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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 40

by Alexie Aaron

  “I will have to discuss it with Ted first before you ask her.”

  “Yes, of course. She could also teach you about being a birdwoman. I’m not talking Gray Lady; I’m talking about the things that make me blush to bring up. Before it wasn’t an issue because you weren’t more than a quarter birdman. But now…”

  “But now, what?” Mia asked.

  “If you die in battle, your soul will be gathered by the sparrows, and you’ll eventually be reincarnated. You’re not going to Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell.”

  Mia’s lips twisted into an odd smile. The thought of not having to deal with Michael, Roumain, or Lucifer after she died was a dream come true.

  “But if you die outside of battle, you will have to deal with Roumain.”

  “Probably. I’m always doing stupid stuff.”

  “Like what?”

  “Victor was injured after we practiced the spiral in Hell. I mended him by giving him my heart feather.”

  “Land’s sakes!”

  “He said he’d give it back.”

  “Has he?”


  “Who knows about this?”

  “He, you, and Judy.”

  “Poor Ted, he really has a handful with being married to you.”


  “Geeze, I don’t know exactly if I can get you out of this one. Before the angels left, Soren already got a conditional agreement from Michael to wed you to Victor.”

  “He doesn’t own me. He’s not my father. My husband is alive, thank you very much.”

  “Conditional means when Ted meets his maker.”

  “I’m going to put his brain in a robot body, and he will live forever,” Mia vowed.

  “Don’t you want to marry again?”

  “Do you?”


  “Same here.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want a husband?” Nicholai asked.

  “For example, if I wasn’t married, I could spend more time with you,” Mia blurted out. She was shocked by what she said. She put her hands over her mouth before she said something else stupid and left the aerie.

  Nicholai followed her at a distance. She was talking to herself. He was trying not to laugh. “So, our little bird never lost her crush on this old bird.”

  Victor landed in front of her. Mia hit him hard on the arm before running into the farmhouse.

  “What was that for?” Victor asked, rubbing his arm.

  “She’s pregnant,” Nicholai said as if that would answer everything.

  “They aren’t mine,” he said, still rubbing his arm.

  “I think you’re a stand-in for all males at the moment.”

  “Angelo sent me. He doesn’t want Mia to know that she can go into the GSD without hurting her babies. Baxter told her a lie in order to keep her from trying to rescue Murphy off the pirate ship herself.”

  “It was a good lie. Tell me, do you have something of Mia’s that maybe you forgot to return?”

  Victor colored.

  “You forgot, right?”

  Victor didn’t say anything.

  “Michael was here trying to make nice. She didn’t buy it, so don’t worry about her embracing stardust.” Nicholai looked at the silent Victor and asked, “Are you keeping it to piss Michael off?”

  Victor closed his eyes and opened them as if the answer was written on the insides of his lids.

  “Go ahead and keep your own counsel, but remember, she didn’t know what she was doing.”

  “When we used our anger and competitiveness to fuel the doomsday spiral, it woke up primal feelings. Feelings, I’ve not had before. When I pulled away from the spiral, I turned too soon to come back to her. That’s when I broke my wing. Nicholai, I was coming back to mate with her. She doesn’t know this. She healed me with the heart feather and held me as if I were her child all day. That night, Abigor forced us to sleep together. I maintained control, but I know she felt my desire all night. It was why she took out her anger on Abigor, and he pounced, giving Lucifer the excuse to hurt her. It was my fault. I should have been stronger. Soren was right to put you at her side.”

  “What did Lucifer do to her?” Nicholai asked, concerned.

  “She and Altair made me leave before they showed Michael. Only Altair, Sariel, Michael, Roumain, and Baxter know the extent of the torture Lucifer put her through. It was all in her mind, but she felt it all. It was real to her. I thought, if her world fell apart because of this, maybe she could take comfort that she would have me to care for her. That’s why I kept the heart feather.”

  Nicholai thought a moment. “Tonight, she said to Michael, ‘Once upon a time I embraced stardust and it chose to leave me. And then I embraced evil and it stayed.’ It all makes sense now.”

  “What makes sense?” Victor asked.

  “Something I’ll deal with later. Victor, I think Mia would feel better if she wasn’t engaged to anyone while she is still married. I get the feeling she’s not going to want to belong to anyone else after Ted. She does lots of wrong things in her innocent ignorance, and we know she is a saltmarsh sparrow inside, but she loves Ted. He would be hurt to know she did this with you.”

  “Send her out. I’ll be waiting on the hillside,” Victor said.

  Mia climbed the hill and found Victor standing just on the other side. She walked down. “I’m sorry for hitting you. I wasn’t in my right mind. You can hit me back on the arm, and we’ll be even.”

  “I’m not hitting a pregnant woman!” Victor objected.

  “That’s good to know,” Mia said lamely.

  “Mia, I came here to give you your feather back. I know you didn’t give it to me in love…”

  “Wait, that’s not true. I didn’t give it to you to become engaged to you, but I do care for you, Victor. Not like I love Ted, but you are important to me, and I do love you, just not in a romantic way.”

