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Erotic Love Poems from India

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by Erotic Love Poems from India- 101 Classics on Desire


  Trembling with awakened love

  they dart off,

  then contract into two moist buds.

  An instant they shamelessly stare,

  a moment glisten with shy indirection.

  Dear girl so artless—

  who is it you look at

  as though the feverish spell lodged

  in your heart

  had rushed to your eyes?


  Why weep in silence

  striking aside

  angry tears with your fingernails?

  When spurred by cheap gossip this fit

  gets completely out of hand,

  your lover will

  tire and grow grim and indifferent.

  Then your tears will break


  out of control.


  You provided love,

  you touched her

  intimately for a long time.

  Now in a fatal twist

  you’ve inflicted the most savage wound.

  Tender words can’t assuage

  her unbearable jealousy.

  Our friend needs to cry now—

  grief has

  unlocked her throat.


  Your lover sits


  scratching figures in the dirt outside.

  Your friends won’t eat

  their eyes are swollen from crying.

  There’s no silly chatter from the

  household parrots

  and you’re a wreck.

  Stubborn one, isn’t it

  time to quit



  Women of intrepid


  can’t be stopped—

  they’ll even steal what they want.

  Why be timid? Tears cannot bring


  You want him,

  he’s hungry for sexual pleasure—

  try some crudely explicit suggestion

  and make

  him your own.


  She binds him

  in her arms

  pliant as tendrils.

  It happened again.

  Stammering in front of her friends

  she draws him into the bedroom,

  his misconduct apparent.

  Lucky man—

  the crying girl playfully strikes him

  he laughs and denies



  Don’t those who depart

  always return?

  Sweet creature, you fret and are

  wasting away….

  I stammered through tears.

  She stared blankly

  swallowing her own emotion.

  Shame lay across her dark pupils.

  Then a dry desperate laugh

  said it all—

  she intended to die.


  Forcing my face

  from his

  I glared at his feet.

  Desperate for his voice I closed

  my ears, even hid the

  sweat on my cheeks with my palms.

  But friends, what could I do—?

  Where my thin top

  gathers my breasts a hundred

  stitches had split.


  After the first watch,

  the middle,

  or is it toward dusk you return?

  Not gone the whole day?

  Words choked with emotion she

  stalls his departure.

  And he’s intent

  on a district

  a hundred days off.


  We were making love

  when something hurt. I cried

  get away!

  He tore himself

  from the bed and departed.

  Impetuous, pitiless, he tramples on romance—

  but my heart

  craves him shamelessly,

  what do I do?


  All night the two of them


  intimate words—

  now dawn

  the household parrot

  chatters it out to the in-laws.

  She slips a ruby

  from her ear, mortified,

  into the parrot’s beak—

  it could be a pomegranate seed—

  and stifles the

  unguarded cries.


  Stupidly, out of

  sheer wickedness—

  my face turned in grief—

  you embrace me.

  What does cheating get?

  It comes down to this—

  your chest

  streaked with tawny

  paste from your girlfriend’s breasts

  now smudged with

  oil from my braid ends.


  Rising to greet him—

  still far off—

  she avoided sharing a couch.

  When he reached for her

  off she ran for betel-nut leaf.

  Nor could he speak to her

  so diligent was she

  to the servants’ instructions.

  Shrewd girl, every courtesy

  applied just

  to get back at him.



  he slips behind his two

  seated lovers.

  A playful advance—

  he covers the eyes of one—

  then turning his neck

  kisses the other.

  A deep erotic thrill goes through

  her cheeks

  the flush of a

  secret smile.


  When she’d been icy he

  dropped at her feet.

  But accused of cheating in secret

  he bristled and

  left. She exhaled audibly

  both hands on her breasts

  and glanced

  through moist eyes at

  her girlfriends.


  Why is this enchanted

  creature asleep,

  a sash fastened over her robe?

  He was softly querying

  the servants

  when she cried bitterly

  Mother, he disrupts my dreams even here!

  and turned as if

  sleeping to make room

  on the couch.


  Each turned aside

  on the bed

  silently suffering

  secretly hoping to reconcile but

  afraid to lose face.

  At some point their furtive eyes met—

  there was a quick

  unintentional laugh and the

  quarrel broke

  in one wild embrace.


  Thinking I’d see how

  she took it

  I put on a hard implacable look.

  Why can’t this snake even talk to me—?

  said the glare on her face.

  Charming stand-off

  eyeing each other warily.

  When I gave a cautious

  smile she lost her nerve and broke

  into tears.


  In bed he whispers

  the wrong name.

  She feels her youthful enthusiasm wilt

  and curls coldly away

  from excuses.

He falls silent.

  And she turning back softly

  eyes him—

  Don’t go to sleep.


  Why fall at my feet?

  You can’t hide

  the unguent from her nipples

  streaking your chest.

  Where? I said rising quickly—

  and to rub it away

  took her fiercely. Rough


  the slender creature

  forgot everything.


  Your eyes enchant me.

  Remove this camisole and

  take my glamorized heart


  He fingered her

  knotted braid as he spoke.

