Found by the Rivers

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Found by the Rivers Page 14

by liberty freer

I laugh but it’s hollow. “You think I’m scared of getting a little bloody?” I grip his wrist tighter and then push the knife into my side even farther. I can feel the tip pierce my skin.

  His eyes widen as he pulls back, but then he grins, pushing farther. I didn’t expect that. This preppy fuck is a little sadistic. I hold my smile even though he’s continuing to push. I feel a small amount of blood soak into my shirt. I should feel worried, but I mostly feel alive, which is really fucked up.

  “Just come for a walk with us, and nobody gets hurt,” the boy next door says as the freak with the knife continues to push.

  I move my hand from his wrist, hoping that he’ll pull the knife back, but he doesn’t. My mind begins to race, searching for a plan. “You’re fucking stupid. You need to—" I smile as Ramsey and Chris come out the front door. They haven’t spotted me yet, but their eyes land on Drew and narrow.

  That’s right, guys, I’m not with Preppy.

  “You two are the only ones going to be getting hurt here. You have three seconds to back the fuck off before shit goes south.”

  They both laugh.




  I kick to the side, connecting my foot with the knee of knife guy. With a curse, he stumbles to the side, the knife creating a loud thud as it lands next to him. He’s righted himself a second later and lunging for me, but Ramsey’s fist connecting to the side of his face has him flying back, crashing into the porch swing. His buddy grabs my braid with one hand and wraps his other around my waist.

  If I didn’t know Chris, I’d be screaming like a little girl. His face has contorted into a mask of violence. His hands close into fists as he crouches forward. I guess the guy using me as his personal shield finally has a bright idea. As Chris moves forward, I’m shoved with enough force that my feet leave the porch. With my hands out in front of my body, I brace for impact, but Ramsey grabs me around the waist and pulls me against his chest, preventing Chris and me from crashing into each other.

  Chris collides into the boy next door. They both manage to stay on their feet. Chris is brutal as he lays into the dude. Chris lands blow after blow to the guy’s face until he falls to the porch unconscious.

  This is pathetic. These two had no chance. They only got as far as they did, because Drew was distracted, which he isn’t anymore. He’s up on the porch now, and his eyes scan me, lingering on my side that I’m holding out of instinct. It doesn’t hurt that bad. I drop my hand. He follows the movement to the knife on the ground. His wide eyes meet mine, and I shrug.

  Ramsey lets me go so that I’m standing on my own. He kicks at the feet of knife guy probably making sure that he is knocked out.

  Drew rushes to my side, his fingers locking onto the hem of my shirt.

  My eyes scan the crowd we’ve drawn. “Not here,” I hiss, pushing his hand away.

  I suck in a breath as Kelsoe rushes out the front door, his eyes frantic and searching. He turns to me and pauses, taking in the scene for only a fraction of a second, before he pushes through the crowd on the porch to get to me.

  His hand finds mine, pulling me close. “See this girl?” his voice booms getting everyone's attention. “Anyone lays a hand on her, and they have us to deal with.” He passes me to Ramsey who wraps a protective arm around me that I shrug off out of habit. Kelsoe moves into the crowd who’s spread out in front of the porch. “Does anyone have a problem with that?” His face turns red. “No? Good. Now get the fuck back!”

  The crowd parts like a bomb went off. I hate the eyes on me as we make our way to the parking area. “I hope that didn’t just make me a target,” I whisper under my breath.

  Ramsey scoffs. “You already were. This will let people know you’re one of us now.”

  “And what does that mean exactly? I had never heard of any of you.”

  “You were a loner. It means that you’re untouchable now,” Chris says.

  Kelsoe tries to lift my shirt, but I swat his hand away. He grabs my wrist and pulls me to a stop. The guys stop too, making a protective circle around us.

  “What the fuck, Kelsoe?”

  “Let me see.”

  I cut my eyes to Drew. He outed me. “It’s just a scratch.”

  “Good, then let me see.”

  “It’s going to look worse than it is. Let me clean it first.”

  Kelsoe’s eyes are furious. He grabs my shirt and lifts. Five sets of eyes move to my side, and I hear “What the fuck, Lena?” and “What happened?” and “Oh shit.”

