The Temple of Set I
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conceived and executed action. It is “Astral projection” in the strictest sense. (#9G/H “Liber O”,
Briefly the technique is this: The magician constructs within his SU a “magical double” or
ka (Goethe’s Doppelgänger). This is an idealized entity whose precise characteristics may vary
from working to working. He then, by an act of will, transfers his soul or ba to the vehicle of this
ka and then executes his will in the SU. This may be completely disassociated from the physical
body of the magician, or it may be closely aligned with it. Physical alteration of imagery in the
ritual chamber may play a part, as may actions and expressions through the magician’s material
At the conclusion of the working, the ba is redirected to the physical body and the ka is
dispelled. The elements of the SU specifically summoned for the working are released into their
normal contexts, there to influence their OU counterparts.
Vast amounts of advice concerning “Astral projection” and the construction and use of a
magical double have been proffered. There is no one best technique which works for everyone.
You will have to experiment, turning your mind and consciousness “in upon themselves” to
explore, understand, and control their functions and parameters. Be careful and gentle with
yourself. Do not hesitate to ask the Priesthood of Set for advice if in doubt.
9. Extinguish the Black Flame/Close the Gate
10. Ring the Bell [as in Step #3].
11. Utter the Traditional Closing Words: “So It Is Done!”
* * * * *
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21: Medial Black Magic
Over the years we have become accustomed to the Temple of Set’s two major divisions of
Black Magic: Lesser (LBM) and Greater (GBM). By the former we generally refer to applied/
scientific/manipulative magic; by the latter to introspective ceremonies of nœtic solemnity.
It is easy to focus strongly and exclusively on either one or the other of these two categories,
so much so that we miss that grey area wherein they blend. Let us call this Medial Black
Magic (MBM).
MBM involves the use of the magical link (ML) in its simplest, most direct form in an
operative context. Unlike LBM, in which the magician uses forces and features which are of the
OU to accomplish his goal, MBM has similar goals but uses metaphysical means - the ML - to
realize them. It is not as “pure” as true GBM (which has no purpose other than itself).
The beauty of MBM is its simplicity and directness. It requires only so much formality as
you feel appropriate to what you wish to do. Grimoires, spellbooks, even the famous curse/lust/
compassion rituals of the Satanic Bible are needlessly overcomplicated and are just so much
window-dressing for persons who need such “training wheels” to work up a proper mental/
magical state of concentration.
Dark Shadows, that charming occult soap-opera of the 1960s, got it right. When Angelique
the witch felt the need to curse, confound, or [rarely!] help someone, she would simply light a
candle, or gaze into a fireplace, or stare at the Moon, and dictate her will. And so it would come
to pass. Seances and Tarot readings worked, not because they were elaborate frauds or because
the people participating in them were gullible fools, but because the participants approached
them with simple open-mindedness.
However, and this is an important point, MBM is not just “making a wish” or “saying a
prayer”, because these things involve no will, nor even sincerity. MBM requires your will that
the result you desire actually occur.
Unlike LBM, there is no calculable cause-and-effect. If you are using proxemic magic
(LBM), you can reliably count on keeping someone in a room, driving him out of it, altering his
mood, etc. because of the physiological and psychological principles you are applying. As a stage
magician (also LBM) you can trick or control people by things that may seem to be MBM but
When you resort to MBM, you enter that Twilight Zone between physics and metaphysics.
The ML may or may not work, or it may work in some unexpected way [not necessarily to your
satisfaction]. You may try MBM and get good, regular results. You may get nowhere and
conclude that, for you anyway, it is a waste of time and an intellectual insult. Or you may find it a
kind of mix of the two.
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Keeping MBM simple doesn’t mean that you can’t use more elaborate systems for it if you
prefer. Just don’t feel that you are forced to recite some long, dreary ritual text to accomplish
something. A more direct ritual, which you understand and project coherently, will serve you
better. Remember Angelique! Because in Black Magic there is no turning back.
The Beginning
- Mark Thornally II° (2014 CE)
Now I have taken leave of memories,
I am gone down to the grey wave of prose,
That not ungracious wave which ebbs and flows
In softly pulsed irregularities,
The effort breaking slowly into ease,
The long, low, unimpassioned swell that goes
To the most cryptic distances one knows
Of noncommittal, silver-ebbing seas.
