Found by the Rivers

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Found by the Rivers Page 13

by liberty freer

  He looks up, his gray eyes lighting up when they land on me. “Ah, Alena.” He pauses a minute, his brows furrowing. “Your friend called. He said you got a new job and are putting your notice in here?”

  That motherfucker, Kelsoe. I was going to tell Tate myself.

  “I just wanted you to know that I’m glad.”

  “You are? I wanted to tell you myself. He shouldn’t have called you like that.”

  “It’s okay. You need to do what’s best; I understand.” He frowns. “Are you sure you want to be here today? David’s been coming by looking for you. I’m not one to pry, but I’ve heard rumors. I’m worried about you.”

  “No need to worry. David isn’t going to cause any problems here.” I bite my lip. “I guess this will be my last night unless you need coverage for next Friday. I wasn't on the schedule again until then.”

  Mr. Tate shakes his head. “I guess this is your last night.” He gives me a sad smile. “You better visit me.”

  “Of course, I’ll visit you, ol’ man. Now, where do you want me tonight?”

  “Stocking would be good. Patty’s on the register.” He points to the crates full of boxes that take up the back wall. “We’ve got plenty to put away.”


  The evening goes by quickly. I’m working on the last couple boxes when Drew comes down the aisle, his phone to his ear and a frown on his face.

  “I know. Nope. Just him…Yep.” He slips it into his pocket.

  “What’s up?”

  “David’s outside. I spoke to the lady at the register. She said a guy called earlier asking to speak to you, but when she told him to hold on so she could give you the phone, he hung up.”

  I resume putting the cans of soup on the shelf. “I’m almost done. We can leave in a few.” I look up at Drew. “I don’t like that he’s here, but he’s not going to be stupid.”

  “The day you turn eighteen, you’re getting a restraining order on that prick.”

  I open another box of soup. “Not arguing with you there.”

  Drew stays by my side as I finish the last box. I look up when I see him moving quickly towards the end of the aisle and then out of sight. With the stack of broken-down boxes under my arm, I head towards the back.

  Mr. Tate’s fallen asleep at the breakroom table. I gently shake his arm. “Mr. Tate. I finished the boxes. I’m going to go.”

  He rubs his eye as he pulls four twenties from his pocket and then hands them to me. “Enjoy your youth, Alena. I’m always tired now.” He stands and winces. “And sore.”

  “I’ll see you later, Mr. Tate. Thanks for letting me work here. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

  He waves me away. “Go, go, before you make my eyes leak.”

  I nod and smile, grabbing my bag from the table before making my way to the front of the store.

  Kelsoe’s on me in an instant. “Where the fuck did you just go?”

  I back up a step and right into a solid chest. I glance over my shoulder and see Ramsey. “I went to tell Mr. Tate bye. You guys are trippin´.”

  Drew comes around the corner. His face relaxes when he sees me. “Damn it, Lenny. You didn’t tell us where you were going.”

  I roll my eyes, but a small part of me likes they were worried. I give Drew a pointed look. “You called them?” I had a suspicion when he was on the phone.

  “I told him to call if David showed up,” Kelsoe says, and Drew shrugs.

  I cross my arms. “Like I told Drew, David’s not going to be stupid. He might try and talk to me. I’ll blow him off. He'll leave. End of story.”

  Kelsoe grabs me around the waist, tucking me into his side. “Let’s go.”

  I pull away, and he glares but doesn’t force the closeness again. They’re acting crazy, boxing me in so that I’m surrounded by their huge frames as we head outside. The sun’s going down, but the parking lot is lit up well. I don’t instantly see David’s truck. A part of me wants him to be gone, but I also want him to see me surrounded by these guys: protected and untouchable.

  Movement towards my left has me looking where the guys are already focused. David’s out of his car and headed towards us. He’s brave to approach. All three guys move in front of me, creating a wall. I roll my eyes and step to the side closest to Drew since he’s the least likely of the three to push me back behind him. I don’t need to be sheltered.

  David stops halfway between us and his car. “Alena, come on. It’s time to go home.”

