Found by the Rivers

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Found by the Rivers Page 15

by liberty freer

  I spin around to face him, losing some of my anger. “And that’s fine, Drew. You can be worried. I worry. But you being worried can’t stop me if I need to take a bike ride, or walk, or whatever it is that I need to do on my own.”

  He looks down. “I know. You’re right.”

  “Da fuck she is.” Kelsoe spins me around to face him. “You are not to leave here by yourself again.”

  Someone chuckles behind me while someone else whistles low.

  My mouth hangs open. “You’re joking, right? I’m not a prisoner here.”

  Kelsoe steps into my space so our bodies are flush against each other. “You. Don’t. Leave. Alone.” He shakes his head and steps back. “If something happens to you, I’ll lose it,” he says, but it comes out a whisper.

  I laugh. “What does it even matter to you?” I look around him. “Did your girlfriend leave? You let her go out on her own. I’m surprised you haven’t tied her to the bed.”

  His eyes bore into mine. “You want me to tie you to the bed, Red?”

  I hear a few snickers behind me. My face gets warm, probably turning the color of my hair. I don’t get to come up with a comeback because he lifts me, throwing me over his shoulder. I yelp as his hand smacks my ass. I’ll never admit it, but it sends a jolt straight to my core.

  “You want to throw a tantrum? Fine, but you’ll get spanked.” Another smack on my ass, this one a little softer.

  I brace myself up, my hands using his back as leverage. “Put me down, Kelsoe. Now.”

  He doesn’t listen as he moves through the house at a quick pace that makes me dizzy. Another smack to my ass and then I’m tossed onto his bed. I look up, brushing the hair from my face.

  He’s looming over me with a smirk. “Did you get jealous, Red? Stephanie only came in because she insisted she lost an earring last time she was here.”

  I move to get up, but he climbs on top of me, straddling my legs.

  He grabs my wrists and holds them above me. “Listen to me. Nothing is going on with Stephanie. Her dad and my dad were coworkers. Her dad killed himself when she was twelve. I think when she’s missing her dad she likes to talk to mine. Yeah, she keeps trying to get back with me, but I told her to fuck off and to go jump on Adam’s dick.” He presses my hands into the bed. “I don’t want her.”

  My breathing is erratic, but what he says eases my turbulent emotions. He doesn't want her. He loosens his hold on my wrists and then lets them go entirely. We stare at each other. Neither one of us talking or moving.

  I stop myself from rolling my hips against him. I have never wanted to do anything more in my life. I’m fucking throbbing I’m so turned on. After a few more seconds, he moves off me and stands. He rubs his hand over the stubble along his jaw while keeping his eyes locked with mine.

  I sit up, running my fingers through my tangled hair. “I don’t care if you want her. That is none of my business and doesn’t matter to me.” Lies.

  Kelsoe tilts his head to the side. “I think it does”—he smirks—“matter.”

  I want to tell him that my feelings for him are all fucked up. That I want to jump on his lap and ride him all fucking night long and that I don’t want any other chick to lay a hand on him. My stomach twists with anxiety. “What? You think I should be throwing myself at you like every other girl?” That is not what I wanted to say. I’m too fucked up to have a real relationship. I can’t even say what I want. I shake my head and stand.

  He captures my wrist gently, stopping me from walking away. “No. You’re nothing like every other girl.”

  I stare up at green eyes that have a hint of blue around the iris. His eyes drop to my lips. He takes a step closer, and holy shit, he’s going to kiss me. If he does, I’ll just end up fucking things up between us. What if kissing him ends up being the reason I have to leave?

  My brain shuts down as Kelsoe's lips gently touch mine. I hold my breath. His tongue traces my lower lip, and I melt. All the tension and uncertainty leave my body. His arms pull me against him as our tongues meet for the first time. It's slow at first as we take our time to explore and learn the way the other kisses. He fills all my senses, making my body hum with energy.

  Our kiss becomes desperate like this is our last. I'm backed up against the wall. I can feel his hardness pressing against me, letting me know that he wants me as much as I want him. I'm not sure I'm emotionally ready to take things further, so I force myself to break our kiss. He presses his forehead to my shoulder and groans. His hands grip my hips harder.