  There are hands and faces everywhere. It’s too much. I pull my shirt down and back up. “Give me some space, guys. It’s just a little nick.”

  Kelsoe hands his keys to Ramsey, and then he’s hurrying to the truck to load me into the back seat. He slips next to me. His shirt’s off, and before I can stop him, he’s lifting my shirt and holding his to the wound.

  “That’s not necessary,” I say.

  “Bullshit. It is necessary. Did you even see it?”

  I don't answer and instead focus on the others. Adam takes the driver's seat, Chris the passenger’s seat, and Drew moves into the back sitting next to Kelsoe.

  “It’s deep. Going to need some help closing. I’ll handle it when we get back,” Kelsoe tells Drew.

  “I knew it. That motherfucker stabbed her,” Drew says, punching the back of the seat.

  Two sets of eyes dart to the rearview mirror to look at me.

  “He didn’t stab me. I was pushing him to see how far he was willing to go. He might have just pushed his knife into my side a little. I thought he was bluffing.”

  “Where the fuck were you, Drew?” Kelsoe growls.

  “I thought she was right next to me. I didn’t know she moved.”

  I don’t want them to fight, not at my expense. “I’m fine. Not a big deal. Let’s fucking drop it.”

  The ride back is quick and tense. Adam pulls right up to the front door, and then Kelsoe’s pulling me out and not allowing me to walk on my own. He’s acting like I’m dying. Chris, Ramsey, and Adam share worried glances as Kelsoe lays me on his bed, insisting he cleans the cut himself. Drew rushes into the room with supplies as Kelsoe’s rolling my bloody shirt up.

  “How deep?” Adam asks.

  “Deep enough,” Kelsoe mumbles.

  I watch as he gently cleans the area so he and all the guys can inspect it. I close my eyes as they hover over me talking over each other. It’s overwhelming but also kinda nice that they care. Kelsoe uses super glue to close the one-and-a-half-inch gash. I’ll have to remember that nifty little trick for when I’m back on my own.

  “Try not to move too much,” Kelsoe says, picking up the used gauze and bandage wrappers.

  “Lenny, can I get you anything?” Drew asks from the foot of the bed as he massages my feet with his magical hands.

  I wave him off. “Nah. I’m good. I think I’m just going to go to sleep.”

  “Here take this.” Ramsey hands me two pills and a bottle of water. “Tylenol.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” I look up at the worried faces and laugh. “Guys, chill. I am fine. Trust me, I’ve had worse.” Maybe I shouldn’t have said that last part because now they look angry.

  “Kelsoe was right. Having a girl in the group changes things,” Chris says.

  Ouch. That hurt more than it should. “I can always leave.”

  “No. I wasn’t meaning it like that! I just didn’t expect to worry so much.”

  “Is that why I’m feeling so protective? Like I’ll crush anyone who gets near her?” Ramsey says, rubbing his temples.

  I laugh. “Think of me as a guy then.”

  “Have you seen your body? Not possible,” Drew says.

  “All right, that’s enough. Everyone out,” Kelsoe says, his tone final.

  I watch everyone but Kelsoe shuffle out. He looks back at me before clicking the light off. The mattress dips as Kelsoe gets into bed. I can’t see him, but I can sense him. It’s like my body is hyper-a
ware of his.

  “You feeling okay?”

  I laugh quietly. “I’m fine. Seriously. You guys act like I was shot or something.”

  He slips beneath the covers, his bare leg brushing against mine. “Stab wounds can be deadly—even small ones. Nick an artery, an organ, or your intestines, and you have a big problem. You were lucky.”

  “I guess I didn’t think about that.” I frown. “Do you think David wants me dead?”

  “Would he have a reason to?”

  “I don’t know. I have no idea what goes on in his head. I don’t even want to think about it anymore.” Now that the room is quiet and dark, I realize how utterly exhausted I am.

  “Close your eyes, Red,” Kelsoe whispers.

  I do, but I can’t sleep. My side hurts, and my brain won’t shut off. Kelsoe’s breathing becomes deep and peaceful hours before I eventually fall asleep. I think I feel him checking my bandages in the middle of the night, but by that point, I’m too exhausted to fully wake.