  Victor looked down at her. “You didn’t have to tell me that. Thank you. I want the best for you. Now you can continue on with your life knowing you have choices,” he said and pulled the feather out. He walked over and placed it back where she pulled it from. He took a lock of his hair and tied it to the adjoining feathers with it. “Soon it will be seated.”

  Mia felt the power of the feather fill her. In her present emotional state, it was too much for her. She put her hand on her heart and fainted. Victor caught her before she hit the ground.

  Brian opened her eyelids. “She’s still in there,” he said.

  “Hello, Dr. Martin, it’s nice to see you again,” Mia said, lifting her head off the couch pillow.

  “I hear you had a very eventful afternoon while I was in dreamland.”

  “I fear I did,” Mia confessed.

  “I have prescribed pizza and gummy bears.”

  Mia smiled. “But we don’t have any pizza and gummy bears.”

  “Lazar went to the market.”

  Mia got up. “Where is Varden?”

  “He and Uncle Victor are flying. Nicholai said he would take me flying after they came back.”

  “I’m sure that will be a wonderful experience.”

  Nicholai walked in from the kitchen, bringing a glass of water. “Drink, I think you’re dehydrated.”

  “Thank you,” Mia said and drank it down. “Tell him, Nicholai.”

  Brian looked at his mother and over at Nicholai.

  “Brian, you have the signs that you will soon get your wings.”

  Brian’s face exploded with wonder. “But…”

  “Take off your shirt,” Mia said.

  He did, and Mia ran her hands on his back. She saw silver markings on his young skin. “They are silver. Mine were black.”

  “He is a special child,” Nicholai said. “Brian, I could have Angelo give you a charm to stop them, but I think that you are smart enough to know that you can’t rush them or tell ordinary people about them.”

  “Protect the nest,” Brian said, trying to look over his shoulder.

  “I will take you to the top of the world,” Nicholai said. “I will teach you how to call for them and how to hide them. It will be a few years before your wings will develop enough for you to be able to use them. In the meanwhile, I will train your mind, and you will be linked with me, your mother, Varden, Victor, Enos, and Seth. We are your flock.”

  “Yes, sir,” Brian said. He turned and kissed Mia on the cheek. “Thank you, Mother.”

  “What was that for?”

  “For being amazing. I’m going to go and look at them in the mirror,” he said and ran up the stairs.

  Nicholai sat down next to Mia. “Mia, this means he will live a birdman’s life span. You won’t have to bury your son.”

  “I was worried,” she said.

  “When I lost my son, it was very hard. I’m glad you won’t have to experience that. It will be hard enough when Ted leaves you.”

  “Don’t leave me too, Nicholai,” Mia said, her eyes filling up.

  “I won’t live forever. You’ll have Murphy. You’ll be fine.”

  Mia sniffed. They heard the back door slam, and she quickly wiped her eyes. She got up and walked into the kitchen.

  Charles was standing with his head in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

  “Trying to cool down?” Mia asked.

  “I was looking for something to eat.”

  “According to Brian, Lazar is bringing home pizza and gummy bears. If you’re hungry now, let me make you a sandwich.”

  “That would be nice.”

  Mia walked in the living room. “Nicholai, would you like a sandwich to hold you over for supper?”

  “Yes, thank you. Are you feeling up to it?”

  “I am. Cid left some roast beef…”


  Charles had found the bread. Mia had forgotten that he had been taking care of him and her mother their entire marriage. She enjoyed standing side by side with her dad working on the sandwiches.

  “How is the apartment suiting you?”

  “The space is more manageable. The bed in the aerie is so large I felt like a tot.”

  “The beds there are mostly used by large gentlemen.”

  “Angels, birdmen, and Ed.”

  “Speaking of Ed, are you ever going to forgive him?”

  Charles stopped what he was doing and thought a moment. “No.”


  “Because there is nothing to forgive. I think he caught me on bad day. Maybe it is me who should be doing the asking.”

  “I think, if the next time you see him, call him son, and that would be enough.”

  “Call a multi-hundred-year-old Cahokian son?”

  “Yes. He has protected me like a sister. Dad you have a half-brother who also has stepped up.”

  “Quentin is rather happy for my tastes.”

  “Then you will appreciate Ed’s temperament. Ted and I gave him some lots near here. I’m trying to get him to move his family off the island. I think he’s worried about the costs.”

  “His skills are rather unusual.”

  “I heard you lost your, as Nietzsche Big Tree says, obligatory injun. Teach him. He may know a lot more about your study subjects than you realize.”

  “He will need credentials.”

  “Tell me what he needs, and I’ll see what Jake can do.”

  “Tell me what exactly Jake is?”

  “He’s a young man who died and exists in our computer system. He is a pain in the butt most times. You should see him and Burt go at it.”

  “Mia, are you still supporting Burt?”

  “Tricky question. I’m letting him live in my house rent free, but I don’t give him any money. He puts all his money back into the paranormal business. Why all the questions?”

  “I’m just trying to sort out your harem.”

  “My what?”

  Charles set down his knife, turned, and put a hand on his daughter’s cheek. “You are surrounded by men. Yes, I know you only sleep with one of them.”