  "I've been wanting to do that for days," he says, his voice raspy.

  I grin. "Oh yeah? For days, huh?"

  "Yes," he says, grinning into my shoulder. He lets out an annoyed groan as his phone rings. He pulls it from his pocket. "Shit," he says under his breath. His eyes meet mine. "I have something I gotta do. I'll be out late."

  I wave my hand in the air. "It’s cool.” I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed. I do know that I'm worked up, and I might not have been able to stop myself from taking things further once we got into bed tonight.

  He gently kisses my forehead before leaving. I crawl into bed, falling asleep with a smile on my face.

  Chapter 19

  “Fuck, Lenny. Wake up!” someone says as they shake me.

  I pull the blanket over my head. “What do you want?” I mumble.

  “Your mom’s here.”

  My eyes fly open “What?” I jump out of bed, crashing into Drew. We both tumble to the floor where I end up straddling him. “My mom?”

  He frowns. “Yeah, you need to get out there. It isn’t looking good.”

  Kelsoe barges into the room. His eyes dart between me and Drew. “Get out here, Red, and put some clothes on.” His eyes linger on my bare legs before he leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Of course, Kelsoe would come in right when I’m on top of Drew in the shortest shorts I own. My stomach sinks. My mom’s here. I throw on black yoga pants and black boots. My hands shake as I tie my hair into a messy braid. “Drew,” I say, but it’s a barely audible whisper.

  He takes my hands. “She’s claiming you’re only fifteen.”

  “What? Okay…It’s not true.”

  Drew sighs. “She brought your birth certificate, Lena. It says you’re fifteen.” His eyes search mine.

  I shake my head, pulling my hands from his. “You believe her.” It’s not a question. I can see that he thinks it’s true.

  He lowers his eyes. “We all saw it, Lena. Bob…There’s nothing we can do. If she calls the cops like she’s threatening to, they will make you leave.”

  I swallow, but it does nothing to clear the lump in my throat. “Drew, she’s lying. It’s fake or something. I swear I’m not fifteen.” I want, no, need him to believe me. “Why would I lie about my age? I didn’t even want to come here. I had no reason to lie.” I search his face, but he looks defeated. He’s given up already. I move past him and then through the house. I need to see Kelsoe.

  I run out the door and into the yard. Everyone’s eyes find me, and my stomach drops. They all believe it. I can see it on their faces. Kelsoe’s standing closest to my mom with Bob to his right. Kelsoe's back is tense, fists clenched at his side.

  My eyes find the woman who is the cause of my fucked-up life. I finally found a place to be happy, and she does this? With hatred coursing through my veins, I march up to her. “What are you doing here?” I know what she’s doing here, but it’s the first thing that pops out of my mouth. David sent her to retrieve me.

  “Alena, David and I have been worried. It’s time to come home. Go get your things,” she says in a voice that almost sounds motherly.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “If you don’t, I will call the police.” She turns to Bob. “She’s a mixed-up kid. I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this. She needs help.”

  Drew clears his throat behind me. “I got your backpack, Lenny.”

  I don’t turn to
look at him, because if I do, I’ll fucking lose it. They said I was safe here. They said I didn’t have to leave. They fucking lied, and it hurts so bad. I feel like I’m going to throw up.

  I grab the paper she holds in her hand. It looks like a real birth certificate. My eyes land on the date of birth. “What the fuck,” I whisper. I search the document and then laugh. “You erased my dad? I get why you changed the date of birth, but why remove my dad?” I wave the fake paper in front of her.

  “Come on, Alena. You can’t stay here anymore.”

  I rip the paper down the middle then rip it again. I throw the pieces at her. She looks furious. Mad enough to hit me, but I gotta give her props; she does a great job of pushing it aside and staying silent.

  “I’m so sorry, Lena. I wish there was a way,” Bob says, but I don't respond.

  I cut my eyes to Kelsoe. He looks away, his jaw clenched tightly.

  “I can’t believe you believe her.” I scoff. “Fifteen. Really?” I grab my bag from Drew. “I guess David wins,” I mumble as I walk past my mother and away from Neverland. My piece of shit mother follows behind me, not getting too close.