  I lift both hands in the air and flip him off. His eyes narrow.

  “She’s not going anywhere with you. Call off the search and reward,” Kelsoe says, his alpha showing as his voice booms across the parking lot.

  “My stepdaughter is a minor. If you don’t let her come home, I’m calling the cops.” David focuses on me. “If you come with me now, I’ll forget all this mess.”

  He’s lying. He’s so fucking pissed, and he’ll take it out on me. I don’t know why I put up with it for so long.

  “Fuck you, and if you don’t back off, this will end badly for you,” Kelsoe says, reaching around to grab my arm and pull me to his side.

  David’s face turns beet red, his hands balling into fists, his lip curls into a nasty sneer. There he is. That’s the David I’m used to. He turns his head to the side and spits. I can’t see him after that because Kelsoe’s pulling me towards the SUV that Drew and I came in. He grabs my waist, lifting me into the seat.

  It’s just him and me in the front seat. Looking out the window, I see Drew getting onto Kelsoe’s bike and Ramsey getting onto his own. They rev their engines as they fly past David who’s already in his truck and glaring at me.

  “Kelsoe, now he knows without a doubt where I am. He’s going to come to your property.”

  Kelsoe’s hand grips the wheel, his knuckles turning white. “Let him.”

  The ride is silent. I almost bring up him calling Tate about my notice but decide against it. It wouldn’t do any good. Kelsoe parks and exits without looking at me. What the fuck reason does he have to be pissed at me?

  I go straight to the kitchen where a plate wrapped in cellophane with my name written on top is waiting for me. Not one to waste food, I dig into leftover spaghetti. It’s flavorful, but I can’t seem to enjoy it. My mind’s on a stupid boy with a bad attitude.

  After I eat, I take a long shower and then take my time getting dressed and brushing my hair. The house is quiet as I walk down the hall. I don’t know where to go. I have two options. My hand rests on the doorknob to Kelsoe’s room. Are we still sharing a room? Do I want to?

  Just as I lift my hand to go to my room, Kelsoe’s voice comes from inside. “Get your ass in here, Red.”

  I smirk as I open the door. “You waiting up for me?” My eyes widen. He’s only in a pair of boxers, and damn, if it isn’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Every inch of him is toned muscle. I look up at his face, embarrassed by my ogling, but he’s busy examining my body. His tongue darts out to lick the side of his mouth, and I find myself wondering what it would be like to kiss him. His lips are full and soft.

  “You cold, Red?” Kelsoe smirks.

  I shake my head to clear my thoughts. “No. Why?” Is he crazy? It’s hot in here. If the ceiling fan wasn’t running, I’d be sweating.

  Kelsoe slips beneath the sheet. “You want to smoke one?”

  “Yeah.” I climb into the bed and sit cross-legged as I tie my hair into a braid that hangs to my lower back. We smoke in silence. It’s nice. There’s no tension between us like earlier. Wishy-washy, dude.

  Kelsoe takes the last hit before dropping it into the water bottle next to him. “There’s a party tomorrow night. You’re riding with me, and you don’t leave my side. Be ready by eight.”

  Kelsoe had to ruin the vibe. “Do you think me going to a party is the best idea?”

  He clicks the lamp off, plunging the room into darkness. “Yep. Got to let the townies know they can’t fuck with you. Bet
ter for us to stop this shit with David now before it gets out of hand.”

  “Three thousand is a lot of money,” I say.

  “But is it worth their lives? That’s what they need to figure out. We’ll force them to choose the right thing tomorrow night.”

  The guys have planned something behind my back. I’ll let them think they hold the power, but if shit gets too out of hand, I’ll put them in their place.

  “What you plotting over there, Red.”

  I scoff. “Nothing.”

  Kelsoe laughs. “Yeah, right.”

  “Shhh.” I pull the sheet over myself as I lie back. “You’re keeping me up.” My body’s vibrating with need because he’s half-naked next to me. I scoot as close to the edge of the bed as I can without falling off. I’m so freaking tempted to reach over and touch him. It’s pathetic. I’m pathetic.