  Chapter 18

  I grab a towel to wipe the grease from my hands. Another bike up and running. That’s four this week. It’s been a week since the party, and I’ve spent every waking moment in the garage. Kelsoe and Chris have been helping when they aren’t at work with Bob, doing construction.

  It’s just Chris and me in the garage as I finally get the courage to ask something that’s been on my mind. “Chris, what do you think about me learning to ride?”

  He sits up, a grin plastering his dirt-covered face. “Hell yeah. I think that would be hot.”

  “What's hot?” Kelsoe asks, walking in with a bottle of water.

  “Lena wants to learn to ride.”

  Kelsoe shakes his head. “Not happening.”

  I set the towel I’m holding down. “What does that mean?”

  “You’re not riding.” He walks past me and over to the new bike that he and Chris picked up from the junkyard yesterday.

  Chris whistles low as he puts the tools away.

  Oh, Kelsoe, so bossy. “I bet Preppy will teach me.” I stand, dusting off my jeans. “I think I’ll go ask him.”

  Kelsoe sticks his arm out, cutting off my exit. “It’s not safe. You can learn to drive the SUV. You don’t need to ride a bike.”

  I put my hand on my hip and wince. I keep forgetting about the cut. Kelsoe is quick to react. He never forgets about it. I brush his hands away while telling him I’m fine. It’s healing nicely and only hurts when touched, so he needs to chill out. “Are you fucking serious about the bike?” I ask, getting him back on topic.

  “End of discussion. You’re not riding.” His eyes bore into mine for a few moments before he storms out.

  I turn to Chris. “He’s fucking kidding, right?”

  Chris chuckles. “He’s serious.” He stands. “I’ll teach you though. When Kelsoe isn’t around.”

  I quirk a brow. “Yeah? You going to defy your alpha?”

  “I think when he actually sees you handling the bike he’ll be fine. He worries about you. He isn’t used to that.” He shrugs. “Plus, you’re with us now. We all ride. You should too.”

  I grin. “So, when do we start?”

  “Tomorrow morning. Kelsoe’s got some stuff to do. He’ll be gone for most of the day.”



  Kelsoe was seriously trippin´. I was born to ride. Chris set me up on a Honda Rebel and worked with me for a few hours before he declared me a motorcycle god. I can ride and fix a bike better than anyone who’s had training.

  We get back to the house a few minutes before Kelsoe’s pulling up. I self-consciously worry that he’ll be able to tell I was riding. My cheeks are flushed, my hair windblown, and my eyes are wild with adrenaline.

  “Red, go wash up. Family time. Grilling in an hour!” Ramsey hollers, giving me the excuse I need to dodge Kelsoe.

  I make my way inside and then quickly shower. With the days getting hotter and my attraction for Kelsoe growing, I decide to put effort into my outfit and hair. I grab some of the clothes from the bag that I had intended to take back. I pull on black lacy shorts and a flowery spaghetti-strap top. The top is a little see-through, but with a bra on, it should be fine. My hair is down, flowing in soft waves. I run my fingers through it while admiring myself in the mirror. I look good. Clean. I’ve even put on a little much-needed weight since I’ve been here.

  When I step outside, Drew’s the first to notice me. He nods in approval and elbows Kelsoe in the ribs. I watch as Kelsoe turns to Drew with a scowl on his face. He follows Drew’s gaze to me; his eyes widen as they scan me from head to toe.

  I’ve noticed his eyes on me a lot more lately. He doesn’t hide the fact he’s checking me out. “Take a picture. It’ll last longer,” I tease.

  At my words, everyone turns to me. I should have kept my mouth shut. There’s a mixture of grins and wide eyes. The shirt I’m wearing is sheer, but you can only see through it if you stare hard enough. I thought it was going to be fine, but they are all staring. Hard.

  Drew’s the first to break the spell. He walks over with two beers in hand. I take the one he offers, keeping my eyes on the chair in front of me instead of the guys who are still staring. This is when it’s awkward being the only girl in the group. My steps falter slightly at that thought.

  I’m in their group. The plan was to just stay long enough to enjoy a few meals and hot showers. With their promise to protect me, I’ve made myself comfortable. Tears prick the back of my eyes as I take a seat in a chair next to the grill.

