. Gabriel gave Mia claws and talons so she could fight as a birdman. We are vicious but effective. When you see her fight, she will not be the woman you lay with or the one who cuddles your children. She will be primal and bloodthirsty. Now that she’s lost the stardust, she is no longer pulled by the stars. She’s centered and ready.”

  “Why is this all about Mia?” Ted asked.

  “I’ve asked myself that time and time again, when we lost Angelo’s focus and when Nicholai moved closer to be near her. Adding to it, Soren wanted me to marry her when you leave this earth. I couldn’t stand her. She was like a cancer who grew and attached herself to all whom I cared about. But then I worked with her, and I understood that she’s this living, thinking hybrid with a heart. She is more than a creation of evil men and women; she is a blessing. The universe is vast and powerful. There is so much we don’t know. How a little slip of a girl could save a fallen? Why she chose a geek to give her two wonderful little boys?”

  “Did you come up with any answers?”

  “No. I don’t think I’m supposed to. I’m the brute. I’m the one who will continue to build her up. I leave it to you and your big brain to find the answers.”

  “If not for your promise, you were not going to let the angels come back to Earth.”

  “No, they left us. They would not have been welcomed.”

  “Why are Mia
’s wings so important to you?”

  “You’re a man of science, an inventor.”


  “When you engineer a machine, computer, whatever, you make sure that every component is perfect.”

  “Yes, that is only common sense. If one part fails, so does the machine.”

  “I know my wings. They are the strongest wings ever created. I trust these wings. Mia having them increases our success. We proved that when we formed the waterspout. The doomsday spiral is achievable because she has these wings.”

  “But Mia has changed since then.”

  “Yes. I originally thought of using this maneuver because Mia had embraced stardust. You see, I knew I would die as my soul carrier did before me, but because of stardust, she would live. But this is just talk because I’m going to take it off the table.”


  “Calculate our chances, Ted. Mia only has images of the maneuver in her head. I have them in my soul. It could still work, but we will die. How can I ask this of a wife and mother?”

  “You can’t ask, but I can,” Ted said.

  “I don’t know why I’ve told you all of this,” Victor said. “You’re going to stop all of this. Odin will make it here in time. Mia has the 100 legions of demons. Our odds are improving. I guess I just wanted you to know that I was in no way trying to seduce your wife.”

  “I think I knew that. Mike, on the other hand, has her probably backed into the corner right now. I better go and rescue her.”

  Ted was pleased to find Mia sitting with the others and reminiscing with Bernard about the first time PEEPs were in his museum.

  “There he was, hat on backwards, wearing someone else’s clothes, and I knew that he was the man for Mia,” Bernard told the group.

  “My ears are burning,” Ted said as he picked Mia up from the chair she was sitting in. Ted sat down and pulled her onto his lap.

  “Bernard was giving us his reasons why he joined Team Ted,” Mia said.


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