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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 42

by Alexie Aaron

  “I will decline, but I would like the freedom to reoutfit myself before I leave the ship.”

  “We grant you the liberty of movement on the Devil’s Pride.”

  Mia watched as several factions on the ship put forth their best man for the captain position. Old Glass Eye was elected, much to Mia’s delight. He looked the part.

  Murphy came out on the ship, clean and tidy. His clothes were still of his era, but they were new and had crisp lines. Mia looked down at his boots and frowned. “You really want to go through eternity in those clodhoppers?”

  Murphy shook his head.

  “Night watch, would you trade this diamond necklace for your boots?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I would,” he said, taking them off.

  Murphy pulled them on and smiled.

  “Do they fit?”

  “Yes, Mom,” Murphy said.

  “Are you finished playing pirate? Because there are lots of trees needing your attention.”

  Murphy nodded.

  Mia opened her wings, grabbed the farmer, and flew off.

  The night watch pocketed the necklace.

  “I’m going to drop you off. I must take care of something important before I come home. Tell everyone that I’m fine.”

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Mia arrived in Hell and strode down to the café. There, she sat down and ordered a cheeseburger and fries. Abigor walked down the road, having been notified of her being there. He sat down and took her hand and kissed it. “I hear congratulations are in order. Twins! And you thought that the birdman was going to stretch you out? Wait and see what birthing twins is going to do to you.”

  “You’re as charming as ever.”

  “Why are you here? Not that you have to have a reason.”

  “I came to see you.”


  “Yes. I’m not savvy in the ways of Hell. I would like to resign my commission and permanently give you my legions.”

  “You can resign to me, but Lucifer will have to decide if I will have your legions. Are you giving up on saving the world?”

  “I’m retiring my sword. I want to be able to be home with my husband and children. I don’t want intrigues, battles, and temptation.”

  “Mia, you will always be tempted. It’s what we specialize in down here.”

  Mia pulled a ruby necklace out of her pocket. “This is for your head concubine as a thank you from me. It’s stolen from the Devil’s Pride’s former captain’s stash.”

  “We like stolen things here,” Abigor said, pocketing the trinket.

  “What about Sticks? Is there any way to elevate his rank?” Mia asked. “I think he should still be under your banner.”

  “He will be able to choose his commission within the house of Abigor.”


  Mia’s food arrived, and Abigor ordered an ale and sat and watched her eat.

  Lucifer walked into the resturaunt and over to the table. He looked at Mia and wiped the ketchup off her chin. “Have you tried the baked beans?”

  Mia shot her hand up and waved at the waitress.

  Abigor tried to understand the dynamic between the tempter and the assassin, but he couldn’t. He surmised that probably neither of them understood it either. There were hurt feeling on both sides but forgiveness too. Both of them would never trust the other, but Abigor liked it that way.

  “Mia is retiring,” Abigor said carefully. “She would like to hand over her legions.”

  “Is this true?”

  “Yes. I understand you will decide who will get my legions. I would like to see them in Abigor’s hands, but you know best.”

  “I will miss looking into your eyes,” Lucifer said.

  Mia sensed he had retreated into old habits, and she knew she had to tread carefully here. She could see the finish line, the end of the tunnel, the cashier at Walmart on Christmas Eve. Hell was almost behind her.

  “Mia, I accept your resignation. Your service will be discontinued with honor.”

  Mia smiled. She stood up and accepted a hug from Abigor. She pulled off her glove and gave Lucifer her hand. He read her. He lifted an eyebrow and then nodded. “Thank you for being aware.”

  They watched her walk away.

  “She hates me enough to kill me if you weren’t sitting here; yet, she didn’t betray me, to Michael.”

  “Mia is...”

  “You’re absolutely right, Abby. She is entertaining.”


  Mia arrived to find a house full of people. She walked in to hear Murphy talking about her ballsy move with dropping the gems. She slid her arm around Ted’s back, and he hugged her.

  Roumain walked over. “May I borrow your wife for a few minutes?”

  “Just let her come home, is all I ask.”

  Mia walked outside and looked up at the moon. Roumain swept her up, and the moon still shown but over the lagoon. He cradled her in his arms, and the two didn’t speak for a while. He set her down.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner, but I had a commission to resign. I hope Lucifer will let me go.”