  Kelsoe drops into the chair next to mine. “Always like to be closest to the food,” he jokes.

  I blink away any moisture in my eyes and turn to him with a smirk. “You know me.”

  The familiar sound of a car coming down the gravel road has us all on edge. Everyone’s here. There shouldn’t be anyone coming down that road. Unless…Son of a bitch. The blue car pulls into the driveway and parks by the garage. Ramsey grins and makes his way over to greet his girl.

  Barbie scoots out the car standing on six-inch heels. This bitch. Now, more than ever, I don’t want her here. She has her eyes on Kelsoe, and so do I. Or at least I think I do. I haven’t exactly thought this out. I take a sip of my beer as she makes her way over. Her outfit screams sex as do her eyes that are trained on her prize.

  I cut my eyes to Kelsoe, and I can see the lust there. I don’t want to see this. I focus on Chris who’s tending to the grill. I don’t look as Kelsoe gets up from the chair to greet her. Blocking out their conversation is hard, so I go over Chris’s words from training over and over in my head. Eventually, they both walk inside the house.

  My stomach drops, and my breathing gets faster. All I can think is that I wish that was me with Kelsoe which, in reality, is probably the stupidest fucking thing I could want. Us having a casual fling would be about all him and I could ever have.

  I head to the garage where the bike’s calling me. Fuck it. I grab the keys from the shelf and hop on the seat of the Honda. I ignore the shouts and startled faces as I zoom out of the garage. The metal roars beneath me, making me feel powerful when only seconds ago I felt weak.

  The trees blur past as I fly down the road. I have no idea how to process the emotions I’m feeling. I’ve never been mixed up over a guy before. Seeing him with that plastic bitch hurt me more than I’ll ever admit.

  I could stay gone, but I don’t want to. They’ve drilled it into my head that that’s my home now. I want to ride my time out there for as long as I can. Even if I know I’ll get burned in the end.

  I shut off my thoughts and zone out. The light shines on the road while everything around me is encased in darkness. I let out a breath as the paved road becomes gravel. I’ve driven back to Neverland. Nobody, no, Kelsoe, better not give me a hard time. The bike ride might have helped calm me down, but I’m seconds away from snapping if pushed.

  The yard is empty as I pull in, but the ridiculously loud engine lures everyone out. I
quickly park the bike while ignoring the questions Drew and Ramsey are throwing at me. I just want to get to my…I pause for a moment. I don’t even have my own room anymore. Whatever. I can sleep in my old room tonight.

  Someone grabs my arm, but I pull away, keeping my focus on the house. The door opens and Kelsoe rushes out, heading straight towards me. My stomach clenches with fear. Fear because the bike riding was a secret. Fear for the unresolved feelings I have for him. Fear because he looks extremely angry.

  “Where the fuck did you go.” He jabs his finger in my direction as he marches towards me. “And on the bike? When did you…How the fuck?!” Spit flies from his mouth as he shouts the last sentence.

  I stop walking, afraid to get any closer to him. I keep my expression neutral, picking at some dirt on my shirt. “I needed to clear my head. Went for a ride.” I move to walk around him, but he wraps an arm around my waist, positioning me in front of him so that we are face to face.

  “You needed to clear your head? Do you know how dangerous—”

  “I know how to ride. I practiced.” I jab a finger at him and then throw my hand towards the guys behind me. “You and them all ride, so don’t tell me—”

  “It’s not about that! You going out on your own is dangerous, period. You’re supposed to have one of us with you.”

  I take a couple deep breaths before I lose my shit. “You go out alone. Everyone here goes out alone.” Kelsoe opens his mouth, but I hold up my hand to stop what I know he’s about to say. “Save it. I know that David’s a threat. You think I’m the only one that needs to watch their back? I’ve heard that Adam has started a lot of fights. You don’t think if he got caught out alone that he might get jumped?” I point to Drew. “Or him. I saw him all over that blonde chick. I’ve played ball with her boyfriend Jeff. You don’t think if he saw Drew out alone he might try to fight him?”

  “That’s different.”

  “It’s not fucking different. You just think it is because I’m a girl.” I point behind me to the guys. “You treat me differently then you treat them.”

  “Lenny, we just want you to be safe. We were all worried when you took off,” Drew says.


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