  I must have fallen asleep because, when my eyes open, I’m wrapped up in Kelsoe’s arms. My leg is thrown over his, my chest pressed to his side, and his arm around my waist.


  I’m on his side of the bed, so I’m the one that came to him. My heart picks up, my panties instantly becoming wet, or maybe they already were. I itch to run my fingers over his chest. What would it feel like to have his hands on me, or him inside of me? A soft noise escapes me at the thought.

  The light clicks on.

  “Red, you okay?”

  I cover my eyes, temporarily blinded. I blink a few times until they adjust. Neither of us is covered by the sheet or blanket. I sit up, getting a better look at Kelsoe’s dark-blue boxers that show off a huge bulge front and center. I meet his eyes, and his expression makes my thighs clench. Does he want me? I bet if I was to reach for him, he’d let me. How would that change the dynamics of things?

  The light clicks back off.

  “I thought you were upset. Lay back down. Let’s get a few more hours of sleep.”

  I scoot over to my side and lie down, but sleep never finds me

  Chapter 17

  The next day flies by. I find myself zoned out in the garage for most of it, working beside Kelsoe and Chris. As the sun goes down, I grab food and then shower. I’m not looking forward to the party or what the Lost Boys have planned, but I haven’t brought it up.

  I’m wearing cut-off shorts, a dark-green tank, and black boots as I stare at my bag. For the first time since I’ve owned it, I decide to leave it behind. Everything I need to survive is in that bag. This is a big step, but leaving it here tonight feels right. I run a brush through my hair before hurrying out the front door. The screen door closes loudly, causing all the guys to look my way.

  “Holy shit, Lena. You look hot.” Adam grins. “You sure you don’t want to share my bed?”

  Kelsoe pushes Adam back. “Knock it the fuck off.”

  Drew smiles. “She can share my bed.”

  I roll my eyes. “What number would I be, fifty?”

  Drew shrugs and my eyes widen. Fuck, more than that.

  “Load up. Let’s go,” Kelsoe commands, and they listen. Everyone heads to the SUV, and I follow. Kelsoe heads towards the garage and whistles for me to follow him, but I don’t, because I’m not a dog.

  “Red, not enough room in there. You’re with me on the bike.”

  I can’t hide the smile on my face as I change direction. My first ride on a motorcycle was short but exhilarating. I tie my hair into a braid for the ride. Kelsoe’s scent fills my nose as I settle onto the seat. Heat pools in my stomach and then heads south as I wrap my arms around him. Our closeness combined with the vibration of the bike is driving me a little wild.

  Kelsoe looks back and flashes me a sexy smirk. “Hold on tight, Red.”

  I squeeze him harder as we race forward. Riding at night is a different kind of thrill. We turn off the main road and onto a winding back road. I clench the seat between my thighs as we zip around the curves. It’s hard to see in the dark, so I rest my cheek against Kelsoe’s back and just enjoy the feel of the ride. We lead the way, turning down a dirt road.

  There aren’t any houses, streetlights, or signs of life. It’s creepy. Finally, the headlight of the motorcycle lights up something other than trees. There are rows of cars parked in an open field, and in the distance, there’s a house that’s being lit up by multiple bonfires around the property.

  It takes us a second to park the bike in the roped-off parking area, but it takes the guys longer because the whole town seems to be here. They finally find a spot, and we all head towards the partygoers.

  Country music sounds like it’s coming from every direction, and there must be at least three hundred people scattered around the yard. My face flushes with heat as anxiety sets in.

  Kelsoe takes my hand and bends down to whisper in my ear. “Stay close to one of us at all times. No exceptions.”

  With the money on my head and after what happened last time, I don’t argue. I probably shouldn’t have even come. I don’t know what I was thinking. Nevertheless, I hold my chin high. I’m not going to let anyone know they can get to me.

  I glance at the guys and notice their change in demeanor. The hard expressions they wear along with their body language has me seeing them in a new light. I’ve seen them look intimidating individually, but as a group, they are badass. Even Preppy looks a couple inches taller.

