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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 28

by Alexie Aaron

  Roumain’s anger was overwhelming at Lucifer. “It’ okay, Mia, I’ll tell you the secret anyway.”

  Mia used her ears to locate Roumain. She crawled over to him and tried to looked up at him from the floor.

  “None of this happened to you. It’s all in his sick mind. Watch. I want you to remember your long beautiful hair.”

  “He cut it off and tied me up with it, and then he whipped me.”

  “No, Mia. He only thought he did. Remember your hair, beautiful and long.”

  Roumain watched as Mia’s hair grew and fell about her shoulders. She wrapped her nakedness with it. She stood up, forgetting how bruised and scratched her legs were. Roumain scooped her up. “Mia, lift your face, I’m going to kiss your eyes, and you’ll be able to see me.”

  Roumain kissed them gently, and the swelling disappeared. “You see, all the torture only happened in his thoughts.”

  “But I was there, and I fought back,” Mia said and clung to Roumain.

  “In his thoughts. Now that you can see, we need to exit his thought together.”

  “But the exit is through the torture chamber.”

  “Take me there, and show me how you fought back.”

  Mia nodded. He set her on her feet, and she took his hand. Her nails were broken and a few fingers too. She opened the door and walked in. Inside, the walls dripped with blood.

  “Oh my god,” Roumain said before he caught himself.

  “It’s not all mine. I thought I was winning, and then I wasn’t.”

  “It was his thought, you were never going to win. The game was rigged.”

  Mia knelt and picked up a few blood-soaked rags. “These used to be my clothes.”

  “Mia, you don’t need them. When have you ever needed clothes with Roumain?”

  “I’m hideous.”

  “Not to Roumain.”

  “I haven’t been kind to you.”

  “You had to be firm with me. I understood.”

  “I went willingly into his thoughts, and after he beat me, I begged for him to do this to me,” Mia said, pulling her hair up and turning so Roumain could see all the defilements. “He made me a monster,” she said hoarsely.

  “No. It didn’t happen. It was all in his mind.”

  “Then why am I here? Why can’t I leave?” Mia said, pulling on the door. “Is this my Hell?”

  “No. It’s his hell.”

  “His Hell,” Mia said. Her face lit up in realization. “I’m not going to Hell when I die. I’m going to Purgatory.”

  “If I’m lucky,” Roumain said.

  “In Purgatory, I’m going to sit at the pool of sorrows and share stories with Violine.”

  “She would like that.”

  Roumain started to see the walls of her prison thin.

  Mia smiled. “You told me we were going to dance together, but I knew you meant in the sheets.”


  Roumain was still worried about Mia; she was talking but not at all like her. She was scared and childlike.

  “I want to get out of Lucifer’s thought now. I want him to pay for what he’s done to me.”

  “It may not happen. You have other things to take care of first.”

  “Yes. After I save the world.” Mia smirked.

  The walls disappeared, and Mia fell into the pool of sorrows. Violine chanted and encouraged Mia’s soul to enter her body.

  Mia opened her eyes and looked up. “Violine,” she said and reached up and hugged the enchantress.

  “There now. You go to Roumain and let him remind you what it is to be loved. Fill your mind with his love.”

  “I would like nothing better than to stay here, but if I do, I’ll lose my nerve.”

  “Mia, the one thing I have learned from the pool of sorrows is that, no matter how deep the water gets with our tears, there is always another tear to be shed. Why must we women tolerate the heartbreak, the indignities, the egos of the men we love?”

  “If God thought the men could make it on their own, he wouldn’t have created us in the first place. I’d like to say it was men who brought us to this disaster point, but it was greedy men and women. Unfortunately, in our quest to become equal, a few of us have forgotten to bring our sisters along. Many women demean other women instead of lauding them.”

  “I think that is the devil’s doing,” Violine said. “Having us fight over the same man, pah! There are plenty of men to go around. And if we want no man or no child in our lives, we shouldn’t be scorned.”

  “I agree.”

  “Did he break you?” Violine asked.