  “Do you have a problem with this?” Mia asked nervously.

  “No. But it could be why you have trouble making female friends. I think the women in your community would really love to be in your shoes.”

  “I’m not going to change my life just to appease the gossips.”

  “I’m not asking you to. I’m just trying to shed some light on an aspect of your life. If you’re happy with the way things are, then continue.”

  “I am happy, Daddy.”

  Charles smiled. “I do love it when you call me Daddy.”


  Ted and Cid arrived at the farm to find Mia in the office working with Jake. “Any news?” she asked, turning around in her chair.

  “He’s on the ship. Baxter’s nymphs are in communication with him. “Waite has his axe under lock and key. He thinks they are going to rob the museum the next full moon,” Ted reported.


  “Don’t worry, we are going to be there to stop them,” Cid said.

  “That will help Bernard to sleep at night. Michael was here,” Mia said.

  “And…” Ted prodded.

  “He told me why he and Sariel left. We were getting along fine, and then he tried to force information out of me on Lucifer. But Mia five point zero isn’t a fool. I was ready for him trying to put me to sleep. I may have yelled, screamed, I don’t remember.”


  “Nicholai asked him to leave.”

  “But you’re still mad.”

  “I don’t know how I feel. You see, there are so many great examples of men around me that he just doesn’t measure up.”

  “Baxter calls us your harem,” Cid said.

  “So does my father,” Mia said with a wry smile.

  “Well, that would make me head concubine,” Ted said. “I call the shots.”

  Mia giggled.

  Cid scratched his head. “Since I’m the best friend of the head concubine, can I ask for more privileges?”

  Ted turned and said, “No.”

  Mia turned back around, and Jake stood there using the image of Bugs Bunny in the harem outfit. Mia started laughing harder. “Guys, ignore Baxter and my father. We’re all family here. Speaking of, my father is going to make nice with Ed. Jake has just given Ed Cooperson credentials to be a site manager for archeological digs.”

  “So Ed’s going to help dig up his own people?” Cid asked.

  “I didn’t think of it that way,” Mia said. “I hope he doesn’t.”

  “Any other news?” Cid asked.

  “Oh, big news. Ted, you’d better sit down.”

  Ted did.

  “Brian has wings emerging.”

  Ted paled.

  Cid’s eyes opened wide for a moment, and then he clapped his hands together. “Now he can lay off the bird boy comments with Varden.”

  “Are we going to be able to manage him?” Ted asked.

  “Nicholai has an idea he wants to approach you with. He says it can wait until after we rescue Murphy and banish the pirates.”

  “He can’t live with us. As head concubine, I must put my foot down.”

  “As you should,” Mia said.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Dieter came home from practice delighted to see that someone had saved him some pizza. His team was having a bye week and they were busy preparing for their homecoming game.

  “Are you going to the homecoming dance?” Mia asked.

  “No. Mark is.”

  “Why aren’t you?”

  “There isn’t anyone I’m interested in going with, and I’d rather have my mind on the game and not on tuxes. Are you disappointed?”

  “No. I didn’t go to any, but I was a social pariah.”

  “Roumain contacted me. He requests an audience with you when you are able.”

  “Ted’s busy in the office. I guess I could see him now.”

  “I can check that off my list. Any news about Murphy?”

  Mia f
illed him in and added the news about Brian.

  “Is Nicholai still here?” Dieter asked.


  “You should tell him you’re going to see Roumain before you go.”

  “Yes, I should. It’s going to be awkward with him coming along.”

  “Tell him you feel that you would be safe because you aren’t going alone and that I’m going with you.”

  “Are you?”



  “Because I’m very happy with two sisters coming. I don’t need three.”

  “Dieter Martin!”

  “I know how he looks at you. I’m not comfortable.”

  “I…” Mia didn’t know what to say. “Is your homework done?”

  “I have none. Go and tell Nicholai, and I will finish eating.”

  “Yes, sir,” Mia said and stomped out of the kitchen.

  Lazar, who had witnessed the conversation, walked over and patted Dieter on the back. “Nice of you to step up.”

  “She gets herself in such trouble. I’m just looking out for her.”

  “Remember, she’s been looking out for herself for quite a few years,” Lazar reminded him.

  Nicholai walked into the kitchen. “Where’s your mother?” he asked Dieter.

  “She was walking up to the aerie to tell you she and I were going out,” Dieter said.

  “I didn’t see her. I can’t sense her either.”

  Roumain must have taken her.

  Roumain appeared. “Did you call?”

  “Where’s my mother?” Dieter demanded.

  “I don’t know? When you mentioned my name, I thought I’d just drop in, make things easier for her.”

  Altair walked in. “Is there any reason Mia’s shoe is on the porch? Are she and Ted playing Cinderella?” He set the shoe on the counter.

  Lazar called the office, and Ted said she wasn’t there. He had Jake run back the outdoor camera feeds. Ted watched as Mia exited the farmhouse. She frowned and looked up and started to run back inside, but talons closed around her waist and a hand reached down and put something over her mouth. “What the hell is that!”


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