Come over me, and cover all my mind -
My truant mind - and take her into you,
Grey, temperate wave, lest she be gone along
The beach and over the hills to find
The path beneath the cypresses we knew,
Or the green path that ended like a song.
- Betty Ford III° (1925 CE)
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302 East Calle Laureles, William Murray and Michael Aquino, the day of the 22nd & Kansas
Santa Barbara, California, meeting, San Francisco, California
site of the North Solstice X
Meg Longoria and Robert Ethel
Brandy Aquino and James Lewis
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Dale Seago, Lilith Sinclair, William Murray
Robertt Neilly
Roland Holt and Michael Aquino
Visiting dæmon & William Murray
contemplating one another
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Jinni Bast, Marie Kelly, James Lewis
Willie Browning, Robert Menschel, Dale Seago
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Margaret Wendall and Betty Ford
Yole Patterson
Lilith Sinclair and Jinni Bast
Ricco Zappitelli
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Linda Reynolds, Lilith Sinclair, Michael Aquino
Alexandra Sarris and Robert Menschel
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James Lewis and Dale Seago
Linda Thomas and Jerry Reynolds
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Ronald K. Barrett and Lilith Sinclair
The “Egyptian eyes” experiment:
Ronald K. Barrett, Michael Aquino, Lilith Sinclair
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--------------------------- Ronald K. Barrett ---------------------------
Constance and Robert Moffatt
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Colleen Huddleston, Ronald K. Barrett, Stephen Bushey, Janet Menschel
Robert Moffatt, Lynn Norton, Lilith Sinclair
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Robert DeCecco, Lilith Sinclair, Ronald K. Barrett
Michael Aquino with Priesthood-Presented Medallion, Set-1 Conclave
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; David Austen James Lewis and Robertt Neilly
Patricia Hardy and Robert Menschel Mitchell Wade
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Nancy Flowers, Linda Reynolds, Ronald L. Barrett
Zeena & Nikolas Schreck and Don Webb Peter Rivera
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Robert Brink and Alexandra Sarris Eric Kauschen
Michael Aquino and Stephen Flowers
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The Wewelsburg to the SE tower
The Wewelsburg to the North Tower
Wewelsburg Main Entrance
Wewelsburg Courtyard to the North
Tower Grail Hall door
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The Red & Black Candles in the Grail
Vehm Sigil in the Grail Hall
Hall prior to the Wewelsburg Working
Entrance to Walhalla
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Michael Aquino in the Walhalla
And So It Is Done.
prior to the Wewelsburg Working
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About the Author
Michael A. Aquino was the only member of the Church of Satan to attain the Second Level of the Fourth
Degree (Magister Templi IV°-II’) prior to 1975, and was a member of the Church’s Council of Nine and Order of the
Trapezoid 1970-75. He served as Editor of the Church’s Cloven Hoof newsletter 1971-75.
He served as founding High Priest of the Temple of Set 1975-1996, was Recognized as an Ipsissimus VI°, and
was founding Grand Master of the Temple’s Order of the Trapezoid 1982-87.
In secular life he is a Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, U.S. Army (Ret.). He is a graduate of the
Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University; Defense Intelligence College, Defense
Intelligence Agency; Foreign Service Institute, Department of State; U.S. Army Special Warfare Center (Special
Forces (“Green Beret”)/Psychological Operations/Civil Affairs/ Foreign Area Officer); U.S. Army Command &
General Staff College; U.S. Army Intelligence School, and U.S. Army Space Institute. Decorations include the Bronze
Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal (3 awards), Special Forces Tab, Parachutist
Badge, USAF Space & Missile Badge, and the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross, Psychological Warfare Medal
(First Class), & Air Service Medal (Honor Grade).
Academic credentials include the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California,
Santa Barbara; and the M.P.A. in Public Administration from George Washington University. He has taught as
Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Golden Gate University 1980-86.
In 2006, following his retirement as a U.S. government officer, he was recognized by Scotland’s Lord Lyon
King of Arms as the 13th Baron of Rachane, Argyllshire. He is a member of Clan Campbell.
He, his wife Lilith, and inevitable cats live in San Francisco, California.