  “I’m here, but I’m still there, if that makes any sense. But Roumain gave me the tools to fight this, and if I can’t, I’ll seek out another wizard. Initially, I know I must reconcile all that went on in those thoughts. I was a player in them, not entirely a victim.”

  “Don’t blame yourself for another’s image of you. Remember, it was Lucifer’s thought not yours.”

  “You are a very wise woman.”

  “It was wisdom born from the ungodly mess I made of my life. I sought the easy way to power. I ignored the warnings good people gave me. I thought Roumain’s words of wisdom were spoken out of need to control and hold me.”

  “Honestly, from my experience, I sense that could be true.”

  “Yes, he is a stinker at times. He has used you as a sword against both sides of the balance. But he also loves you.”

  “I don’t think he does love me. You see, Violine, when you really love someone, you don’t toss them in the abyss.”

  “That wasn’t Roumain! That was Michael,” she growled.

  “There’s the rings of Hell and then there is the abyss that permeates the world in which I live. Roumain took my Happily Ever After away.”

  “But you’ve since written many new chapters. I see the man who was easily led away from you, understands you more now. Mia, people who never make mistakes don’t understand the world of man. They see the weaknesses of others as deformities instead of challenges. They reject love because it’s imperfect. If he had never been tempted, or tricked in his case, he wouldn’t understand what you are faced with, and that it’s your conscious choice to return to him.”

  “Couldn’t this all have been learned without the trickery?”

  “Then I wouldn’t have been saved. You would have never embraced your wings. Altair would not have been forgiven. Need I go on? Roumain plays a game larger than you’ll ever be able to realize. But I assure you, he still is fond of mankind, and he will not let us be destroyed.”

  Mia raised an eyebrow. “It’s good to see you can still find the good in him. There is hope after all.”

  “Believe me, it has taken me a long while to see him as something other than a tempter of little birds.”

  “Well, this little bird must fly.”

  “Go with love, Mia. Go with love,” Violine said and disappeared under the water of the pond once more.

  Mia walked out of the oasis and towards a shimmer in the sand.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Murphy waited in the shadows. When Abigor entered his tent, Murphy pinned him to the ground with a crack of his axe. He pulled the axe out of Abigor’s side and pushed it up under his chin.

  “What’s this all about, farmer?” Abigor asked, trying not to show fear.

  “How could you leave her with him?”

  “He was just going to discipline her.”

  “Why? What did she do?”

  “Swore at me.”


  “I made her share a bed with Victor, and she didn’t get any sleep.”

  “For this you let him beat and defile her?”

  “There wasn’t a mark on her body.”

  “He used his thoughts.”

  “So that’s what was going on. I wasn’t sure. He was changing her in tiny ways. Making her stronger I thought. I thought he liked her.”

  “He punished her for being Michael’s.”

“I was afraid of that. Why are you here?”

  “To kill you.”

  “But who will take the army into battle?”

  “I kill you, and the legions are mine,” Murphy said.

  Abigor paled. “They won’t follow you.”

  “They will follow me,” Mia said from the doorway. She drew out a sword and briefly touched his neck before she lifted it. “I’ll take your head and then your legions. I’ll turn them on Lucifer, and then I’ll take care of that little problem in Chicago.”

  “Mia, wait!” Abigor pleaded. “I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

  “Why? Who’s going to listen to my forgiveness? The angels are gone. Murph, I think we just kill him. I still have a sword that can make him cease to exist. Leave him vulnerable to whatever is in the darkness, like he left me with Lucifer.”

  “But why waste your time with me? It’s Lucifer who needs to pay.”

  “He has an obligation to Ve, and then he can come back down here and rot with the rest of you.” Mia knelt and pulled the duke’s face around so he was looking her in the eyes. “Abigor, I forgive you. I expect you to show up with the legions when you’re called. If you fail me, I’ll direct the frost giants down here first. I’ll drag you back and toss you into Muspell and watch Surtr sharpen his sword with your corpse.”

  Mia and Murphy left the tent.