  “He will find something else to amuse him.”

  “The fall really destroyed him inside, didn’t it?”

  “It hurt all of us. Damaged us. Trust is gone. Right now, the only thing we all have in common is you.”

  “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.”

  “What will you do now that you have no legions to play with?”

  “I think Father Santos has a case having to do with a woman who needs some help. Otherwise, I’m going to get fat and blame the twins.”

  “Mia, why I needed to talk to you tonight is because I just realized that if you die in battle, you won’t be coming to me. Azrael will have your soul. You have too much birdman in you. You will have an ascension, and your body will disappear. Nothing for me or Stephen to fight over. Angelo will sing the lament for you. Speaking of, how much birdman did you get inside you?”

  Mia slapped his arm. “Nothing. Just a kiss. But damn, what a kiss.”

  “I wish for you a long life. May you pass of old age and slip into my waiting arms when it’s time.”

  “So you don’t see me mending my ways?” Mia asked.

  “Once a pirate, always a pirate,” Roumain observed.

  Mia produced a large ruby pendant from her pocket. “This is for you to remember me by.”

  “It looks like your heart. I thank you.”

  “Thank you for saving my father,” Mia said, her eyes misting. “You risked yourself to do so.”

  “It’s what we heroes do.”

  “Please send me home.”

  He smiled and did just that.

  Mia stood on the porch a moment. Her house was still full of men. They were laughing and drinking, a celebration because they didn’t have to battle pirates. She didn’t hear Ted leave the house, but he was there beside her.

  Ted took her hand and followed her gaze. “It is a beautiful moon.”

  “I’m counting on it to be a portent of easier times to come. Did you finish your work for MIT?”

  “Yes. I’m not going to take on any more work for a while. I want to concentrate on us. I think we may have to rein in our spending if we’re going to be able to afford renovating for the twins.”

  Mia put her hand in her pocket and came out with a fistful of jewels. She handed them to Ted. “Once a pirate, always a pirate.”

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Homecoming at Big Bear Lake High School was a big deal. The parade lit up the town. A few bonfires got out of hand, and Tom’s deputies were run off their feet with senior-class-inspired chaos.

  The Martins went to the football game in full force. Mia was a little rounder than the last time she was there. She sat, saving a row of seats with Lazar’s girlfriend, Robin, who was wearing mittens and it wasn’t even snowing. Mia wouldn’t let her apologize, as she too was wearing gloves. Charles, Cid, and Ted arrived carrying the snacks with the two little boy
s in tow. Varden walked over and put his head on Mia’s stomach. “Hello, little sisters,” he said before he climbed in Mia’s lap.

  “He’s so adorable,” Robin said. “No wonder you want to have more children.”

  Ted put his arm around Mia and fed her nachos. “This is for Mia, and this is for Maeve, and this is for Genevieve.”

  “Dad, what food group is nachos?” Brian asked.

  “Snacks?” Ted guessed. “Cid?”

  “Corn chips, cheese, and salsa,” Cid said, then agreed, “A case could be made for dairy and vegetables, but snacks seems to be as good a classification as any.”

  Lazar handed Varden a wet nap. He wiped Mia’s chin with it.

  Acalan inched his way behind Mia. He leaned forward and asked, “When are you coming to finish your portrait?”


  Ted turned and said, “Mia’s been feeling a bit bloated lately.”

  “I just need her face,” he explained.

  Mia thought a minute. “Monday and Thursday are taken.”

  “Tomorrow then. Bloated or not,” he said. “Early. Eight. The store opens at ten, so that will give me plenty of time.” He inched his way back to the stairs and climbed them to his seat.

  “What kind of portrait?” Robin asked.

  “He’s doing a set of tarot cards.”

  “Cool. Oh, shit, there is that woman again,” Robin pointed. “And she’s staring at you, Mia.”

  Mia looked, and sure enough, there stood Lisa Lane-Cordoba.

  “That’s that bad lady who pulled your hair,” Varden said.

  “We’re here to watch Dieter, not get in a catfight,” Mia said, more for herself than Varden.

  Ted turned her head to him and gave her a big kiss. His eyes were twinkling.

  “What?” Mia asked.

  “Nothing. Just happy to be here with you.”