  We come up to a crowd of people, and I can see the curiosity in their stare as they take in the guys. I try to keep my focus on the house and not on the mass of people. The house looks ancient with peeling white paint and dingy windows, but the front porch is huge and looks to have been recently built. Kelsoe releases my hand to greet a few guys who approach. They’re wearing Wrangler jeans with boots. The two dark-haired ones have on white shirts while the redhead has on a black muscle shirt.

  A lanky brunette with bright blue eyes comes out of nowhere and attaches herself to Kelsoe. She runs her manicured hand over his arm and presses herself against him. He doesn't seem to mind, but he doesn’t exactly acknowledge that she’s there as he talks with the three guys.

  Adam saunters off to a corner of the porch with a busty blonde. They waste no time getting to know each other with their mouths and hands. Gross. Okay, they must know each other or be dating. Even though he’s engaged in a heavy make-out session with what may or may not be some random girl, his eyes cut my way every couple seconds. I notice Kelsoe doing it too. They’re worried.

  Ramsey and Chris head inside the house, leaving me to stand next to Drew who’s chatting up two blondes who are barely dressed.

  Fuck this.

  I move forward, but Kelsoe’s hand shoots out and wraps around my wrist. I get a cold glare from the brunette at his side, and I glare right back.

  Kelsoe bends down so his lips are brushing against my ear. “Where are you going?” he whispers, sending a chill down my back.

  “Inside to get a drink. Ramsey and Chris went in. I’ll find them.”

  Kelsoe shakes his head and nods towards Drew. “Stay with him. I’m going in. Have to check on something. Don’t move from this spot.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever. Bring me a drink.”

  He shakes the girl off and then follows the three guys towards the house. The brunette mumbles something to me under her breath before stumbling away. Drew’s got his hand under one girl’s shirt while the other girl has her hand down his pants. I roll my eyes and head towards the porch that’s full of people. With Drew still in sight, I take a seat on the porch swing.

  I scan the open field for any familiar faces. There are five separate bonfires going with at least fifty people around each one. The open yard goes on for miles. This is by far the biggest party I’ve ever been to; it’s double the amount of the last party. If Alex could see me now, at a real party, he’d lose his shit. He’d make me play beer pong, dance, and then drink till I’m puking my guts up. Fucker.

  “What are you laughing about all alone?”

  I look up at an unfamiliar face. �
��Just thinking about a friend,” I say. The guy standing above me has thick brown hair, amber eyes, and full lips. He has that “boy next door” look going on—the type you’d bring home to your parents.

  He sits down next to me. “Must be a lucky friend.” He lifts my braid. “Love the red hair.”

  I brush him off and narrow my eyes playfully. “No touching. I just washed it.”

  The swing dips down on my other side as another guy sits down. My stomach rolls with unease. My eyes dart to the porch where Adam was but isn’t anymore. I’m about to get up when two separate hands land on each one of my thighs, pinning me to the swing.

  “Where you going, beautiful?” the guy to my right says.

  His hair is as black as night. It’s wavy and styled to the side. I grit my teeth as I search for Drew. He’s grinding to the music with skank one and skank two. Guess I’m on my own here, just like I’m used to. “You should probably move your hands before I do it for you,” I say, facing forward.

  They both laugh. The one on my right moves his hand, but a knife at my side takes its place.

  “Why don’t you come for a walk with us?” the idiot who’s holding the knife says.

  “I’m good. You guys go ahead.”

  I feel the tip of the knife press into my side. These douchebags don’t know how high my pain tolerance is or that pain gets my blood pumping, making me feel alive. I turn and grab the wrist of the hand that holds the knife. I look up into cold, gray eyes. “Really? You going to bleed me out right here?” I dig my fingers into the pressure point of his wrist.

  I see worry on his face for a moment before anger takes its place. “Do you really want to find out, princess?” His eyes cut to his friend who’s relaying some signal.

  I tense as the other guy’s hand wraps around my upper arm. With the knife still pressing into my side, I’m pulled to my feet.


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