  Abigor got up and Sticks ran in. “Should I go after them?”

  “No, she had her say. My god, she’s powerful.”

  “It’s her friends who give her power,” Sticks said. “Friends, you know, people who respect you without torture and debasement.”

  “In that case, I don’t have any.”

  They heard a commotion, and a demon ran into the tent. “My liege, your horses have been let loose.”

  Abigor whistled, and his loyal black steed flew down to him. The mare did not. His steed was wearing a sign. Lettered in perfect demon were the words: I’m with stupid.

  Abigor laughed. “Hells bells, you’ve got to love her sense of humor.”

  Altair watched all of this before he followed Mia up out of Hell and back into the world she came from. He caught up to her over Lake Michigan.

  “Hey, lady, where are you taking that horse?”

  “Brian, he asked me for one. He has to ask Ted’s permission and promise to let me borrow her for the upcoming battle.”

  “Mia, he’s what, five?”

  “Ish,” Mia said.

  “He can’t keep his hand out of the toilet, much less take care of a winged horse.”

  “I’m sure that’s what Ted is going to say.”

  “Where’s Murphy?”

  “I dropped him off at the farm.” Mia slowed the horse, twisted around, and sat on her sideways. “Altair, thank you for saving my life.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “You did. You brought me to Roumain. You did right.”

  “Mia, I didn’t know Lucifer was capable of that.”

  “How can anyone know someone’s dark thoughts,” Mia said. “Roumain helped me to see that they were his thoughts and not mine. So it didn’t happen. I only thought it did.”

  “That’s confusing, but I sense it’s as close an explanation as I’m going to get. What happened after he freed you from Lucifer’s dark thoughts?”

  Mia smiled, thinking about Abigor on the floor of the tent, before she said, “Time I get Moonlight to the island and find my husband.”

  “What about Hell?”

  “If they don’t show up, I’m going to send a few frost giants down there as I promised. It’s not my fight. Ve is calling in Lucifer’s chit, not mine. I will no longer deal with him. He has broken my trust.”

  “For my part, I’m sorry.”

  “You’ve done nothing wrong,” Mia said and turned the horse down towards Komal’s island.

  Altair took a moment to remember Mia’s face and how sad her eyes were. First her family, then Heaven, and now Hell betrays her. He feared the optimism she was so filled with had finally left her.

  Ted got a text from Cid. Murphy had shown up at the farm. He said Mia had freed herself from her Hell obligations and was looking for him. He heard a horse. He walked out onto the dune and saw a winged horse approaching out of the starlit sky.

  Mia hopped off the horse and patted it. She whispered something to the winged creature, and it seemed to be happy.

  “Well, if it isn’t my wayward wife,” Ted said.

  Mia turned, and her face was filled with love. “I can explain the horse…”


  Mia ran into his arms and held him. “I missed you so much.”

  He looked down at her and stroked her back. Mia was positively shaking. “Mia, what’s happened?”

  “Horrible stuff, but it’s all sorted. Hell is no place for a wayward wife.”

  “I think there are some who could take exception to that statement.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Mia said and nodded.

  Ted kissed her, and Mia relaxed and then, in a flash, all but climbed him. She pushed him down in the sand of the dune. She straddled him and bent down and kissed him. She rolled off and looked at the sky breathing hard.

  “I’m sorry, I’m a disturbed person.”

  “The boys are asleep, and we do have a room with a nice bed,” Ted offered. “Unless you really want to make love in the sand?”

  “No. Sand isn’t a great lubricant,” Mia said.

  Ted got up and looked at the horse. “What do we do about that?”

  “If she’s here in the morning, I’ll figure something out. I suspect she will find her way back.”

  “This isn’t the flying horse you promised our son…”

  “I said, he had to ask you first. This was just to piss off the owner.”

  Ted took her hand and tried to understand why it trembled. “What’s wrong?”

  “Bad thoughts, Ted, bad thoughts.”