  Murphy stood with a sixty-four-count package of toilet paper in front of Lisa Lane-Cordoba’s house. He tucked the address Ted had given him into a roll and started working. Nothing was better than the smell of Charmin on a misty autumn night.



  PEEPS: Paranormal Entity Exposure Partners.

  Dupree, Mike: Founding partner of PEEPs and on-camera personality.

  Garrett, Cid: Contractor, investigator, cameraman, and technician.

  Hicks, Burt: Founding partner of PEEPs, lead investigator, and cameraman.

  Jake: Ghost, research and computers.

  Martin, Mia Cooper: Sensitive, lead investigator, and security. Ted’s wife and Brian, Varden, and Dieter Martin’s mother. Healer of angels.

  Martin, Ted: Lead technician, computers, and communications. Mia’s husband and Brian, Varden, and Dieter Martin’s father. Technical genius.

  Stavros, Audrey: Researcher and investigator, married to Orion Stavros, mother of Luke Stavros.

  Murphy, Stephen: Ghost, translator, and security.

  Recurring Characters:

  Abigor, Duke of Hades: Fallen angel, commander of 60 legions of demons.

  Aldridge, Ethan: Teenage paintball-gang member who was sentenced to a juvenile detention facility for his part in coercing Rory Kline and the deaths of Jason Jones and Keith Summerfield. Aided in bring Blair Summerfield to justice.

  Altair: Fallen archangel. Also known as Wyatt Wayne.

  Aosoth: Evil female force in the pantheon of the Order of the Nine Angels. Enjoys participation in passion and death.

  Babcia Sophia: Crone. Lazar Popov’s Polish grandmother.

  Baxter: Wizard, doctor, paranormal Psychiatrist, friend of Quentin.

  Bill aka Diamond Bill: ghost gangster who covets the Yellow diamond displayed at the Chicago Field Museum.

  Billy: Hacker friend of Mia’s when she was a teenager.

  Booker, Deb: Manager of Ace Hardware, best friend of Susan Braverman, Chicago Bears fanatic.

  Bouché, Guillaume: Magician spending eternity in Purgatory. Lover of Beverly Cooper, father of Sabine.

  Braverman, Susan: Mega Chicago Bears fan, housewife, Tom Braverman’s mother and Brian Martin’s babysitter.

  Braverman, Tom: Acting Sheriff, school friend of Mia. Murphy brought him back to life, inadvertently giving him the sight.

  Cabello, Acalan: Artist, painter, seer of angels, Mia’s childhood school friend.

  Cabello, Zarita aka Grandma Z: Grandmother of Acalan and shop assistant.

  Callen, Patrick: Charming handsome second generation Irish. Brother of Mason Callen, teen caught up in the drama of The Puzzle. Patrick also lead investigator in the treasure hunt in Risen.

  Cerise, Tauni: Nurse and friend of Sabine Norwood.

  Cooper, Amanda: Mia’s mother. Sociologist.

  Cooper, Beverly: Very talented sensitive. Aunt to Mia Martin, mother of Sabine Norwood, sister of Charles Cooper, and associate of Father Santos and Gerald Shem.

  Cooper, Charles: Mia’s father. Archaeologist.

  Dis Pater: Roman god of the underworld. Protects the graves of the paupers with his horde of di inferi.

  Ed, aka He-who-walks-through-time: Superhuman, Judy’s partner.

  Ester: Acalan’s guardian angel.

  Gabriel: Archangel general who doesn’t like Mia

  Hansen, Neil: Mia’s late common-law husband. Invalid father of her miscarried daughter Hope.

  Harley: Navigator of the Devil’s Pride.

  Hero and Anat: Fabled birdmen lovers. One turned into a bird the other into a human and died. He wrote poetry about their experience. (Return)

  Idra: Head Gray Lady after Elizabeth left. Healer of birdmen.

  Jefferies, Alan: Lawyer for PEEPs and the Martins.

  Jeff the Gargoyle: Inventor gargoyle. Day job: Dark vault guard.

  Judy, aka Refugia: Birdwoman, former Gray Lady, independent healer, and Ed’s partner.

  Komal: Master of bilocation. Lives in spirit form on a hidden island in Lake Michigan.

  Krouse, Robin: Oboe player, sister to David Krouse (Linebacker on Dieter’s FB team) girlfriend of Lazar.