  Delighted by radiant

  eyes and quick smile of their friend—

  perched at the end of her bed—

  the other ladies with soft




  Scowling I knot up

  my forehead

  but this traitorous eye shamelessly lifts.

  I refuse words but

  my rebellious face softens.

  Make a stone of my heart

  and on its own

  this aroused body tingles.

  Anger just

  can’t keep its grip

  when that boy

  comes into view.


  The lord of her heart

  made some

  injurious remark.

  Lacking the counsel of friends

  she could not compose her bewildered

  body or phrase

  a slant reply.

  Blue eye petals darting about

  she just wept—

  tears on bright cheekbones

  locks of stray hair.


  Now I know everything.

  Please go. Talking is pointless.

  You don’t bear the

  slightest blame,

  fate has simply turned from me.

  Since your so abundant love

  comes to this

  what pain could I experience

  if hateful life—

  mere flicker of nature—

  were to go also?


  Milky chatter

  of pearls

  at your breasts

  over your belly a jangling belt

  gemstones clattering along your trim ankles.

  If you set off with a drum roll

  to meet your lover

  why do you tremble, child—

  as though every

  slight shadow

  might catch you?


  Dawn after dawn

  our lovemaking

  took the sleep from my eyes.

  A weight lifted.

  For once my heart felt light.

  Now what have you done?

  Go—you are foolish and miserable

  and death no longer scares me.

  One day you may hear

  down which road

  I’ve decided to go.


  My bracelets are gone.

  Tears, those sweet friends, departed forever.

  Courage left instantly

  and my heart

  went fastest of all.

  They set off in concert

  when my beloved decided

  to leave.

  You should go too, life—

  why lag behind that troop

  of dear comrades?


  He sleeps, dear,

  you should sleep too.

  My girlfriends withdrew and

  a wild hunger

  consumed me. I pressed

  my mouth to his.

  But he was already aroused—

  I felt it—he’d shut his eyes

  to deceive us!

  How shy I got—

  but he dispelled it with touches

  the late

  hour warranted.


  Those days a slanted brow

  meant anger,

  silence a quarrel,

  two smiles forgiveness.

  Grace was held in

  a glance.

  Look at the wreckage

  that’s come of love.

  You at my feet groveling,

  me thrashing about

  in frustrated anger.


  Sweetheart, please speak.

  Look at me

  collapsed at your feet.

  Your anger never gets this bad—

  He was pleading.

  She winced, jerked her tearful

  eyes aside

  and said nothing.


  Her breasts

  flattened against me

  her flesh seemed to ripple,

  at her thighs the sheer

  silk parted.

  I heard a mute don’t—

  don’t—this is enough for me—

  did she sleep, did she die then?

  sink into my heart?

  completely dissolve?


  She averts a well-bred face

  when her lord

  fingers her skirt.

  He moves to enfold her,

  she extracts

  her limbs mildly.

  Caught wordless,

  eyeing the conspiratorial smiles

  of her bridesmaids,

  at a first joke the girl

  nearly perishes.


  No kindness no word

  of endearment

  could soothe her bruised pride.

  All day long

  her heart strangled.

  Two faces averted but

  who can say how

  the sidelong glance meets?

  A smile

  a quick laugh

  and indignation was



  Love’s bond is broken.

  The heart’s high

  passion has waned.

  Even truth is a ghost

  when that man

  walks past like someone unknown.

  Days long vanished rise up

  dear friend to haunt me

  and why this heart

  doesn’t split into a hundred shards

  who can tell?


  The young lovers,

  bodies a long time aching apart,

  are now reunited.

  How utterly

  new the world seems and the

  long day drifts past unnoticed.

  At nightfall

  they put off

  for later their stories,

  not so their lovemaking.


  With dark eyes

  not blue lotus

  she fashions a welcome garland.

  Petals she strews—

  not various species of jasmine

  but smiles.

  Water she offers from ripe

  moistened breasts

  rather than ceremonial jars.

  With only her own body

  she makes for her

  lover an

  auspicious welcome.


  At twilight today

  he deceived me.

  I’d banished him for some offense

  and he returned in my

  girlfriend’s clothes.

ive, clasping the imposter,

  I confided how urgently I wanted

  to sleep with him.

  “That will be hard to achieve—”

  A laugh in the


  he forcibly took me.


  Suspecting I might

  fall at her feet

  she deftly folds them beneath her skirt

  hides a sly smile

  won’t glance upward.

  To avoid answering she chats

  with a girlfriend. If

  displeased she’s this charming—


  her passionate.


  Instructed by servants—

  skilled liars—

  she chatters a quick excuse to her

  skeptical husband.

  Then to perform what the love god requests….

  This is love’s

  inmost enchantment—


  adorns it.


  When a lover is faithless

  the eye in an

  instant changes its theme.

  He’s far off, it’s restless,

  he arrives,

  it turns to the side,

  dilates if he speaks,

  reddens when he attempts

  an embrace.

  He clutches her robe and its brow

  twists like a vine.

  He falls to the angry

  woman’s feet

  it wells up with tears.


  Your body so thin


  and cheeks pale as ash—?

  When the lord of her life confronts her

  the slim girl says these

  things just happen

  turns and between her eyelashes


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