  Mia was struggling. Roumain had told her that the memory of them would slip away much like a bad movie is forgotten. If not, maybe Baxter could help her. They walked into the castle and to the room Ted slept in.

  Ted watched as Mia’s fingers were shaking too much to unbutton her clothes. He gently took her in hand. “Mia, we don’t have to make love tonight. Let’s just hold each other. Get reacquainted.”

  Mia clung to Ted. He laid her in bed and slid in beside her. She curled up and trembled.

  “Talk to her,” Roumain said from beside them.

  “What happened to her?”

  “Hell happened. Mia, you’re home now,” Roumain said. “No one can hurt you; you’re with Ted.”

  Mia turned and looked at her husband.

  Roumain patted Ted on the shoulder and disappeared.

  “I knew that, if I could get to you, everything would be alright,” Mia said. “I couldn’t get here on my own.”

  “That’s why Roumain was here,” Ted said.


  “Do you want to talk about what happened?”

  “Not tonight. I need it to fade some before I can find the words.”

  “Are you hurt?” Ted asked, gently moving his hands on her body.

  “Not physically. Now that I’m with you, I’m safe.”

  Ted pulled her into his arms. He held on to her as she slept. He felt her ease, and she called out his name a few times in her sleep. He kissed her neck and told her he was there. After awhile she calmed, and he fell asleep holding her.


  “There’s a horse in the maze!” Brian called, running into Ted’s bedroom. His eyes opened wide, and he called out, “My mom is home!”

  Mia sat straight up, very disorientated. Ted couldn’t help laughing.

  Varden ran into the room and climbed in bed, hugged his mother, and kissed her face nonstop.

  “I’m sorry, Ted, the kids saw the horse, and I couldn’t stop them,” Judy started. When she saw Mia, she said, “Welcome home, Mrs. Martin. You were missed.”

  Brian climb
ed in bed and hugged on to his mother.

  Adam wanted in on the action, so Judy set him on the bed, and he crawled up and settled himself next to Brian. Ted slid out and grabbed his phone. He took a picture of Mia covered in children.

  Ed walked in and said, “Will the owner of the horse please get it out of the maze.”

  “At least it hasn’t found my kitchen garden yet,” Judy said.

  “Sorry, that’s my bad,” Mia said.

  “Mia, are you sleeping in your clothes?” Judy asked.

  “It appears so.”

  “I have something you can wear,” Judy said. “How are you feeling?”

  “Physically fine. I had a bit of a dustup down yonder. It isn’t safe for me to continue to train down there. I’m going to spend my time topside.”

  “Stay here,” Judy said. “It will be easier when it starts.”

  Mia nodded. “I would love to spend time here with you.”

  “Mia, the horse?” Ed asked.

  Mia got out of bed with Varden still holding on to her. “I need to make a call. Anybody know what flying horses eat?”

  “Flying horse?” Judy asked. “I have to see that. Come on, Adam, we have a flying horse in the maze.”

  “Cid? Mia. Let’s say one has a flying horse. Can one assume it will eat the same stuff a non-flying horse eats? Uh huh, uh huh. Okay. Could you? I’ll be over when it’s ready. Thank you.” Mia put the phone down. “Cid’s going to arrange for the grain elevator across the lake in Michigan to deliver the stuff we need to the dock. I’ll take the boat over and pick it up when it’s ready.”

  “But, Mom, you just got here,” Brian whined.

  “Brian, when you have a pet, you have to be responsible for it. How would you feel if I forgot to feed you?”

  Ted smiled. Mia had worked in responsibility lesson in with her chaos. He looked at Mia dressed somewhere between a Turkish princess and a wrinkled mom. She never looked more beautiful to him. He knew that he had to do whatever he could to make sure she would continue to be come home to him.

  Victor sat, trying to explain why he felt he was justified in training Mia to perform the doomsday spiral with Soren. Nicholai was livid when he figured out how Victor had systematically maneuvered Mia into believing this was the only way to handle the situation. Angelo had decided that they should have a small council of war to decide if Victor should continue to work with Mia.


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