  Leighton, Mark: Teenager who can see angels. Son of a veteran with Locked-in Syndrome.

  Lobo: Mia’s first boyfriend. Hacker who perished in Chicago when demons attacked the hideout. (Restitution)

  Lucifer: Fallen archangel in charge of Hell.

  Maggie Mae: Mixed-breed dog of PEEPs who can see ghosts.

  Martin, Brian: The Chosen One. Son of Mia and Ted Martin.

  Martin, Dieter: Teenage attrpeur-âme (a catcher of souls) from Nigeria, adopted son of Mia and Ted Martin.

  Martin, Varden: Son of Mia and Ted Martin. Carries the soul of dead birdman Varden, Victor’s brother.

  Martin, Whitney: Former Deputy Sheriff, Mia’s high school crush and ex-boyfriend.

  Mendelssohn, Ralph: Musical stage designer, Mia’s godfather, married to Bernard Wesley.

  Michael, aka Saint Michael: Prince of Angels, leader of angel winged army, Mia’s boss.

  Michaels, Angelo: Birdman and associate of Father Santos. Lead warrior and librarian for the Brotherhood of the Wing.

  Murphy, Chastity: Deceased wife of Stephen Murphy.

  Murphy, Kevin: Irish ghost. Father of Stephen Murphy, best friend of Fergus O’Connor, and associate of PEEPS.

  Nietzsche Bigg Tree: Barb Peters’ site manager or O.I. in Given Enough Rope.

  Neyer, Émile: Patriarch of the Sanctuary and Mia Martin’s grandfather.

  Neyer, Adele: Mia’s grandmother.

  Neyer, Aubree: Mia’s aunt who discovered that Mia existed when she saw the BBB poster of her. International comedian.

  Nicholai: Birdman trainer. Mia’s trainer.

  Nordin: Wyatt Wayne’s (Altair’s) former butler. See Candle.

  Norwood, Brian: Deceased husband of Sabine. Namesake for Brian Martin.

  Norwood, Holly: Sister in-law of Sabine.

  Norwood, Sabine: Sensitive, clairvoyant, and medium, associate of Father Santos, widow, adopted cousin of Mia, and mother of triplets.<
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  Norwood, Leta Ann: Sabine’s daughter, one of three triplets.

  Norwood, Maisha Violet: Sabine’s daughter, one of three triplets. Healer, carries the soul of Hope, Mia’s dead daughter.

  Norwood, Nura Louise: Sabine’s daughter, one of three triplets.

  Popov, Lazar: One legged veteran hired on as a farm manager for the Martins.

  Reynolds, Quentin: Mia’s half uncle, son of her grandmother Fredericka and a fallen angel, Nephilim.

  Roumain, Judge: Judge of Purgatory.

  Ryan, John: Sheriff of Big Bear Lake. On leave fighting the Cynosura.

  Santos, Father (Paolo): Roman Catholic priest, exorcist, mind reader, and leader of a professional group of paranormal investigators.

  Sariel: Archangel, Mia’s guardian angel.

  Savatier, Piers: Genetic manipulator of Mia with Council members. Amanda’s ballet instructor. Suspected Cynosura member.

  Shelley: flashy bimbo gangster moll of Bill.

  Shem, Gerald: Associate of Father Santos, businessman who trades in favors, Beverly Cooper’s paramour.

  Simon, Father: Priest of the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, exorcists and associate of Father Santos.

  Soren: Elder and judge of the Brotherhood of the Wing.

  Stavros, Luke: Son of Audrey and Orion.

  Stavros, Orion: Birdman, scribe, researcher, field medic, Mia’s grandfather, Angelo Michaels’s friend, and Audrey’s husband. Father of Luke.

  Sticks: Heroic demon from New Orleans. Mia mistakenly was engaged to him for a short time.

  Templeton, Rand aka Old lady Templeton: Cid’s girlfriend and dynamic high school teacher and organic farmer.

  Varden: Part of Angelo’s birdman guard, brother of Victor, killed in the battle of the witch trees.

  Victor: Angelo’s birdman General, brother of the fallen Varden. On leave fighting Cynosura.

  Violine: Roumain’s earthly wife. She was a demon inhabiting The Old House when Mia killed her. Mia brought Violine to Roumain.

  Waite, Henry Captain: Captain of the ghost ship the Devil’s Pride.


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