  “If David lays a hand on her, remember my promise!” Kelsoe shouts after us.

  He must have had a conversation with my mom before I came outside.

  “He one of the boys you’re whoring yourself out to?” my mother asks as we walk down the gravel road. “I can’t believe you ripped up that document. It cost a lot of money. David’s going to be pissed.”

  I spin around. “Fuck you. You think I’m going with you?” I laugh. “Never again.” I turn away from her and run. I hear her call my name, but she doesn’t chase me. I knew she wouldn’t. She’s lazy as fuck.

  If her caseworker saw her walking around town, she could lose her monthly income. Her bad back is supposed to prevent her from walking long distances, and this driveway is close to a mile long. I roll my eyes. Fucking con.

  I stop in my tracks. David’s piece of crap white pickup truck is blocking the road up ahead. I creep closer, but I don't see him. Arms wrap around my torso, and a hand clamps down on my mouth before I can scream.

  “Time to come home, Lena.”

  I’m shoved down to the ground. The small rocks bite into my hands and knees. A foot lands on my back, pushing me flat against the gravel road. My heart pounds as I try twisting to the side. I’m not strong enough. My bag is ripped from my back. I curse as my hands are yanked behind me and tied at the same time my ankles are bound together. A piece of tape is slapped across my mouth, and then I’m picked up. David walks ahead; he looks back and smirks. Who the fuck is carrying me?

  I wiggle my body, trying to get free, and then I’m dropped to the gravel, my hip hitting first, sending a jolt through my whole body. A foot connects with my stomach. Black edges my vision as my stomach cramps, and it becomes hard to breathe. Pain, so much pain. I want to breathe through my mouth, but the tape is preventing that.

  “Bitch. If you don’t want carried, then you’ll get dragged.” The guy that dropped me grabs my ankles and begins dragging me down the road.

  He’s tall and lanky with thin, dirty-blonde hair. I memorize his face so that when I’m free I’ll know just who to look for. I’m going to get revenge on this asshole. My shirt rises, my back and left side scraping against the rocks.

  “Hurry up in case any of those boys come down the road,” my bitch of a mother says from somewhere to my right.

  I’m tossed into the bed of the truck. Tears flow down my face, mixing with the hair that’s stuck in the tape. This is so fucked up. I was stupid to believe the guys could keep me safe. I fucking trusted them. I kick my legs in frustration, screaming over and over. The tape muffles the sound. I roll into the side of the truck with a thud as we go around a curve. I’m going to murder David and then my mother. I’d rather spend my life in prison than running.

  My body tenses as the engine cuts off. Hands grip my waist, digging into my skin. David’s lackey picks me up, tossing me over his shoulder. All I see is black jeans and brown boots as I’m carried inside. The flowery wallpaper tells me I’m at my mom’s house. I’m tossed onto a mattress on the floor. The man leaves, closing the door behind him. I’m in my old room. It looks the same. An old mattress on the floor and a wooden dresser near the window. Besides that, the room is bare.

  I used to think it was a good thing that I was such a minimalist because that’s what my dad led me to believe. Now, it’s just sad. I was deprived.

  The door opens, and David walks in. “I’ll let you think about how you fucked up.” He smirks. “You look good bound.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. It’s the only thing I can do. I don’t understand why he’s doing this.

  “You are going to make me a lot of money, Alena.” He winks.

  What the fuck is he talking about? My eyes widen as he steps closer, bending down. I use my feet to scoot myself back, but I’m not fast enough. His hand reaches my face, his fingers skim down my cheek gently, and then in one fast motion, he rips the tape from my mouth. I growl at the sting it creates. I want to press my hand to my face to stop the pain, but I’m still bound.

  “You’re pathetic, Alena. You thought you could hide from me?”

  “I fucking hate you. You twisted sick fuck! Untie me. I’m going to claw your eyes out,” I say, my voice scratchy and hoarse.

  He grins. “You love to run your mouth.”

  I scream after him as he leaves the room. I roll onto my side, trying to alleviate the pain in my wrists and arms. No matter how much I struggle, the duct tape around my wrists and ankles doesn’t loosen. Hours pass. The ache in my bladder grows stronger and stronger. My throat aches from screaming. Just as I’m contemplating throwing myself out the window, David walks back in.

  “I have to pee,” I say through clenched teeth.

  David pulls a knife from his back pocket. “Fine, but don’t try anything stupid.”

  I hold still while he cuts me loose. My arms ache from being bound behind my back. No matter how badly I want to run, I don’t. I need to wait until the timing is perfect.

  He pushes me into the bathroom. I hurry up and do my business.

  “Change your clothes. I put something on the counter for you,” David says from the other side of the door.

  “No fucking way,” I say, holding up the tiny scrap of flowery fabric. I’ve never worn a dress.

  “Put it on, Lena, or I’ll do it for you.”

  I dig my fingertips into my arms. I want to scream. I can’t believe I’m back here. And now, David acting fucking crazy. I throw on the dress, leaving my yoga pants on underneath. The dress is low cut, and if I didn’t have on pants, my ass cheeks would be on display.

  I swing the door open. “What the hell are you making me wear this for?”

  He looks at my pants and frowns. “I want you to look nice for Tom. He’ll be here any minute. Paid me twenty thousand for you.”

  I gasp, my face losing color. I feel like I’m going to pass out. I don’t fight David as he grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the living room.

  “You sold me? What the fuck for? Why would someone buy me?” The words spill out of my mouth, as images of why someone might buy me assault my mind.

  I lose my shit. I swing. My fist connects with David’s chin. I swing again, connecting to the side of his head. The rest is a blur. I’m pretty sure I got him good with kicks and punches. I might have even bitten him. I’m slammed to the floor and pinned there as David screams at me.

  I’m not listening. I’m trying to catch my breath. My anxiety feels like it’s choking me. A horn blares outside, and my pants are ripped off, leaving me in the tiny dress. I look around for my mother as David pulls me to my feet; she’s nowhere to be found.

  David lowers his face to mine. “Listen to me!” He yanks on my arm. “Once you’re in the car, act however you want. Run away. Don’t. I don’t care. Just act right until then.” He shakes his head angrily, probably reading the defianc
e on my face. “If you want to act wild, I’ll just inject you with a little heroin. You’ll calm right down.”

  I bite my lip. Go willingly or go drugged. The horn blares again. David tugs me forward, towards the door. My heartbeat picks up. I have seconds to come up with a plan. My fucking mind is blank. I squint as sunlight hits my eyes. I stumble down the steps unable to fully see as David pulls me forward.

  A man with dark hair and dressed in a suit is standing in front of a sleek black car. I dig my bare feet into the grass as I try tugging away from David, but he has a strong grip. “I’m not fucking going.”

  David and the guy, probably Tom, laugh. Tom reaches for me. I move to swing at him, but the roar of an engine causes me to freeze. They wouldn’t. They made me leave. They don’t care. Temporarily stunned, Tom grabs my arm, taking me from David.

  “I’m not going!”

  “Hush, Alena,” Tom says, yanking my chin up. “And they aren’t contacts?” Toms asks, studying my face.

  “Nope. Everything on her is the real deal,” David replies

  Tom smirks. “She is a beauty. Even better than the picture.” He takes my upper arm, pulling me towards the open car door. I toss my weight around, trying to break free. The sounds of engines fuel me.

  “Get the fuck off her!” Kelsoe yells. “Now!”

  Tom lets me go as he spins around. I stumble and fall to the ground. Kelsoe, Drew, Adam, Chris, and Ramsey are all in my mom’s front yard. A scream rips from my throat as a fist grabs a chunk of my hair, pulling me to my feet.

  “You little bitch,” David snarls in my ear.

  He pushes me towards Tom. I know I’m going to crash into him. There’s no way to stop it, so I close my eyes. Tom’s arms come around me as I collide into his granite chest. One moment, I’m in his arms, and the next, air is rushing around me as I’m yanked away.

  Kelsoe’s arms are wrapped around my waist, and I’m several feet away from Tom. I know it’s Kelsoe without seeing him. I’d know his scent anywhere.

  Tom raises his hands defensively. “I was told the girl had no family other than a mother and that she needed a safe place to stay.”


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